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1、2023年g20工作总结(精选多篇) 推荐第1篇:g20安保工作总结 2023年g20安保工作总结范文三 根据区委、区政府关于社会治安安全大整治实施方案精神,为确保“柯桥不出事,柯桥不惹事”,按照区交通局、交投集团有关G20峰会维稳安保工作的具体部署,结合客运中心实际情况,现将具体工作汇报如下: 一、高度重视,严阵以待 (一)组织落实:G20峰会维稳安保工作时间长、要求高、任务重,公司召开了动员大会并成立了G20峰会安保工作及社会治安大整治领导小组,并在此基础上,根据实际需要,下设保卫组、安检组、站务组、稽查组、宣传组五个专项工作组,以强有力的组织来作保障。 (二)职责明确:以相关的科室长为五

2、个专项工作组的责任人,相互协调,积极配合,全力以赴,落到实处。保卫组层层签订责任状,实施安全技能培训,建立安全台帐,负责消防职能,建立联巡联防制度和突发事件的处置;安检组严把旅客的准入关,严防危险物品进行查处与登记,对危害公共安全等突发事件的发生,一旦发生和协助公安部门进行应急处理,同时把好车辆例检、出站门检的安全关;站务组落实实名制购票,负责司乘人员进出关,客运车辆的准入关,做好旅客的解释和安抚,执行站务人员的“一岗双职”制;稽查组对进入候车大厅的乘客人、票、证信息是否一致严格把关;宣传组负责维稳安保宣传报导工作,做好统筹谋划,协调联络、上传下达等工作。 (二)宣传配合:通过站场内各电子显示

3、屏滚动宣传G20峰会的重要性,在各显要位置制作各类告知书、宣传画、指示牌等。 (三)全员发动:4月29日晚上召开专项维稳安保工作组会议,要求全公司职工和物业公司人员参加,要求全体工作人员人人参与、高度认识,认真落实,确保G20峰会各项维稳安保工作的顺利开展。 二、增加设备,提升保障 (一)按照公安部门的要求,增加了5路视频监控和22路人脸识别系统,目前整个客运战场共安装了86路视频监控并接入公安机关信息平台。 (二)配置安保设备器材,如橡皮棍、头盔、催泪喷射器、防割手套、盾牌、钢叉、防爆毯、防爆桶、手持式安检仪、行包检测安检仪、防爆探测仪和手持液体识别仪等,共投入资金约90万元。 (三)在旅客

4、入口内服务台两边与乘客候车厅相连处将设置2米以上的隔离带,以防止旅客随意进入候车大厅。 (四)按照乘客实名购票、乘车的需要,对客运中心的售票与检票软件系统进行升级和改造。 三、人员到位、措施得力 (一)因G20峰会安保工作量较大,现场管理要求高,公司要求现场必须有负责人督促、沟通、协调,发现问题及时向公司领导汇报。 (二)将原轻纺城汽车站工作的四位人员调回客运中心,重点负责对进入候车大厅及售票厅的乘客、闲杂人员的治安把关。 (三)加强对整个站场周边的治安管理,对车辆进出口、旅客出站口及行包房出入的三个点进出人员做好登记,严格把关并与制定相应责任制。 (四)加强对进站车辆的司乘人员和车辆安全员的

5、管理工作,审核发放了300多张上岗服务证,便于对进出人员的统一识别和管理。 四、防堵结合,确保安全 (一)近期对全公司的消防器具进行合理配备和使用期限的检查,4月中旬公司分别开展了消防安全培训和应急演练预演,邀请了区消防支队的教官为我们讲解了电化教育和事故事例剖析;公司义务消防队和相关人员进行灭火器及消防带使用和人员疏散等预演。 (二)4月20日柯桥区公安局在客运中心站场进行反恐演习,公司科室及相关部门人员及物业公司安保人员全力配合参与演习,起到很好的效果,提高了工作人员的实战反恐能力。 (三)加强维稳安保工作程序 1、严格执行实名制购票,必须凭本人身份证才能实名购票,没有随带身份证必须通过站

