1、-_Lesson One Face to Face with Hurricane Camille I. Las Vegas. Las Vegas city is the seat of Clark County in South Nevada. In 1970 it had a population of 125,787 people. Revenue from hotels, gambling, entertainment and other tourist- oriented industries forms the backbone of Las Vegass economy, Its
2、nightclubs and casinos are world famous. The city is also the commercial hub of a ranching and mining area. In the 19th century Las Vegas was a watering place for travelers to South California. In 1.855-1857 the Mormons maintained a fort there, and in 1864 Fort Baker was built by the U. S. army. In
3、1867, Las Vegas was detached from the Arizona territory and joined to Nevada. (from The New Columbia Encyclopedia ) . 1. He didn t think his family was in any real danger, His former house had been demolished by Hurricane Betsy for it only stood a few feet above sea level. His present house was 23 f
4、eet above sea level and 250 yards away from the sea. He thought they would be safe here as in any place else. Besides, he had talked the matter over with his father and mother and consulted his longtime friend, Charles Hill, before making his decision to stay and face the hurricane.2. Magna Products
5、 is the name of the firm owned by John Koshak. It designed and developed educational toys and supplies.3. Charlie thought they were in real trouble because salty water was sea water. It showed the sea had reached the house and they were in real trouble for they might be washed into the sea by the ti
6、dal wave. 4. At this Critical moment when grandmother Koshak thought they might die at any moment, she told her husband the dearest and the most precious thing she could think of. This would help to encourage each other and enable them to face death with greater serenity.5.John Koshak felt a crushin
7、g guilt because it was he who made the final decision to stay and face the hurricane. Now it seemed they might all die in the hurricane.6.Grandmother Koshak asked the children to sing because she thought this would lessen tension and boost the morale of everyone.7.Janis knew that John was trying his
8、 best to comfort and encourage her for he too felt there was a possibility of their dying in the storm.1.This piece of narration is organized as follows. .introduction, development, climax, and conclusion. The first 6 paragraphs are introductory paragraphs, giving the time, place, and background of
9、the conflict-man versus hurricanes. These paragraphs also introduce the characters in the story.2. The writer focuses chiefly on action but he also clearly and sympathetically delineates the characters in the story.3. John Koshak, Jr. , is the protagonist in the story.4. Man and hurricanes make up t
10、he conflict.5. The writer builds up and sustains the suspense in the story by describing in detail and vividly the incidents showing how the Koshaks and their friends struggled against each onslaught -_of the hurricane.6. The writer gives order and logical movement to the sequence of happenings by d
11、escribing a series of actions in the order of their occurrence.7. The story reaches its climax in paragraph 27.8. I would have ended the story at the end of Paragraph 27,because the hurricane passed, the main characters survived, and the story could come to a natural end.9. Yes, it is. Because the w
12、riter states his theme or the purpose behind his story in the reflection of Grandmother Koshak: “We lost practically all our possessions, but the family came through it. When I think of that, I realize we lost nothing important. .1. We re 23 feet above sea level.2. The house has been here since 1915
13、, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3. We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4. Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the lights also went out.5. Everybody go out through the back door and run
14、to the cars.6. The electrical systems in the car had been put out by water.7. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8. ()h God, please help us to get through this
15、storm safely.9. Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped.10. Janis displayed rather late the exhaustion brought about by the nervous tension caused by the hurricane.See the translation of the text.1. main: a principal pipe or line in a distributi
16、ng system for water, gas, electricity, etc.2.sit out: stay until the end e by;(American English) pay a visit 4.blow in:burst open by the storm.5.douse:put out(a light,fire,generator。etc。)quickly by pouring water over it6.kill:(American English)to cause(an engine-etc)to stop 7swath:the space covered
17、with one cut of a scythe;a long strip 0r track 0f any kind 8bar:a measure in music;the notes between two vertical lines 0n a music sheet91eanto:a shed or other small outbuilding with a sloping roofthe upper end of which rests against the wall of another building 1 0Seabee:a member of the constructio
