1、2023年景观类毕业设计开题报告 景观类毕业设计开题报告 1、课题背景介绍 临沂市位于山东省东南部,素有“山东南大门”之称,下辖3区9县,面积1。72万平方公里,人口1000万,是山东省面积最大、人口最多的行政区。临沂城水资源丰富,纵贯南北的沂河、柳青河、青龙河和横穿东西的祊河、涑河等5条河流在中心城区交汇,位于临沂城区段的沂河橡胶坝长1248米,为世界之最,已被列入世界吉尼斯记录,上游形成的沂蒙湖水面130万平方米,湖水碧波荡漾,面积相当于两个杭州西湖,2023年被国家水利部评定为国家级水利风景区。 过去由于只注重工业经济的发展,城市建设和环境保护等工作被忽略,市区滨河地段杂草丛生,1片荒芜
2、;挖沙船到处挖沙,使河边变得坑坑洼洼,脏乱不堪;1些不法单位拉来建筑垃圾倾倒在沂河及涑河沿岸的堤坝上,许多工厂将废水也排放到河里,使河水变得浑浊不堪,污染严重,无法饮用。不少居民也将生活垃圾倾倒在这里,使河边变成了垃圾场,1到夏天,熏人的气味扑面而来,严重影响了居民的生活和城市形象。 为了适应经济的发展,扩大城市建设规模,合理利用充足的水资源,同时改善人们的生活环境,提升城市品位,临沂市政府决定投入巨沂资规划建设临市区内的滨河区域。 2、课题拟设计研究的主要内容、实验方案 在上述情况的影响下,我这次所报的毕业设计课题为“临沂市沂河沿岸(局部)景观设计”,所以滨水空间的规划、绿化和景观设计是这次
3、课题设计研究的主要内容。 水是人们生活中必不可少因素,自古以来就被赋予多种属性,被当作理想人格的的1种象征,使得其在性、情、景、意交融中充满了生命的灵性;在中国古代文化中,水逐渐成为1种根源性的隐喻,是代表自然与城市“合1”的最好模型。可以说水是古代除了封建礼制以外,对城市规划特色形成起作用的最重要的因素。其作用从饮用、灌溉、运输发展到现在的提供活动、景观的载体,故滨水空间的性质也在不断变化。 在全球化背景下,我国当前进入快速城市化阶段,城市建设也陷入了不断趋同、特色危机重重的窘境;在工业化时期几近湮灭的水的特性再次成为刺激城市生命力的重要因素。因此在这次设计中应充分利用城市与水的“骨架”与“
4、血肉”关系,因地制宜,融合水与空间、文化的时空联系,塑造出城市的特色与个性,使城市绿化面积扩大,景观更加秀丽宜人,市区环境质量得到全面改善,最终形成“水在城中游,城在水中立,水体与绿地相互依托并融为1体的丰富多彩的、富有地方特色的滨水生态城市”而贡献1份力量。 实验方案: 通过对课题所涉及的地区进行实地测量考察,以及搜集查阅相关资料,对设计的方案进行综合严密的验证。从设计理念、设计原则、风水分析、构图分析、植物配置几大方面展开工作,并在老师的指导下设计出合理的方案。 设计理念:沂河贯穿临沂市区,是离城市公共密集地区较近的生态系统之1,是 城市向乡村延伸,乡村向城市渗透的区域,这种渗透体现的是1
5、种人与自然的对话,在本方案中,以人与自然的和谐统1为设计理念。 设计原则:A、生态原则:维持沂河生态环境是进行城市建设的基本门槛。 B、适应自然和社会运动周期的原则:关注人的活动周期和季节 变化,创造出适应季节变化的景观。 C、经济原则:通过设计对环境的改造,创造更舒适的生活环 境,实现其使用价值,同时也带动周围的土地升值。 风水分析:风水上讲究,曲生吉,直生煞,在本方案中,以曲线(主路)来化解直线带来的煞气。 构图分析:本方案设计设计地段位于沂河和其最大支流枋河交汇处,河道比较弯曲,因此在设计中,以北斗7星为主构图元素,根据人文和地理将其分为3个区域: A区:古文化区,临沂市是1座历史悠久的
6、城市。古称琅琊,距今已有2400年历史。闻名中外的汉代帛画和孙子兵法、孙膑兵法竹简等,就出土在临沂市银雀山下。我国许多历史文化名人,如春秋时期的曾子、子路,战国时期的荀况,东汉珠算发明家刘洪,西汉经学家匡衡,3国时期著名军事家诸葛亮,东晋书圣王羲之,南北朝文艺批评家刘勰,唐代书法家颜真卿等,有的出生于此,有的在这里生活过,都留下了难以湮灭的印迹。 B区:自然生态区,以沂河自然风光为主题,以生态亲水公园为中心,形成适合休闲娱乐的场所。 C区:沂蒙革命精神区,临沂市是著名的革命老区。革命战争年代,沂蒙人民为抗击外来侵略和中国革命的胜利作出了巨大的贡献和牺牲,3万沂蒙的优秀儿女献身疆场。车轮滚滚的支
7、前队伍、送子送郎参军的动人场面、红嫂的感人故事、名垂青史的台儿庄战役、孟良崮战役记下了这1段光荣的革命业绩。 植物配置:从人性化、乡土性、生态原则3方面进行植物配置。 3、相关文献综述 中国建材出版社出版,汤振宁编著的城市河道景观设计1书,以大量实景照片向我们展示了北京,上海,韩国等地的1些优秀河道景观设计,本书内1些优秀设计作品的作者分别为具有丰富施工经验和设计经验的专业人士,使该书具有很好的实用价值,同时该书也具有较强的实用性和前瞻性,给我这次所做的课题提供了很多的参考。 上林国际文化有限公司编著,华中科技大学出版社出版的滨水区域景观规划1书,挑选了如“广州市番禹区桥河河两岸城市设计”,“
8、海南洋浦经济开发区滨海生活服务区设计”等34个典型滨水区域,对照其不同的设计思路历程,阐述了滨水景观规划的设计着眼点。从不同角度,不同细节的解析,使我对滨水景观设计有了更全面的认识。比如该书中强调的人体工程学、环境心理学、审美心理学等要素,因此在这次设计中、使我深入地去了解人们的生理特点、行为心理和视觉感受等方面对景观的设计要求,以便于做出更好的设计。 上海人民美术出版社出版,沈蔚、李竹等编著室外环境艺术设计1书介绍了环境艺术设计这门涉及生态、园林、建筑、结构、材料、城市规划等领域的综合性边缘学科,它的实质是以现实条件和自然环境为基础,人性化地对环境进行科学和艺术改善及创造,使之更适应于人们生
9、活、工作和休闲等各种社会生活和人文交流,有益于人们的身心健康和社会的文明进步。阅读该书使我了解了景观设计的元素、手法、进行的基本程序、表达的方法,以及设计的实施,尽可能实现它的功能性、艺术观赏性、科学合理性、经济性。通过学习和研究此书,使我对景观设计有了更专业的认识。 化学工业出版社出版,卢新海、杨祖达编著的园林规划设计介绍了园林设计的要素、方法、步骤等具体的内容。内容包括中外园林、园林设计的基本理论、园林设计的原则与依据、园林设计的依据,园林设计的依据、构成要素的规划与设计及各类绿地的规划设计。其中我国古典园林创作的优秀手法,布局形式,依据与原则等给我的设计带来很大的启发。 4、预期成果 实
10、施这1工程将使城市绿化面积扩大,景观更加秀丽宜人,很好地改善市区人们生活环境现状,整体上提升临沂市的城市品位与城市形象,同时通过设计重塑环境,关注城市与自然的关系,建设1个概念明确的公共滨水地带,完成城市公共空间主体向沂河沿岸的过渡,创造并完善城市的公共服务支持体系,为人们提供1个休闲娱乐的好去处。 知识拓展 办公楼设计开题报告 课题目的、意义及相关研究动态: 目的: 1巩固本人四年来在校期间所学的基本理论和专业知识,并运用所学基础理论、专业知识和相应技能综合解决建筑工程设计与施工中各方面实际问题; 2初步了解并掌握一个建筑师和结构工程师的实际工作内容和设计工作的方法与步骤; 3培养自己树立正
