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1、2023年功夫熊猫:盖世传奇第一季01中英文版(材料) 【NO.1毒蝎之针Scorpions Sting.】 接下来请欣赏 And now.来自梦工厂的功夫熊猫:盖世传奇 Dreamworks Kung Fu Panda: Legends of 快滚开 Get off me. 阿宝五分 猴哥四分 Po, five.Monkey, four.Awesomene *请听功夫熊猫的传奇故事* *Hear the legends of the Kung Fu Panda* *他在面馆长大* *Raised in a noodle shop* *从未想当大侠* *Never seeking glory

2、or fame* *一朝登得凌绝顶* *He climbed a mountaintop* *神龙之名冠天下* *And earned the dragon warrior name* *功夫熊猫* *Kung Fu Panda* *师父慧眼识英杰* *Master Shifu saw the warrior bloom* *艺高胆大震奸邪* *And master the skills of bodacious and awesome* *功夫熊猫* *Kung Fu Panda* *他终日苦练* *He lives, and he trains* *和盖世五侠并肩作战* *And he f

3、ights with the Furious Five * *保护着 保护着山谷生灵* *Protect the valley somethin, somethin * *免遭涂炭* *Somethin, somethin alive* *功夫熊猫* *Kung Fu Panda* *盖世传奇* *Legends of awesomene* 漂亮 Sweet.【NO.1毒蝎之针Scorpions Sting.】 熊猫 该你了 Panda, youre next.十秒钟安全到达另一边 Ten seconds to get to the other side unscathed.迅捷如猫 Catl

4、ike reflexes.猴哥 Monkey! 我老猴加两分 Two points for Monkey.你输了 阿宝 Lights out, Po. 刚才这不算 You cant count that.当然算 Sure, I can. 师父 这也算一分 对吧 Shifu, that was a point, right? 我可没心思搀和你俩幼稚的计分游戏 熊猫 I dont care about your childish score-keeping, Panda.猴子 你刚才这招狡诈而阴险 Monkey, that was a deceitful, underhanded attack.干

5、得漂亮 Good work. 偷袭训练的关键 The point of sneak-attack training 在于出其不意 is to do the unexpected.啥 What? 看到了吧 出其不意 See? Unexpected. 虎妞 接下来是你和灵鹤 Tigre, you and Crane are next.师父 咱俩能暂时算平局吗 Master Shifu, can we take five 我好去拿火炭给我的嘴巴消消毒 so I can go sterilize my beak with hot coals? 啊哦 我觉得虎妞的感冒传染给我了 Uh-oh, I thi

6、nk I caught Tigre cold.我没 I dont have.感冒 a cold. 我也感冒了 Hey, I got a cold, too.我没有感冒 I do not have a cold.这样不好哦 哥们 Not cool, man. 好兄弟最喜欢这种打喷嚏的玩笑了 Friends love the sneezy trick.我真的没有感冒 I do not have a.cold.等一下 Wait. 没准儿你确实没感冒 Maybe you dont.1 【NO.1毒蝎之针Scorpions Sting.】 我知道了 I see.是河热病 Its river fever.

7、河热病有啥大不了的 Whats the big deal about river fever? 不就是打喷嚏犯困嘛 You get a little sneezy, a little snoozy.我自己还吐过几次 骗你是小狗 Ive personally barfed a couple of times; true story.然后第二天就好了 Then its all over the next day.咱小时候都得过嘛 We all had it as kids.我没得过 I didnt.哦天呐 Oh, man.成年人得河热病就麻烦大了 River fevers bad news if

8、you get it as an adult.你最后会变成这样 You wind up like this.这是 这是头猪吗 Is that a.a pig? 这病只有一种解药 Theres only one cure: 圣兰花泡的茶 Tea made from the sacred sun orchid.没错 圣兰花药效很强大 True.The sun orchid is powerful.但要想得到却非常危险 But getting one is dangerous.这花以前也在这里生长 It used to grow here, 但现在只有一个地方能找到它 but now its onl

