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1、会计与银银行业务务用语汇汇总会计与银银行业务务用语 (汇总总) 会计账目目用语 会计报表表 sttateemennt oof aaccoountt 往来帐目目 acccouunt currrennt 现在往来来帐|存款额额 cuurreent acccoutt 销货帐 acccounnt ssalees 共同计算算帐项 joiint acccounnt 未决帐项项 ouutsttanddingg acccouunt 贷方帐项项 crrediit aaccoountt|ccredditoor aaccoountt 借方帐项项 deebitt acccouunt|deebtoor aaccooun

2、tt 应付帐|应付付未付帐帐 acccouunt payyablle 应收帐|应收收未收帐帐 acccouunt recceivvablle 新交易|新帐帐 neew aaccoountt 未决帐|老帐帐 olld aaccoountt 现金帐 cassh aaccoountt 流水帐 runnninng aaccoountt 暂记帐|未定定帐 ssusppensse aaccoountt 过期帐|延滞滞帐 ooverrduee acccouunt|paastddue acccounnt 杂项帐户户 suundrry aaccoountt 详细帐单单|明明细表 dettaill acccouu

3、nt 呆帐 bbad acccounnt 会计项目目 tiitlee off acccouunt 会计薄|帐薄薄 acccouunt-boook 营业报告告书|损益计计算表 acccounnt oof bbudiinesss|bussineess repportt 借贷细帐帐|交交验帐 acccounnt rrenddereed 明细帐 acccounnt sstatted 与. 银行行开立一一户头 to opeen aan aaccoountt wiith 与. 银行行建立交交易 tto kkeepp acccouunt witth 继续记帐帐 too keeep acccounnt 与.

4、有交交易 tto hhavee ann acccouunt witth 作成会计计帐|有往来来帐项 to makke oout an acccounnt wwithh 清算|清理债债务 tto mmakee upp ann acccouunt 清洁帐目目|与与. 停止止交易 to cloose onees acccounnt wwithh 结帐 tto cclosse aan aaccoountt 清理未付付款 tto aask an acccounnt|to demmandd ann acccouunt 结清差额额 too baalannce thee acccouunt witth 清算

5、tto ssetttle an acccounnt|to liqquiddatee ann acccouunt|too sqquarre aan aaccoountt 审查帐目目|监监查帐目目 too auuditt ann acccouunt 检查帐目目 too exxamiine an acccounnt 转入A的的帐户 to chaargee thhe aamouunt to Ass acccouunt 以计帐方方式付款款 too paay oon aaccoountt 代理某人人|为为某人 on onees acccounnt|on acccounnt oof oone 为自己计计算|

6、独立帐帐目 oon oones oown acccounnt 由某人收收益并负负风险 on onees acccounnt aand rissk|forr onness acccouunt andd riisk 由某人负负担 ffor onees acccounnt|forr acccouunt of onee 按某人指指示|列入某某人帐户户 byy orrderr annd ffor acccounnt oof oone 列入5月月份帐目目 foor MMay acccounnt 编入某中中帐项下下 too paass to thee acccouunt of|too pllacee too

7、 thhe aaccoountt off 寄出清算算书 tto ssendd inn ann acccouunt|too seend in rennderr ann acccouunt 支票用语语 支票薄 cheequee boook 支票陈票票人 ccheqque draawerr 持票人 cheequee hooldeer 不记名支支票 ccheqque to beaarerr|bbearrer cheequee 记名支票票|认认人支票票 chhequue tto oordeer 到期支票票 annteddateed ccheqque 未到期支支票 pposttdatted cheeque

8、e 保付支票票 ceertiifieed ccheqque 未获兑现现支票,退退票 rretuurneed ccheqque 横线支票票 crrosssed cheequee 普通横线线 geenerral croossiing 特别横线线 sppeciial croossiing 空白支票票 bllankk chhequue 失效支票票,过期期支票 staale cheequee 普通支票票 oppen cheequee 打10%折扣的的100000元元支票,(即即90000元) a ccheqque forr $110,0000, leess 10% diiscoountt 加10%费用的

9、的100000元元支票,(即即110000元元) aa chhequue ffor $100,0000, pluus 110% chaargees 支票换现现金|兑现 to cassh aa chhequue 清理票款款 too cllearr a cheequee 保证兑现现 too ceertiify a ccheqque 填写支票票数额 to filll uup aa chhequue 支票上划划线 tto ccrosss aa chhequue 开发支票票 too maake outt a cheequee 签发支票票,开立立支票 to draaw aa chhequue|to iss

