1、 Unit 16 Happy New Yearcameramirror我有一辆玩具车。我有一辆玩具车。I have got a toy car.他有一辆玩具车。他有一辆玩具车。He has got a toy car.mirror我有一面镜子。我有一面镜子。I have got a mirror.她有一面镜子。她有一面镜子。She has got a mirror.camera汤姆有一台照相机。汤姆有一台照相机。Tom has got a camera.你有一台照相机。你有一台照相机。You have got a camera.What have you got?你有什么?你有什么?What
2、has she got?她有什么?她有什么?What does Kim want for a new year present?She wants a doll.What has she got then?Shes got a mirror.用用 have,has 填空。填空。1.She_got two cats.2.I_got three pens.3.Kim_got a toy car.4.You_got ten books.hashavehashavewatch TVgo swimminggo bike-ridingplay computer gamesplay footballplay
3、 hide-and-seek computer games hideandseek footballplay-What do you like to do on New Years Day?-I like to watch TV.你喜欢在新年做什么?你喜欢在新年做什么?我喜欢看电视我喜欢看电视。我喜欢去游泳。我喜欢去游泳。I like to go swimming.I like to+动词原形动词原形.我喜欢做我喜欢做-。去滑冰去滑冰go skating我喜欢去滑冰。我喜欢去滑冰。I like to go skating.bikeriding swimming skatinggogo bike
4、-riding go swimming go skatingwatch TVplay hide-and-seekplay footballplay computer games我喜欢去游泳。去骑自行车踢足球玩捉迷藏玩电脑游戏(12)看电视(11)去滑冰去游泳watch TVplay hide-and-seekgo bike-ridinggo skatinggo swimmingplay footballwatch TVplay computergames(13)(14)(15)(16)oldyoung老的年轻的new新的新的old旧的旧的Friends,friends,friends.Friends,friends,friends.Friends are old.Friends are new.Friends are young.Friends are old.