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1、 管理系本科生毕业论文相关材料 专 业 行政管理 届 别 2010届 学 号 姓 名 范莹莹 指导教师 刘春丹 目 录1.毕业论文文献综述2.毕业论文英文文献翻译3.毕业论文调查报告4.毕业论文PPT演示文稿文献综述专 业 行政管理 届 别 管理系 学 号 姓 名 范莹莹 指导教师 刘春丹 文献综述一、 前言 随着经济的发展,薪酬问题变得越来越敏感而又难以管理。我国企业在薪酬管理方面还存在很多的问题,这些问题严重阻碍了我国经济的发展。新的薪酬管理模式是针对不同岗位的员工进行激励,是根据员工在公司里岗位的不同采取不同的薪酬激励方法,尽可能的满足每个员工最迫切的需求,提高他们工作的热情。在现代市场

2、经济中,薪酬管理是企业人力资源管理中最主要最敏感的管理环节之一,对企业的竞争能力有着很大的影响。近年来,随着企业经营机制的逐步转换和建立现代企业制度的需要,企业内部的工资分配制度逐渐由政府行为转变为企业的自身行为。当企业真正获得了生产经营自主权之后, 如何搞好企业利润在自我积累与员工分配之间的关系,如何客观、公正、公平、合理地报偿为企业做出贡献的劳动者,从而既有利于企业的发展,又能保证员工从薪酬中获得经济上、心理上的满足,从而激活员工的积极性与创造性,已成为企业自身必须解决好的问题,然而,在实践中企业往往并不能有效解决这个问题,从而导致企业人才流失,造成企业成本增加。那么,如何找到适应市场需要


4、精神需要等。但是马斯洛的“需要层次理论”和赫茨伯格的“双因素理论”,对人的需要方面的研究影响最大,成为内容型激励理论的两个主要代表理论。(1)马斯洛的“需要层次理论”。著名的美国心理学家和行为学家马斯洛提出,人都是有需要的,其未满足的需要产生他们工作的动机,也是激励他们工作的因素。然而这些需要又是以层次的形式出现的,由低级到高级分为五个层次。 第一层需要为生理需要,包括人类维持基本生存所需的各种物质上的需要,一旦不能满足,人的生存就成了问题,也就根本谈不上别的需要了。所以马斯洛认为一般的经济不发达的社会,必须首先研究并满足这方面的需要。 第二层的需要为安全的需要,即指人类免除危险和威胁的需要。

5、这不仅要考虑到眼前,而且也要考虑到今后。 第三层需要为社交的需要,也称感情和归属方面的需要。这种需要包括与同事们保持良好的关系,希望得到别人的友爱,以使自己在感情上有所寄托。这些需要多半是在一定的组织中,特别是在非正式的组织中得到满足。第四层需要为尊重的需要,即希望别人对自己的工作、人品、能力和才干给予承认并给予较高的评价,希望自己在同事中间有一定的威望和声誉,从而得到别人的尊重并发挥一定的影响力;尊重的需要还包括自尊,自尊心是驱使人们奋发向上的强大推动力。 第五层需要也即最高层次的需要是自我实现的需要,就是希望在工作上有所成就,在事业上有所建树,实现自己的理想或抱负。自我实现的需要通常表现在





10、的工作满意度和对组织的归属感,促使员工完成组织的目标都是至关重要的。并对薪酬的基本概念、薪酬管理的内容、薪酬管理的原则进行了较为全面地论述。(3)而关淑润在人力资源管理一书中,对工资管理进行了全面的论述 ,认为:工资是企业以货币形式直接支付给员工的部分,它是保证社会再生产得以进行的必要条件,是按劳分配主体原则的重要体现。(4)在现代企业的人力资源管理一书中,作者主要针对经理人员的报酬进行分析,认为:和一般职工相比,经理人员的报酬不但有数量上的巨大差别而且有结构上的差别。经理人员的“额外收入”多,报酬也更注重激励,经理人员收入中基本工资所占的比例较小,激励工资所占的比重,比其在一般职工收入中占的

11、比重要大得多。四、总结 面对日益激烈的人才竞争,我国企业只有改变传统的薪酬管理体制,才能留住人才,特别是在我国加入WTO以后。我国企业建立适合自身发展道路的薪酬管理体制,必须根据企业的特点,对不同定位的员工实施不同的薪酬管理方法,让他们感到企业是真正的了解自己,需要自己,进而提高自身的工作热情,把企业把工作当成自己真实生活的一部分,真正意识到企业的兴衰成败与自己密切相关。每个企业都有自己不同的企业文化,面临不同的竞争环境,真正找到适合自身的薪酬管理体制也不是 一蹴而就的事情,每个企业都要在不断的摸索中改进完善自己的薪酬管理方法。我国企业实施薪酬管理新模式时必须注意的两个重要问题:避免步入“唯薪

