Unit 6 Lesson 2 预习检测练习-学年高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第二册.docx

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1、Unit6 Lesson 2预习检测一、根据词义写出正确的单词1 .n.独立.adj.和平的,没有暴力的2 .n.&vi.&.vt.抗议;反对.adj.种族的;人种的3 .n.歧视.n.铁栅;(门、窗等的闩)4 .n.皮肤.adj.更多的,进一步5 .n.示威游行,抗议游行.adj.不证自明的;显而易见的 二、短语互译1 .挑选.在牢里2 .不久前某一天.因为3 .以开始. next to4 . give up. believe in5 . be judged by. no doubt(和平的)solution to the crisis was三、根据汉语提示写出单词Her speech a

2、bout the need for awarmly praised by listeners.1. More and more people (抗议)the death of George Floyd on Saturday in America.2. (种族的)problems are coming back again in a shocking rate in a shocking rate in America, which isnt admitted by some American politicians.3. The government will legislate again

3、st (歧视)in the workplace.4. If a poet is away from the daily life, he cant write (鼓舞人心的) poetry.5. The (示威游彳亍)wasnt organised but all protestors came to the White House themselves shouting I cant breathe. loudly.6. The performance was good, when (评价)by their usual standards.7. That was an (给人Ep象深亥U 的

4、)performance from such a you tennis player.8. He was such a selfless man; everybody (尊敬)him.9. She never borrows anything; shes far too (独立的)for that.参考答案一、1. independence 2. peaceful 3. protest 4. racial5. discrimination 6. bar 7. skin 8. further9. march 10. self-evident二、1. pick out2 . behind bars. the other day3 . due to. start with4 .紧挨着.放弃;停止5 .相信.凭判断6 .无疑地三、1. peaceful 2. protested 3. Racial 4. discrimination 5. inspiring6. march 7. judged 8. impressive 9. respected 10. independent


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