1、2022年湖北大学英语考试真题卷二(本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。)单位:姓名:考号:题号单选题多项选择判断题综合题总分分值得分一、单项选择题(共45题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1. The Mars turned out to be large patches of land and thereis no sign of life there.A. baldvoidB. wretchedbarren2. The jury were to show mercy to that young offender.A. touched
2、uponprevailed uponB. counted uponcalled upon3. The of temperature will make a difference in the sex of babycrocodiles.A. diversionsmodificationsC. variationsThurman Grafton suggests that.A. animal abuse is horrible and should be terminatedthe teachers have been compelled to do all animal experiments
3、B. prohibition of experiments on animals will discourage students from being curiousthe International Science and Engineering Fair will cease to operate because of the new policies33. What is the passage mainly aboutScience teachers banning testing harmful to animals.A. Teachers5 policy change in ex
4、periment on animals.B. The new policies of banning harmful experiments to animals.C. The importance of prohibiting harmful experiments on animals.34. It can be learned from the text that the teachers ban harmful experiments to animals in order to.A. maintain ecological balanceplease animal welfare g
5、roupsB. get financial support from their sponsorsprotect necessary harmless experiments on animals35. One of the most incredible characteristics of the hero of a thriller is.A. his exciting lifehis amazing toughnessB. the way he deals with enemieshis ability to escape from dangerous situations36. Ac
6、cording to the text, animal welfare groups have succeeded in.A. stopping all animal abuse in schoolsestablishing guidelines that ban classroom experiments harming animals C . protecting animals from being experimented with in extracurricular projectsD. persuading two national science teachers associ
7、ations to adopt an animal protection policyIt is suggested in the last paragraph that.A. the seriousness of animal abuse in the classroom is unknowntraining teachers in animal care may contribute to reducing animal abuseB. fewer animals have been abused in experiments in recent yearsmany biology tea
8、chers are not trained in proper care of animals37. What feature of the detective story is said to disqualify it from respectful consideration by intellectual criticsThe fact that the guilty are always found out and the innocent cleared.A. The lack of interest in genuine character revelations.B. The
9、existence of a neat closely knit story.C. The many seemingly impossible events.38. The passage suggests that intellectuals write detective stories becaus e.A. they enjoy writing these storiesthe stories are often in fact very instructiveB. detective stories are an accepted branch of literaturethe cr
10、eation of these stories demands considerable intelligence39. In what way are the detective story and the thriller unlikeIn introducing violence.A. In providing to excitement and suspense.B. In ensuring that everything comes right in the end.C. In appealing to the intellectual curiosity of the reader
11、.40. The crime novel may be regarded as.A. not a true novel at allan independent development of the novelB. related in some ways to the historical novela quite respectable form of the conventional novel41. All the students in our class passed the English final test him.A. besidesexcept forB. exceptw
12、ithout42. Albert Einstein is a man material things mean nothing.A. for whomto whomB. with whomin whom43. She lost her when the policeman stopped her to check whether her passport was valid (有效的).A. languagespiritB. characterD. temper二、多项选择题(共45题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意)1.赵某和孙某受聘于同一家报关企业,由于孙某未取得报关员证,赵某遂
13、将自 己的报关员证借给同事孙某进行报关。按照海关现行规定,下列处罚正确 的是A.海关对于孙某的行为,没收违法所得,可以并处10万元以下罚款B.海关对于孙某的行为,以走私行为论处,可以并处10万元以下罚款C海关对于赵某的行为,责令其改正,并一次记分10分,并可以处人民币2000元以下的罚款D海关对于赵某的行为,责令其改正,并一次记分20分,并可以处人民币1000元以上5000元以下的罚款2 .骨肿瘤患者术后肢体位置正确的是A.上肢手术后患肢悬挂于胸前B.膝部手术后膝关节屈曲45 ,踝关节屈曲90。C.髓关节手术后保持患肢内收外旋位D.骸关节手术后患肢保持外展中立位E.脊柱手术后保持平卧位,翻身时
14、避免脊柱扭曲3 .在项目可行性研究中,咨询工程师应根据项目的特点,合理确定可行性研究的范围和深度。可行性研究工作的主要步骤包含A.开展专题研究B. 了解业主意图并明确研究范围C.搜集资料并现场调研D.进行环境影响评价E.方案比选和评价.根据刑事诉讼法的规定,下列证据中,属于物证的是A.血迹B.脚印C.信封上的字体D.凶器的形状4 .道路交通事故调查的方法包括A.问卷调查B.理论分析C.专题试验研究D.现场观测与沿线调研E.到有关管理部门收集数据资料D. texture4. The most effective way to cope with the language problems whi
15、le a foreign play is performed is translation.A. instantaneoussimultaneousB. spontaneoushomogeneous5. Scientists have made a in their combat against the AIDS.A. breakupbreakdownB. breakthroughbreakout6. The result of national shows that the population has leveledoff owing to the firm family control.