12、酬论”和“薪酬无用论”的误区,同时注意到企业的薪酬管理不是一个独立的个体,它要与企业的战略、文化及人力资源管理系统联系起来。好的薪酬制度会让员工认同企业文化,融入企业文化中,对企业产生归属感,更有利于留住人才,有利于企业的长远发展。本文以保险公司为例,分析企业薪酬管理的意义、现状以及存在的弊端,并根据所研究所得提出薪酬体制改革的建议,以期能够对于企业薪酬管理体系的完善有所帮助。本文通过研究提出以下措施用以改进薪酬体系完善:1 建立动态薪酬管理机制,创新管理策略;2 建立宽带型薪酬体系,深化薪酬理念;3 实施弹性化福利制度,满足不同员工的需求;4 对员工进行长期激励,增强激励效果。薪酬管理新模式

13、对于员工来说,企业真正了解他们需要什么,从而尽量的给予什么,使他们深深的感受到自己是被需要的,自己的能力得到了发挥,所以他们得到了满足,不论是物质上的满足还是心理上的满足;对于企业来说,员工得到满足,从而他们的工作热情提高,工作效率也随之提高,于是对企业对员工都往好的方向发展。参考文献 1p余晓明等, 浅析以人为本的薪酬制度体系J,p企业活力, 2003.1, 48,492p刘昕, 启动“宽带薪酬” J, 中外管理,p2003.2,p44,453p田木, 最高薪水的航空公司J,p竞争力,p2003.2,p20,214p张忠元,向洪,p人力资本M,p中国时代经济出版社,p2002, 332,33

14、65p李唯一, 中国工资制度M,p中国劳动出版社,p1991,p306,3086p美R?韦恩?蒙迪,罗伯特?M?诺埃,p人力资源管理M,(第六版),p经济科学出版社,p1998,p5177p奇善鸿,p新人力资源管理M,p 海天出版社,p2000,p272,2758p魏杰,p企业前沿问题M,p 中国发展出版社,p2002,p22p9p王一江,孔繁敏,p现代企业中的人力资源管理M,p上海人民出版社,p 1999,p4,510 芮明杰, 管理学现代的观点M,p上海人民出版社,p1999,p225,226英文文献翻译专 业 行政管理 届 别 管理系 学 号 姓 名 范莹莹 指导教师 刘春丹 Our e

15、nterprise managers incentive problems are discussedAn operator, the meaning and position in the companyOperators is based on the enterprise ownership and management, and with franchise corresponding a concept. The so-called operators refers to the enterprise engaged in the enterprise management, mas

16、ter of strategic decision and direct business activity and enterprise management benefit for the enterprise senior management personnel. Operator, different from the general manager or management personnel, operators, and generally have strategic decision-making management major strategic decision o

17、f executive power and have business decision-making; Managers of the enterprise economic benefit directly responsible and general managers of the functional operation only benefit for, The work of the enterprise operator of bottom-up development and direct and comprehensive influence, and general ma

18、nagers of enterprises is the effect of partial or indirect, The operator had a great risk and risk management work of the general lesser. The American state of Connecticut, nanotubes university professor Neil, enterprises in the value and significance of human resources is different. His two dimensi

19、ons according to the value and the scarcity will be divided into four types of enterprise employees. Talent is the core enterprise of elite and backbone, operators, as a kind of human capital, they to the survival of enterprises, and plays an important role for the enterprise to create wealth, they

20、extremely scarce, is one of the most valuable resource.Second, the content and the salary incentive effect(a) salary management contentSalary is narrow and general relativity, from the perspective of compensation for enterprise employees, provide labor is the monetary rewards and material reward, in

21、cluding: the total wages, bonuses, allowances, a commission, bonus, welfare, labor wage, etc. General salary reward and the economic efficiency of the reward. Economic compensation refers to the salary, bonus, welfare and public holidays, etc. The economy of enterprise and individual pay refers to t

22、he work itself is a kind of mental experience. Salary includes both external and internal salary, including salary. External direct salary and compensation includes indirect salary, namely basic wages, salaries and wages, reward performance vacation, allowances, insurance, Internal salary includes t

23、o participate in decision-making, greater degree of freedom, authority and responsibility work, personal growth opportunities, etc, it is a kind of invisible touched, is the enterprise without cost, but the salary of the employees have a strong incentive effect.(2) salary incentive effectEnterprise

24、can satisfy the needs of employees and their life by efforts. Employees will put his income salary of comparison with others, and then judge pay attention to themselves, thus in the position of enterprise measure yourself. Salary in attracting, retaining and motivating employee has an important role

25、. If the enterprise salary, reasonable design, accomplish fair, at the same time in the internal market and competitive, excellent staff wont because of compensation must be asked in post assessment, job analysis and evaluation of science position, fairness, motivation, economic cooperation and comp

26、etition, etc. Enterprises salary system has certain regulation. By adjusting the salary relations, can break area, industry, business and department, human capital normal flow, rational configuration, which maximize the utilization rate of human capital, and human capital play a better role.Third, o

27、ur country enterprise operator salary management status quo(a) our enterprise managers incentiveOperator, wage income ascendant trend overall. 1980-1984 annual income of $8.7 operators only, 1985-1993, the proportion of the yuan has reached 23.4%, and in 1994 and 1999 million yuan, while the proport

