1、新视野大学英语第三版视听说教程1答案Unit 1 Traces of the pastL i sten i ng to the worId 1-2 Shar i ngPract i ce 1 参考:The peopIe i n the podcast mainly taIk about whether they go out a Iot and what they d i d when they went out Iast n i ght.Pract i ce 2 1. busy 2. f r i ends 3. un i vers ity 4. soc i a I I ifePract i
2、ce 3 A C E D B FPract i ce 4 1) danced 2) v i ew of 3) fun 4) dr i nk 5) west 6) del icious meaI 7) house 8) teIev i s i on/TV1-3 L i sten i ngUse the skills 1 参考:I admi re my mother most. She Ioves my brother and me so much that she wouId do everything for us. At the same t ime, she always encourag
3、es us to be i ndependent and try our best to do what we I i ke. As a teacher she has a I so set a good examp Ie for me. She has worked as a pr imary schooI teacher for about 30 years and she has never got t i red ofher work. She spends a Iot oft i me helping her students, espec i a I Iy those with I
4、 earn i ng difficulties. Im very proud of her. L i ve and work3-3 L i sten i ngUse the skills 1ADHEBGCFUse the skills 2AustraI i a1) outbackgo further2) fr i ghtenedDont move3) the dogsfr i ghten i ng3-4 ViewingGet a cIue 1参考:Francesco i s an arch i tect and h i stor i an.He visits the i sI and of C
5、rete and goes to a I oca I wedd i ng.View it 1B DView it 2b i ggest i sI and1. nervouswomen2. 1500money3. overwhelmed3-6 Ro Ie-playingNote them down 1Its1. thereI eave a message2. ca I Ispeak3. momentr i ng4. numberth i s5. picking up 3-7 Present i ngGet i deas 1B D EGet i deas 2Interv i ewer: A C D
6、 EInterv i ewee: ABCOrgan i ze i deas 1参考1. Have you ever taken a cru i se on the Yangtze R i ver?If yes, how d i d you fee I?/1f no, wouId you I i ke to try it?2. Have you ever been to T i bet? If yes. how d i d you fee I? If no, wouId you I i ke to try i t?3. Have you ever camped i n a forest?Ifye
7、s, how d i d you fee I? / If no. wouId you Ii ke to try it?3-8 More pract i ce i n I i sten i ng Conversat i ons1C1. CB2. DAConversations 2B1. cA2. DPassages 11. CA2. BCPassages 2mounta i nous1. fr i ghtenedtook pI ace2. van i shoccur red3. mass i vecaught4. keep us away fromgratefuI5. i n advanceNe
8、ws 11. CANews 2D1. C3-10 Un i t test短对话C. F He i s conf i dent.1) B. Hav i ng a d i nner party for mom on Mothers DayA. They wi I I probabIy go to h i s workpI ace to give him a b i rthday present.2) A. When the guest i s Ieav i ng.3) D. A speech by the pres i dent on TV.长对话C.He proposed marr i age
9、to her4) A. He was nervous and trembI i ng a I I over.5) D. She gave him a hint by showing her r ing f inger.6) B. It i s a fami ly treasure.7) A. She i s afraid of wear ing it for fear of losing i t.短文理解A. They had a fr i ghten i ng exper i ence i n darkness.8) B. He has not tested h i s i dea of t
10、he fr i ghten i ng s i tuat i on.9) C. Darkness.10) D. The Causes and Hand I i ng of Fear of DarknessD. They overcome d i fferent I eve Is of fear one by on.复合式听写app I y for11) comm i tmentopportunity12) restaurantdeveI oped13) work i ngpract i cesattend i ng14) addpersona I qua I i t i es15) a pos
11、i t i ve add it ionUnit 4 Getting from A to B4-2 Shar i ngPract i ce 1参考In the podcast, the peopIe taIk about how they get to work, what they do on the i r journey to work, what they I i ke and dont I i ke about the i r journey.Pract i ce 2A1. BC2. C DAC3. EPract i ce 31) fresh a i ravo i d ho Ies2)
12、 th i nk aboutdream3) Iooking out of the windowan acc i dentPract i ce 4C E F D A BPract i ce 5C A B D F E4-3 L i sten i ngUse the skills 1CABUse the skills 2参考What was the transportat i on i dea?2. Who i nvented i t?3. What was the i dea beh i nd i t?4. What was the prob Iem with i t?/How successfu
