1、2023年ted演讲2023演讲稿5篇 我们在演讲稿中表述自己某些观点的时候肯定要有依据,我们在下笔写演讲稿的过程中务必要强调语句通顺,我今日就为您带来了ted演讲2023演讲稿5篇,信任肯定会对你有所帮助。 ted演讲2023演讲稿篇1 they know each other more in the biblical sense as well. message number three: don't leave before you leave. i think there's a really deep irony to the fact that actions wo
2、men are taking and i see this all the time with the objective of staying in the workforceactually lead to their eventually leaving. here's what happens: we're all busy. everyone's busy. a woman's busy. and she starts thinking about having a child, and from the moment she starts think
3、ing about having a child, she starts thinking about making room for that child. how am i going to fit this into everything else i'm doing? and literally from that moment, she doesn't raise her hand anymore, she doesn't look for a promotion, she doesn't take on the new project, she do
4、esn't say, me. i want to do that. she starts leaning back. ted演讲2023演讲稿篇2 各位老师、同学们: 大家好! 青春是人生一道洒满阳光的风景,是一首用热忱和才智唱响的赞歌。 人世间有很多东西失去了还可以得到,惟有青春,对任何人来说都属于“一次性消费”,而且是易耗性消费,所谓“人生易老”,所谓“如白驹之过隙”,所谓“高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪”,说的就是它。 青春,既是一个极具_力的话题,又是一种感觉。这种感觉,有时是无限美妙的生活的味道,平平淡淡中的一种温馨的享受,有时又是一份静静的逍遥,有时是一份思念的遐想,有时是
5、一个甜甜的无穷无尽的向往。于是,诗情画意的梦,天真纯净的幻想、无忧无虑的日子,就这样自自然然地汇合成一个绚丽的青春季节。 或许平淡无奇的世界使你感到孤寂和落寞,周而复始的生活节拍让你备尝烦躁和无聊。但蓦然之间,你发觉在天蓝风轻的春光中,一切都像是透亮的,而感到一种超然的力气在心底滋生;或许你为时间的悄然消逝而感到无助与无奈,可当你沉醉于茫茫书海,真实地度过青春的每一分钟,你就会觉青春的生命在静静延长。 生命易老,时间飞逝,无论失败或是胜利,它总是青春的痕迹。我们拥有青春,就如朝阳恒久向上;我们拥有青春,就如山溪不羁奔流;我们拥有青春,就如幼蚕破茧而出 拥有青春,就应当拥有春的幢憬、夏的蓬勃、秋
6、的浪漫、冬的深刻。年青的挚友,让我们高举爱国的旗帜,继承前人开创的事业,在改革开放的强国富民之路上高歌猛进;让我们的青春之火,在21世纪的挑战中闪光;让我们的拳拳爱国之心,在共创祖国辉煌的征程中闪烁夺目的光彩! ted演讲2023演讲稿篇3 您感到华蜜吗? 当你在探望着遥不行即的华蜜时,其实,你已经错过了好多华蜜的机会,因为,华蜜,俯首可拾。 春天,一朵朵鲜花绽放,一束束绿草挺腰,一个个小生命在俏然诞生。只要您肯俯首去看,你就会领悟到生命带给你的惊异。这就是华蜜,因为你发觉了别人没有发觉的东西,而它又如此的奇妙。 夏天,在地面上劳碌的昆虫,在草间跳动的蟋蟀,在风雨后的露珠。只要您肯俯首去看,你
7、就会察觉到生命原来如此多彩。这就是华蜜,因为你感觉到了生命的另一种活力,而它又如此的绚丽。 秋天,在丛间流淌的小溪,在地上飘舞的落叶,在寻找食物的蚂蚁。只要您肯俯首去看,你就会知晓生命的源源不息。这就是华蜜,因为你懂得了努力去生活,而它又是那么的催人激昂。 冬天,地面上寻寻找觅的蚂蚁没有了,落叶飘走了,连小溪也停滞了。只要您肯俯首去看,你就会发觉原来生命有时也会落单。这就是华蜜,因为你知道了怎样处理孤独,而它又是如此的明白。 常听别人这样问“你感到华蜜吗?”其实,华蜜是什么?又如何才能称之为华蜜,我想华蜜的定义,只有自己心中的那把尺才可以度量吧。 好多人都哀叹自己遇到的低潮,其实当你陷入人生的
8、低潮时,这不正是上帝给你的假期,一个特殊的赏赐吗?不必唉声,不必埋怨,换一个角度,这也是一种华蜜。 现在,值得我们珍惜的,就是那只有一次的搏斗,这样的搏斗,是公允的拥有。你想得到成功,就看你是否珍惜。不是漂亮的服饰、珍奇的食物、华丽的宫殿才是华蜜,能够拥有一次难忘的经验也是华蜜的啊。 华蜜也须要提示,她的来临就像温顺的女孩拂过的一阵风,留下淡淡香水味,让我们遐想华蜜的面容。 华蜜是飞往天堂的车,她停了下来,在天使们的蜂拥之下,向你渐渐走了过来,于是自己梦幻的说,这只是梦,当梦醒来,好像什么都没有发生过。 华蜜是一首没有歌词没有旋律的歌谱,是漂浮在光环上的一阵音符,须要自己去撰写。 其实,华蜜保
