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1、-_广西省南宁市英语试卷一、单选题(共一、单选题(共 1010 小题)小题)1 1 Hello!Hello! CouldCould I I speakspeak toto Betty,Betty, please?please? Hello!Hello! _A ACanCan youyou helphelp me?me? B BAreAre youyou OK?OK?C CThisThis isis BettyBetty speakingspeaking D DHaveHave a a nicenice dayday2 2 WhatsWhats youryour QQQQ number?numb

2、er? _ isis 355994127355994127A AI I B BHeHe C CItIt D DSheShe3 3MaoriMaori peoplepeople inin NewNew ZealandZealand touchtouch _ whenwhen theythey meetmeetA Atreestrees B Bnosesnoses C Ccapscaps D Ddesksdesks4 4JimJim sitssits behindbehind me,me, soso I I sitsit _ himhimA Aatat thethe toptop ofof B B

3、atat thethe endend ofofC Cinin thethe middlemiddle ofof D Dinin frontfront ofof5 5Look!Look! SomeSome visitorsvisitors _ forfor thethe busbus overover therethereA Aareare waitingwaiting B Bisis waitingwaitingC Cwaitingwaiting D Dwaitwait6 6NothingNothing isis _ thanthan ridingridingI I likelike itit

4、 bestbestA Aenjoyableenjoyable B Bmoremore enjoyableenjoyableC Cmostmost enjoyableenjoyable D Dthethe mostmost enjoyableenjoyable7 7TheThe WWFWWF isis workingworking hardhard _ thethe animalsanimals inin dangerdangerA Asavesave B Btoto savesaveC Csavessaves D Dsavedsaved-_8 8 _ Sorry,Sorry, I I wont

5、wontIllIll pickpick itit upupA ATryTry toto keepkeep thethe classroomclassroom cleancleanB BDontDont makemake anyany noisenoise inin publicpublicC CLetsLets pickpick upup thethe litterlitter onon thethe groundgroundD DDontDont throwthrow litterlitter everywhereeverywhere9 9WeWe havehave beenbeen fri

6、endsfriends _A Alastlast yearyear B Boneone yearyear agoagoC Csincesince wewe metmet lastlast yearyear D Dwhenwhen wewe metmet lastlast yearyear1010HaveHave youyou everever heardheard ofof thethe newsnews _ isis aboutabout thethe StrawberryStrawberry Concert?Concert?A Awhowho B Bwhatwhat C Cwhichwhi

7、ch D Dwhenwhen 二、完形填空(共二、完形填空(共 2 2 小题)小题)11.11. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。四个选项中选出最佳答案。OneOne day,day, a a littlelittle schoolboyschoolboy wentwent homehome w withith a a painpain inin hishis stomachstomach“Well,“Well, sitsit downdown andand _1_1_ a a cak

8、e,”cake,” saidsaid hishis mothermother“Your“Your stomachstomach _2_2_ hurtinghurting becausebecause itsits emptyemptyItllItll bebe allall rightright whenwhen youveyouve gotgot somethingsomething inin itit”FiveFive minutesminutes later,later, DadDad camecame homehome _3_3_ thethe officeofficeAndAnd h

9、ehe saidsaid hehe hadhad a a headacheheadache“Thats“Thats becausebecause youryour headhead isis _4_,”_4_,” saidsaid hishis cleverclever sonson“Youll“Youll bebe allall rightright ifif youyou havehave gotgot _5_5_ inin itit” HisHis daddad andand mummum laughedlaughed1 1A Adodo B Bbuybuy C Ceateat D Ds

10、ellsell2 2A Aisis B Bareare C Cwaswas D Dwerewere3 3A Ainin B Btoto C Cforfor D Dfromfrom4 4A Afullfull B Bemptyempty C Cbigbig D Dsmallsmall5 5A Anothingnothing B Beverythingeverything C Csomethingsomething D Danythinganything12.12. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中选出

11、最佳答案。四个选项中选出最佳答案。SomeSome peoplepeople likelike toto putput theirtheir lifelife inin orderorderTheyThey areare nevernever latelate forfor work,work, theythey returnreturn theirtheir booksbooks toto thethe librarylibrary onon time,time, theythey _1_1_ peoplespeoples birthdaysbirthdays andand theythey

12、 paypay theirtheir billsbills asas soonsoon asas theythey arrivearriveMrMrRobinsonRobinson isis _2_2_ a a personpersonMrMr RobinsonRobinson worksworks atat a a bankbank andand liveslives alonealoneHisHis sistersister livelive inin thethe nextnext towntown withwith herher husband,husband, andand herh

13、er son,son, JackJackMrMrRobinsonRobinson doesntdoesnt visitvisit hishis sistersister oror herher _3_3_ fromfrom oneone yearyear toto thethe next,next, butbut hehe _4_4_ ChristmasChristmas cardscards toto them,them, andand hehe hasnthasnt forgottenforgotten eacheach oneone ofof JacksJacks 2020 -_birt