9、y found in one place, 毒蝎谷 the valley of the scorpion.谁都不要为了我去冒险 No ones risking their lives for me.我会没事的 Ill be fine.没事 Fine? 你看这头猪 看这头猪 Look at the pig.Look at the pig! 你也许感觉没事 You may feel fine, 但肌肉痉挛随时都可能发 but the muscle spasms could start at any- 就像刚才这样 like that. 虎妞 如果你不能在日落前服下圣兰花 你会 Tigre, if

10、you dont get that orchid by sundown, youll.会怎么样 What? 我不忍说 I cant.会怎么样 What? 首先 你就再也不能习武了 Well, first, youll never do kung fu again.那还不如让我去死 Id rather die. 没错 然后你就会死 Yeah, thats second.看起来神龙大侠 Well, it looks like the dragon warriors 要去采那朵小兰花啦 gonna be picking up that orchid deal-y.我要去 Ill get it. 跟你

11、赌五十分 我会比你先采到花 50 points says I get there before you.这可不是儿戏 This is no game. 能从毒蝎谷活着回来的人寥寥无几 Few have ever returned from the valley alive.那些回来的人也变成了行尸走肉 And those few have come back shambling zombies, 心智被蝎刺的毒性毁得干干净净 their minds destroyed by the power of scorpion sting.很久以前 毒蝎还是位远近闻名的神医 Long ago, Scor

12、pion was a celebrated healer, 在草药方面颇有建树 an expert in medicinal plants.和平谷里的土地 The soil in the valley of peace 非常适合她的草药实验 was perfect for her experimental flowers.但当她发明了一种催眠灵药 But when she discovered a hypnotic elixir 并注入自己体内时 and stung herself with it, 她的身体和灵魂就扭曲了 it warped her body and her mind.她用她

13、的新手段来操纵别人 She used this new power to control others.她把村名们都变成了 She aaulted the valley 2 【NO.1毒蝎之针Scorpions Sting.】 红眼的梦游者 并以此袭击和平谷 by turning villagers into red-eyed drones.眼看着她就要占领全谷了 She nearly succeeded in taking over, 但乌龟师父有两样她没有的法宝 but Oogway had two things she didnt have: 村民们的忠诚和他的龟壳 The villag

14、ers loyalty and a shell.乌龟师父下令流放了毒蝎 Oogway exiled Scorpion, 但她偷走了长在这里的最后一朵圣兰花 but she stole the last sun orchid that grew here.她发誓此生定要 She has sworn eternal vengeance 找和平谷的所有人复仇 upon anyone from the valley of peace, 所以你需要格外地 which is why you need to be extremely.阿宝 Po? 你就别胡思乱想了 In case youre wonderi

15、ng, 我肯定比你先采到兰花 Ill be getting that orchid before you, 因为我有一样秘密武器 盖世神功 cause Ive got a secret weapon: awesomene.没门 Not a chance.我干啥事儿都比你快 Im faster than you at everything.吃饭除外 Except eating.也许我们应该待在那儿听师父把话说完的 Oh, maybe we shouldve stuck around and listened to shifu.老兄 他太婆婆妈妈了 Man, he is such a worrie

16、r.就是些什么什么很危险啊 It was just blah, blah, blah, danger, 什么什么很致命啊之类的 Blah, blah, blah, certain death kind of stuff.他应该接着聊那个绿茶的 You know, he should cut back on that green tea.我觉得这事儿弄得他有点紧张 I think it makes him a little tense.这上面有好多骷髅头啊 Thats a lot of skulls.你知道骷髅头哪一点最有意思吗 You want to know something intere

17、sting about skulls? 你不能拿它喝汤 You cant drink soup out of them. 哇 真是有意思 Wow, that is interesting.才怪 to no one. 快点儿 我们得赶路 Come on! We got to get a move on.步子飚起来 So pick up the pace! 你说我吗 Me? 飚步子神马的你根本不是我对手 You couldnt pick up the pace with a shovel.真的吗 你看我飞 Oh, yeah? Watch me fl- 呃 你觉得有人听见了吗 Uh, think a