9、藏在心灵的山谷,那里只有爱,让心中的爱多过恨,多过怨怒与不平那么,华蜜就会轻快闲逛的踏过心灵,这是华蜜啊! 华蜜总是被神化,会被感觉修修补补,装饰成一个童话。 华蜜时,感觉是一张晶莹的纸,当心翼翼的,每一个细微环节都意味深长。 华蜜的起先可能稀里糊涂,结束同样不须要明明白白。 华蜜是心照不宣的动荡,是心照不宣的默契。 停止探望那不真实的华蜜吧,因为华蜜就在身边,就在生活中。须要您去细心的视察,静静的理解。 捡起一块落下的树叶,把它收集吧,因为华蜜须要收集与珍藏。 ted演讲2023演讲稿篇4 敬重的老师,敬爱的同学们大家好,我是理学院_级应用化学1班的王兴兴,很荣幸有机会站在这里和大家一起谈谈
10、我走过的高校,相对于在座的其他几位同学,假如是学习、工作、科技竞赛、实践、课余生活其中的某一方面来我做得都没有他们好,唯一觉得可以说的是我在这几个方面都有肯定的收获与感悟,能够协调好自己的精力与时间,全面地发展。在这里我就谈谈在走过的路途中我是如何得到进步与提高的。 首先我提出几个问题,在刚进高校的时候,我们或多或少都会被问及这样的问题:第一个:到高校里来你是干什么的?现在作为大一的你们能否为这个问题给自己一个答案?能不能?其次:当我们知道或者意识到自己想做什么的时候,也就是有了方向,我们接下来怎么做?朝着朝阳一路狂奔,即使路边的野花有多么的美丽也不去理睬?是这样吗?最终:在你狂奔的路上问题也
11、不少啊,哪天学习又紧,工作也燃眉之急,挚友们也在这个时候想起你啦,你能不学习?能不工作?能不义气?不能啊,这时你该干嘛?很简洁嘛该干嘛干嘛。 问题完了,同学们在思索,我也在思索,思索我曾经遇到这类问题时我是怎么做的,现在该怎样和大家一起共享。 大一第一学期,我缄默了一学期,也就是什么也没做,没人知道会有我这个人存在,就像晒干了的茶叶,蜷缩着。下学期,起先把部分精力投放到工作上,在工作中找到乐趣,做任何事都不会觉得累和烦,踏踏实实地去完成每一件事,即使是一个小细微环节,也从不马虎,记得大二上一次,统计学生成果,在e_crl里面做,那时e_crl不太娴熟,只能渐渐来,一个一个输入,一个一个计算,计
12、算一遍检查一遍,两个表格做到半夜很晚。不是因为其次天急须要表,而是在面对一件事情的时候,我有一种提前去完成的冲动,事情都不要等到截止了才匆忙忙忙地赶,结果错误百出。后面的工作中我组织了许多活动,期中包括运动会,晚会,各种学院竞赛和竞赛等等,由于工作比较仔细负责,也被评为学校的优秀学生干部。对于我这个过程也就像是茶叶泡在了水里,渐渐地伸展开来。 到了大二,生活起先丰富起来,学习课程不见少,试验每周做两门,在这期间我参与了挑战杯和全国高校生数学建模竞赛,奖没获多少,可我却是在这上面受益匪浅。我做挑战杯的时候,我和班上两个同学一组,每天除了上课就待在试验室,待了一个月的时间,那段时间中毒不少,数据每
14、其他学院我的两个好挚友一起做的,同样收获了不少。 对于学习,正如我上面问及的问题,到高校里来你是干什么的?用我们老师的语调来回答就是:你是学生,你的任务还是学习,对吧。只要明白这样一个道理,你在学习上就算是胜利了一半,剩下的一半就是你能否有安排高效率地学下去了,对于我自己,现在在每个月初我都会写下这个月的学习安排,然后对应安排到每周的安排,每一天也有肯定的要求,不过综合各方面缘由我是拿不了国家奖学金的,只能拿个国家励志。 课外生活中,刚进高校的时候,我给自己下了一个任务,每两周看一本书,什么书都可以,依据自己的爱好爱好定,问同学借、图书馆借、自己买的,我看书的爱好也会在一段时间一段时间地变更,
15、因此看书的种类也就比较多,包括经管类的,宗教、哲学、教化学、中外的文学和小说,还有一些名著。虽然是理工科男生,不过我始终都比较喜爱的还是哲学和文学。同学们在高校里有资源有时间就可以多看看书,最好少玩一会嬉戏,我电脑里是一个嬉戏也没有的,我认为那样是太奢侈时间了,不过对于部分同学,可以适当去玩一会,但肯定要把握好一个度。 我的经验也就这样,希望敬爱的同学们能在自己的高校里回答好前面的几个问题,在以后的高校生活中走得自然、顺畅。这里我就冒昧地提出三点小建议: 首先,高校就是要使自己的高校生活大起来,生活得充溢,丰富多彩,路边的野花该采还得采哈。 其次,有效地支配时间;有效运筹时间是一种可以学习的技
16、能。善用时间的人往往有一些好习惯,例如拟定长短安排,以比较实际的观点支配自己的时间和安排,还有一点很重要就是有效地利用时间休息。 再次,切实定下重要安排完成的期限;把重要安排分成几部分。这样的好处是:1使事情变得比较简单处理;2每完成一小步,你就有成就感;3更简单跟踪自己的进度;4可以避开超之过急(在短时间内做完一大堆事情)或到最终一分钟才匆忙赶工。 然后,特殊是作为我们学生肯定要培育起团结合作的精神,肯定要有集体荣誉感,在我看来一个即使个人再优秀,但是脱离了集体,他还是失败的。 最终,借用王国维的三境界与敬爱的同学们共勉:昨夜西风凋碧树。独上高楼,望尽天际路。此第一境界。“衣带渐宽终不悔,为