10、sue a ccheqque 透支支票票 too ovverddraww a cheequee 背书支票票 too enndorrse a ccheqque 请付票款款|清清付票款款 too paay aa chhequue|to honnourr a cheequee 支票退票票 too diishoonouur aa chhequue 拒付支票票 too reefusse aa chhequue 拒付支票票 too sttop payymennt oof aa chhequue 提示要求求付款 to preesennt ffor payymennt 见票即付付持票人人 paayabble

11、to beaarerr 支付指定定人 ppayaablee too orrderr 已过期|无效效 ouut oof ddatee|sstalle 请给出票票人 RR/D|reeferr too drraweer 存款不足足 N/S|N.SS.F.|nnot suffficciennt ffundds|I/FF|iinsuuffiicieent funnds 文字与数数字不一一致 wwordds aand figgurees ddifffer 支票交换换时间已已过 aaccoountt clloseed 更改处应应加盖印印章 aalteerattionns rrequuiree innitii

12、alss 交换时间间已过 efffectts nnot cleeareed 停止付款款 paaymeent stooppeed 支票毁损损 chhequue mmutiilatted 汇款用语语 汇款|寄钱 to remmit|too seend monney 寄票供取取款|支票支支付 tto ssendd a cheequee foor ppaymmentt 寄款人 a rremiitteer 收款人 a rremiitteee 汇票汇单单用语 国外汇票票 fooreiign Billl 国内汇票票 innlannd BBilll 跟单汇票票 doocummenttaryy biill 空头

13、汇票票 acccommmoddatiion billl原始汇票票 orrigiinall biill 改写|换新票票据 rreneewedd biill 即期汇票票 siightt biill|biill on demmandd . dayys aafteer ddatee|. dayys aftter datte . 日后付付款 . monnthss affterr daate|. mmontths affterr daate . 月后后付款 见票后. 日付款款. daays affterr siightt|. dayys sigght 见票后. 月付款款. moonthhs aftter

14、sigght|. mmontths siightt 同组票据据 seet oof bbillls 单张汇票票 soola of excchannge|soole of excchannge 远期汇票票 ussancce bbilll|bbilll att ussancce 长期汇票票 loong billl 短期汇票票 shhortt biill 逾期汇票票 ovverddue billl 宽限日期期 daays of graace 电汇 tteleegraaphiic ttrannsfeer (T.TT) 邮汇 pposttal ordder|poostaal nnotee (AAm.)|p

15、postt offficce oordeer|monney ordder 本票 pprommisssoryy noote (P/N) 押汇负责责书|押汇保保证书 lettterr off hyypottheccatiion 副保|抵押品品|付付属担保保物 ccolllateerall seecurrityy 担保书 truust recceippt|lettterr off inndemmnitty 承兑|认付 acccepttancce 单张承兑兑 geenerral acccepttancce 有条件承承兑 qquallifiied acccepttancce 附条件认认付 cconddi

16、tiionaal aacceeptaancee 部分认付付 paartiial acccepttancce 拒付|退票 disshonnourr 拒绝承兑兑而退票票 diishoonouur bby nnon-acccepttancce 由于存款款不足而而退票 dihhonoour by nonn-paaymeent 提交 ppressenttatiion 背书 eendoorseemennt|inddorssemeent 无记名背背书 ggeneerall enndorrsemmentt|bblannk eendoorseemennt 记名式背背书 sspecciall enndorrsem

17、mentt|ffulll enndorrsemmentt 附条件背背书 ccondditiionaal eendoorseemennt 限制性背背书 rresttricctivve eendoorseemennt 无追索权权背书 enddorssemeent witthouut rrecooursse 期满|到期 matturiity 托收 ccolllecttionn 新汇票|再兑兑换汇票票 ree-exxchaangee|rre-ddrafft 外汇交易易 exxchaangee deealiing|exxchaangee deealss 汇兑合约约 exxchaangee coontrr

18、actt 汇兑合约约预约 forrwarrd eexchhangge cconttracct 外汇行情情 exxchaangee quuotaatioon 交易行情情表 ccourrse of excchannge|exxchaangee taablee 汇价|兑换率率 exxchaangee raate|raate of excchannge 官方汇率率 offficciall raate 挂牌汇率率|名名义汇率率 noominnal ratte 现汇汇率率 sppot ratte 电汇汇率率|电电汇率| TT.T. raate|teeleggrapphicc trranssferr raa

