1、10OU(|-.iipiA606iE5ei ii 削加 AiN6 应 qxiAO心局眄 Hi。 A衽电启中 UO 如Ar AiATxl06uHiMAO0iAI-NAQ6odapA(ffaEUA0?;06。2MA6 曲d 必2 邢 ej j j jFlower of Winter, Flower of Springj j j jA Flower bloomsj j j jin winterj-s chilli j j Though Darkness loomsj j j jit remains still.j j j Throughout the stormsj j j jOf snow and
2、 hailj j j jThe Flower formsj j j jits figure frailj j j jThen springtime dawnsj j j j And on the groundj j j j Flower is not gonej j j Though others aboundj j j jA young man seesI j j jThe flowers swayj j j With gentle breezej j j jHe walks their wayj i i i And for his maidenj j j jpicks one outj j
3、 j jNaturej- s game played jjj Without a doubt j j j jA Flower picked j j jFor loversj- willj( j jA Flower bom j j jin winterj-s chill iiii-Oei i i 2“一哨“iiii方iiiiOUiiiLiAda jj jjEaEU|iduj j j jEiiEOE1EQ jj j jjOUdujdgj j jjNIu0j j jj ,DIE2j j j jlaEopAEyxOj j j jEo6-.ii%AxAU jjjjOUpOAaej j j j,1AODx
4、B iijjEaEDaEE j j j jd5dAeaEE,z|j iiiiOiO-uAa o人j j jjEsexAIQ jjjjEuxBxd%o|iiAA-jjiiIEu|iAz!Aj j j jI6Njd3oiiii oxOE|LiA6nk/人 、 /人人iiiiAIPOEIE j j jO ,2EOaiiiilOOUApEE j j j3dEu6U05d*j j j jOU-iiip AOa;i i p06bgi也晶 awj jj Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Eveningj j j jBy Robert Frostj j j Whose woods th
5、ese are I think I know.j j j jHis house is in the village though;jjjjHe will not see me stopping herej j j jTo watch his woods fill up with snow.j j jjMy little horse must think it queerj j j jTo stop without a farmhouse nearj jj (Between the woods and frozen lakej j j The darkest evening of the yea
6、r.j j j jHe gives his harness bells a shakej jj jTo ask if there is some mistake.j j j jThe only other sounds the sweepj j j jOf easy wind and downy flake.j j j The woods are lovely, dark and deep.j j j But I have promises to keep, j j j jAnd miles to go before I sleep, j i i i And miles to go befor
7、e I sleep. ijjibKDddAIxnAiiijiAPWO,APEUO人、人、A 人 人/ j i j iIOIeIOOap AOaE(;Ep AEAO.j ii j Eup A%OEaOU AQBIq za;Hi j Eu, 2p idxnxaOU Ep 0,i j j j0uIuEu|n AWOoxNIPU6. 人、人、 j j jlOp AD j AiOT*a%6p AAese,j i j iIA6OU6IPAEadM0,i i j idudaEAdIu|3dD%aj j j jdAeODxieoppi ii |EuEu|LiAAaAaAEAEdi j j iiEid6DAOD
8、AalAE|i0|ja.j j j j zEIagiAl0-Q|n A-4-zpj j j 厂i.x 巨q即 Ajli AN 在-ii i i Q脏:AOG双巨国门俨。斗0亩睛. / 人 人、 、 , 、 人 O i i i iEEQIO1OaiIA%iO0AiA-2AAUO2E-,i 11 i1daJioA14iO0Ai2AAUO2E-. i i ii06Ugii|LiA6c6通也印哈 yj j j Blow,Blow,Thou Winter Windj j j jPoem lyrics of Blow,Blow,Thou Winter Wind by Shakespeare.j jj Bl
9、ow,blow,thou winter wind,j j j jThou art not so unkindj j j jAs mans ingratitude;j j j jThy tooth is not so keenj jj Because thou art not seen, j j j Although thy breath be rude.j j j jHeigh-ho!sing heigh-ho!unto the green holly:j j j Most friendship is feigning,most loving mere folly:j j j jThen,he
10、igh-ho!the holly!j j j This life is most jolly.j j j j Freeze,freeze,thou bitter sky,j j j jThou dost not bite so nighi i i i As benefits forgot:j j j Though thou the waters warp,j j j jThy sting is not so sharpj j j jAs friend rememberd not.j j j jHeigh-ho!sing heigh-ho Junto the green holly:j j j
11、Most friendship is feigning,most loving mere folly:j j j jThen,heigh-ho!the holly!j j j This life is most jolly.;OOUVIilLiAOOiDiEAj jj Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frostj j j Whose woods these are I think I know.j j j jHis house is in the village,though;j j j jHe will not see me st
12、opping herej j j jTo watch his woods fill up with snow.j j j jMy little horse must think it queerj j j jTo stop without a farmhouse nearj jj Between the woods and frozen lakej j j The darkest evening of the year.j j j jHe gives his harness bells a shake j j j jTo ask if there is some mistake. j j jThe only other sounds the sweepj j j jOf easy wind and downy flake. j j The woods are lovely,dark and deep,j j jjBut I have promises to keep,j j j jAnd miles to go before I sleep,j j j jAnd miles to go before I sleep