17、伊消得人憔悴。”此其次境界。“众里寻他千百度,蓦然回头,那人却在灯火阑珊处。”此第三境界。三句话的意思大家自己多多理解。 感谢! ted演讲2023演讲稿篇5 one day in 1819, 3,000 miles off the coast of chile, in one of the most remote regions of the pacific ocean, 20 american sailors watched their ship flood with seawater. 1819年的某一天, 在距离智利海岸3000英里的地方, 有一个太平洋上的最偏远的水域, 20名美国船
18、员目睹了他们的船只进水的场面。 they'd been struck by a sperm whale, which had ripped a catastrophic hole in the ship's hull. as their ship began to sink beneath the swells, the men huddled together in three small whaleboats. 他们和一头抹香鲸相撞,给船体撞了 一个毁灭性的大洞。 当船在巨浪中起先沉没时, 人们在三条救生小艇中抱作一团。 these men were 10,000 mile
19、s from home, more than 1,000 miles from the nearest scrap of land. in their small boats, they carried only rudimentary navigational equipment and limited supplies of food and water. 这些人在离家10000万英里的地方, 离最近的陆地也超过1000英里。 在他们的小艇中,他们只带了 落后的导航设备 和有限的食物和饮水。 these were the men of the whaleship esse_, whose
20、story would later inspire parts of moby dick. 他们就是捕鲸船esse_上的人们, 后来的他们的故事成为白鲸记的一部分。 even in today's world, their situation would be really dire, but think about how much worse it would have been then. 即使在当今的世界,碰上这种状况也够杯具的,更不用说在当时的状况有多糟糕。 no one on land had any idea that anything had gone wrong. n
21、o search party was coming to look for these men. so most of us have never e_perienced a situation as frightening as the one in which these sailors found themselves, but we all know what it's like to be afraid. 岸上的人根本就还没意识到出了什么问题。 没有任何人来搜寻他们。 我们当中大部分人没有经验过 这些船员所处的可怕情景, 但我们都知道胆怯是什么感觉。 we know how
22、fear feels, but i'm not sure we spend enough time thinking about what our fears mean. 我们知道恐惊的感觉, 但是我不能确定我们会花许多时间想过 我们的恐惊究竟意味着什么。 as we grow up, we're often encouraged to think of fear as a weakness, just another childish thing to discard like baby teeth or roller skates. 我们长大以后,我们总是会被激励把恐惊 视
23、为懦弱,须要像乳牙或轮滑鞋一样 扔掉的无趣的东西。 and i think it's no accident that we think this way. neuroscientists have actually shown that human beings are hard-wired to be optimists. 我想意外事故并非我们所想的那样。 神经系统科学家已经知道人类 生来就是乐观主义者。 so maybe that's why we think of fear, sometimes, as a danger in and of itself. don
24、9;t worry, we like to say to one another. don't panic. in english, fear is something we conquer. it's something we fight. 这或许就是为什么我们认为有时候恐惊, 本身就是一种危急或带来危急。 “不要愁。”我们总是对别人说。“不要慌”。 英语中,恐惊是我们须要折服的东西。 是我们必需对抗的东西,是我们必需克服的东西。 it's something we overcome. but what if we looked at fear in a fresh
