1、2023年北京植物园导游词中英文版 北京植物园导游词 各位团友: 大家好! 我是今天的导游员小A,很荣幸带领大家来度过一段愉快的时光。今天我们要参观的是美丽的北京植物园。它是一个集科普、科研、游览等功能于一体的综合性植物园,是国家重点建设的植物园之一。 首先,我来向大家介绍一下我们今天的行程安排及注意事项。我们的游览路线是:首先参观植物展览区的大温室,然后前往卧佛寺,最后去曹雪芹纪念馆。在参观的过程中,请大家不要采摘植物园中的植物,不要随便碰、摸植物,有的植物具有剧毒,千万不要品尝植物的花、果等。整个参观过程中,请大家紧跟队伍,不要走丢,而且要保管好自己的随身物品。 在开始游览之前呢,我先就北
2、京植物园的基本情况向大家做一个简单的介绍。 北京植物园位于海淀区香山公园和玉泉山之间,1956年经国务院批准建立。规划面积400公顷,现已建成开放游览区200公顷,由植物展览区、名胜古迹区,科研区和自然保护区组成。园内引种栽培植物10000余种近150万株。收集栽种植物3000余种,是目前我国北方最大的植物园。 北京植物园由植物展览区、名胜古迹人文景观、自然保护区和科研区组成。 植物展览区包括观赏植物区(专类园)、树木园、盆景园、温室花卉区。名胜古迹游览区由卧佛寺、樱桃沟、隆教寺遗址、“一二九”纪念亭、梁启超墓、等组成。 在2000年1月,北京植物园被评为首批国家AAAA级旅游景区,以其优美的
3、环境、优良的秩序、优质的服务和优秀的文化迎接着国内外宾客。 好了,现在咱们到达了我们的第一个目的地植物展览温室。 植物展览温室是北京植物园的一个中心展室,动工兴建始于1998年3月28日,2000年1月1日开始接待游人,它的建筑面积9800平方米,占地5.5公顷,是目前亚洲最大,世界单体温室面积最大的展览温室。 它划分为四个主要展区:热带雨林区、沙漠植物区、四季花园和专类植物展室。展示植物3100种60000余株,为群众提供观赏丰富多彩的植物景观、学习科学知识、具有较高品位的游览点。 下面大家有半个小时的自由参观时间,里面有导游会对其中的植物进行讲解,咱们半个小时后出口见。 除了展览温室以外,
4、植物展览区还有很多其他的园,如:观赏植物区有牡丹园、月季园、碧桃园、丁香院、海棠园、盆景园、木兰园、集秀园(竹园)、宿根花卉园、芍药园和正在筹建中的梅园等11各专类园;树木园有银杏松柏区、槭树蔷薇区、椴树杨柳区、木兰小檗区和悬铃木麻栎区、泡桐白蜡区等。 现在咱们达到卧佛寺了。 卧佛寺是一座唐代保存至今的古刹,全寺倚山而立,主要建筑有天王殿、三世佛殿和卧佛殿。卧佛殿是全寺的精华,殿内有一尊巨大的铜卧佛。佛身长5米多,重约54吨,作卧睡状,侧身躺在高榻上,相传这是释迦牟尼在印度涅盘时的姿势。旁边站着十二尊泥塑小佛像,表现释迦牟尼向他的弟子嘱咐后事的情景。在三世佛殿的前面,有一株古老的娑罗树,据说是
5、从印度移植来的,是佛国三宝树之一,象征释迦牟尼涅盘于娑罗树下。由于佛寺内部不允许讲解,那么下面大家自由参观吧!30分钟后后我们在门口集合,去往下一个景点。 现在,我们到达今天的最后一站,也就是曹雪芹纪念馆了。 大家都知道曹雪芹是我国伟大的文坛巨匠,而这一组低矮院墙环绕的长方形院落则被部分专家认为是他撰写不朽著作红楼梦的地方,后以此为基础建成了纪念馆。纪念馆前后两排共18间房舍,仿清代建筑,前排展室陈列有清代旗人的生活环境、曹雪芹在西山生活创作环境的模型等。后排6间展室内容为曹雪芹的生平家世、红楼梦的影响两部分。此外,纪念馆还另辟专室展出对曹雪芹研究的成果及各种版本的红楼梦。感兴趣的游客朋友可以
6、自由进去参观,我们半小时后在门口集合。 好了,咱们今天的旅行就到这了,感谢大家的配合和支持,如有什么做的不好的地方还请多多包涵,希望大家旅途愉快,并且期待我还能成为您下一次旅行的导游。谢谢! Beijing Botanical Garden Ladies and gentlemen, It is a pleasure foe me to be your guide.Today well visit the beautiful Beijing Botanical Garden.Im sure you can get closer to nature and appreciate natures
7、wonders at here.First of all, Ive come to tell you something about todays arrangement and some announcements.Our route is to visit to the Plant Exhibition Greenhouse firstly, then well go to the Reclining Buddha Temple, and finally to Memorial Hall of Cao Xueqin.During the visit, please dont touch o
8、r pick the plants in the Botanical Garden.More importantly, some plants are highly toxic, please dont taste any of them.In addition, during the visit, please closely follow the team , dont get lost, and take care of your own belongings.Please pay attention to the time and do not be late. Before reac
9、hing our destination, Id like to give a brief introduction of the Beijing Botanical Garden.It is located between the Xiangshan Park and the Jade Spring Mountain in Haidian District in Beijing.It is first built after the approval of the State Council in 1956.The garden.has a planning area of 400 hect
10、ares, half of which has been opened to the public.It consists of four parts, the exhibition area of plants, places of interest areas, research areas and nature reserves.It is the largest botanical garden in northern China with more than 10,000 species of introduction and cultivation.Beijing Botanica
11、l Garden consistes with four parts: the exhibition area of plants, historical sites, cultural landscapes, nature reserves and research zone. The exhibition area of plants includes the ornamental plants exhibition area (special garden)、arboretum、bonsai garden and greenhouse flower district.While the
12、touristic places are composed of the Reclining Buddha Temple、Cherry Vale, Education Temple、a pavilion for The movement on December Ninth , Liang Qichao tomb, and so on. In January 2000, the Beijing Botanical Garden was named as the first national AAAA grade scenic spot.It attracts a large number of