13、I was i t?Use the skills 3 1) 1962I eave the i r cars at home2) pub I i c transportbuild3) keep in good condition19484) got i n and drove awayeng i neer i ng prob Iem5) too heavyStrong6) pr i vatedifficult to fly7) traff i c prob Iems4-4 ViewingGet a clue 1参考1. There i s a computer prob Iem i n the
14、controI towerIt is mainly about how the passengers are fee I i ng and how they spend thei r time waitingView it 1A1. AA2. BAView it 2.第一个人:CE1 .第二个人:B.第三个人:A F2 .第四个人:DView it 31. a i rport managersre I ax2. pass the timemidnight3. the i r f I i ght300/three hundred4. 319/three hundred and n i netee
15、n500/f i ve hundred 4-6 Ro Ie-playing Note them down 1 1) tied up 2) customer 3) 20/twenty 4) coffee 5) de Iayed 6) cow 7) stat i onsNote them down 2 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. BNote them down 3C D F G4-7 Present i ng Get i deas 11) a vegetar i an meaImeat2) h i s orderbus i ness cI ass3) co I dthe
16、 person i n chargeGet i deas 2Passenger:1. AB2. BB3. AAAttendant:1. BAi n I i sten i ng4-8 More pract i ce Conversat i ons1C1. BD2. DAConversat i ons2C1. BD2. DPassages 11. CA2. DAPassages 2GraduaI Iy1) enab Iedveh i cIes2) dates back toAs aresuIt3) thorough Iycapac i ty4) turnautomob i Ies5) thanks
17、 toNews 11 .D. CNews 2D1. BC4-10 Un i t test短对话1) B. The man was offer i ng to g i ve h i s seat to the woman.2) B. By bus.3) D. He fee I s impat i ent.4)A. The woman has a cho i ce of ear Iy fI i ghtsD. Bycar.长对话C. A madhouse.5) D.He hates Los Ange Ies and does not want to be there aga i n.6) A. In
18、 cash.7) C. A spec i a I sa I ad.短文理解C. Some I i ke to f I y, some others not.8) B.Share thei r fears with each other.9) A. It can create a smaI I worId of your own.10) A. Do somethi ng that engages your mind to forget the fear.11) C. Ways to Lessen Your Fear of Flying听写填空12) motorsufferer13) range
19、fromresults from14) re I i es onconfused15) stillfolk16) avo i dw i ngUn i t 5 Re I ax and exp I ore52 Shar i ngPract i ce 1参考The podcast i s mainly about what k i nds of ho I i days peopIe I i ke and how they I iked thei r Iast hoi idayPract i ce2A B C G I J KPract i ce 31. AB2. AA3. BPract i ce 41
20、) re I ax i ngfantast i c2) I ove I yAmaz i ng3) thorough Iy enjoyedLove I y4) fantast i c5-3 L i sten i ngUse the skills 2more comfortabIe1. Planefaster2. In a hotel/HoteImore comfortabIe3. In an apartment/Apartmentmore expens i ve4. Go s i ghtsee i ngGo s i ghtsee i ng5. more i nterest i ngIn summ
21、er/Summer6. betterhotter7. hot weatherIn spr i ng/Spr i ng8. more crowdedGo to a restaurant9. qu i eterGo to a restaurant10. qu i etermore re I ax i ng11. A monthA month5-4 ViewingGet a cIue 1参考La Boca.1. FootbaI I and poIoArgent i n i an beef.View it 1C A F D E BView it 2widest1. cuts throughfootba
22、I I2. h i s careerfamous3. 1800sapparent Iy4. 80/eightyfantast i c meat5. vegetabIesfami Iy and fr i ends6. wonderfuI moments5-6 Ro Ie-playingNote them down 1B D E HNote them down 2CouIdI have1. can we havethat2. FrenchI *d like3. The same5-7 Present i ngGet i deas 1Italy1. beachswim2. barss i t3. d
23、ancefresh vegetabIes4. amaz i ngwith pIeasure -this i s what I have I earned from her.Use the skills 219621. fourth/4th19902. 1996Use the skills 31. teachercIeaned houses2. I ostv i s i ted3. workhis wife4. in his own words1-4 ViewingGet a cIue 1参考:1. A famous ba I let dancer.2. Havana.3. H i s home
24、 country, fami ly and ch i Idhood.View it 1ACHFDEGBView it 2home1. countryre I at i ves2. fore i gnerspeak3. passed onheat4. seahapp i nessSpeak i ng for commun i cat i on1-6 Ro Ie-playingNote them down 1 1. It was greatGet i deas 2A C D G5-8 More pract i ce i n I i sten i ng Conversat i ons11. AD2.
