1、材料力学性能材料力学性能ppt第1页,本讲稿共10页 遇到的专业词汇遇到的专业词汇1.lock dislocations 位错钉扎2.impurities 杂质3.diffused 扩散4.positive-edge dislocation 刃型位错刃型位错5.lattice strain=the distortion in the matrix 晶格畸变晶格畸变6.interstitial atom 间隙原子间隙原子 7.crew dislocations 螺型位错螺型位错第2页,本讲稿共10页3.6.5.1 可垂耳理论的要素How did Cottrell and Bilby derive
2、 their concept of yield-point phenomena that 1.lock dislocations by means of 2.impurities,such as C(or N)atoms?To better understand,consider Fig.3.21a,where an interstitial impurity has 3.diffused into a dislocationand settled underneath.如何用可垂耳理论得到屈服点现象的观念,通过2.杂质原子在位错出聚集1.钉轧位错,比如C或N原子。为了更好的解释,如图 3.2
3、1a,一个杂质原子3.扩散到位错那里,并且固定在那里。 Elements of the Cottrell-Bilby Theory第3页,本讲稿共10页A positive-edge dislocation is 1.under tension just below it close to its core?and under pression above it.In Fig.3.22,the stress just above an edge dislocation is under pressure and below it under tension is indicate
4、d.Reads book provides a complete distribution of the 3.stress field and the 4.lattice strain.一个一个刃型位错刃型位错在靠近杂质原子在靠近杂质原子?的的 下面是在下面是在1.张力的作用下张力的作用下,并且在,并且在 它上面它上面2.压缩。压缩。在图在图3.22中,可以中,可以 指出刃型位错上面受压下面受拉。指出刃型位错上面受压下面受拉。本书中提供了完整的本书中提供了完整的3.应力场应力场分布分布 和和4.晶格畸变晶格畸变。第4页,本讲稿共10页When randomly distributed,N or
5、 C also has a stress field,which can be reduced(relieved)when it settles in the immediate vicinity and below the dislocation core.This location of the1.interstitial atom under the dislocation which is under2.dilation provides the lowest energy of the system.当杂质原子均匀分布时,N或C也有一个应力场,它存在于位错附近和下面时可以降低自由能。
6、1.间隙原子在这个位置引起的2.膨胀是系统能量最低的时候。第5页,本讲稿共10页The C or N atoms,besides inducing1.volumetric expansion,also cause 2.tetragonal distortion.This is a consequence of the fact that C atoms are located in interstitial sites at the center of the 001planes(faces)and the 001 directions(edges),thus 3.distorting the
7、 unit cell tetragonally in a 001 direction.This kind of distortion allows reactions with shear and hydrostatic stress fields to occur.Therefore,a C impurity will interact with both edge and 4.crew dislocations.这个C或N原子,除了引起1,。体积膨胀,还能导致2.四方畸变。事实上是C原子001晶面的中心间隙的,从而导致四方晶胞在001方向的3.扭曲,这种现象是在剪切应力和静应力场下发生的。因此,一个杂质C原子将和边缘和4.螺型位错发生反应。第6页,本讲稿共10页硬球模型,原子稳定半径ro平均半径ra第7页,本讲稿共10页应变可以为正和负,当应变为0时,在晶格中畸变是对称的。相互作用的能量Ui,静水应力场所做的功如下计算式子:第8页,本讲稿共10页体积变化,畸变后的减去畸变前的第9页,本讲稿共10页 well!第10页,本讲稿共10页