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1、MBA英语短文写作观点类和优优缺点类的的区别:观点类主要要内容是就就某一事物物或现象,通通过对他人人明确的观观点进行分分析,得出出自己的观观点。优缺点类主主要内容是是就某一事事物或现象象从利弊两两方面阐述述自己的认认识。题干干只给出主主体范围,没没有其他提提示的情况况下,是按按观点类还还是优缺点点类取决于于从哪个角角度入手更更容易。1、观点论论述类(My vview on ssth):对于一种种话题或现象象的观点看看法(两种种观点+本本人观点)事物本身是是有明显积极意意义的,但但有其他不不利方面。第一段:点点题不同同观点(好好与坏,废废与立);第二段:自己观点点;第三段:结论。适用对象:健身保

2、健健、文化旅旅游、教育育培训等。模板1:Nowaddays, theere iis a wideespreead cconceern oover主主词 whhich is ggettiing iincreeasinngly prevvalennt annd pllayinng ann inccreassinglly siignifficannt roole iin ouur daaily lifee. (Thhere is nno dooubt thatt 主词 arre geettinng inncreaasinggly pprevaalentt andd plaayingg an incr

3、reasiinglyy impportaant rrole in oour ddailyy liffe.)HHowevver, whenn it comees too thiis hoot toopic/phennomennon, peoppless vieews varyy froom inndiviiduall to indiividuual. Somee peoople mainntainn thaat 观点点1. Otherrs, hhowevver, holdd thee opppositte iddea aand tthey arguue thhat观点点2.As faar ass

4、 I aam cooncerrned, I aam inn favvor oof thhe foormerr/ lattter ideaa. Inn thee firrst pplacee, whhile it iis trrue tthat 优点1,aat thhe saame ttime 缺点1. Admiitteddly, 优点2,iit caan noot bee dennied thatt缺点2.Basedd on the disccussiion aabovee, thee connclussion can be ddrawnn is obviious. It cannnot bb

5、e deeniedd thaat 主词词 is beneeficiial tto uss in one way or aanothher aand iit caannott be elimminatted oor prrevennted fromm getttingg poppularr/preevaleent oonly becaause it hhas ssome disaadvanntagees.模板2:Nowaddays, a hheateed diiscusssionn aboout(主主题现象)iis unnder way in CChinaa. Soome ppeoplle ho

6、old tthat(文中说到到的观点一一),whhereaas ottherss arggue tthat(文文中的观点点二).WWhen faceed wiith tthe ddecission abovve, qquitee a ffew wwouldd claaim tthat the formmer iis riight, butt othhers, in conttrastt, deeem tthe llatteer iss reaasonaable.The ppeoplle whho thhink (观点一一) iss reaasonaable claiim thhat(理理由一)

7、。TTake事事例论证一一 forr exaamplee. (事事例论证一一) noot onnly ddo goood tto ( 有好处的的一个方面面),buut itt hellps to (有好处处)的第二二个方面。IIn sppite of tthesee arggumennts, therre arre thhose who see it aas a hastty deecisiion wwhichh hass somme pootenttial probblemss. Thhey cclaimm, foor innstannce, (有坏处处的一个方方面), and (有坏处处的

8、第二个个方面). With the two oppoositee opiinionns diiscusssed abovve, iit iss cleear tthat neitther of tthem is aabsollutelly reeasonnablee. Ass farr as I amm conncernned, (主题现现象) hhave/has moree advvantaages thann dissadvaantagges, but we sshoulld taake iinto accoount the poteentiaal daangerrs/prrobleems

9、 rresulltingg froom 主题题现象。 例:有人认认为户外体体育锻炼好好,有的认认为不好,请请问你的看看法。Outdooors Sporrts(模模板1)Theree is no ddoubtt thaat outddoorss spoorts are ggettiing iincreeasinngly prevvalennt annd pllayinng ann inccreassinglly immporttant rolee in our dailly liife. Howeever, wheen itt commes tto thhis hhot ttopicc, peo

10、oples viiews varyy froom inndiviiduall to indiividuual. Somee peoople mainntainn thaat outddoorss spoorts are helppful to oour hhealtth. Otherrs, hhowevver, holdd thee opppositte iddea aand tthey arguue thhat ooutdooors sporrts mmay bbe daangerrous.As faar ass I aam cooncerrned, I aam inn favvor oof

11、 thhe foormerr ideea. IIn thhe fiirst placce, wwhilee it is ttrue thatt outddoorss spoorts are impoortannt waays tto buuild our bodyy,at tthe ssame timee outddoorss spoorts may be ddangeerouss. Admiitteddly, outddoorss spoorts helpp to builld a stroong wwill,it ccan nnot bbe deeniedd thaat thhe plla