25、way? what if we thought of fear as an amazing act of the imagination, something that can be as profound and insightful as storytelling itself? 但是我们假如换个视角看恐惊会如何呢? 假如我们把恐惊当做是想象力的一个惊人成果, 是和我们讲故事一样 精妙而有见地的东西,又会如何呢? it's easiest to see this link between fear and the imagination in young children, who
26、se fears are often e_traordinarily vivid. 在小孩子当中,我们最简单看到恐惊与想象之间的联系, 他们的恐惊常常是超级生动的。 when i was a child, i lived in california, which is, you know, mostly a very nice place to live, but for me as a child, california could also be a little scary. 我小时候住在加利福尼亚, 你们都知道,是特别适合居住的位置, 但是对一个小孩来说,加利福尼亚也会有点吓人。 i
27、remember how frightening it was to see the chandelier that hung above our dining table swing back and forth during every minor earthquake, and i sometimes couldn't sleep at night, terrified that the big one might strike while we were sleeping. 我记得每次小地震的时候 当我看到我们餐桌上的吊灯 晃来晃去的时候是多么的吓人, 我常常会彻夜难眠,担忧大
28、地震 会在我们睡觉的时候突然袭来。 and what we say about kids who have fears like that is that they have a vivid imagination. but at a certain point, most of us learn to leave these kinds of visions behind and grow up. 我们说小孩子感受到这种恐惊 是因为他们有生动的想象力。 但是在某个时候,我们大多数学会了 抛弃这种想法而变得成熟。 we learn that there are no monsters hidi
29、ng under the bed, and not every earthquake brings buildings down. but maybe it's no coincidence that some of our most creative minds fail to leave these kinds of fears behind as adults. 我们都知道床下没有魔鬼, 也不是每个地震都会震垮房子。但是我们当中最有想象力的人们 并没有因为成年而抛弃这种恐惊,这或许并不是巧合。 the same incredible imaginations that produ
30、ced the origin of species, jane eyre and the remembrance of things past, also generated intense worries that haunted the adult lives of charles darwin, charlotte bront? and marcel proust. so the question is, what can the rest of us learn about fear from visionaries and young children? 同样不行思议的想象力创建了物
31、种起源, 简爱和追忆似水年华, 也就是这种与生俱来的深深的担忧始终缠围着成年的 查尔斯达尔文, 夏洛特勃朗特和马塞尔普罗斯特。 问题就来了, 我们其他人如何能从这些 幻想家和小孩子身上学会恐惊? well let's return to the year 1819 for a moment, to the situation facing the crew of the whaleship esse_. let's take a look at the fears that their imaginations were generating as they drifted i
32、n the middle of the pacific. 让我们短暂回到1819年, 回到esse_捕鲸船的水手们面对的状况。 让我们看看他们漂流在太平洋中心时 他们的想象力给他们带来的恐惊感觉。 twenty-four hours had now passed since the capsizing of the ship. the time had come for the men to make a plan, but they had very few options. 船倾覆后已经过了24个小时。 这时人们制定了一个安排, 但是其实他们没什么太多的选择。 in his fascina