6、内公安部门的信息平台查实,确定信息,打印凭证才能购票。 2、在进入安检处前,实行严格的乘车人、身份证及车票合一对照,验票、审核、把关。人、证、票不符合的一律不得进入安检处。 3、进入安检处的乘客随身行包进行严格X光安检,疑似禁限物品实行开包检查,对乘客实行从头到脚的逐人安检。 4、对零担行包房的随车行李托运进行开包安检,检验合格后才能随车托运,对不配合安检的行李一律不接受托运。 5、对进站车辆车况进行严格的安全例检,对出站车辆按规定上车办理出站手续,告知乘客系好安全带。严格执行“三不进站,六不出站”政策,确保站场安全。 6、公司区域内进出的司乘人员,实行统一佩戴出入证,对外来进入公司办事人员严

7、格管理并做好登记记录。 7、近两个月以来,公司安检处共查处刀具约120把左右,打火机2000只左右,有3人因携带管制刀具不配合的被公安机关行政拘留。 五、存在问题和有效措施 1、人、证、票核验关比较困难,对个别身份证因有效期过长(20年),相貌辩认确有难度问题,我们一方面请教公安专家指导提高识别能力;另一方面教育员工一定要克服畏难情绪和麻痹思想,只有思想上高度重视,才能行动上一丝不苟。 2、实名制购票较困难,凡前来售票大厅购票的乘客很多都忘记带身份证或有效证件,增加无法正常购票难度,我们一方面在报纸网络上提醒广大乘客购票一律凭本人身份证和有效证件,为他人代购车票的旅客,也必须出示本人身份证明,

8、方可购票;另一方面指引没有随带身份证的乘客通过站内公安部门的信息平台查实,确定信息,打印凭证后方可购票。 两个多月来公司接受了国家安检局、省公安局反恐办、市、区G20峰会安保领导小组的明察暗访,接受了省、市、区主要领导暗访,都被我公司一一查出违禁物品,同时接待了台州市公安局和诸暨市公安局的考察观摩,得到了各级暗访组和相关领导的肯定和认可。G20峰会安保工作任重道远,柯桥客运中心全体工作人员将以崭新的工作面貌,为G20峰会尽自己最大的努力,确保G20峰会期间安保工作无差错。 推荐第2篇:G20峰会总结 Communiqu G20 Leaders Summit - Cannes - 3-4 Nov

9、ember 2023 1.We, the Leaders of the G20, met in Cannes on 3-4 November 2023. 2.Since our last meeting, global recovery has weakened, particularly in advanced countries, leaving unemployment at unacceptable levels.In this context, tensions in the financial markets have increased due mostly to soverei

10、gn risks in Europe; there are also clear signs of a slowing in growth in the emerging markets.Commodity price swings have put growth at risk.Global imbalances persist. 3.Today, we reaffirm our commitment to work together and we have taken decisions to reinvigorate economic growth, create jobs, ensur

11、e financial stability, promote social inclusion and make globalization serve the needs of the people. A global strategy for growth and jobs 4.To addre the immediate challenges faced by the global economy, we commit to coordinate our actions and policies.Each of us will play their part. 5.We have agr

12、eed on an Action plan for Growth and Jobs to addre short term vulnerabilities and strengthen medium-term foundations for growth. Advanced economies commit to adopt policies to build confidence and support growth and implement clear, credible and specific measures to achieve fiscal consolidation.We w

13、elcome the decisions by European Leaders on October 26th, 2023 to restore debt sustainability in Greece, strengthen European banks, build firewalls to avoid contagion, and lay the foundations for robust economic governance reform in the Euro area and call for their swift implementation.We support th

14、e measures presented by Italy in the Euro Summit and the agreed detailed aement and monitoring by the European Commiion.In this context, we welcome Italys decision to invite the IMF to carry out a public verification of its policy implementation on a quarterly basis. Taking into account national cir

