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1、从颜色词黄看英汉民族语言的思维特征开题报告论文题目 (Title) 从颜色词黄看英汉民族语言的思维特征 A Study of English and Chinese ethnic characteristics of thinking from the color word Yellow 中心论点 (Thesis Statement): 在英汉语言中,表示色彩的词很丰富。由于文化的差异,不同的民族对颜色词的理解不同。本文通过对颜色词 “黄”在意义上的异同对比分析p ,从不同的内涵意义揭示英汉语言不同的民族特性,即思维特征,以更好地了解英汉民族的文化差异,避免在跨文化交际中产生失误。 There

2、 are abundant in color words in English and Chinese.Different people have different understanding about the color words because of different cultures.This thesis is to analyze the color word “Yellow” about different meaning in English and Chinese, revealing the ethnic characteristics of color word b

3、etween English and Chinese from different connotative meaning, that is to say, the characteristics of thinking, in order to know the cultural differences, avoiding the errors in the cross-cultural munication.本研究目的和意义: 本文主要通过归纳、分析p 、比较的方法来对比研究颜色词“黄”在英汉两种语言词汇中语义和文化内涵的异同,探究颜色词在英汉两种不同文化背景下的深层内涵,为教学提供帮助。

4、 从意义方面来说,了解颜色词在英汉语言中表达与使用,有利于促进英汉民族文化的传播与交流,顺利有效地进行跨文化交际。 This thesis aims to make analysis of the color word “Yellow” differences between language vocabulary and cultural connotation in English and Chinese through induction, analysis and parison.To e_plore the deep meaning of color word under the d

5、ifferent cultural backgrounds, offering help for education and study between teachers and students.As for the signification, this thesis is to know the color words e_pressions and usage between English and Chinese, its beneficial for people to promote the cultural spreading and munication about Engl

6、ish people and Chinese people, having an effective intercultural munication.本研究的理论意义(国内外文献综述): 在英汉语言中,颜色的词语十分丰富。我们不仅要知道它们本身的基本意义,还要了解其含义深广的象征意义,因为颜色的象征意义在不同的民族语言中有不同的特点,由于英汉文化对同一颜色词的感情意义不同,突出英汉民族不同的思维特征。 在国外研究中,最早提出并讨论颜色词问题的是英国语言学家格莱斯顿。他在荷马及荷马时代研究(1858年)一作中,比较了伊利亚特和奥德赛里描写颜色词的文句后指出,荷马时代的古希腊语只有很少几个抽象颜

7、色词,而且意义含糊不清。19世纪末,德国眼科专家马格纳斯首次进行了人类学跨文化比较的色彩语码研究工作,在文化不发达的土著居民中进行分辨颜色的实验,于1867年发表了关于原始民族的色彩的调查。20世纪上半叶,萨丕尔和沃尔夫提出了“语言相对论”假说,强调不同语言对经验世界作出不同分类,并且记录了语言结构会对说话者的思维和行为产生一定的制约作用。 在国内研究中,有相关的本土文化下所做的研究,涉及语言、思维和社会文化等方面。从中国社会文化角度进行研究,阐述 “黄”在中国文化的内涵意义的文章如下:论述了“黄”构成的合成词与政治统治、宗教、祭祀有关的文章有安俊丽的“黄色彩对汉语词汇的文化影响”(安庆师范学

8、院学报(社会科学版)20_2年第五期);从造字上阐述“黄”的涵义的文章有潘蜂的“释黄”(汉字文化,20_5年第三期);熹的“色彩词语意义形成的社会因素”(汉语学习1989年第六期)很好地论述了色彩词与社会诸多因素的关系。 就我所知,很多研究者都从社会语言学和应用语言学方面涉及了色彩词的文化内涵,但都是综合性研究,没有对一个颜色词进行深入地研究。据此,本文试图从颜色词“黄”的文化内涵意义来研究英汉民族语言的思维特征。 In English and Chinese, the e_pressions of color words are very rich.We must not only know

9、 the basic meaning of their own, but also to understand the meaning of its profound symbolic meaning, because symbolic meanings of color in different languages have different characteristics, same color words in the English and Chinese culture have different emotional significance, shog the differen

10、t characteristics of thinking.In international studies, English linguist Gladstone was the first man to raise and discuss the color word problem.In his study of Homeric and Homeric Era (1858), he pared the words in the Iliad and the Odyssey to the description of color words, pointing out that only a

11、 few ancient Hellenic Greek Abstract color words with the meaning of ambiguity.In the late nieenth Century, its the first time that the German ophthalmologist Magnus made anthropology of cross-cultural parison of color code research work, and the culture of the developed indigenous people to disting

12、uish color e_periment, which published “on primitive national color Of the survey.In the first half of the 20th century, Sapir and Wolf put forward the hypothesis of linguist in 1867 tic relativity, stressing that different languages make different classification of the world of e_perience, and reco

13、rding the language structure that will play a certain role in the speakers thinking and behavior In China, some studies take different aspects into account to analyze , there are many local cultures under the study, involving language, thinking and social and cultural aspects.From the Chinese social

14、 and cultural point of view to study the “yellow“ in the meaning of Chinese culture, the article is as follows: discussed the “yellow“ position of the pound words and political domination, religion, sacrifice of the article has the Junli “ The cultural influence of vocabulary “(“ Journal of Anqing T

15、eachers College “(social science edition) 20_2 the fifth period); from the creation on the meaning of“ yellow “article Pan Puis“ yellow “(“ Chinese culture “ Zhang _i-_is “Social Factors of the Formation of Color Words“ ( “Chinese Learning“, vol.6, 1989),which is a good description about the relatio

