1、2023年中英文对照宾客住店安全注意事项 宾客住店安全注意事项 Rules & Regulations on the safety of guests 1、入住登记时,请出示有效证件。来访宾客未经酒店同意,请勿在酒店留宿过夜 Please produce valid identification when registering and checking in at the hotel Visitors of guests who have not been registered with the hotel .Guest who may disregard this advice will
2、do so at their own risk. 2、请把个人贵重物品或大额现金放入酒店免费提供的贵重物品保险箱中,否则,如有遗失,本酒店恕不负责 Please place your personal valuables or any large amount of cash in the safety deposit box complimentary provided by the hotel .guests who may disregard this advice will do so at their own risk. 3、外出时,请将门锁卡放于总台 Upon leaving yo
3、ur room when you go out of the hotel, please remember to return the keycard to the front desk 4、任何易燃、易爆、易腐蚀及可能会带来危险的物品一律不得带入酒店。吸烟时应注意将烟头和火柴梗投入烟灰缸内。禁止在床上吸烟 Any materials of an inflammable, explosive, corrosive nature or those which may cause safety hazards are prohibited for keep by guests on the hot
4、el premises.Smoker guests are advised to have their Extinguished cigarette stubs and matchsticks placed in the ashtrays provided in their rooms and to refrain from smoking when lying in bed 5、除了电吹风和电动剃须刀外,其它任何电器均不能在房间内使用。禁止在酒店区域内燃放烟花、爆竹等危险物品 With the exception of hair -dryer and shaver please refrai
5、n from and kind of electrical appliances in your room, the setting off of firecrackers or any other king of fireworks is prohibited within the Compound of the hotel 6、宠物一律不得带入酒店内 NO guests are allowed to bring pets or animals into the hotel 7、会客时间08:3023:30,逾期应在总台办理入住登记手续 Visitors and relatives of g
6、uests are requested to go through the formalities of registering with the front desk reception should they wish to go up to the guestrooms or to stay overnight .visiting hours:08:3023:30 8、客房内严禁进行赌博、贩毒、吸毒、卖淫嫖娼等活动 Illegal activities such as gambling, smuggling, narcotic trafficking or prostitution ar
7、e strictly prohibited 9、请保持周围环境安静,请勿醺酒高声叫喊打扰 Exceive noises from shouting, talking and banging of walls that cause public disturbance are prohibited. 10、在客房内除睡眠休息以外,请宾客勿作他用 Furniture and electrical appliances in the guest rooms are not to be moved around. 11、客房内布置的家具和电器设备请勿随意移动 You are requested not
8、 to bring food and beverage into the guest room from the outside.(except those catered by the hotel) 12、当你入住客房时,务必请熟悉楼道安全门的位置与房门后的“火灾疏散示意图”以便万一发生火灾时能 安全撤离;若发生火情、火灾请及时拨打酒店报警电话“6666”,服从酒店服务员的安排、指挥。security warning: In case of fire, please call the hotel fire alarm call 6666 , subject to arrangements for hotel staff, and command 中英文对照宾客住店安全注意事项 团队拓展穿越电网项目注意事项中英文对照 中英文翻译注意事项 中英文写作注意事项非常重要 辞职后,5点注意事项(中英文) 论文中英文摘要注意事项 中英文对照 中英文对照 中英文对照 中英文对照