25、 AC3. CConversat i ons21. DC2. DCPassages 1D1. BA2. CPassages 21. ceIebrateprovide us with2. st i ck i ng tochaI Ienges3. ant i c i pat i ngport i ons4. stufftake ho Id of5. effect i vestrategiesNews 1B1. DNews 21. AD5-10 Un i t test短对话1) C. Gett i ng some s I eep.2)C.She wi I I enterta i n a vi s i
26、 tor.3)D. Atwo-weck tr i p to Europe4) A. France.5)A.Hangzhou and Suzhou.长对话B. Its cold.6) B. The museums. C. The h i stor i caI bu i Id i ng.D. The Cap i to I buildB. It i s the most famous h i stor ica! bu i Id i ng there.9) D. I n the morn i ng.短文理解B. It began i n I re I and to ceIebrate the harv
27、est.10) C.To avo i d s i ckness and other prob Iems.11) A. In the 19th century.12) B. Play a trick on you.14)D. Put food and fIowers on the graves.复合式听写hang15) rema i nssymboI16) performedheld on17) representsweets18) the ho I i day seasonappeared to19) spread toUnit 6 Wit and fit62 Shar i ngPract i
28、 ce 1参考The podcast i s mainly about what th i ngs peopIe do to keep f i t and what unheaI thy eat i ng hab i ts they have.Pract i ce 2exerc i se1. fuIl-t imerunn i ngPract i ce 3 A EPract i ce 4 C E F A D G BPract i ce 5a sweet tooth1. sweetcoffee2. chocoI ateEat i ng I ate3. regu I ar I ytoo much4.
29、 fast foodfar too many5. cake6-3 L i sten i ng Use the skills 1 参考1. I think this may be true. As peop I e are increasingly rea I i z i ng the importance of health they wouId get r id of unhealthy foods and eat on Iy heaI thy foods. /1 dont think this will be true. PeopIe enjoy d i fferent k i nds o
30、f food. So a d i et without a var i ety of food wi I I be too bor i ng and I ife wi I I sound du I I and mean i ng I ess.2. Food pills may become more popuI ar, but I dont th i nk they can be a subst i tute for norma I meaIs. They can be suppIementary to norma I meaIs, but they shouId not be the sta
31、ndard food because they are not as heaI thy as reaI food. Bes i des, we are accustomed to eat i ng different k i nds of food with different k i nds off Iavors. L i fe wi I I be bor i ng i f we couId on Iy eat food pills, i th i nk th i s pred i ct i on wi I I be true. As the pace of I ife i s gett i
32、 ng faster, peopIe are Iooki ng for conven i ent and eff i c i ent way to eat. Food pills couId be the so I ut i on.3. I dont th i nk th i s wi I I happen. Certa i n food has certa i n fIavor. When peopIe get the same food i t shouId taste the same, its hard to imagine that the same food can change
33、its fIavor for different people. / I th i nk th i s may happen. In the future, with some advanced techno Iogy, i t may be poss i bIe to program d i fferent fIavors for the same kind of food. As a result, with the same food, different peopIe can have different fIavors by simply pushing a button.Use t
34、he skills 3eat i ng prob Iems1. rep I ace norma Ieat on Iy food pills2. taste d i fferentchange i ts fIavor/ change i ts fIavour3. become commonUse the skills 4B6-4 ViewingGet a clue 1参考Corbett f inds i t difficult to keep calm probabIy because he i s beaten by Barker, who has never pIayed squash be
35、fore.1. CA2. CD3. DView it 1C A CView it 11. BarkerBarker2. BarkerCorbett3. CorbettBarker4. CorbettBarker5. CorbettCorbett6-6 Ro Ie-playingNote them down 1 d-b-f-e-a-cNote them down 2 1. tea and coffeeone smaI I cup2. pa i nk i I Iersthree t imes a day / 3 t imes a day3. Foot pa i nworry about6-7 Pr