11、确的设计思想严谨的科学态度和工作作风,正确掌握和运用设计原则,能综合全面地考虑设计中各方面的问题; 4了解并掌握建筑设计和结构设计的全过程,正确掌握框架结构设计原理和内力分析的计算方法; 5熟悉建筑及结构设计方面相应的常用规范、规程和定额标准,以及掌握建筑设计软件CAD、结构设计软件PKPM的性能及其操作使用方法,提高工程制图技能; 6熟悉常规施工方法及施工组织方式。 意义:毕业设计是对我们大学四年来所学知识的一次全面的,彻底的,综合的考查,也是对我们在学期间的最后一次大练兵。通过这次设计,熟悉建筑设计和结构设计的全过程,熟悉相关设计规范、手册、标准图集以及工程实践中常用的方法。 毕业设计对于
12、培养我初步的科学研究能力,提高综合运用所学知识份分析问题、解决问题的能力有着重要的意义。同时积极、独立完成毕业设计也是为今后的实际工作做出必要的准备。 相关研究动态:办公楼建筑的发展趋势:围绕着绿色生态和节能的主题,建筑形态会更加多样化,功能构成会更加丰富,更加强调人性化和令人身心愉悦的空间环境创造。政府行政办公楼与其他办公楼一样,设计时应充分考虑适应性、灵活性、高效性和人性化的设计理念,以充分展示建筑功能与建筑形象的亲和力与开放性,做到人及建筑与环境的和谐共处、永续发展,创造亲切宜人的建筑形象和舒适自然的办公环境。随着社会的发展,生态主义、智能化、人性化、个性化、现代化、功能复合化办公建筑的
13、设计理念将是今后现代办公楼的发展趋势。 课题的主要内容(观点)、创新之处: 课题项目:邵阳市财政局办公楼设计,主体采用框架结构,房屋总层数5-6层,底层层高4.5m,其它各层层高3.6m,总建筑面积约为50002m 主要内容:根据建筑物的使用要求、地理位置、朝向、体型等因素的要求,完成建筑总平面图设计、建筑方案、结构方案等的确定。 1建筑设计部分:建筑平面设计,建筑立面设计和施工图设计。施工图内容:底层平面图、标准层平面图、顶层平面图、屋顶平面图、立面图、剖面图、楼梯间、卫生间等局部大样及其构造详图。 2结构设计部分:根据建筑设计对上部结构和基础进行结构造型和结构布置,各层结构平面布置及设计计
14、算,主体框架结构内力分析及配筋计算,基础及其他附属结构的设计计算,打印结构设计计算书和画出建筑和结构施工图。施工图内容:结构平面布置及现浇板的配筋图、框架配筋图、楼梯等附属结构件布置及配筋图、基础平面布置及其大样图等。 3施工组织部分:根据所设计的项目确定项目工期,结合施工方法进行施工平面安排,完成施工平面图和施工进度计划安排。图纸及文件:施工现场平面布置图、施工进度计划。 创新之处: 1本设计在按照“适用、安全、经济、美观”的原则,在满足地形要求的前提下,设计具有现代化、智能化、人性化、功能齐全、节能降耗的行政办公楼,创造出亲切宜人的建筑形象和舒适自然的办公环境。以最程度满足为人民服务的便利
15、性需求,充分展示出建筑形象的亲和力与开放性。 2在外型和结构上,采用钢化玻璃网架雨蓬,强化底部视觉效果;楼梯间采用玻璃幕墙,增强立面效果,增加透明度;框架柱和满布的铝合金窗户相结合,丰富立面,又具现代感;大厅内设中庭,美化办公楼环境。 3采用计算机辅助设计。 4框架建筑中,结构师为了建筑物提供安全可靠、经久耐用、节能节材、满足建筑功能的一个重要组成部分,它与建筑材料、制品、施工的工业化水平密切相关,对发展新技术、新材料,提高机械化、自动化水平有着重要的促进作用。 研究方法、设计方案或论文撰写提纲: 研究方法:建筑物所在地区-邵阳市地震设防烈度为7度,设计基本地震加速度值为0.15g;设计地震分
16、组按第一组地区考虑可以;拟建场地类型为中软场地土,场地平坦,类建筑场地,建筑等级为级,耐火等级为二级;结构形式为框架结构,基础采用柱下独立基础。 1、建筑抗震采用7度设防,建筑结构安全等级为二级,横向水平地震作用计算采用D值法。 2、基本风压取。=0.35kN/,风荷载作用下的内力计算和框架位移采用D值法计算。 3、荷载作用下采用迭代法计算,活荷载作用下也采用迭代法计算,恒载和活载共同作用采用组合法计算。 设计方案或论文撰写提纲:本设计采用的是钢筋混凝土框架结构,地震烈度为7级 ,属三级框架丙类建筑。在设计中,遵循先建筑、后结构、再基础的设计过程。建筑设计以建筑设计方案为基础,综合考虑建筑的使
17、用要求、建筑物重要性等级、地质条件、抗震设防要求、施工条件及材料供应情况等方面的条件,参照有关设计规范、资料的规定或建议,并通过调查研究,参考以往相近工程的经验。按照“适用、安全、经济、美观”的设计原则,对建筑物的平面布置、结构构造等项目进行设计,包括建筑平面选择平面柱网布置、平面交通组织及平面功能设计;然后考虑建筑分类、总平面布局、防火分区及安全疏散,进行防火设计;最后设计楼梯间。 力求做到建筑功能与建筑形象的亲和力与开放性,创造亲切宜人的建筑形象和舒适自然的办公环境。设计出符合现代建筑风格的建筑设计方案,绘出建筑施工图。按照设计的建筑方案和结构设计的弹塑性理论进行结构计算,通过手算和机算的
18、结果,绘出结构施工图。 Landscape cla graduation design opening report 1, the subject background Linyi city is located in the southeast of shandong province, known as the south shandong has three district 9 county, covers an area of 1.72 square kilometers, population 72, is the biggest area in shandong province
19、, the most populous administrative region.Of linyi city is rich in water resource, the north-south YiHe, willow blue river, QingLongHe and Beng river, acro something Su river five rivers in the city center, located in linyi city YiHe rubber dam is 1248 meters long, for most of the world, has been li