18、nybody heard that? 你觉得会有人没听见吗 Think anybody didnt hear that? 和平谷来客人了 Ooh, visitors from the valley of peace.我觉得我额头撞脱臼了 I think I dislocated my forehead. 这就是传说中可爱的熊猫神龙大侠啊 Its that adorable panda dragon warrior they speak of.我觉得脑子里跟团浆糊似的 Uh, my brains like a bag of pudding.嗯 你本来就这样 Ha.Nothing new.快走吧

19、Come on! 虎妞要在太阳下山前服下兰花 Tigre needs that orchid by sundown.哦 他们想要我的兰花啊 Oh, they need my orchid. 我要给我的装饰品收藏加点东西了 And I need to add something to my collection of tchotchkes. 他那可爱的大脑袋在这里会很合适的 His adorable panda head will fit right here.只要我从他身上给割下来 once I sever it from his body.好 你来给你的好朋友找药吧 Ooh, yes, yo

20、u come and get your medicine for your lady friend.药就在我这儿 Ive got it right here. 你知道骷髅头还有什么地方有意思吗 You know what else is interesting about skulls? 比你跑得快 They run faster than you.我在速度上虽然占劣势 【NO.1毒蝎之针Scorpions Sting.】 Ah, what I lack in.speed, 可我在精力上有优势 I make up for.in.stamina.别冲了 别冲了 Dont hurl.Dont hu

21、rl.猴哥 Monkey! 我要 追上你 Im gonna.catch you! 祝你好运 阿宝 Good luck, Po! 毒蝎 Scorpion.你别想赢我 You cant beat me.我已经赢了 I already have.有毒 Poison.其实不然 Not exactly.我本来可以直接给你和你的熊猫兄弟下毒 Oh, I could simply have poisoned you and your panda friend, 可都怪那个老乌龟 我还是个囚犯 but Im a shut-in, thanks to Oogway.这就是我唯一的娱乐项目了 And this i

22、s my only entertainment.真是有意思啊 能看着你 Itll be so much more fun to watch 杀死师父的得意弟子 as you destroy Shifus little pet, 神龙大侠 the dragon warrior.不要 No! 阿宝是朋友 Po, friend.只要你忘了他是你朋友 我就能控制你了 Youre only good to me as long as you forget that he is your friend.忘了我的朋友 Forget my friend.然后杀了他 And destroy him.然后 And

23、.杀了他 Destroy him.杀了他 Destroy him. 我一定要杀死熊猫 I must destroy the panda.我一定要杀了阿宝 I must destroy Po! 猴哥 Monkey? 你这么躲着肯定不能加分 Now, you dont get any points for hiding.要杀了阿宝 Must destroy Po.你这是在耍我吗 Are you meing with my head? 哇 浆果 Ooh, a berry.哦拜托 Oh, man.只是块石头 Its a rock. 等下 这不是石头 Wait.Its not a rock.这是 鸟粪吗

24、 Its.bird poop? 我刚才摸到鸟粪了 I just touched bird poop.一定要杀了阿宝 Must destroy Po.我死不了 It wont destroy me.鸟粪而已 Its just gro.杀了阿宝 Destroy Po. 师父和我安排了一个病房 Shifu and I set up a sick ward.绝对卫生 Its completely sanitary.我的脸不卫生了 Unlike my face.我不需要病房 I dont need a sick ward.我没事 Im fine.肌肉痉挛 Muscle spasm.完全正常 Perfec

25、tly normal.别碰我 Dont touch me! 我们还接收了一些得了河热病的孩子 Uh, we also took in some kids with river fever. 【NO.1毒蝎之针Scorpions Sting.】 但愿你不介意 Hope you dont mind.我当然不介意 Of course not.我最喜欢小孩子了 I love children.肌肉痉挛 Muscle spasm.这次不是 Not that time.嗯 到骷髅头的左边 Hmm, to the left of the skull, 也就是说我们要往右走 which means we go