12、cess aree oftten ffar aaway and outddoorss spoorts add to ppeoplles daiily eexpennses.Basedd on the disccussiion aabovee, thee connclussion can be ddrawnn is obviious. It cannnot bbe deeniedd thaat outddoorss spoorts are bbenefficiaal too us in oone wway oor annotheer annd thhey ccannoot bee eliimin

13、aated or ppreveentedd froom geettinng prrevallent onlyy beccausee theey haave ssome disaadvanntagees.Outdooors Sporrts(模模板2)Nowaddays, a hheateed diiscusssionn aboout ooutdooors sporrts iis unnder way in CChinaa. Soome ppeoplle beelievve thhat ooutdooors sporrts aare hhelpfful tto ouur heealthh, whh

14、ereaas ottherss arggue tthat outddoorss spoorts may be ddangeerouss. Whhen ffacedd witth thhe deecisiion aabovee, quuite a feew woould claiim thhat tthe fformeer is rigght, but otheers, in ccontrrast, deeem thhe laatterr is reassonabble.The ppeoplle whho thhink outddoorss spoorts are helppful to oou

15、r hhealtth cllaim thatt theyy aree impportaant wways to builld ouur boody. Takee the swimmmingg for exammple. Swiimminng not onlyy doees goood tto pllayerrs boody, but it hhelpss to builld a stroong wwill. In spitte off theese aargummentss, thhere are thosse whho seee itt as a haasty deciisionn whic

16、ch haas soome ppotenntiall prooblemms. TThey claiim, ffor iinstaance, outtdoorrs spportss mayy be danggerouus, aand tthe pplacees arre ofteen faar awway. With the two oppoositee opiinionns diiscusssed abovve, iit iss cleear tthat neitther of tthem is aabsollutelly reeasonnablee. Ass farr as I amm co

17、nncernned, outddoorss spoorts havee morre addvanttagess thaan diisadvvantaages, butt we shouuld ttake intoo acccountt thee pottentiial pprobllems resuultinng frrom ooutdooors sporrts. (1833 worrds) 2、优缺点点类(Advaantagges aand ddisaddvanttagess of sth):对于一个新生现象/事物的优缺点/利弊(说出:有利的方面+不利的方面+本人看法)事物本是是是客观的,优

18、优缺点取决决于人们怎怎么对待它它。第一段:点点题 优点;第第二段:缺缺点;第三三段:看法法。适用对象:网络通信信等新技术术应用,广告告电视等媒媒体。模板:Theree is no ddoubtt thaat inn reccent yearrs 主题题 is ggettiing iincreeasinngly prevvalennt annd pllayinng ann inccreassinglly inndisppensaable rolee in 领域/运运用范围(in oour ddailyy liffe). 主题 noot onnly mmakess peooples evveryd

19、day llife moree connveniient but keepp theem weell iinforrmed of tthe ooutsiide wworldd (connnectts itts ussers withh thee outtsidee worrld). Witth主题, ppeoplles liife wwill be ggreattly eenricched.Howevver, as is kknownn to all, eveery mmedall hass twoo siddes aand tthe uunfavvorabble aaspeccts oof

20、主题题 cannt bee ignnoredd. To bbeginn witth, therre wiill bbe a dangger oof (缺缺点1)sspendding too muchh timme onn it theerefoore iignorring whatt youu shoould conccentrrate on. To mmake mattters worsse, (缺点2)主题 iis moost llikelly too addd to yourr daiily eexpennses. Worrst oof alll, (缺点3)主题 mmay pplung

21、ge yoou innto uunexppecteed trroublle.We arre alll awware thatt 主题 ittselff is neitther blesssingg norr helll. IIts eeffeccts oon peeoplee deppendss, too a llargee exttent, on how 主题 iis ussed. Now thatt thee dissadvaantagges hhave beenn putt outt, thhey wwill be ppaid atteentioon too andd eliiminaa

22、ted to ssome degrree (Provvidedd thaat peeoplee havve ann appproprriatee atttitudde annd maake aa goood usse off it, 主题 wiill mmake our lifee eassier and moree connveniient).例:以Myy Opiinionns onn Colllegee Stuudentts Deaals iin Sttockss为题写一一篇短文My Oppinioons oon Coollegge Sttudennts Deaals iin Sttock

23、ssTheree is no ddoubtt thaat inn reccent yearrs specculattion on sstockks iss getttingg inccreassinglly prrevallent and playying aan inncreaasinggly iindisspenssablee rolle inn peooples daiily llife. stoocks not onlyy makke peeoplees fammily finaanciaal pllanniing greaatly enriichedd butt keeep thhe

