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1、2023年新冠肺炎的英语作文 新冠肺炎的英语作文 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家最不生疏的就是作文了吧,写作文是培育人们的视察力、联想力、想象力、思索力和记忆力的重要手段。为了让您在写作文时更加简洁便利,以下是我帮大家整理的关于新冠肺炎的英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 关于新冠肺炎的英语作文篇1 最近,新冠状病毒在我中华大地上肆虐。奋战在抗疫第一线的钟南山院士说过,防止病毒传染的最好方法就是呆在家里,假如真有急事,出门必需带上口罩。 Recently, the new coronavirus is rampant in China. Academician Zhong Nansh

2、an, fighting in the front line of anti epidemic, said that the best way to prevent virus infection is to stay at home. If there is an emergency, you must wear a mask when you go out. 疫情比我们想象中的严峻,很多地方的物资不足,但是有很多各行各业的爱心人士献爱心,有捐钱的,有捐防护服的看到这些新闻,我心中不禁也有所触动。我也想像他们一样为抗击疫情作出贡献。现在全国人民响应号召自觉在家隔离,蔬菜比较紧缺。想到这里,我

3、便和妈妈还有外婆一起商议,把外婆种的菜送给那些须要的人,然后我们一拍即合。我们立刻行动去田里割菜,把根和坏叶子清理干净,装到小区,然后由妈妈负责在我们小区的业主群里发布公告,不一会儿就把菜送给了有须要的居民们,赢得了他们的一样好评。 The epidemic is more serious than we think. There are not enough materials in many places, but there are many people from all walks of life who are caring, who are donating money, who

4、 are donating protective clothing I can't help but feel touched by the news. I want to contribute as much to the fight against the epidemic as they do. At present, the whole country responds to the call of self-conscious isolation at home, and vegetables are in short supply. Thinking of this, I

5、will discuss with my mother and grandma, and give the dishes that grandma grows to those who need them, and then we will meet at once. We immediately went to the fields to cut vegetables, clean up the roots and bad leaves, put them into the community, and then my mother was responsible for issuing a

6、n announcement in the owners' group of our community, and soon gave the vegetables to the residents in need, winning their unanimous praise. 帮助别人欢乐自己。我也算为抗击疫情作出了一份贡献,心里也是甜滋滋的!最终希望我们大家都能自觉隔离,我们众志成城,肯定能够迈过新冠状病毒这道坎!祝福我们祖国越来越强大! Help others to be happy. I have also made a contribution to the fight a

7、gainst the epidemic, and my heart is also sweet! Finally, I hope that all of us can consciously isolate, and we will surely overcome the barrier of new coronavirus! Wish our motherland more and more powerful! 关于新冠肺炎的英语作文篇2 今年,武汉爆发了新型肺炎,举世恐慌。 This year, a new type of pneumonia broke out in Wuhan, cau

8、sing worldwide panic. 历史总是惊人的相像,十七年前的今日,非典爆发,全国上下皆陷入恐慌。如今斗争再次爆发,我们必将众志成城,同仇敌忾。 History is always strikingly similar. Seventeen years ago today, SARS broke out and the whole country fell into panic. Now that the war breaks out again, we will unite as one and share the same hatred. 多少人不幸感染,生命垂危;又多少人英勇

9、上前,不畏牺牲。 How many people are suffering from infection and dying; how many are brave enough to go forward and not afraid of sacrifice. 病毒在武汉瞬间扩散开来,多数市民相继中招。而且病毒已传向了全国各地,目前全国共报告新型肺炎病例1345例,死亡41例。这些数字令人震惊,看到这些数字,我们不禁发自肺腑地说一句:加油,武汉!加油,中国! The virus spread in Wuhan in an instant, and countless citizens h

10、ave been recruited. And the virus has spread to all parts of the country. At present, 1345 new pneumonia cases and 41 deaths have been reported in the country. These figures are shocking. Seeing these figures, we can't help but say from the bottom of our hearts: come on, Wuhan! Come on, China! 尽

11、管这样,我们也不曾退缩。一位即将出院的新型肺炎患者兴奋地说:家人的激励和支持,给了自己战胜病魔的信念。尽管他仍戴着口罩,但仍掩饰不住他内心的喜悦。 In spite of this, we did not flinch. The encouragement and support from family members give them confidence to overcome the disease, said a new pneumonia patient who was about to leave hospital Although he was still wearing a

12、mask, he could not conceal his inner joy. 胜利治愈的消息无疑给了人们天大的喜悦:肺炎是可治的!这增加了中国人民战胜病毒的信念,这件事意义重大!一位老记者说。 The news of the successful cure has undoubtedly given people great joy: pneumonia is curable! This has strengthened the confidence of the Chinese people in fighting against the virus, which is of grea

13、t significance! An old reporter said. 在治愈胜利的捷报传来时,还有一则更暖人心的消息传来:钟院士乘车抵达武汉。没错,就是抗非英雄钟南山院士!亿万人民高呼:他来了,他来了,他来了! When the rapid report of the success of the cure came, there was a more warm news: academician Zhong arrived in Wuhan by car. Yes, academician Zhong Nanshan, the anti non hero! Billions of pe

14、ople shouted: he came, he came, he came! 医者心父母心,医生们在此时此刻像个战士一样自告奋勇,纷纷前往武汉去救治病人。他们放弃了假期,也不顾忌了自己的性命,义无反顾地奔向武汉。一位有着20多年工龄的医生在申请书中这样写到:不记酬劳,无论生死。一句话,抛头颅洒热血的壮士气概可见一斑。 At this moment, doctors stand up like soldiers and go to Wuhan to treat patients. They gave up their holidays, and they didn't care ab

