1、过年了小学英语作文这天,空中礼花绚烂地开放;这天,勤奋的人们总是闲不住;这天,大街上洋溢着一阵喜气洋洋的气氛。哇!我细致地嗅着,原来,这就是年味。On this day, the air fireworks are gorgeous; on this day, the diligent people are always restless; on this day, the street is filled with a happy atmosphere. WOW! I sniffed carefully. It turned out that this was the new year fl
2、avor.天刚蒙蒙亮,白雾还如轻纱般覆盖着整个世界,犹如一位如诗如画的少女,娇羞的、神奇的又安静的。在这个漂亮的早晨,人们早已如春天的蜜蜂闲不住了,大地上早已有挂鞭留下的,密密麻麻的,好像被人有意为来宾铺成的红地毯,空气中充满着浓重的鞭炮味,每个单元的大门已被贴上对联与福字,有的人已起先打算节日饭菜,到处洋溢着节日的气息。Just after the dawn, the white fog still covers the whole world like a gossamer, like a beautiful girl, coquettish, mysterious and quiet.
3、In this beautiful morning, people have been like bees in spring. They can#39;t stop. There are red carpets left on the ground by hanging whips. The air is filled with a strong smell of firecrackers. The gate of each unit has been pasted with couplets and blessings. Some people have begun to prepare
4、holiday meals, which are full of holiday atmosphere.哇!原来烟花、鞭炮、饭菜的气味就是年味。WOW! It turns out that the smell of fireworks, firecrackers and meals is the smell of new year.一转瞬就到了晚上,很多家庭已经起先吃年夜饭、看春晚了。今年的春晚非常精彩,风趣的小品使人捧腹大笑,好听的歌声使人如痴如醉,美丽的舞蹈使人拍手称快。当我们在观赏春晚的时候,外面已传来了阵阵鞭炮声。我也拿起了自己细心选择的烟花,去外面观赏。刚一点火,“呲-”的一声,一个
5、个怀着我们对新一年的希望与心愿的小火球绽放在天空中,犹如百花齐放,繁花盛开,欢乐的笑声传满了整个世界。In a twinkling of an eye, many families have begun to eat new year#39;s Eve and watch the Spring Festival Gala. This year#39;s Spring Festival Gala is very wonderful. Funny sketches make people laugh, beautiful songs make people infatuated, and beau
6、tiful dances make people clap their hands. When we were enjoying the Spring Festival Gala, there were firecrackers outside. I also picked up my carefully selected fireworks and went out to enjoy them. Just after the ignition, with the sound of "bareness" , little fireballs with our hopes and wishes for the new year bloom in the sky, just like a hundred flowers bloom, flowers bloom, happy laughter spreads all over the world.哇!原来与家人们共度佳节,就是最华蜜的年味。WOW! It turns out that spending the holidays with family members is the happiest new year.