33、ting account of the disaster, nathaniel philbrick wrote that these men were just about as far from land as it was possible to be anywhere on earth. 在纳撒尼尔菲尔布里克(nathaniel philbrick)描述这场灾难的 动人文章中,他写到“这些人离陆地如此之远, 好像恒久都不行能到达地球上的任何一块陆地。” the men knew that the nearest islands they could reach were the marq
34、uesas islands, 1,200 miles away. but they'd heard some frightening rumors. 这些人知道离他们最近的岛 是1200英里以外的马克萨斯群岛(marquesas islands)。 但是他们听到了让人恐怖的谣言。 they'd been told that these islands, and several others nearby, were populated by cannibals. so the men pictured coming ashore only to be murdered and
35、eaten for dinner. another possible destination was hawaii, but given the season, the captain was afraid they'd be struck by severe storms. 他们听说这些群岛, 以及旁边的一些岛屿上都住着食人族。 所以他们脑中都是上岸以后就会被杀掉 被人当做盘中餐的画面。 另一个可行的目的地是夏威夷, 但是船长担忧 他们会被困在风暴当中。 now the last option was the longest, and the most difficult: to s
36、ail 1,500 miles due south in hopes of reaching a certain band of winds that could eventually push them toward the coast of south america. 所以最终的选择是到最远,也是最艰险的地方: 往南走1500英里希望某股风 能最终把他们 吹到南美洲的海岸。 but they knew that the sheer length of this journey would stretch their supplies of food and water. to be ea
37、ten by cannibals, to be battered by storms, to starve to death before reaching land. 但是他们知道这个行程中一旦偏航 将会耗尽他们食物和饮水的供应。 被食人族吃掉,被风暴掀翻, 在登陆前饿死。 these were the fears that danced in the imaginations of these poor men, and as it turned out, the fear they chose to listen to would govern whether they lived or
38、 died. 这就是萦绕在这群可怜的人想象中的恐惊, 事实证明,他们选择听从的恐惊 将确定他们的生死。 now we might just as easily call these fears by a different name. what if instead of calling them fears, we called them stories? 或许我们可以很简单的用别的名称来称呼这些恐惊。 我们不称之为恐惊, 而是称它们为故事如何? because that's really what fear is, if you think about it. it's a
39、 kind of unintentional storytelling that we are all born knowing how to do. and fears and storytelling have the same components. 假如你细致想想,这是恐惊真正的意义。 这是一种与生俱来的, 无意识的讲故事的实力。 恐惊和讲故事有着同样的构成。 they have the same architecture. like all stories, fears have characters. in our fears, the characters are us. fea
40、rs also have plots. they have beginnings and middles and ends. you board the plane. 他们有同样的结构。 犹如全部的故事,恐惊中有角色。 在恐惊中,角色就是我们自己。 恐惊也有情节。他们有开头,有中间,有结尾。 你登上飞机。 the plane takes off. the engine fails. our fears also tend to contain imagery that can be every bit as vivid as what you might find in the pages o