26、 right at the.你这是想干嘛 What are you trying to do? 杀了阿宝 Destroy Po.你这是在 Are you.偷袭训练吗 sneak-attack training? 我不知道现在合不合适 I dont know if this is the best time, 但好吧 but okay.小心哦 因为现在该我出手了 Watch your back, cause now its my turn.阿宝十分 猴哥六分 Po, ten.Monkey, six.杀了阿宝 Destroy Po.猴哥 Monkey? 猴哥 猴哥 猴哥 Monkey, monke

27、y, monkey, monkey, monkey! 你在迷惑我吗 Are you meing with my head? 杀了阿宝 Destroy Po.阿宝以四分的优势遥遥领先 Po has taken a commanding four-point lead.而可怜的猴哥只能 What could poor Monkey poibly.毒蝎的老巢 Scorpions lair.杀了阿宝 Destroy Po.兰花就在里面 The orchid is in there! 别玩了 猴哥 Cut it out, Monkey.我们没时间了 We dont have time for that!

28、 虎妞还指望着我们呢 Tigre needs our help.我希望你喜欢小丑 So, uh, Im hoping you like clowns.我还希望你喜欢别对我动手 Then Im hoping you like not hitting me.嗨 孩子们 Hello, boys and girls.我是平师傅 Im Mr.Ping- 不对 其实是小丑 I mean, Mr.Clown. 我是来传播快乐与欢笑的 I have come to spread joy and happine 还有平氏面馆买二送一的礼券哦 and two-for-one coupons for Mr.Ping

29、s noodle shop.有人看起来不高兴呢 Oh, someone has a sad face.你叫什么名字呀 小姑娘 Whats your name, little girl? 滚开 Back away. 哦 那滚开小姐喜不喜欢小花呀 Oh, and would back away like a pretty flower? 不喜欢 With a point.动作快点 And hurry.估计脚趾头骨折了 That could be a broken toe right there. 哇 好极了 Oh, those are perfect.我来给你让个路 Let me just get

30、 out of your way.你 你在干嘛 W-w-what are you doing? 我们能给你编辫子化妆吗 Can we do your hair and makeup? 不行 No. 你有力气阻止我们吗 Are you strong enough to stop us? 没有 No. 我们会让你漂漂亮亮的 Were gonna make you pretty! 你喜欢阿宝吗 So do you love Po? 阿宝是你男朋友吗 Is Po your boyfriend? 什么 不是 W-what? No. 等他看见你的时候就想当你男朋友了 He will be when he

31、sees you! 真是好极了 Just perfect. 等下 你真的是想 Wait a second.Youre really trying to- 杀了阿宝 Destroy Po. 一定要杀了阿宝 Must destroy Po. 你的眼睛 你怎么了 Your eyes- whats with your- 等下 Wait a second. 发红的眼睛 想杀我 Red and glowing eyes, trying to kill me, 动作举止像僵尸 acting like a zombie.毒蝎在控制你 That scorpion is controlling your mind

32、! 太牛叉了 Thats awesome! 感觉怎么样啊 What does it feel like? 猴哥 你得清醒过来 Monkey, youve got to snap out of it.是我啊 阿宝啊 你最铁的哥们啊 Its me, Po, your best buddy. 【NO.1毒蝎之针Scorpions Sting.】 其实我不知道我是不是你最铁的哥们儿 Well, I dont know if Im your best buddy, 但我是你的哥们儿 but Im one of your buddies.我是你最铁的哥们儿吗 Am I your best buddy? 可

33、能是螳螂 It could be Mantis.我知道你俩总爱在一起吃午饭 I mean, I know you guys have lunch together a lot.可你是我最铁的哥们儿 But youre my best buddy.对 没错 Yes, you are! 特别是如果你能别再想法子杀我 Especially if you stop trying to kill me.杀了阿宝 Destroy Po.不要 No! 别这么做 猴哥 是我啊 Dont do it, Monkey.Its me.我是你开打喷嚏玩笑的好哥们儿 记得吗 Im your sneezy-trick f

