1、2023年疫情防控大国挑战,负重前行(双语)2023疫情防控大国挑战,负重前行(双语) How Does China Take on a Virus? 武汉已封城一月之久,以战病毒之役。如秋千受力而摆,疫情让世界失衡。中国正奋勉图存。 It has been a month since Wuhan was locked down because of the coronavirus. Like a big push on a swing, the epidemic tips the balance in the world, and China is making efforts to kee
2、p standing. 中国浩大的国土成为战疫的第一挑战。中国乃泱泱大国,而此次疫情直击其腹地要害。疫情爆发于1600万人口的中部大都市武汉。屋漏偏逢连夜雨,武汉四周城市众多,人口皆以百万计。武汉乃交通枢纽,疫情大有扩散至周边城市之势。疆土广袤反倒成为战疫的重大阻碍。 The challenge lies in the countrys size. China is a big country with a large span, and the virus hit the center, literally. The epicenter is a metropolis of 16 milli
3、on people in the middle of the country. To make matters worse, it is surrounded by many cities, also with millions of inhabitants. Wuhan is a transport hub, and the virus is threatening to infect the whole surrounding area. The size of the country is a significant obstacle. 但凡事有弊也有利。由于中国疆土广袤,不同地区得以相
4、互接济。武汉告急之时,四面八方来援。此时此刻,全国非常之一的重症监护医生正奋战于武汉。4万余名医务人员应急响应,火速奔赴抗疫前线。中国火力全开,应对疫情。 But thats only half the story. Because of its continental size, all the parts feed off each other. When Wuhan fell, the other provinces came to its aid. As we speak, one tenth of the intensive-care doctors of the entire co
5、untry is in Wuhan. A total of 40,000 medical staff moved to the center in a wartime fashion. China plans to take the virus full on. 体制之机。战疫的另一关键在于信息传递。中国自有其独特的双向信息流淌,自上而下和自下而上。 Structure matters. Another weight on scale is messaging. China has two-way traffic of communication: top-down and bottom-up
6、. 中国须要改善信息自下而上的传导。武汉的八名医生于新型病毒爆发之初便发出警示,然而他们的声音却没有被重视, 国家监委调查组仍在调查事务真相。但是有一点是确定的:汇报层级过多,手续繁杂,缺乏信息上报动力。 China needs to do better bottom-up. When doctors in Wuhan sounded alarms of the new virus, the message got lost. An investigation is still ongoing on why. But one reason is obvious: there are too many layers, too much red tape and too little incentives to send the messages up.