18、n battalions of the Civil Engineer Corps of the USNavy,that build harbor facilities,airfields,etcSeabee stands for CB, short for Construction Battalion-_1destroy 一词最为常见,主要强调破坏的力度之大和彻底,一般不带感情或修辞色 彩。 demolish 和 raze 通常用于巨大物体,如大型建筑物等。demolish 常用引申义,指任何 复合体的被毁,如 demolish a theory with a few incisive com
19、ments。意即“用几句锋利的评语 推翻某种理论”。而 raze 几乎无一例外地用于指建 筑物的被毁。annihilate 在这些词中所表 示的损坏程度最为强烈,字面 意思是“化为乌有”,但实际上往往用于指对人或物的严重 损伤。如说 annihilate an enemy force,是指使敌军遭到重创,不仅没有还手之力。而且没 有招架之功。如说 annihilate ones opponent in a debate,是指彻底驳倒对手。2。decay 常指某物自然而然地逐渐衰败腐化。如:His teeth have begun to decay(他的 牙齿开始老化变坏。) rot 指有机物质
20、,如蔬菜等因菌毒感染而腐败变质,如:rotting apples(烂了的苹果)。spoil 用于非正式文体,常指食物变质。如:Fish spoils quickly in summer。(鱼在夏天极易变质。)molder 用于指物体缓慢、逐步地腐朽。如:Old buildings molder away(老房子渐渐腐烂了。)disintegrate 意指把某物从整体变为碎片或一个个部分。 如:rocks disintegrated by frost and rain(被霜和雨蚀裂成碎块的岩石)。decompose 指将物质 分解为其构成成分。如:Water call be decompose(
21、be decomposed)into hydrogen and oxygen(水可分解成氧和氧。)该词还可用来替代 rot,使语气略显委婉。 .1. television = tele + vision, a combining form “tele-“ plus a noun “vision“. Further examples, telegram, telephone, telescope, telegraph, telecommunication, telecast, etc. 2. northwestward = north + west + ward or northwest + w
22、ard. “-ward“ is a suffix meaning “in a (specific) direction or course“. Further examples :eastward. westward. backward, upward, inward, outward, seaward, home-ward. etc. 3. motel = motorist + hotel, a blend word formed by combining parts of other words. Further examples: smog = smoke + fog. smaze =
23、smoke + haze, brunch = breakfast + lunch, moped = motor + pedal, galumph = gallop = triumph, etc. 4. bathtub=bath + tub, a compound word formed by combining two nouns. Further examples: bathrobe, bathroom. bedroom, roommate, butterfly, dragonfly, foot ball. housekeeper, etc. 5. returnees=return + ee
24、s, a verb plus a noun forming suffix “-ee“ designating a person in specified condition. Further examples: employee, refugee, retiree, examinee, escapee, nominee, interviewee, divorcee. IX. 1. “lash“ as in “Camille lashed northwestward across tile gulf of Mexico“. A vivid way to say “strike with grea
25、t force“.2. “pummel“ as in “It was certain to pummel Gulfport.“Because the word is originally applied to human beings, meaning “beat repeatedly with the fists“.3. “whip“ as in “Wind and rain now whipped the house“. Because it is more vivid than “fall heavily on“.4. “kill“ as in “the electrical syste
26、ms had been killed by water“. Because it leaves a deeper impression on the readers than “stop“ does.5. “inch one s way“ as in “Water inched its way up the steps ” It makes the readers also see clearly that water was rising little by little.6. “bother“ as in “no hurricane has ever bothered it“. It vi
27、rtually means “do damage to“ here.-_7. “lap“ as in “John watched the water lap at the steps“, meaning “extend beyond some limit“ or, in fact, “rise slowly“.8. “skim“ as in “the hurricane . lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air“, which gives the readers a deep im
28、pression of how strong the wind was.9. “seize“ as in “It seized a 600,000-gallon Gulfport oil tank 1and dumped it 3ymiles away“. It seemed as if the hurricane had a very strong and large hand.10. “crack“ and “snap“ as in “Telephone poles and 20-inch thick pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped
29、 them“, providing the readers with a vivid picture of winds blowing violently.X. Simile: 1. The children went from adult to adult like buckets in a fire brigade. (comparing the passing of children to the passing of buckets of water in a fire brigade when fighting a fire) 2. The wind sounded like the
30、 roar of a train passing a few yards away. (comparing the sound of the wind to the roar of a passing train) Metaphor : 1. We can batten down and ride it out. (comparing the house in a hurricane to a ship fighting a storm at sea) 2. Wind and rain now whipped the house. (Strong wind and rain was lashi
31、ng the house as if with a whip.) Personification : 1. A moment later, the hurricane, in one mighty swipe, lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air. (The hurricane acted as a very strong person lifting something heavy and throwing it through the air.) 2. It seized a
32、 600, 000-gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumped it 3 1/2miles away. (The hurricane acted as a very strong man lifting something very heavy and dumping it 3 1/2 miles away.). .Elliptical and short simple sentences generally increase the tempo and speed of the actions being described. Hence in a dramati
33、c narration they serve to heighten tension and help create a sense of danger and urgency. For examples see the text, paragraphs 10-18 and 21-26. The topic sentence of paragraph 1 is “John Koshak, Jr. ,knew that Hurricane Camille would be bad. “ This idea is developed or supported by facts or reasons