20、sted in the guinne book of world records, the upper formation of river bank Mongolia lake surface 1.3 million square meters, rippling lake, the size of two hangzhou west lake, 2023 by the national ministry of water resources evaluation for national water conservancy scenic spot.The past due to focus
21、 on the development of industrial economy, urban construction and environmental protection work is ignored, downtown riverside area overgrown and 1 deserted; River was pitted by sand-excavating ship sand-excavating, everywhere, filthy; 1 some illegal units to construction waste dump on YiHe and Su r
22、iver dam, many factories will wastewater is discharged into the river, the river becomes cloudy, pollution is serious, cant drink.Many people will be living garbage dump here, make the river became a garbage dump, 1 in summer, the smell of smoky, seriously affected the peoples life and city image.In
23、 order to adapt to the development of economy, expand the scale of urban construction, rational utilization of abundant water resources, improving peoples living environment at the same time, improve the grade of the city and linyi city government decided to capital giant interpretation of riverside
24、 area planning and construction in the urban area.2, the main content of the subject intends to design research and experiment scheme Under the influence of the above situation, I offer this time graduation design topic for linyi city YiHe coast (local) landscape design, so the planning of waterfron
25、t space, greening and landscape design is the main content of this topic design study.Water is the eential factor in peoples life, since ancient times has been given a variety of properties, be regarded as one kind of symbol of the ideal personality, make its in sex, affection and scene blend, Italy
26、 is full of spiritual life; In the ancient Chinese culture, and the water become one kind of root metaphor, is on behalf of the nature and city one the best model.Can say water is ancient in addition to the feudal etiquette, work on urban planning characteristics form one of the most important facto
27、r.Its role from drinking, irrigation, transportation development, the landscape of the carrier to provide activities, therefore, the nature of the waterfront space is also changing.Under the background of globalization, the current phase of rapid urbanization, the urban construction in the convergin
28、g, characteristic crisis-ridden dilemma; In the period of industrialization of water near annihilation characteristics become an important factor to stimulate urban vitality again.So in the design should make full use of the city and the water skeleton and the flesh relationship, adjust measures to
29、local conditions, the integration of water and space, cultural space and time, creates the characteristic and the individuality of the city, urban green area expanded, more beautiful landscape and pleasant, and fully improve the urban environment quality, and ultimately form water in the city, city