34、riend.Remember? 你 我 好朋友 You, me, friends? 打喷嚏的玩笑 Sneezy trick? 好朋友 还记得吗 Friends! Remember? 朋友 Friend? 天色已经晚了 Its getting late.我不知道他们能不能赶回来 Im not sure theyre gonna make it.别这么说 他们会回来的 Dont say that.Theyll be here.灵鹤 小龙 Crane, Viper.螳螂 Mantis.我以后再也不能 Ill never do.练武了 kung fu again.喂 别担心 虎妞 Hey, dont

35、worry, Tigre.你还擅长很多别的东西呢 Theres lots of other things youre good at, 比如 呃 like.Uh.别担心 Dont worry.他们会回来的 Theyll be here.有人在敲门 Someones at the door.请进 Come in! 阿宝死翘翘了 Po no mo.看看你 Look at you.谁干活这么漂亮 Who did a good job? 猴子 就是你 Monkey, thats who.他才死了几分钟啊 Hes only been dead a few minutes.不该臭成这样的 He shoul

36、dnt stink already.这是盖世武艺的味道 Thats the stink of awesomene! 我方一分 Us, one.毒蝎零分 Scorpion, zero. 你是怎么克服我的心智控制的 Oh, how did you overcome my mind control? 用一种比你的毒药更强劲的药 With a poison thats stronger than yours.这种药名叫友情 And that poison is called friendship. 我们现在要拿走那朵花 Well take that flower now.你能拿走的只有 The onl

37、y thing youre going to get 一小块用来洗你臭嘴的肥皂 is a little soap to wash out your filthy mouth.动手吧 Lets do this. 她爬到我身上了 她爬到我身上了 Its on me! Its on me! 我会稍微叮一下你 This is going to sting a little bit.开玩笑啦 Just kidding. 其实会像火一样灼热 It burns like fire. 【NO.1毒蝎之针Scorpions Sting.】 做梦去吧 Negatory! 你们永远得不到我的兰花 Youll nev

38、er get my orchid.哦亲爱的 Oh, sweetheart, 你没法偷袭一个长了这么多眼睛的人 you cant surprise someone with this many eyeballs.哦 真的吗 Oh, no? 漂亮 Nice one! 阿宝额外加分 Bonus points for Po! 喂 我也出了力 Hey, I helped.咱俩平分吧 We split em.就这么定了 Deal.我们拿到了 We got it! 快 太阳快下山了 Quick! Its almost sundown.我本来该拿它泡茶的 Im supposed to make tea fro

39、m this thing, 但现在没时间了 but theres no time.你以为你.What do you think youre d- 我 我痊愈了 Im.Im cured.不客气 Youre welcome? 抱歉 Sorry.你干得很好 You have done well.对嘛 只要我用我的神龙大招 Yeah, once I used my dragon-warrior-ne 把猴哥从僵尸状态救了回来 to cure Monkey of his zombification.阿宝 扮个僵尸给我看看 Po, do your funny zombie impreion of me.哦

40、 好啊好啊 Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, right, right, right.杀了阿宝 一定要 Destroy Po.Must- 这是 辣椒啊 These.are.peppers! 猴子一分 阿宝零分 Monkey, one.Panda, zero. END 功夫熊猫:盖世传奇第一季01中英文版(材料) 功夫熊猫1中英文台词 功夫熊猫2中英文对照字幕 功夫熊猫2中的经典台词(中英文对照) 吸血鬼日记第一季剧本(中英文对照)15集 绝望的主妇第一季第一集重点中英文字幕 老友记第一季中英剧本102 中国诗词大会第一季01古诗词 如何在面试中自我介绍(中英文版) 生活大爆炸 第一季第一集 中英文字幕 已去除时间轴


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