15、cumstances, countries where public finances remain strong commit to let automatic stabilizers work and take discretionary measures to support domestic demand should economic conditions materially worsen.Countries with large current account surpluses commit to reforms to increase domestic demand, cou

16、pled with greater exchange rate flexibility. We all commit to further structural reforms to raise output in our countries. Monetary policies will maintain price stability over the medium term and continue to support economic recovery. 6.We are determined to strengthen the social dimension of globali

17、zation.We firmly believe that employment and social inclusion must be at the heart of our actions and policies to restore growth and confidence.We therefore decide to set up a G20 task force which will work as a priority on youth employment.We recognize the importance of social protection floors in

18、each of our countries, adapted to national situations.We encourage the ILO to continue promoting ratification and implementation of the eight core Conventions ensuring fundamental principles and rights at work. 7.Convinced of the eential role of social dialogue, we welcome the outcomes of the B20 an

19、d L20 and their joint statement. Towards a more stable and resilient International Monetary System 8.We have made progre in reforming the international monetary system to make it more representative, stable and resilient.We have agreed on actions and principles that will help reap the benefits from

20、financial integration and increase the resilience against volatile capital flows.This includes coherent conclusions to guide us in the management of capital flows, common principles for cooperation between the IMF and Regional Financial Arrangements, and an action plan for local currency bond market

21、s.We agree that the SDR basket composition should continue to reflect the role of currencies in the global trading and financial system.The SDR composition aement should be based on existing criteria, and we ask the IMF to further clarify them.To adjust to currencies changing role and characteristic

22、s over time, the composition of the SDR basket will be reviewed in 2023, or earlier, as currencies meet the existing criteria to enter the basket.We are also committed to further progre towards a more integrated, even-handed and effective IMF surveillance and to better identify and addre spill-over

23、effects.While continuing with our efforts to strengthen surveillance, we recognize the need for better integration of bilateral and multilateral surveillance, and we look forward to IMF proposals for a new integrated decision on surveillance early next year, and for increased ownership and traction.

24、 9.We affirm our commitment to move more rapidly toward more market-determined exchange rate systems and enhance exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying economic fundamentals, avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments and refrain from competitive devaluation of currencies.We are determine

25、d to act on our commitments to exchange rate reform articulated in our Action plan for Growth and Jobs to addre short term vulnerabilities and restoring financial stability and strengthen the medium-term foundations for growth.Our actions will help addre the challenges created by developments in glo

26、bal liquidity and capital flows volatility, thus facilitating further progre on exchange rate reforms and reducing exceive accumulation of reserves. 10.We agreed to continue our efforts to further strengthen global financial safety nets and we support the IMF in putting forward the new Precautionary

27、 and Liquidity Line (PLL) to provide on a case by case basis increased and more flexible short-term liquidity to countries with strong policies and fundamentals facing exogenous shocks.We also support the IMF in putting forward a single facility to fulfil the emergency aistance needs of its members.

28、We call on the IMF to expeditiously discu and finalize both proposals. 11.We welcome the euro areas comprehensive plan and urge rapid elaboration and implementation, including of country reforms.We welcome the euro areas determination to bring its full resources and entire institutional capacity to

29、bear in restoring confidence and financial stability, and in ensuring the proper functioning of money and financial markets. We will ensure the IMF continues to have resources to play its systemic role to the benefit of its whole membership, building on the substantial resources we have already mobi

30、lized since London in 2023.We stand ready to ensure additional resources could be mobilised in a timely manner and ask our finance ministers by their next meeting to work on deploying a range of various options including bilateral contributions to the IMF, SDRs, and voluntary contributions to an IMF

31、 special structure such as an administered account.We will expeditiously implement in full the 2023 quota and governance reform of the IMF. Reforming the financial sector and enhancing market integrity 12.In Washington in 2023, we committed to ensure that all financial markets, products and particip

32、ants are regulated or subject to oversight, as appropriate.We will implement our commitments and pursue the reform of the financial system. 13.We have agreed on comprehensive measures so that no financial firm can be deemed too big to fail and to protect taxpayers from bearing the costs of resolutio