30、in the water, water and green land relying on each other and be in harmony to 1 body rich and colorful, full of local characteristics of the waterfront ecological city and 1 contribution strength.The experiment plan: Through the study of the field measurements of topic areas involved in the investig
31、ation, and gather information, consult the relevant comprehensive strict verification of design scheme.From the design concept, design principles, feng shui analysis, composition analysis, plant configuration of several major aspects of work, and under the guidance of the teacher to design reasonabl
32、e solution.Design concept: YiHe throughout the linyi city is closer to urban public populated areas of the ecological system of 1, is Cities to the countryside, rural to urban seepage area, the permeability of is a kind of dialogue between human and nature, in this scenario, based on the harmony of
33、man and nature series 1 design concept.Design principle: A, ecological principles: maintaining YiHe ecological environment is A fundamental threshold of urban construction.B, to adapt to the natural and social movement cycle principle: attention people cycle of activity and season Change, creating a
34、 adapt to the seasonal change of landscape.C, economic principle: by design modification to the environment, create a more comfortable life , realize its use value, value of land at the same time also to drive around.Analysis: feng shui feng shui on exquisite, QuSheng ji, straight born evil spirit,
35、in this scenario, with curve (main) to solve linear ShaQi.Composition analysis: this design design area is located at the junction of YiHe and its largest tributary fang river channel is bent, so in the design, mainly seven stars big dipper composition elements, according to its cultural and geograp
36、hical divided into three areas: A zone: the ancient culture district, linyi city is A city with A long history.Called reed langya, 2400 years ago.World-famous BoHua and sun tzus the art of han dynasty, bamboo slips of the world and so on, was unearthed in linyi city YinQiaoShan.Our country many hist
37、orical and cultural celebrities, such as the spring and autumn period of zengzi, zi lu, during the warring states period of xunzi, the abacus inventor of the eastern han dynasty liu hong, scribes kuang heng, in the western han dynasty three kingdom era famous strategist zhuge liang, eastern book SAN
38、 wang xizhi, liu xies literary critics of the northern and southern dynasties, the tang dynasty calligrapher c, etc., some born in this, some lived here, were left to annihilate.B area: the natural regions, with YiHe natural scenery as the theme, with ecological water park as the center, to develop
39、leisure entertainment places.Area C, river bank Mongolia revolutionary spirit district, linyi city is a famous old revolutionary base areas.Revolutionary war years, river bank Mongolia the people to fight against foreign aggreion and the victory of the Chinese revolution have made great contribution