36、esent i ngGet i deas 11. fee I re I axedmuch exerc i se2. sport i ng herowa I k a dayGet i deas 2A B D F6-8 More pract i ce i n I i sten i ng Conversat i ons1C1. BD2. BDConversat i ons2C1. BA2. APassages 11.BD2. BAPassages 2pressures1. d i sappearcompromi se2. a I coho Ii ntense3. iinterferes withun
37、dermi ne4. pay attent i on tosuffers from5. compet i t i veNews 11 .D. DNews 2C1. A6-10 Un i t test短对话A. Tak i ng med i c i ne.1) A. Be i ng i n hosp i ta I.2) C.F i n i sh his breakfast.3) D. Teeth.4) B.The speakers wi I I probabIy stay at home.长对话A. Because she has been lifting we i ghts.5) C. Twi
38、ce a week.6) B. It hurts to strengthen ones muse Ies.7) B. Work i ng out reguI ar Iy and cons i stent IyA. Persuade her husband to do some jogging短文理解C. Stress-reduc i ng measures.8) C. SI ow deep breath i ng.13)D. It can be an effective way to Iower stress.14) D. Heart rate.15)D. H i gh bIood press
39、ure.复合式听写perfect Iy16) sewingd i stant17) suffer fromat arms Iength18) cIoudyjudging24)backgrounsI i ght I y25) eye v i ewsUnit 7 Wei rd, wi Id and wonderfuI7-2 Shar i ngPract i ce 1 参考The peopIe i n the podcast taIk about whether they like to I i ve i n the countrys ide or i n the city,what animals
40、 they I i ke and what animals they are scared ofPract i ce 2 A C DPract i ce 3 B F A D EPract i ce 4 1) Snakes 2) the end 3) hate 4) scared of 5) afra i d of 6) horses 7) fr i ghten 8) scares 9) memor i es 10) sharks 11) unknown7-3 L i sten i ng Use the skills 1 1. 3/three 2. water 3. animals 4. wea
41、therUse the skills 2 参考:1) env i r. probs.2) 6 bi I.3) 20509 b i I.4) popu.5) probs.Use the skills 3 参考: 1)3probs.2) waterdiffi.9)an ima IsT10) !11) Ra inf.12) 150,000 kmthe weather13) tT14) T7-4 Viewing Get a cIue 1B CView it 11. CC2. AAV i ew i t 2beaut i fuI1. mag i ca II ove I y2. fantast i chap
42、py3. aston i sh i ng7-6 Ro Ie-playing Note them down 1 1.B2. AANote them down 2E A B F GNote them down 31.2.B A A AB B3.B A A AB B7-7 Present i ngGet i deas 11. F i sh R i ver Canyon2、amazingly quietGetA Bi deas 2C E H7-8More pract i ce i nI i sten i ngCAB D DConversat i ons11.2.Conversat i ons 2DCD
43、ADCDA1.2.PassageslC1. CA2. CPassages 21) part i c i pated i naccess to2) tremendouscurrent Iy3) i ncred i bIeaccompany4) remarkabIeamaz i ng5) catch i ng a gl impse ofIook i ng forward toNews 11.B2. BNews 21 .C. A7-10 Un i t test短对话1) D. She does not think its going to rai n.2) C. The changeabIe wea
44、ther at the tour i sm s i te.3) B. They both th i nk the temperature i s highly changeabIeB. It i s stay i ng under the porch to avoi d the ra i n4) D.The weather turned co Id sudden Iy.长对话A. The i ncrease of carbon d i ox i de.5) B.BuyrecycIed paper goods.6) D.Reuse some mater i a IC. Every i nd i
45、v i duaI can he Ip so Ive env i ronmentaI prob Iems.短文理解C.They protect the I i on1s neck dur i ng f i ghts.7) B.L i fe-s i ze mode Is of I ions with dark and I i ght manes.8) A. Ma Ie I ions dared to approach them.9) B.They can defend the i r fami I iesC.The funct i ons of the lions manes.复合式听写dial1
46、0) keepersmart11) f i gure outchemicaI Iy2. Hes a footbaI I pIayer /He i s a footba i I pIayerIt was reaI Iy beautifuINote them down 2A C E G J1-7 Presenting:Get i deas 1a smaI I town1. 199320082. 20037Get i deas 2Interv i ewerA D E G HInterv i eweeA BOrgan i ze i deasStep2参考:Hami Iton/Shsk i rsStep31-8 More pract i ce i n I i sten i ngConversat i ons1B A B D DConversat i ons2D B C DPassages 1D D B APassages 21. programs/programmesvery2. dec i s i onsdo i ng Iaundry20) rank h i gh oni nteI I i gence21) recogn i ze/recogn i scdescr i pt i ve22) make dec i s i onsUn it 8 Money matters