33、n.The FSB publishes today an initial list of Global systemically important financial institutions (G-SIFIs).G-SIFIs will be submitted to strengthened supervision, a new international standard for resolution regimes as well as, from 2023, additional capital requirements.We are prepared to identify sy

34、stemically important non-bank financial entities. 14.We have decided to develop the regulation and oversight of shadow banking.We will develop further our regulation on market integrity and efficiency, including addreing the risks posed by high frequency trading and dark liquidity.We have tasked IOS

35、CO to ae the functioning of Credit Default Swaps markets.We have agreed on principles to protect financial services consumers. 15.We will not allow a return to pre-crisis behaviours in the financial sector and we will strictly monitor the implementation of our commitments regarding banks, OTC market

36、s and compensation practices. 16.Building on its achievements, we have agreed to reform the FSB to improve its capacity to coordinate and monitor our financial regulation agenda.This reform includes giving it legal personality and greater financial autonomy.We thank Mr Mario Draghi for the work done

37、 and we welcome the appointment of Mr Mark Carney, Governor of the Central Bank of Canada as Chairman of the FSB, and of Mr.Philipp Hildebrand, Chairman of the Swi National Bank as Vice-Chairman. 17.We urge all jurisdictions to adhere to the international standards in the tax, prudential and AML/CFT

38、 areas.We stand ready to use our existing countermeasures if needed.In the tax area, we welcome the progre made and we urge all the jurisdictions to take the neceary actions to tackle the deficiencies identified in the course of the reviews by the Global Forum, in particular the 11 jurisdictions ide

39、ntified by the Global Forum whose framework has failed to qualify.We underline the importance of comprehensive tax information exchange and encourage work in the Global Forum to define the means to improve it.We welcome the commitment made by all of us to sign the Multilateral Convention on Mutual A

40、dministrative Aistance in Tax Matters and strongly encourage other jurisdictions to join this Convention. Addreing commodity price volatility and promoting agriculture 18.As part of our financial regulation agenda, we endorse the IOSCO recommendations to improve regulation and supervision of commodi

41、ty derivatives markets.We agree that market regulators should be granted effective intervention powers to prevent market abuses.In particular, market regulators should have and use formal position management powers, among other powers of intervention, including the power to set ex-ante position limi

42、ts, as appropriate. 19.Promoting agricultural production is key to feed the world population.To that end, we decide to act in the framework of the Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture agreed by our Ministers of Agriculture in June 2023.In particular, we decide to invest in and suppor

43、t research and development of agriculture productivity.We have launched the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) to reinforce transparency on agricultural products markets.To improve food security, we commit to develop appropriate risk-management instruments and humanitarian emergency tools

44、.We decide that food purchased for non-commercial humanitarian purposes by the World Food Program will not be subject to export restrictions or extraordinary taxes.We welcome the creation of a Rapid Response Forum, to improve the international communitys capacity to coordinate policies and develop c

45、ommon responses in time of market crises. Improving energy markets and pursuing the Fight against Climate Change 20.We are determined to enhance the functioning and transparency of energy markets.We commit to improve the timeline, completene and reliability of the JODI-oil database and to work on th

46、e JODI-gas database along the same principles.We call for continued dialogue annually between producers and consumers on short medium and long-term outlook and forecasts for oil, gas and coal.We ask relevant organizations to make recommendations on the functioning and oversight of price reporting ag

47、encies.We reaffirm our commitment to rationalise and phase-out over the medium term inefficient foil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, while providing targeted support for the poorest. 21.We are committed to the succe of the upcoming Durban Conference on Climate Change and support

48、South Africa as the incoming President of the Conference.We call for the implementation of the Cancun agreements and further progre in all areas of negotiation, including the operationalization of the Green Climate Fund, as part of a balanced outcome in Durban.We discued the IFIs report on climate finance and asked our Finance Ministers to continue work in this field, taking into account the objectives, provisions and principles of the UNFCCC. Avoiding protectionism and s


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