34、 showing how John Koshak, Jr. , knew that Hurricane Camille would be badThe last sentence introduces some other characters in he story and serves as a transition to the next important point in the storywhy John KoshakJr ,decided not to abandon his home在给出答案之前,首先将该题中的几个语法术语解释一下。The sentence fragment:
35、片断句。一个合乎语法的完整句子必须具有主语和谓语这两种 基本成分。从结构上来说,它应该是可以独立运用的语言单位。片断句是指像短语、从句、 同位语以及其他诸如此类不能够独立使用的语言单位。写作时若错误地使用标点符号将-_这类不能独立使用的语法结构当成句子分列出来,那便叫做片断句,练习中的第 1、第 3 和第 4 句就是这样的非完整句,即片断句。 The runon sentence:误用逗号连接句。该断句的地方没有正确地使用标点符号断句,而将 两个或两个以上结构上各自独立完整而又互不从属的句子融合在一起成为一个不合语法、 结构松散的句子称融合句。如果两个完整的句子中间只用逗号隔开而被错误地并成一
36、个句 子,这种句子便叫误用逗号连接句,练习中的第 2 句即是。The dangling modifier:垂悬修 饰语。由非谓语动词(分词、动名词、不定式)组成的短语若使用不当,与其所修饰的成分 没有实质上的联系,这种结构便叫垂悬修饰语。垂悬修饰语并非语法上的错误,只是修辞 上的毛病,但仍应避免使用这样的结构,尤其是不要使用那些会产生歧义、引起误解的垂 悬修饰语。练习中的第 5、6、7、8 句均含垂悬修饰语。 The illogical or faulty parallelism:误用平行句法。误用平行句法指用平行结构来表达并非平 行的思想内容。这是应该避免的修辞上的毛病。不能将 which
37、或 who 引导的从句用 and 与 主句相联。关联连词(bothand,eitheror 等)只能用于联接句中起同一语法作用的平行成 分。练习中的第 9、10、11、12 句都是误用平行结构的例句。 The shift in point of view:角度转换。不必要的甚至错误的角度转换是应该避免的。若非必 须如此。一般不由主动语态转换成被动语态。人称及单复数也不应随便转换。练习中的第 13、14、15 句都是角度转换的例子。练习中的错句可改正如下: The basketball game was canceled because half of the players were in b
38、ed with flu These snakes are dangerous。However,most snakes are quite harmless3Looking out toward the horizon,she Saw only the old cabin in which Mary was born,a single cottonwood that had escaped the drought and the apparently boundless expanse of sunburned prairie4We knew that although the document
39、s have been stolen they have not yet been seen by a foreign agent5Last year,after I had graduated from high schoolmy father put me to work in his office6To appreciate the poem,one must read it aloud71 missed that film because l had to stay home to help my mother wash clothes last Sunday8Driving acro
40、ss the state,one saw many beautiful lakes9Unselfish people are not only happier but also more successful1OI finally realized that my daydreaming was not making me beautiful and slender or bringing me friends11He is a man of wide experience and also of great popularity among the farmers12I am interes
41、ted in electronics,which is a new field and which offers interesting opportunities 10 one who knows science13We carefully swept the room and dusted the furniture and the shelves。14If ones mouth is dry,one should eat a lump of sugar or chew gum15You must make yourself interesting to the group that li
42、stens23 to you and is constantly trying to detect your mistakesV. Omitted.XV.Gale Kills People-_Four people got killed when a gale swept across several parts of South England and Wales yesterday. A school boy of ten was struck by flying debris and lost his life when the roof of a prefabricated class
43、room was blown off and the walls caved in. The boy was one of seventy children being led to safety. When the teacher saw the roof beginning to lift, he asked his pupils to follow him to a safe place. Unfortunately, the boy was killed. Another two children were taken to hospital with slight injury. A
44、 woman, aged 81, was killed when a chimney, dislodged by a strong wind, fell through the roof of her home. Another woman, a resident on the first floor of a building, was also killed outright by the falling masonry. Some residents were taken to hospital and the rest evacuated. A driver met his death
45、 near a filling station when his car ran into a tree that had fallen across the road.Lesson Two Marrakech . Marrakech: in west central Morocco, at the Northern foot of the high Atlas, 130 miles south of Casablanca, the chief seaport. The city renowned for leather goods, is one of the principal comme
46、rcial centers of Morocco. It was founded in 1062 and was the capital of Morocco from then until 1147 and again from 1550 to 1660. It was captured by the French in 1912, when its modern growth began. It has extremely hot summers but mild winters. Yearly rainfall is 9 inches and limited to winter mont
47、hs. The city was formerly also called Morocco.Morocco: Located in North Africa, on the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Morocco is the farthest west of all the Arab countries. Rabat is the capital. The estimated population in 1973 was 15,600,000. About 2000 B. C. it was settled by Berber tr
48、ibes, who have formed the basis of the population ever since. The Arabs invaded Morocco in the 7thcentury, bringing with them Islam. From the end of the 17thcentury until the early 19th century Morocco was almost entirely free from foreign influence. But in 1912, a Franco- Spanish agreement divided
49、Morocco into 4 administrative zones. It gained independence in 1956 and became a constitutional monarchy in 1957. Morocco is a member of the United Nations, the League of Arab States, and the Organization of African Unity. Moroccans are mainly farmers (70%)who try to grow their own food. They often use camels, donkeys and mules to pull their plows. In the south a few tribesmen still, wander from pl