14、hdaysbirthdaysLastLast weekweek MrMrRobinsonRobinson drovedrove homehome fromfrom thethe bankbank atat thethe _5_5_ time,time, drivingdriving neitherneither tootoo slowslow nornor tootoo fastfastHeHe parkedparked hishis carcar wherewhere hehe _6_6_ parkedparked it,it, outout ofof thethe wayway ofof

15、otherother carscars andand hehe wentwent intointo thethe househouse toto makemake _7_7_ eveningevening mealmealJustJust thenthen therethere waswas a a knockknock _8_8_ thethe doordoorMrMr RobinsonRobinson openedopened thethe doordoor andand foundfound a a policemanpoliceman standingstanding onon the

16、the doorstepdoorstep“What“What havehave I I _9_9_ wrong?”wrong?” MrMrRobinsonRobinson askedasked himselfhimself inin surprise,surprise, “Have“Have I I drivendriven onon thethe wrongwrong sideside ofof thethe road?road? HasHas therethere beenbeen anyany troubletrouble atat thethe _10_?_10_? HaveHave

17、I I forgottenforgotten toto paypay anan importantimportant bill?”bill?”“Hello,“Hello, Uncle,”Uncle,” saidsaid thethe policeman,policeman, “My“My namesnames Jack!”Jack!” 1 1A Aforgetforget B Brefuserefuse C Crememberremember D Dfindfind2 2A Asoso B Bsuchsuch C Clikelike D Dasas3 3A Afriendfriend B Bf

18、amilyfamily C Cmothermother D Dfatherfather4 4A Acollectscollects B Basksasks C Csendssends D Dhangshangs5 5A Ausualusual B Bcertaincertain C Cotherother D Dbusybusy6 6A Anevernever B Bsometimessometimes C Calwaysalways D Dhardlyhardly7 7A Aourour B Btheirtheir C Cherher D Dhishis8 8A Adowndown B Bo

19、utout C Conon D Dbyby9 9A Adrivendriven B Bdonedone C Cparkedparked D Dopenedopened1010A Adoorstepdoorstep B Btowntown C Clibrarylibrary D Dbankbank三、其他(共三、其他(共 1 1 小题)小题)-_13.13.根据表格内容,判断下列句子根据表格内容,判断下列句子正误。正确为正误。正确为“T”“T”,错误为,错误为“F”“F”。1 1TheThe twotwo top-sellingtop-selling smartphonessmartphones

20、 werewere thethe iPhoneiPhone 5S5S andand 5C5C inin February,February, 201820182 2HarryHarry PotterPotter waswas thethe best-sellingbest-selling filmfilm seriesseries ofof allall timetime3 3TheThe herohero isis StarStar WarsWars savessaves a a princessprincess andand thethe galaxygalaxy4 4MatsMats V

21、alkValk inventedinvented thethe RubiksRubiks CubeCube5 5TheThe fastestfastest personperson toto solvesolve a a cubecube isis fromfrom thethe USUS四、阅读理解(共四、阅读理解(共 3 3 小题)小题)14.14.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A A、B B、C C 和和 D D)中,选出最佳选项。)中,选出最佳选项。TheThe AmericanAmerican secretsecret serviceserv

22、ice beganbegan inin 18651865ItIt hashas manymany importantimportant jobsjobsOneOne isis toto stopstop differentdifferent typestypes ofof fraudfraud ( (诈骗诈骗),), suchsuch asas printingprinting fakefake ( (假的假的) ) money,money, creditcredit cardcard fraudfraud andand computercomputer fraudfraudTheThe ot

23、herother isis toto protectprotect thethe presidentpresident atat allall timestimesTheThe secretsecret servicesservices earliestearliest jobjob waswas toto stopstop peoplepeople fromfrom makingmaking fakefake moneymoneyTheThe secretsecret serviceservice agentsagents ( (特工特工) ) stillstill havehave tot

24、o dodo thatthat becausebecause thethe criminalscriminals ( (罪犯罪犯) ) areare smartersmarter nownowTheyThey areare betterbetter atat usingusing computerscomputers andand otherother expensiveexpensive equipmentequipmentButBut agentsagents areare muchmuch smartersmarterProtectingProtecting thethe preside

25、ntpresident isis hardhardTheThe mostmost dangerousdangerous placesplaces areare outdoorsoutdoorsAgentsAgents cantcant checkcheck everyevery personperson inin thethe crowd,crowd, soso theythey mustmust watchwatch thethe crowdcrowd carefullycarefullyAndAnd theythey alwaysalways followfollow thethe pre

26、sidentpresidentTheyreTheyre justjust likelike thethe presidentspresidents shadshadowowUnluckily,Unluckily, somesome peoplepeople dodo wantwant toto givegive thethe presidentpresident trouble,trouble, oror eveneven hurthurt himhimTheThe secretsecret serviceservice agentsagents trytry toto findfind th