13、domestic and foreign guests with its beautiful environment, graceful order, high-quality service and excellent culture.Well, now we have reached our first destination - the Plant Exhibition Greenhouse.It is the center of the Beijing Botanical Garden and was first built on March 28th, 1998.On January
14、 1st, 2000, it began to receive visitors.The Plant Exhibition Greenhouse covers a floor space of 9,800 square meters and is the largest one in Asia and the largest single exhibition of greenhouse in the world. It is divided into four main area: the tropical rain forest、the desert flora、the seasonal
15、gardens and the special plants galleries, which show more than 60,000 strains of 3100 kinds of plants, to provide people with a variety of ornamental plants.Its also a high-grade tourist attraction for people to learn scientific knowledge.Ok,now you can visit freely , the special guide in the Plant
16、Exhibition Greenhouse will give excellent introduction about every plant there, Ill see you half an hour later at the gate. In addition to the Plant Exhibition Greenhouse, there are many other parks.For example there are Rose park、China rose park、Peach park、Begonia park、Bonsai park、Magnolia park、Per
17、ennial flower park、Peony park and the 11 special park which are under-construction ; The arboretum can be divided into the Arboretum ginkgo Area、the maple Rosa area、the willow area、Platanus Quercus Berberis area、Paulownia Ash area and so on. Now we have reached the Reclining Buddha Temple, which is
18、a well-preserved ancient temples from the Tang Dynasty.In the whole standing temple , the main building are the King Hall, the Three Generation Buddha Hall, and the Reclining Buddha Hall.The Reclining Buddha Hall is the eence of the whole temple, which is a huge hall with a copper reclining Buddha.T
19、he copper reclining Buddha body is more than 5 meters in length and weights about 54 tons.It is lying as if he is sleeping, according to legend this is the posture of Buddha Nirvana in India.Twelve little clay statues stand by, this performance tells the story about the Buddha enjoin on his disciple
20、s about the funeral.In front of the Three Generation Buddha Hall there is a tree, which is said to be transplanted from India.It is one of three holy Buddhist three and also the symbol of Buddha Nirvana .As it is not allowed to give introduction in the internal Buddhist temples, you can visit freely
21、 in the next thirty minutes ,and well meet again here and go down the next spot. OK, we arrive at our last stop, which is the Memorial Hall of Cao Xueqin.We all know that Cao Xueqin is one of Chinas greatest literary masters, and this group building of rectangular courtyard surrounded by low walls w
22、ere part of house which are believed by some experts as the place where he wrote the immortal book Dream of Red Mansions .There are a total of 18 houses in this Memorial Hall , as imitation of the Qing Dynasty architecture.The front exhibition room displays the living environment of the Qing Dynasty
23、, it is also the model of Caos creative living environment in the Western Hills.The 6 back galleries content the life of Cao Xueqins family and the effect of the Dream of Red Mansions .In addition, the museum also set up a gallery show the research results of Cao Xueqin and various versions of the D
24、ream of Red Mansions. Tourists interested are free to visit inside, and we will aemble at this door after half an hours visit. Well, so much for my explanation today, I hope it can help you to have a better understanding of this place and those plants.Thanks for your attention and I am looking forward to your next visit.Thank you! 北京植物园导游词中英文版 深圳仙湖植物园英文导游词 北京导游词英文版 北京天坛中英文导游词 济南植物园导游词 长沙植物园导游词 武汉植物园导游词 海南省英语导游词 中英文版 导游词中英文 导游词深圳仙湖植物园