15、out their lives. They rushed to Wuhan without hesitation. A doctor with more than 20 years of service wrote in his application: no matter how much you are paid, whether you are alive or dead. In a word, you can see the heroic spirit of throwing your head and sprinkling blood. 记者采访了一位在武汉医院重症监护室的护士。记者

16、问:你会有什么感受吗?护士回答:在走进监护室前确定会有点惊慌,甚至有点恐惊,但进去后就不会有这些心情了。为什么呢?因为我穿上了白大褂,就有一份医者的责任感在心中,就不会胆怯了。面对提问,护士坚决地说,双眸中闪着坚毅。此时此刻,她正披着白褂,握着拳,喘着气地回答记者的提问。 The reporter interviewed a nurse in the intensive care unit of Wuhan hospital. Reporter: how would you feel? The nurse replied: I'm sure I'm a little nervo

17、us or even scared before I go into the ward, but I won't feel these feelings after I go in. Why? Because I put on my white coat, I have a sense of responsibility in my heart, and I will not be afraid. In the face of questions, the nurse said firmly, with perseverance in her eyes. At this moment,

18、 she is wearing a white jacket, holding a fist, panting to answer the reporter's questions. 有战士在前冲锋陷阵,我们肯定要做好后勤防护工作。千万要少外出,出门要带口罩,抵住病毒的进攻,让我们的战士无后顾之忧。 We must do a good job in logistical protection when there are soldiers in front of us. Do not go out, wear masks when going out, resist the attac

19、k of the virus, and let our soldiers have no worries. 我们肯定要爱护好自己。信任,我们肯定能很快取得斗争的成功 We must protect ourselves. I believe that we will win the war soon 关于新冠肺炎的英语作文篇3 在这个寒假,在这个春节,我们身边来了一位不速之客,它就是人人谈之色变的新型冠状病毒。这是一种全身长满花冠,传染性很强的病毒,主要通过飞沫传播。 Novel coronavirus is a casual visitor to the Spring Festival dur

20、ing this winter vacation. It's a virus that is full of corolla and is highly infectious. It's mainly transmitted by droplets. 因为它的闯入,原本喧闹的春节也显得那么苍白。我们不能畅快地和小伙伴玩耍;大人们不能像平常一样走亲访友;大家更不能出去享受美食美景,整个春节都覆盖在惊慌的气氛中。我们只能宅在家里,出门必戴口罩。 Because of its break in, the original lively Spring Festival also app

21、ears so pale. We can't play happily with our little friends; adults can't visit relatives and friends as usual; we can't go out and enjoy the beautiful food, and the whole Spring Festival is shrouded in a tense atmosphere. We can only stay at home and wear masks when we go out. 而当我们埋怨在家里

22、呆得无聊的时候,却有这样一群可亲可敬的人,冒着生命危急,不分昼夜为我们保驾护航。 When we complain about being bored at home, there are such a group of amiable and respectable people who risk their lives and escort us day and night. 84岁的钟南山爷爷再次为民出征,奋战在一线抢救病患。他告知我们要按时吃饭、按时睡觉,才能增加身体反抗力。可是他自己却在夜以继日地工作。爸爸给我看了一张照片,钟爷爷因为日夜操劳而熬红的双眼蓄满了泪水。我想对钟爷爷说:您

23、,是感动多数中国人的英雄! Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, 84, once again went out to fight for the people to rescue the patients. He told us to eat and sleep on time to increase our body's resistance. But he himself worked day and night. Dad showed me a picture. Grandpa Zhong's eyes were full of tears because of

24、 his hard work day and night. I want to say to Grandpa Zhong, you are a hero who has touched countless Chinese people! 还有这样一群医护人员,他们没有豪言壮语,却在最危急的地方,英勇前行!好多医生护士顾不了父母,丢下了孩子,不计酬劳,不论生死,维护着人民的健康。因为口罩大量欠缺,他们得不到最基本的爱护。妈妈给我看了一张护士阿姨脱下口罩的照片,脸和鼻子都被口罩勒出了血印。我想对她们说:感谢你们,这就是你们脸上最美的妆容! There are also such a group o

25、f medical staff, who have no bold words, but bravely move forward in the most dangerous place! Many doctors and nurses can't care for their parents, leave their children behind, regardless of pay, regardless of life and death, and safeguard the people's health. Because of the lack of masks,

26、they don't get the most basic protection. My mother showed me a picture of the nurse's aunt taking off her mask. Her face and nose were bloodstained by the mask. I want to say to them, thank you, this is the most beautiful makeup on your face! 在疫区武汉,还有这样一群建筑工人,他们争分夺秒加紧工期建设医院,为收治更多的肺炎病人,他们也在超

27、负荷工作。我看到了他们手套下磨破的双手,有心疼更有感动。我想对建筑工人说:你们辛苦了! In the epidemic area of Wuhan, there are also a group of construction workers, who are racing against the clock to speed up the construction of the hospital. They are also overworked in order to receive more pneumonia patients. I saw their worn hands under

28、 the gloves and was more moved by their heartache. I want to say to the builders, you're working hard! 还有许多许多为了这次疫情静默付出的志愿者,他们团结一心对抗疫情。 There are a lot of volunteers who have paid silently for the epidemic. They are united to fight the epidemic. 在我的心里,他们都是这个世界上最可爱的人! In my heart, they are all th

29、e most lovely people in the world! 疫情当前,我们要做的是勤洗手,戴口罩;不出门,不聚会;常通风,强身体。信任疫情很快过去,春暖花开立刻到来! At present, what we need to do is to wash hands and wear masks frequently, not go out, not get together, often ventilate and strengthen the body. I believe that the epidemic will soon pass and spring will soon come!


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