40、 and sacrifice, river bank Mongolia 30000 outstanding sons and daughters of dedicated to the battleground.Former team and rolling wheels tableau SongZi send lang joined the army, which touching story, famous taierhchuang campaign, 1 Meng Lianggu battle took down this glorious revolutionary results.P
41、lant configuration: from the aspects of humanity, rural, ecological principle 3 plant configuration.3, the relevant literature review Publishing in the Chinese building materials, the urban river landscape design written by Shang Zhenning 1 book, with a lot of photos to show us the Beijing, Shanghai
42、, South Korea and other places of some outstanding landscape design of the channel, 1 book 1 in some excellent design work of the author respectively with abundant construction experience and design experience of profeionals, to make the book has the very good practical value, the book also has stro
43、ng practical and forward-looking, give me this project provides a lot of reference.Lin Guoji culture co., LTD., huang, huazhong university of science and technology publishing house waterfront landscape planning one book, selected as guangzhous yu river, river on both sides of the city zone bridge d
44、esign, hainan qinlan economic development zone, binhai life service area design, such as 34 typical waterfront, compare the different design proce, in this paper, the design of the waterfront landscape planning approaches.From different angles, different details of parsing, make me to the waterfront
45、 landscape design have a more comprehensive understanding.Such as highlighted in the book of human body engineering, environmental psychology, aesthetic psychology and other factors, so in the design, make me deeply to understand peoples physiological characteristics, behavior, psychology and visual
46、 perception of landscape design requirements, in order to make better design.Shanghai peoples fine arts publishing house, Shen Wei, Li Zhu compiled outdoor environmental art design 1 book introduced the ecological, environmental art design the landscape, architecture, structure, material, in the fie
47、ld of urban planning and so on comprehensive the edge discipline, its eence is based on the realistic conditions and natural environment, humane environment for science and art to improve and create, make it more suitable for people to live, work and leisure and other social life and cultural exchan
48、ges and is beneficial to peoples physical and mental health and social progre of civilization.Reading the book made me understand the elements of the landscape design, technique, the basic procedures, expreion method, and the implementation of the design, as far as poible to realize its function, the appreciation of the arts, science, rationality and economy.Throu