28、ion of income, the recent 59.5% level of wage income growth operator is accelerated, and in 2006, has disclosed 1254 listed companies, the total annual 26.17 of senior executives billion yuan, personal average salary for 16.28 million yuan, in 2005 annual average 13.8 million executives personal gro

29、wth 17.97%. Operator, wage income difference is very big. To be listed company as an example, not including unclaimed reward managers, 1 9 September 9 years listed company chairman for 47713 yuan, annual revenue of $, minimum for 1600 yuan, 1999, general average income for the listed company, the hi

30、ghest 5134 yuan RMB for 3320 yuan only, the lowest. In 2006, has disclosed 1254 listed companies in 1710.275 highest-paid executives personal RMB, and the lowest salary only 0.5 yuan, President took over 3420 difference between the two. In recent years a diverse forms of managers income. According t

31、o the survey of Chinese entrepreneurs survey system, the operator is a form of income monthly salary, bonus, add, risk mortgages due, dividend and stock dividends, options, the housing provident etc, and adopts the stock ownership incentive forms of managers income is higher.(2) Chinese operators sa

32、lary system problems with hysteresisOperators salary system imperfect. The traditional salary is material, health care, not a comprehensive involves all aspects of incentive, lack of long-term incentives. The incentive compensation system operators. Lack of incentive factors, such as profit sharing

33、and stock option plan. Insufficient incentive effect, the function of the business operators, major factors affecting operator is the most prominent factor of enthusiasm. Most directly caused by insufficient incentive the reasons there are at least three solutions: no contradiction to the enterprise

34、 should not give, For state-owned enterprises, government to dare not to think, The manager can not get. The structure of salary level, operators are not reasonable enough. Fixed compensation paid less than, float. But can reflect the current performance contribution to float operator performance bo

35、nuses paid (e.g., quarterly, etc.) play better effect, has not formed mainly form. Operators are rigid salary system, the enterprises salary still stay in comparison to float on the shallow, even some enterprises only clinging to a single like yearend prize this form. Operator salaries backward mana

36、gement. Salary management, enterprise still adopt the method of older, with the concept of planned economy management concept and lack of spirit to encourage the compensation form, can arouse the enthusiasm of operators truly, want to change the status quo, in practice, the summary, in order to furt

37、her perfect, causes the enterprise to obtain the human resources of competitive advantage.Four, the operator salary management trends(a) economic compensation to the overall packages trend.Currently, the company will pay for only commonly, but actually, the economy in the work is completed, employee

38、s, especially the operator to get more comprehensive returns and reward. At present, in the developed countries has generally across-the-board pay concepts that can put compensation as purely economic compensation, not a single wage, salary, but economic it also includes the mental stimulation. With

39、 the improving of economic compensation for knowledge, the employee salary incentive effect will be greater. Our company will set up the comprehensive concept, will pay compensation and internal external compensation, material and spiritual encouragement and motivation of employees, and carry on the

40、 omni-directional incentive compensation system, in order to promote the perfect, in response to the challenges of globalization talents competition.(2) to the management of humanistic management.Compared with the management, the humanist management idea for people in the role of knowledge managemen

41、t and more profound. With the knowledge of new ability and learning capability has become the most prominent in the aspects of humanity. Can this management idea, emphasize including salary distribution management activities should be conducive to reflect and development ability. This requires enter

42、prises should realize that in modern salary management system, the cost of the salary system and depends not only on spending more depending on the efficiency of the ability, based on the labor are often the most expensive cheap. Salary should not only be regarded as a kind of cost, more should be r

43、egarded as a kind of investment, one can bring the return value of investment, pay enterprise knowledge staffs salary should be a kind of human capital and the human cost.(3) short term incentive to long-term incentive trend.Enterprises should pay attention to the operator from short-term incentive

44、to long-term incentives. Short-term properties easily lead to pay a lot of work, the operator behavior affect the sustainable development of the enterprises and long-term development strategy. In recent years, more and more enterprises have been implemented, including precipitation salary increment

45、and stock shares performance, virtual stock plan, stock options, etc, in order to improve the long-term incentive long-term incentive effect.(4) increase satisfaction to increase loyalty trend.At present, many enterprises are faced with such confusion: enterprise often pay a high salary, but some co

46、re staff loyalty, instead of down. One of the important reasons for the salary pays attention to is just to have external competitiveness, but not enough to pay attention to the internal consistency, namely the employee salary level very seriously, but the salary structure of employees do not pay en

47、ough attention. Enterprises need to adapt to changing conditions, the need to pay attention to concern from ongoing effectiveness, pay salary strategy transformation, treat the core staff, a flexible and more humanized management system, not only for them to pay attention to them, but also participate in more revenue sharing enterprises.我国企业经营者薪酬激励问题探讨一、经营者的涵义及其在企业所处的地位“经营者”是基于企业所有权与经营权关系,并与“经营权”相应的一个概念。所谓“经营者”,是指掌握企业经营权,从事企业战略性决策并直接对企业经营活动和企业经营效益负责的企业高级管理人员。经营者不同于一般的管理人员或经理人员,经营者拥有战略决


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