41、f a novel. picture a cannibal, human teeth sinking into human skin, human flesh roasting over a fire. 飞机起飞。结果引擎故障。 我们的恐惊会包括各种生动的想象, 不比你看到的任何一个小说逊色。 想象食人族,人类牙齿 咬在人类皮肤上, 人肉在火上烤。 fears also have suspense. if i've done my job as a storyteller today, you should be wondering what happened to the men o
42、f the whaleship esse_. our fears provoke in us a very similar form of suspense. 恐惊中也有悬念。 假如我今日像讲故事一样,留个悬念不说了, 你们或许会很想知道 esse_捕鲸船上,人们究竟怎么样了。 我们的恐惊用悬念一样的方式刺激我们。 just like all great stories, our fears focus our attention on a question that is as important in life as it is in literature: what will happe
43、n ne_t? 就像一个很好的故事,我们的恐惊也犹如一部好的文学作品一样, 将我们的留意力集中在对我们生命至关重要的问题上: 后来发生了什么? in other words, our fears make us think about the future. and humans, by the way, are the only creatures capable of thinking about the future in this way, of projecting ourselves forward in time, and this mental time travel is j
44、ust one more thing that fears have in common with storytelling. 换而言之,我们的恐惊让我们想到将来。 另外,人来是唯一有实力 通过这种方式想到将来的生物, 就是预料时间推移后我们的状况, 这种精神上的时间旅行是恐惊 与讲故事的另一个共同点。 as a writer, i can tell you that a big part of writing fiction is learning to predict how one event in a story will affect all the other events, an
45、d fear works in that same way. 我是一个作家,我要告知你们写小说一个很重要的部分 就是学会预料故事中一件 事情如何影响另一件事情, 恐惊也是同样这么做的。 in fear, just like in fiction, one thing always leads to another. when i was writing my first novel, the age of miracles, i spent months trying to figure out what would happen if the rotation of the earth su
46、ddenly began to slow down. what would happen to our days? 恐惊中,犹如小说一样,一件事情总是导致另一件事情。 我写我的第一部小说奇迹时代的时候, 我花了数月的时间想象假如地球旋转突然变慢了之后 会发生什么。 我们的一天变得如何? what would happen to our crops? what would happen to our minds? and then it was only later that i realized how very similar these questions were to the ones
47、 i used to ask myself as a child frightened in the night. 我们身体会怎样? 我们的思想会有什么改变? 也就是在那之后,我意识到 我过去总是问自己的那些些问题 和孩子们在夜里胆怯是多么的相像。 if an earthquake strikes tonight, i used to worry, what will happen to our house? what will happen to my family? and the answer to those questions always took the form of a story. 要是在过去,假如今晚发生地震,我会很担忧, 我的房子会怎么样啊?家里人会怎样啊? 这类问题的答案通常都会和故事一样。 so if we think of our fears as more