1、2023年大数据演讲 开启大数据时代 Welcome to the big data era 很荣幸今天有机会在这里演讲。在开始演讲前我想问一下,有没有人知道无人驾驶汽车?知道搜索引擎?知道电脑智能翻译?那么是什么让这些成为可能,答案正是大数据! Its my great honor to be here.First of all, I have a question for you: do you know the self-driving cars, the search engines, or the computer translation? What made them poible
2、? The answer is the big data.我们可能会问,大数据是什么?大数据是推动社会进步的一个重要工具,他对产量、利润和风险管理等都会产生重大影响。对于审计人员来说,可以运用“大数据”,对所采集的大量财务数据和业务数据,进行有效管理和技术分析。 We may ask what the “big data” is.Big data is an extremely important tool which promotes the progre of society.It will have a dramatic effect on enhancing productivity,
3、 increasing profits and facilitating risk management.For the auditors, “big data” means capturing, managing and analyzing the large amount of financial and operational data. 其次,大数据能为我们审计行业带来什么益处?我们可以使用大数据更好地分析审计报告,检测违法违规行为和规避审计风险。以数据说话的审计报告往往更能得到使用者和被审计单位的高度认同,从而进一步提升审计的社会地位。 Besides, what are the b
4、enefits of the big data for the auditing industry?We can use the big datato better analyze financial reports, detect fraud and operational busine risks.In addition, the auditing report based on the data will get more approval by the financial report users and the clients.In a word,it will improve th
5、e social status of auditing. 那么在大数据时代,审计人员应该怎么做呢?首先,我们迫切的需要提高自身能力。作为新时代的审计人,我们不仅需要传统的审计业务知识,也需要基本的计算机应用能力。然后我们需要构建一个大数据信息采集平台,值得高兴的是,我们的信息中心已经建好了这样一个高难度的信息采集平台,我们管辖范围内的所有行政事业单位都可以定期在这个平台上上传审计所需要的财务和业务数据。同时,为了方便审计人员查找相关审计法律法规,信息中心构建了法规检索库,我们可以在法规库中找寻到相应经济事项的法律法规。 So, what should the auditors do in th
6、e big data era? Firstly, the self-improvement is neceary.The new generation of auditors will need not only the traditional auditing experience, but also the application abilities on computer skills.Secondly, we need an intelligent audit platformto deal with the big data.Fortunately, Our data center
7、has already constructed an audit platform.This audit platform is a data collective platform based on the big data, and each department is able to upload the data we need through this platform periodically.At the same time,in order to find the relevant regulations more conveniently,our data center de
8、veloped an online search platform on auditing regulations.最后,我们应当大数据的主人,而不是他的奴隶!我们正在步入大数据时代,诚实来讲,我们还并不能很好地处理我们收集到的数据,我们需要时间来完善这个问题。这有点像原始人第一次使用火时所面临的挑战,火是一种重要的工具,但是如果使用不当就会引火烧身。我们需要谨慎对待收集到的数据,避免数据信息泄露。大数据势不可挡地将改变我们的生活方式、我们的工作方式和思考方式,如果你不认真看待他,则可能导致你被时代所淘汰,导致失业,这就是为什么大数据这么重要的原因! Finally,we have to be
9、 the master of the big data, not its servant.We just step in the big data era, and honestly, we are not very good at handling all the data that we collected.We need to keep improving, and this will take time.Its just like the challenge that was faced by primitive men when they first sawthe fire.The
10、fire is just a tool, but it will get us into trouble if we do not use it appropriately.We need to carefullydeal with the collected data to avoid leaking to the third party.Big data is going tochange the waywe live, we work and think .If you do not treat it effectively, the big data is going to steal your jobs, and thats why big data is so important! Thank you! 大数据演讲 大数据演讲稿 大数据 大数据 大数据时代演讲稿 大数据时代英语演讲 大数据(推荐) 大数据认识 大数据答案 大数据招商