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1、关于主动表被动的几种情况第一页,本课件共有25页2Grammar 一一 动词不定式动词不定式 动词不定式由动词不定式由“to+动词原形动词原形”构成,构成,可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语等状语、补足语等,但但不能作谓语不能作谓语。第二页,本课件共有25页3动动词词不不定定式式To do that sort of thing is foolish。I want to see you this evening.All you have to do is to finish it quickly.We found a house to live

2、in.She came here to study English.I warned the patient not to eat cold water after the operation.主语主语 宾语宾语表语表语 定语定语 状语状语 宾补宾补第三页,本课件共有25页4一般式:一般式:to be done,完成式:完成式:to have been done。只有及物动词和相当于及物动词的短语才有不定式的只有及物动词和相当于及物动词的短语才有不定式的被动式。被动式。e.g.He asked to be sent to work in that factory.They had been w

3、arned many times before they carried out the plan.动词不定式动词不定式被动式(发生在谓语动词之后或同时发生发生在谓语动词之后或同时发生)(发生在谓语动词之前发生在谓语动词之前)第四页,本课件共有25页第五页,本课件共有25页6 谓语动词谓语动词主动表被动主动表被动 主动表被动主动表被动 非谓语动词非谓语动词主动表被动主动表被动 第六页,本课件共有25页71.有些不及物动词或短语有些不及物动词或短语,如如 exist,appear,happen,occur,come true,take place,break out,run out,等常以主动形

4、式表被动等常以主动形式表被动意义。意义。我的钱用完了。我的钱用完了。(run out)我实现了梦想。(我实现了梦想。(come true)My money has run out.My dream has come true.一、谓语动词主动表被动的四种情形一、谓语动词主动表被动的四种情形第七页,本课件共有25页82.感官动词感官动词(feel,look,seem,taste,sound),和一些连系动词和一些连系动词(如如 remain,keep,stay,prove等)等)常以主动形式表示被动意义。常以主动形式表示被动意义。The water _(feel)cool when I jump

5、ed into the pool.The ice-cream _(taste)delicious.felttastes第八页,本课件共有25页93.当当read,write,draw,wash,clean,burn,cook,cut,wear,sell等词与等词与well,easily,quickly well,easily,quickly 等副词等副词连用时连用时,常用主动表被动常用主动表被动。第九页,本课件共有25页10The cloth washes well.The poem reads smoothly.The book sells well.This cheese doesnt c

6、ut easily.Its too soft.This shirt will wear very long.The floor doesnt clean easily.This kind of rice cooks more quickly than that kind.第十页,本课件共有25页11Questions:1.When did the accident _?交通事故是什么交通事故是什么时时候候发发生的?生的?2.When did the war_?战战争是何争是何时时爆爆发发的?的?3.Ice-cream always _ well in summer.冰淇淋在夏天冰淇淋在夏天总总

7、是很好是很好卖卖。happenbreak outsells第十一页,本课件共有25页124.The music _ beautiful.音音乐优乐优美美动动听。听。5.As time went on,Einsteins theory _ to be correct.随着时间的推移,爱因斯坦的理论被证随着时间的推移,爱因斯坦的理论被证明是正确的。明是正确的。6.Good medicine _bitter!soundsprovedtastes第十二页,本课件共有25页13二二、非谓语动词主动表被动的情况:、非谓语动词主动表被动的情况:1.不定式不定式to blame,to let/rent,to

8、hire,to seek用做表用做表语时语时,通常用主,通常用主动动表被表被动动。Who is to blame?The house is to let.(该怪谁呢?该怪谁呢?)(此屋出租此屋出租。)第十三页,本课件共有25页142.在“主语主语+be+形容词+to do”结构中的不定式通常 The question is difficult to answer.Do you think the water is safe to drink?His writing is impossible to read.The strawberries are nice to eat.The man is

9、 hard to please.The room is expensive to live in.第十四页,本课件共有25页15有有时时形容形容词词后跟有名后跟有名词词,在名,在名词词后用作后用作定定语语的不定式用主的不定式用主动动形式表示被形式表示被动动意意义义:Its a difficult book to read.那是一本那是一本难读难读的的书书。It is a pleasant thing to remember.这这是一件是一件值值得得记记住的愉快的事。住的愉快的事。第十五页,本课件共有25页163在在there be结构中结构中例如:例如:There is a lot of ho

10、mework _(do)There is nothing _(worry about)to doto worry about第十六页,本课件共有25页174.在在“tooto;enough to”结构中主动表结构中主动表被动。被动。tooto也可用被动也可用被动如:如:The problem is too difficult _(work out)The house is big enough _(live in).to work outto live in第十七页,本课件共有25页185.不定式用于某些动词的不定式用于某些动词的(have,have got,get,want,need)宾语后

11、做宾语后做后置后置定语时定语时,主动,主动表被动表被动:e.g.I have some letters to write.I want something to drink.不定式与所修饰的名词为被动的动宾关系,与句子的主语为主动的主谓关系时,不定式用主动表被动。第十八页,本课件共有25页19但是注意:I have something to type.(我自己打)I have something to be typed.(请别人打)所以:当不定式的所以:当不定式的逻辑逻辑主主语语和句子的主和句子的主语语一致一致时时就用主就用主动动表被表被动动,若不一致,若不一致,则则需需用被用被动动表被表被动

12、动。I have a letter to post.(自己寄)I have a letter to be posted.(请别人寄)第十九页,本课件共有25页206.be worth/need/want/require/deserve/bear +doing,主动表被动主动表被动In all,the book is worth reading.=is worthy to be read.Such a man as Mr Smith is not worth helping.Such a man as Mr Smith is not worthy to be helped第二十页,本课件共有25

13、页21The plants need wateringevery day.=need to be watered.The wall wants repairing =to be repaired.He is ill.He deserves sending to hospital.=to be sent to hospital.第二十一页,本课件共有25页227.不定式与疑问词连用不定式与疑问词连用e.g.Which movie to watch has not been decided yet.I dont know what to do next.8.在在“with+宾语宾语+to do”结

14、构中。结构中。例如:例如:With nothing _(do),he lay in bed With so many exercises _(finish),I cant go to the cinemato doto finish第二十二页,本课件共有25页231.这些孩子需要细心照料。这些孩子需要细心照料。2.他不知道接下来要怎么表达自己。他不知道接下来要怎么表达自己。3.这个问题很好解决。这个问题很好解决。These children need looking after carefully.He didnt know how to express himself.This proble

15、m is very easy to work out.第二十三页,本课件共有25页244.Im going to Beijing next week.Do you have anything _ to your parents?5.I have a meeting to_ today.(今天我有一个会议要参加。)(今天我有一个会议要参加。)6.Ill go to the post office.Do you have a letter _?7.There is nothing _(worry about).8.The pen _(write)smoothly.9.He asked _(send)to the place where he was most needed.to be takento be postedattendto worry aboutwritesto be sent第二十四页,本课件共有25页感感谢谢大大家家观观看看第二十五页,本课件共有25页


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