16、A. censussurveyB. inspectionpoll7. The fear of smallpox, which terrorized the eighteenth century, has no today.A. monopolysuccessorB. analogysubstitute8. Being closer to the nature has become a favorite for the increasing number of people.A. bulletincoincidenceB. pastimemaneuver9. The members of the
17、 club voted to the constitution in orderto enjoy more privilege.A. assimilateconcedeB. amendconfer10. I hope I can myself of the rare chance to gain a deep insightinto New Zealand,s tradition and culture.A. assignavailB. certifypledge11. The result of the experiments is reliable and persuasive as al
18、l the participants are chosen.A. at randomat lengthB. to excesson average12. Television advertising has been under constant for the last few years.A. symmetryscrutinyB. temperamentorientation13. In order to repair barns, build fences, and grow crops a farmer should be_.A. bizarrefantasticB. versatil
19、ereckless14. Journalists often a situation to make the news more stimulating.A. overstateanimateB. misinterpretprovoke15. Disagreeable weather and years of war the peoplespovertyand backwardness.A. accumulatedmanipulatedB. segregatedaggravated16. The English language contains a of loan words which m
20、akeit easy for nonnative speakers to some extent.A. multitudelongitudeB. magnitudelatitude17. The abuse of water resources has seriously the existenceof human beings.A. jeopardizedintimidatedB. assaultedventilated18. It is not what I said. Youre purposely my intention.A. contradictingdistortingB. im
21、pairingtumbling19. Even Pauls brother lives in Brazi 1, he has never been there.A. althoughdespiteB. thoughthat20. After I the work of the department, I was transferred to anotherone.A. learnthad learntB. wou1d learnwas learning21. Please write your name in the space at the top of the page.A. emptyv
22、acantB. blankhollow22. If you happen to meet James in Vancouver,the book to him.A. giveyou giveB. gaveyou would give23. Even after the speech was over, the audience leave because theywere so deeply moved.A. shouldntmustn5 tB. couldn,twouldnt24. It will be up to the students to decide the exact conte
23、nt ofthe college magazine will be.A. whichB whatC. wherewhen25. When I entered the classroom, I found the students the questionsin groups.A. to discussdiscussB. discusseddiscussing26. Because Smith failed to show up for the job interview, he theshortlist of applicants.A. hadbeencrossedoffwascrossing
24、 offB. hasbeencrossedoffhasbeencrossing off27. Only later his notebooks, which contained details of all histhefts.A. they came acrossdidtheycomeacrossB. they hadcomeacrosshadtheycomeacross28. Ournew salesmanager found out that the job done is notaseasy as it first appears.A. getgotB. gottengetting29
25、. This sort of situation highlights a critical weakness in the leadership of the country: accountability.A.这种形势突显该国的一项致命缺陷:责任不清。B.该国的一个备受批评的弱点即责任不清连同这一形势共同突现出来。C.这种形势突显了该国领导中责任不清这项致命弱点。D.这种形势大大突显该国的一个备受批评的弱点:责任不清。30. This move is as close as the White House has come to admitting that its reconstruct
26、ion effort in Iraq has been insufficient.A.这一举动差不多等于白宫承认其在伊拉克的重建活动不力。B.这次转移差不多等于白宫承认其在伊拉克的重建活动不力。C.白宫刚在伊拉克宣布其重建活动不力,转移马上就开始了。D.白宫刚在伊拉克承认其重建活动不力,这一举动马上就出台了。31. Fashion designers tend to take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, as long as they look right.A.时装设计师
27、较会利用女性为漂亮而不惜忍受一切不适的心理。B.时装设计师往往表现出这样一种优势,即他们了解女性为美丽而愿忍受一切 不适的事实。C.时装设计师往往表现出这样一种优势,即他们了解女性愿意承受一切不适, 正如了解她们愿意追求漂亮。D.时装设计师关心利用女性为追求外在美而愿忍受一切不适的事实。32. People, a magazine featuring the lives of famous people, recently revealed the 50 prettiest celebrities worldwide.A.专门报道名人生活的人物杂志最近公布了世界上最美丽的50位名人。B.人们最近在一份专门报道名人生活的杂志上,揭示了最近一段时间内世上最美丽 的50个人。C.人物杂志和另本专门报道名人生活的杂志,公布了世上最近以来最美丽的50个名人。D.最近一份专门报道名人生活的人物杂志揭示了世上最美丽的50位名人。