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1、2023年九月份实习总结 九月份实习总结 入职武船已经一个多月了,被分配到了双柳武船重工公司电装车间工作。我在思想上、工作上、学习中、生活中都有长足的进步,我将自己各方面取得的进步以及存在的缺点做了以下总结。 一、思想方面 未入职武船时,对武船的了解甚少,只知道武船是重工型企业,入职武船以后,才发现自己需要学习的东西太多,首先就是学习武船的企业文化。 武船是重工型企业,因此,对于我们新进员工的安全教育培训放在了首要位置。安全价值观即尊重生命,安全发展,创新奉献。安全理念是以人为本,安全第一;遵章守法,预防为主;关爱生命,改善环境;规范管理,从我做起。职工安全生产行为准则是事事注意安全,处处保护

2、环境,时时关爱生命。我们新进员工对于一线生产所需要注意的安全事项,除安全员教育培训告知的之外,自己也应该在工作中加以总结,做到安全生产。 我们现在是武船的职工,那么就应该时时刻刻关心公司经营和效益,事事处处珍惜公司信誉和维护公司形象,一言一行对企业负责;在质量上,每位员工对自己的工作质量要负全责,应树立用户至上的观念,一举一动为用户着想。 刚到电装车间工作了一周左右,就参加了双柳武船重工公司事业部组织的党史第二阶段的学习,对党史的学习,也是为了时刻提醒我们,没有中国共产党就没有新中国,我们对待工作应严谨,工作要细心认真,为企业创造价值,同时要不断提升自我价值! 二、工作方面 我被分到VS461

3、62船工作,主要是女生组长李欢带着。最开始是在接机舱的空压机启动箱的电缆。将电缆接入箱内的步骤如下: a) 先查看电缆线上的标牌,将相应的打有标牌的黄色套管套在电缆护套上; b) 将电缆通过填料函在箱内比对长度,然后用记号笔在离填料函25cm的上端做记号; c) 从做记号的地方用刀横向划开,然后从划开的处纵向由上至下剖开外部保护套。用斜口钳将保护套剥除。对于粗的电缆线,编钢丝辫子,应该根据钢丝网的某一根钢丝的纹路进行剪断,然后理顺分成三股,编成辫子;对于细的电缆线,可以从上端用起子在不破坏钢丝网的情况下,拨开一个洞,然后将芯线挑出来,最后在钢丝网上套上接地套管; d) 用蓝色绝缘胶布缠绕电缆的

4、剥线处,并将电缆穿入填料函,电缆线保护套进入填料函要多出25cm,然后固定好填料函; e) 用剥线钳剥去电缆芯线上的绝缘部分,并分别套上有标牌的白色套管,然后安上针眼端头,并用压线钳压好,最后根据接线图将芯线插入相应的端子牌。 启动箱内的线接好后,我又跟着李欢到集控室接灯,接灯的步骤总结如下: a)将打有标牌的黄色套管套在电缆线上; b)拆卸灯罩,松螺丝,卸下灯的内底板; c)松卸填料函并将两根电缆穿过填料函,顺着扁条将两根电缆用扎带固定,穿进灯内 部时不能有交叉,并且还要让电缆穿过填料函时有15cm左右的平直距离,然后用记号笔做上记号。 d) 接入灯的电缆线一般不粗,在剥开保护套后,可以直接

5、挑出芯线; e) 用剥线钳剥去电缆芯线上的绝缘部分,并分别套上有标牌的白色套管,然后安上环状端头,并用压线钳压好。 我在VS46162船上工作一周就被调至电装车间仓库辅助赵师傅整理2号船的相关电装材料并装箱。八月二十八号VS46162船被拖到月亮湾,同时也将女生休息用的集装箱运至月亮湾,我们有18位员工调到月亮湾工作。因为月亮湾这边房间有限,在秦师傅的带领下,我们便把集装箱改成既可供大家休息也可以存放材料的地方,我们将储物柜叠放在一起,男生的储物柜朝外,女生的并排朝内,叠放的储物柜相当于屏障隔开,最左边留出半米的区域可以换衣服,在储物柜的最上端多余的空间利用起来存放接地套管。右边的区域里,将会