24、m wwell infoormedd of the outsside worlld. UUnderr thee cirrcumsstancces, some colllege studdentss aree alsso teempteed too speeculaate iin sttockss andd shaares.Howevver, as is kknownn to all, eveery mmedall hass twoo siddes aand tthe uunfavvorabble aaspeccts oof sppecullatioon onn stoocks cant bee

25、 ignnoredd. To bbeginn witth, therre wiill bbe a dangger oof sppendiing ttoo mmuch timee on it tthereeforee ignnorinng sttudy whichh theyy shoould conccentrrate on . To mmake mattters worsse, it iss commmon for a sttock operratioon noovicee to losee somme mooney in tthe bbeginnningg, whhich is mmost

26、 likeely tto addd too colleege sstudeents daiily eexpennses. Worrst oof alll, ddealss in stoccks mmay pplungge themm intto otther unexxpectted ttroubble.We arre alll awware thatt stoocks itseelf iis neeitheer bllessiing nnor hhell. Itss efffectss on peopple ddepennds, to aa larrge eextennt, oon hoow

27、 mooney and timee shouuld bbe ussed. As ffar aas Im cooncerrned, noww thaat thhe unnfavoorablle asspectts off stoocks havee beeen puut ouut, tthey willl be paidd atttentiion tto annd elliminnatedd to somee appproprriatee deggree. 3、意义影影响类第一段:点点题;第二段:意义影响响;第三段:总结。适用对象:会议、活活动、倡议议、改革、新新方法、新新事物等变化和创创新的意

28、义义。模板1:适用于倡议议、改革、新方法、新事物Theree is no ddoubtt thaat主题is gettting incrreasiinglyy poppularr andd plaayingg an incrreasiinglyy impportaant rrole in oour ddailyy liffe. In reecentt yeaars, 主题 is uused by tthe yyoungg andd oldd, meen annd woomen throoughoout tthe ccounttry.Undouubteddly, 主题 is ssigniific

29、aant iin moore tthan one aspeect. Firsst off alll, 主题题willl demmonsttratee thee firrm wiill aand sstronng deetermminattion of ggoverrnmennt too主题的意义1. More iimporrtanttly, 主题 willl greeatlyy proomotee主题的意义义2 annd sttimullate主主题的意义义3. Finaally, 主题 wiill ddefinnitelly trransfform peopples atttituude t

30、towarrds aand ooutloook oon主题的意义义4.Now tthat主主题is signnificcant to ssocieety aand tthe ppeoplle, eeveryybodyy invvolveed shhouldd makke hiis efffortt to conttribuute ssometthingg to主主题, WWith everryonees iinvollvemeent aand ppartiicipaationn, a greeat pprogrress willl be achiievedd in 主题 annd thhere

31、ffore beneefit the counntry and the peopple iinvollved.例:写一篇篇关于物联联网的意义义的短文Interrnet of TThinggsTheree is no ddoubtt thaat the tterm Intterneet off Thiings is gettting incrreasiinglyy poppularr andd it willl plaay ann impportaant rrole in oour ddailyy liffe. In reecentt yeaars, Inteernett is uused by

32、 tthe yyoungg andd oldd, meen annd woomen throoughoout tthe ccounttry, whicch has estaablisshed a fiirm bbasiss forr thee neww eraa of Inteernett.Undouubteddly, the Inteernett of thinggs is ssigniificaant iin moore tthan one aspeect. Firsst off alll, thhe deeveloopmennt off Intterneet off thinggs wi

33、lll demmonsttratee thee firrm wiill aand sstronng deetermminattion of ggoverrnmennt too upggradee thee abiilityy to inteerlinnk thhe phhysiccal wworldd andd cybbersppace. More impoortanntly, thee Intterneet off thinggs willl greeatlyy proomotee ecoonomiic grrowthh and imprrove thee effficieency of i

34、indusstry and busiinesss. Finaally, thee Intterneet off thinggs wiill ddefinnitelly trransfform peopples atttituude ttowarrds aand ooutloook oon worlld.Now tthat the Inteernett of thinggs is ssigniificaant tto soocietty annd thhe peeoplee, evverybbody invoolvedd shoould makee hiss efffort to ccontrr

35、ibutte soomethhing to iits ddevellopmeent. Witth evveryooness invvolveementt andd parrticiipatiion, a grreat proggresss willl bee achhieveed inn thee neaar fuuturee andd theerefoore beenefiit thhe coountrry annd thhe peeoplee.模板2:适用于一种种生活状态态和境界With the deveelopmment of ssocieety iin moodernn timmes,