27、emthem andand stopstop themthem whenwhen theythey wantwant toto dodo somethingsomething badbadItsIts a a -_dangerous,dangerous, butbut importantimportant jobjobTheThe secretsecret serviceservice helpshelps keepkeep thethe presidentpresident andand thethe countrycountry safesafe1 1TheThe AmericanAmer

28、ican secretsecret serviceservice _A Aisntisnt toto protectprotect thethe presidentpresidentB Bmakesmakes fakefake creditcredit cardscardsC Cbeganbegan inin 18651865D Dhashas onlyonly oneone importantimportant jobjob2 2AtAt thethe veryvery beginning,beginning, thethe secretsecret servicesservices job

29、job waswas toto _A Aprotectprotect thethe presidentpresidentB Bstopstop computercomputer fraudfraudC Cwatchwatch thethe crowdcrowd carefullycarefullyD Dstopstop fakefake moneymoney makingmaking3 3WhenWhen protectingprotecting thethe president,president, _A Aagentsagents mustmust bebe carefulcareful

30、atat allall timestimesB Bagentsagents dontdont alwaysalways staystay nearnear himhimC Cagentsagents checkcheck everyevery personperson inin thethe crowdcrowdD Dagentsagents areare afraidafraid ofof indoorindoor placesplaces mostmost4 4TheThe underlinedunderlined wordword “themthem” meansmeans thethe

31、 _A ApresidentspresidentsB BcriminalscriminalsC Csecretsecret serviceservice agentsagentsD Dpeoplepeople inin thethe crowdcrowd5 5TheThe hardesthardest placeplace toto protectprotect thethe presidentpresident wouldwould bebe inin _A Athethe WhiteWhite HouseHouseB Ba a hotelhotel roomroomC Ca a publi

32、cpublic parkparkD Da a mainmain hallhall15.15.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A A、B B、C C 和和 D D)中,选出最佳选项。)中,选出最佳选项。TimeTime managementsmanagements isis thethe greatestgreatest challengechallenge forfor meme inin highhigh schoolschoolI I havehave toto taketake goodgood carecare ofof mymy subject

33、s,subjects, activities,activities, socialsocial lifelife andand restrestI I waswas oftenoften angryangry withwith mymy familyfamily membersmembers justjust becausebecause I I didntdidnt planplan mymy timetime wellwellForFor example,example, I I mightmight shoutshout atat themthem forfor troublingtro

34、ubling meme whenwhen I I waswas workingworkingAndAnd sometimessometimes I I mightmight saysay somethingsomething badbad toto themthem whenwhen I I missedmissed deadlines,deadlines, eveneven ifif itit waswas actuallyactually mymy faultfault forfor crammingcramming everythingeverything inin ( (把所有的事情堆

35、积起来把所有的事情堆积起来) ) atat thethe lastlast minuteminuteAsAs timetime goesgoes by,by, I I realrealizeize thatthat timetime managementmanagement isis veryvery importantimportant inin ourour everydayeveryday lifelifeTheThe bestbest adviceadvice toto dealdeal withwith timetime managementmanagement isis “brea

36、k“break itit intointo bits”bits”ItsIts reallyreally importantimportant forfor youyou toto learnlearn howhow toto breakbreak a a bigbig projectproject intointo small,small, manageablemanageable taskstasksThenThen youyou cancan workwork progressivelyprogressively andand havehave a a senssense e ofof a

37、chievementachievement wheneverwhenever youveyouve donedone withwith a a smallsmall partpartAnotherAnother piecepiece ofof adviceadvice isis toto planplan a a timetabletimetable forfor yourselfyourselfItIt doesntdoesnt havehave toto bebe thethe oneone thatthat youyou followfollow completelycompletely

38、ItsIts justjust therethere toto serveserve asas a a guideguideYouYou cancan comparecompare youryour actualactual timetabletimetable withwith thethe plannedplanned oneone toto seesee howhow wellwell youyou actuallyactually useuse youryour timetimeTheThe finalfinal suggessuggestiontion isis toto alway

39、salways setset deadlinesdeadlines forfor yourselfyourself-_1 1WhyWhy waswas thethe writerwriter angryangry withwith thethe familyfamily members?members?A ATheThe writerwriter waswas weakweak inin subjectssubjectsB BTheThe writerwriter didntdidnt planplan thethe timetime wellwellC CTheThe writerwrite

40、r hadhad nono chancechance toto planplan activitiesactivitiesD DTheThe writerswriters socialsocial lifelife waswas boringboring2 2ForFor thethe writer,writer, whatswhats thethe bestbest adviceadvice toto managemanage time?time?A AToTo missmiss deadlinesdeadlinesB BToTo cramcram everythingeverything

41、inin atat thethe lastlast minuteminuteC CToTo breakbreak a a bigbig projectproject intointo bitsbitsD DToTo followfollow thethe timetabletimetable completelycompletely3 3AccordingAccording toto thethe passage,passage, whichwhich ofof thethe followingfollowing isis TRUE?TRUE?A ATheThe writerwriter studiesstudies inin a a


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