6、议桌分别贴放在集装箱的两边,桌子抽屉向外,可以将接地线放在抽屉里,桌子下面则摆放各种型号的模块,还有打包带、打包扣、模块、压紧块等,进门处靠右边则摆放了各种规格的端头、螺丝,我们将20平方米的空间充分利用起来了。 因为先前跟着赵师傅整理过电装材料,我便在月亮湾做临时仓库管理员,刚到月亮湾上班时,我需要给两个外包队领用材料,对材料的不够熟悉和对外包队人员的不熟悉,使我起初有点手忙脚乱,在秦师傅的指导下,现在对常用的电装材料已经熟悉了。当材料不够时,会及时跟秦师傅沟通,这样秦师傅可以及时回厂车间补领材料,以免耽误工期。 三、学习方面 刚进车间一周,双柳武船重工事业部有一次选拔性的考试,要从电装车间

7、五名女生中选一名综合能力最好的为计划员。在这次考试中,我因综合能力欠佳,未能入选,原因是我对船舶知识不熟悉,World和Excel不熟练,以及CAD制图完全不会。虽然这次考试没有被选上,但是我没有灰心,反而很庆幸,这次考试让我能及时发现自己的不足,知道自己哪些方面需要加强,这让我有了明确的学习目标,我买了和船舶有关的英语书籍,并向同事请教关于CAD制图的知识。 我主要负责材料的分发工作,电装材料种类繁多,我需要熟悉各种材料的规格、用途,不懂得向秦师傅请教,仓库不忙的时候,我也会去船上看看这些材料用在什么地方,如果遇见车间同事很忙的时候,也会在他们允许的情况下帮忙分担一些工作量。双柳武船重工人事

8、部会组织一些实际操作技能的学习,我会去参加学习,不仅懂得更多的技能,也能拓展自己的知识面。 三、生活方面 电装车间今年吸收了一批新生力量,为车间注入了新的活力,我们这些新生在一起工作,相处融洽,互帮互助,工作氛围很好,同样,我们也有很好的学习氛围,休息时间大家会聚在休息室学习工艺,不仅从资料上学习,也会从平时的工作中加以总结,有不明白的地方就向师傅请教。 集装箱运至月亮湾,既是仓库也是休息室,为了给大家营造一个相对舒适的环境,每天上班和下班,我都会认真做清洁卫生,保障大家工作结束后,有干净的环境休息。 我们来月亮湾是天气最炎热的时候,每天大家都会买很多水喝,起初大家都将瓶子扔了,后来我组织大家

9、将瓶子留下来,我将它们收集到一起,然后卖掉,得来的钱用于公共用品的支出,这样大家不用另外交钱买公共用品,节约了开支,同时也为环保事业 尽一份心。 来车间这一个多月,我觉得自己的每天都是充实的,工作的同时也在吸取知识,自我总结和自我批评是必须的,管理仓库要胆大心细,从容淡定,不慌不乱,做任何事情要有条不紊,不能一手抓,现在的我在工作上还存在很多缺点,工作不够严谨、细心,忙起来没有头绪,不够淡定,这都是需要加以改正的。往后的工作中,我会不断积累知识和经验提升自己的综合能力。 姓名:许雪 工号:020545 时间:2023.09.2 2Working Summary of September I h

10、ave been in Wuchang shipbuilding industry CO.LTD.more than a month, and was aigned to electric-equipment-fixing workshop of Shuangliu shipbuilding industry CO.I gained significant progre in thinking,working,learning and in life, there I will make a summary of my progre and shortcomings.1、Thinking I

11、have few known about Wuchang shipbuilding industry CO.LTD.since I come to the company.After entering the shipyard, there so many things I need to learn .First,the culture of the shipyardmust be learned . The shipyard is a heavy industry company, therefore, our safety education and training comes the

12、 first for new employees.Security values: Respect life, safe development, innovation and dedication.Security concept: People-oriented, safety first, compliance law, prevention first; care for life, improving the environment; regular management, from my start.Work safety: everything to be safe, prote