36、 moree andd morre peeoplee reaalizee thaat 主题题 is of pprimaary iimporrtancce. MMoreoover, manny suuccesssfull exaamplees (iin addvancced ccounttriess) haave ddemonnstraated the impoortannce oof thhe主题. Theerefoore, in aa devvelopping counntry suchh as Chinna, 主主题musst ennjoy top prioorityy.Firstt of

37、 all, thee connstruuctioon off ourr couuntryy andd thee devveloppmentt of sociiety calll forr morre主题. Morre immporttantlly, tthe iimproovemeent oof peeoplees llivinng sttandaard rrequiires主主题. FFinallly, withh 主题, morre oppporttunitties willl be openned uup foor thhose who seekk to deveelop theiir

38、owwn caareerrs. Coonsidderinng thhe diiscusssionn abovve, wwe caan seee主题 is ggood not onlyy forr thee devveloppmentt of our counntry but for everry inndiviiduall. Thhe auuthorrity shouuld aadoptt a sseriees off meaasurees too prootectt andd proomotee thee devveloppmentt of主主题.模板3:适适用于会议议、活动等等We arr

39、e veery gglad and exciited thatt ourr dreeam oof 主题题 willl coome ttrue/ havve coome ttrue afteer a longg waiitingg. Peeoplee thrroughhout the counntry havee beeen ceelebrratinng thhe coomingg of主题 inn varriouss wayys annd thhey aare eeagerr to partticippate in oor exxperiiencee主题in persson.Theree is

40、 no ddoubtt thaat主题 wiill bbeneffit CChinaa andd Chiinesee peoople in mmore thann onee asppect. Firrst oof alll, 主主题 wiill eexposse Chhina and Chinnese to mmore domeesticc andd forreignn vissitorrs, tthus prommotinng thhe muutuall unddersttandiing aand ffrienndshiip beetweeen peeoplee froom diifferr

41、ent regiions and cultturess. Moore iimporrtanttly, by iinterractiing wwith peopple ffrom diffferennt reegionns annd cuulturres, peopple ccan llearnn froom eaach ootherr. Fiinallly, 主主题 wiill uundouubteddly ppromoote tthe ddevellopmeent oof thhe naationnal aand llocall ecoonomyy.Now tthat 主题 iss sigg

42、nifiicantt to our counntry and the peopple, everryboddy innvolvved sshoulld maake hhis eefforrt too conntribbute someethinng too 主题. Witth evveryoones innvolvvemennt annd paarticcipattion, 主题 wiill bbe a greaat suuccesss annd iss bouund tto beenefiit thhe coountrry annd thhe peeoplee invvolveed.例:写一

43、篇篇关于上海海世博会意意义的短文文The MMeaniing oof Shhanghhai EExpoWe arre veery gglad and exciited thatt ourr dreeam oof Thhe Woorld Expoositiion SShangghai Chinna 20010 hhas comme trrue aafterr a llong waitting. Peoople throoughoout tthe ccounttry hhave beenn cellebraatingg thee comming of Shannghaii Exppo inn va

44、rriouss wayys annd thhey aare eeagerr to partticippate in oor exxperiiencee thee speectaccularr expossitioon in ppersoon.Theree is no ddoubtt thaat Shannghaii Exppo wiill bbeneffit CChinaa andd Chiinesee peoople in mmore thann onee asppect. Firrst oof alll, SShangghai Expoo willl exxposee Chiina aan

45、d CChineese tto moore ddomesstic and foreeign visiitorss, thhus ppromootingg thee muttual undeerstaandinng annd frrienddshipp bettweenn peoople fromm difffereent rregioons aand ccultuures. Morre immporttantlly, bby innteraactinng wiith ppeoplle frrom ddiffeerentt reggionss andd cullturees, ppeoplle

46、caan leearn fromm eacch otther. Finnallyy, Shhanghhai EExpo willl unddoubttedlyy proomotee thee devveloppmentt of the natiionall andd loccal eeconoomy.Now tthat Shannghaii Exppo iss siggnifiicantt to our counntry and the peopple, everryboddy innvolvved sshoulld maake hhis eefforrt too conntribbute s

47、omeethinng too itss perrfecttion. Witth evveryoones innvolvvemennt annd paarticcipattion, Shaanghaai Exxpo wwill be aa greeat ssucceess aand iis boound to bbeneffit oour ccounttry aand ppeoplle.4、AB选选择类, 对两种事事物的比较较,做出选选择第一段:点点题并说明明正确选择择的重要性性;第二段:对比A与与B(优点点和缺点);第三段:结论(个人看法)模板1:分析ABB的优缺点点,做出选选择,适用用于独立的的两个事物物When it ccomess to 主题,it iis innevittablee to makee thee chooice betwween A andd B. Itt is incoonsidderatte iff w


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