16、nship between color words and social factors.As far as I know, many researchers have studied the connotative meaning of color words from sociolinguistics and lied linguistics, but they are all prehensive researches, not make a study deeply on a color word.Accordingly, this paper attempts to study th

17、e thinking characteristics of the English and Chinese people from the cultural connotative meaning of the color word “Yellow“.本研究的问题、理论、方法和视角: 研究问题:运用对比分析p 的方法研究颜色词“黄”在英汉两种语言中的不同文化内涵及其民族思维特性。 理论:应用语言学 方法:文献分析p 法 视角:跨文化交际 Research content: This paper tries to use the parative analysis to study the co

18、lor word “Yellow” different cultural connotation and ethnic characteristics of thinking between English and Chinese.Research theory: lied linguistics Theory Research methods: Literary analysis Research perspective: Intercultural munication 本研究的主要观点和重难点: 主要观点:本文试图从颜色词“黄”的不同文化背景下的内涵意义,进一步对比分析p 英汉民族不同的

19、思维特征,更好地了解颜色词深层的文化内涵。 重点:本研究着重从颜色词的文化内涵意义分析p 英汉不同民族的思维特征。 难点:对颜色词在不同民族语言中内涵意义的理解,及其不同语境下意义的变化规律的认知和应用。 Main point: In this paper, I try to pare and analyze the characteristics of the different ways of thinking from the cultural backgrounds between English and Chinese, in order to better understand t

20、he deep cultural connotations of color word.Key point: Focuses on the cultural connotative meaning of color word to analyze the characteristics of different ways of thinking between English and Chinese.Difficulties: For this study, I need pay attention to understand the connotative meaning of color

21、words between different ethnic languages, and meaning of the cognition and practice about changing rules under different conte_ts.详细提纲 (Detailed Outline): Acknowledgments Abstract 【摘要】:p I.Introduction 1.1 About the purposes 1.2 About the color 1.2.1 Basic color words 1.3 lied linguistics Theory II.

22、Literature Review 2.1 International Study 2.2 Domestic Study 2.3 My ments on the study III.Analysis of English and Chinese ethnic characteristics of thinking from the color word Yellow 3.1Analysis 3.1.1 Analysis of color word Yellow in Chinese 3.1.1 Positive and negative meanings 3.1.2 Analysis of Y

23、ellow in English and negative meanings 3.1.3.Similarities and differences 3.2 Associative meaning of other color words in Chinese and English 3.2.1 Associative meaning of color words in Chinese 3.2.2 Associative meaning of color words in English 3.3 Reason of the differences 3.3.1Ch

24、aracteristics of thinking 3.3.2 Characteristics of thinking about Chinese 3.3.3 Characteristics of thinking about English IV.Conclusion References 写作进程 (Schedule): 20_.9.1-20_.10.3 确定方向、选题 20_.10.4-20_.10.20 查阅资料,构思结构 20_.10.20-20_.10.30 完成开题报告 20_.11.1-20_.12.31 论文正文写作 20_.1.10 提交论文初稿 20_.3.20-20_.

25、4.20 反复修改 20_.4.29 提交定稿 20_.5.08 论文答辩 September 1, 20_-October 3, 20_ To choose a ic October 4, 20_-October 20, 20_ To collect documents October 20, 20_-October 30, 20_ To plete opening report November 1, 20_-December 31, 20_ To write draft January 10, 20_ To present first draft March 20, 20_-April

26、20, 20_ To revise draft April 29, 20_ To plete final draft May 8, 20_ Thesis defense 参考书目(References): 1安林,王青.20_6.从文化角度看英汉颜色词的象征意义J.高等教育研究(04): 40-41.2毕君洁.20_,5.汉英基本颜色词的文化内涵比较分析p J.河南大学.3邓凡艳.1999.英汉语言差异与中西思维模式J.湖南师范大学社会科学学报03:115-119+123.4冯彩燕.2021, 4.汉英颜色词“黄”与“Yellow”的文化内涵比较J.无锡商业职业技术学院学报.5范丽娣,马姝.2


28、其文化接触J.天津财经大学.12王玉英.20_7.汉英颜色词“黄”(yellow)之国俗语义探析J.甘肃联合大学学报(社会科学版) 13吴剑.20_.颜色词研究方法论以英语、汉语和国内少数民族语为例J.国际汉语学报第五卷.01:021.14周云芳.20_7.英汉颜色词“Yellow”与“黄”的异同及其文化内涵研究J.北京语言大学.15张仰媚.2021.从中西文化差异看英汉颜色词的象征意义J.和田师范专科学院学报04:246.16张治英,邓颖.2021.论跨文化交际中英汉民族的思维差异J.湖南第一师范学院学报01:104-106.17龙占红.2021.Cultural differences b

29、etween English and Chinese color words J.中国校外教育(理论)06:84+142.18孙昌娟.20_.A Contrast of Cultural Connotations between English and Chinese Color TermsJ.科技信息15:278-279+332.19_uezhi Li.20_.Color Words between English and Chinese,A.The International Science and Culture Center for Academic Contacts(ISCCAC)、

30、Huanghe College of Science and Technology(HCST).Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Intercultural munication(ICELAIC 20_) Part CC.The International Science and Culture Center for Academic Contacts(ISCCAC)、Huanghe College of Science and Technology(HCST):4.20王中宇.20_.The Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Color WordsJ.英语广场(学术研究)01:116+118.21王茂娟.2021.Contrastive Studies on Color Words in English and ChineseJ.读与写(教育教学刊)02:8.指导教师意见: 指导教师签名_: 年 月 指导小组意见 负责人签名_: 年 月 日 学院意见 负责人签名_: 盖章: 年 月 日 第 9 页 共 9 页


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