13、ct the environment, and care for life. we new employee for producing need to care about the security considerations, besides the education and training of safety. We should always care about the companys management and efficiency, cherish the reputation and maintain the image of the company, Words a

14、nd deeds are responsible for company; in quality, each employee should sure about their work, users first, so everything should for the sake of users. Worked in electric-equipment-fixing workshop for a week, I took part in the study of the Partys history, it reminded us that without the CPC there wo

15、uld be no new China, so we should work hard, create value for the company, and to improve our self-worth! 2、Working I worked in the VS4616-2, Li Huan is our group leader.In the beginning, I worked in the engine room air compreor start-up kit of cable.The fixing and connection electric equipment of c

16、ables as following: a) First check your cables; b)Sure about the cable through the gland has enough length, and then marked the cables from the cable gland for 2-5cm ; c)Open the cable with a knife from the marked place, and then from a longitudinal partition ,from top to bottom, cut the external pr

17、otection; d) Put the cables into the gland with aigned insulate tape cable more 2-5cm, and then fixed the gland; e) There are signs of the white casing, and then install the terminals well, and finally according to the wiring diagram acce the cables into the corresponding terminals.After completing

18、the air compreor start-up kit of cable, I followed Li Huan to the central control room for connecting lamps; the steps are more like connecting cables. I was aigned to help Mr.Zhao finish the material of the VS4616-2 arrangement and packing.August 28th, VS4616-2 was dragged to the Moon Bay with a co

19、ntainer, we 18 employees worked there.Because Moon Bays rooms are limited, so master Qin help us to change the container both may for members rest also can kept material of local, we completely use the 20 square space of container. Due to helping Mr.Zhao before, I will do in Moon Bay for temporary m

20、aterial keeper.I need to give two teams using materials at the same time, for unfamiliar with the material and unfamiliar with the teams, so I am kina busy at first,under the guidance of master Qin, I can deal with the problem myself now.I am already familiar with materials.When the material is not

21、enough, I will talk to master Qin in time, so he can back to the factory as soon as poible, so as not to delay producing. 3、learning There was a selection of the examination since I came to company a week, they want to select the best from the five girls, In this test, my comprehensive ability is po

22、or, because Im not familiar with knowledge of ships, World and Excel is not well, so as the CAD drawing .Although I has not been chosen from this test, but I did not lose heart, I am happy that from the exam I can discover my shortcomings, knowing what needs to be strengthened, it seems to be a clea

23、r learning goals for me, I bought some ship related books in English, and ask my colleagues to help me on the CAD drawing knowledge. I am responsible for the distribution of materials, I need to be familiar with the various specifications and use of the material, if I do not know the use of the mate

24、rials, I will ask master Qin for help, when I am not busy, I will go to the engine room to look at the use of materials in parts of the ship, when colleagues are busy, I would help them with the work if they want my help. Shuangliu shipbuilding industry CO.often organize some courses of skills learn

25、ing, I have taken part in learning, not only know more skills, but also can expand my knowledge.4、the Life This year electric-equipment-fixing workshop has absorbed a large group of new, for the workshop new vitality has injected .We freshmen work together, and get along well with each other, mutual

26、 help mutual aid, the work atmosphere is good, we also has a good learning atmosphere, rest time members getogether learn technology, not only from books, but also from usually work and get a summary. Container was transported to the Moon Bay, it is both warehouse and lounge ,in order to give everyb

27、ody a relatively comfortable environment, I will clean Container everyday. We move to Moon Bay at most hot time, every day ,members buy many water to drink, at first members threw the bottles away, later I organized members to collect them together, then sold, such action both save money and good fo

28、r environment. I think I enriched myself every day,self-summary and self-critical come must , material keeper must courageous and wise, calmly, does not panic and does not me, do anything methodically, cannot hand caught, there also exists many shortcomings in my work, not work rigorously, and not carefully, not calmly, these need to correct.In subsequent work, I will continue to accumulate knowledge and improve my comprehensive ability. Name: Xu Xue Job number: 020545 Time: 2023.09.22 九月份实习总结 九月份实习总结 九月份实习总结 九月份实习心得 九月份总结 九月份总结 九月份总结 九月份的实习心得 九月份班会总结 九月份总结定稿


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