19、te 兑现率|兑现现汇率 demmandd raate 长期汇率率 loong ratte 私人汇票票折扣率率 raate on a pprivvatee biill 远期汇票票兑换率率 foorwaard ratte 套价|套汇汇汇率|裁定外外汇行情情 crrosss raate 付款汇率率 peencee raate 当日汇率率|成成交价 currrenncy ratte 套汇|套价|公断断交易率率 arrbittragge 汇票交割割|汇汇票议付付 neegottiattionn off drraftt 交易人|议付付人 nnegootiaatorr 票据交割割|让让与支票票票据议议付

20、tto nnegootiaatiee a billl 折扣交割割|票票据折扣扣 too diiscoountt a billl 票据背书书 too enndorrse a bbilll 应付我差差额511,0000美元元 a ballancce ddue to us of $511,0000|a bbalaancee inn ouur ffavoour of $ 551,0000 收到汇款款 too reeceiive remmitttancce 填写收据据 too maake outt a recceippt 付款用语语 付款方法法 moode of payymennt 现金付款款 paay

21、meent by cassh|cassh ppaymmentt|ppaymmentt byy reeadyy caash 以支票支支付 ppaymmentt byy chhequue 以汇票支支付 ppaymmentt byy biill 以物品支支付 ppaymmentt inn kiind 付清|支付全全部货款款 paaymeent in fulll|fulll ppaymmentt 支付部分分货款|分批批付款 payymennt iin ppartt|ppartt paaymeent|paartiial payymennt 记帐付款款|会会计帐目目内付款款 paaymeent on ac

22、ccounnt 定期付款款 paaymeent on terrm 年分期付付款 aannuual payymennt 月分期付付款 mmontthlyy paaymeent|moonthhly insstallmennt 延滞付款款 paaymeent in arrrearr 预付货|先付付 paaymeent in advvancce|preepayymennt 延付货款款 deeferrredd paaymeent 立即付款款 prromppt ppaymmentt|iimmeediaate payymennt 暂付款 susspennse payymennt 延期付款款 deelayy

23、inn paaymeent|exxtennsioon oof ppaymmentt 支付票据据 paaymeent billl 名誉支付付|干干与付款款 paaymeent forr hoonouur|payymennt bby iinteerveentiion 结帐|清算|支付付 seettllemeent 分期付款款 innstaalmeent 滞付|拖欠|尾数数款未付付 arrreaars 特许拖延延付款日日 daays of graace 保证付款款 deel ccredderee 付款 tto ppay|too maake payymennt|to makke eeffeect pa

24、yymennt 结帐 tto ssetttle|too maake setttleemennt|to makke eeffeect setttleemennt|to squuaree|tto bbalaancee 支出|付款 to deffrayy|tto ddisbbursse 结清 tto ccleaar ooff|too pyya ooff 请求付款款 too assk ffor payymennt|to reqquesst ppaymmentt 恳求付帐帐 too sooliccit payymennt 拖延付款款 too deeferr paaymeent|too deelayy p

25、aaymeent 付款被拖拖延 tto bbe iin aarreearss wiith payymennt 还债 tto ddisccharrge 迅速付款款 too paay pprommptlly 付款相当当迅速 to payy mooderrateely welll|to payy faairlly wwelll|tto kkeepp thhe eengaagemmentts rreguularrly 付款相当当慢 tto ppay sloowlyy|tto ttakee exxtenndedd crrediit 付款不好好 too paay bbadlly|to be gennera

26、allyy inn arrreaar wwithh paaymeentss 付款颇为为恶劣 to payy veery baddly|too neeverr paay uunleess forrcedd 拒绝付款款 too reefusse ppaymmentt|tto rrefuuse to payy|tto ddishhonoour a bbilll 相信能收收到款项项 Wee shhalll loook to youu foor tthe payymennt|We shaall deppendd uppon youu foor tthe payymennt |Wee exxpecct p

27、paymmentt frrom youu 惠请付款款 kiindlly ppay thee ammounnt|pleeasee foorwaard payymennt|pleeasee foorwaard a ccheqque. 我将不得得不采取取必要步步骤运用用法律手手段收回回该项货货款 II shhalll bee obbligged to takke tthe neccesssaryy sttepss too leegallly reccoveer tthe amoountt. |I shaall be commpellledd too taake steeps to enfforcce

28、 ppaymmentt. 惠请宽限限 leet tthe mattterr sttandd ovver tilll tthenn.|alllow me a sshorrt eexteensiion of timme. |KKinddly posstpoone thee tiime forr paaymeent a llitttle lonngerr. 索取利息息 too chhargge iinteeresst 附上利息息 too drraw inttereest|too beear inttereest|too allloww innterrestt 生息 tto yyielld iinte

29、eresst 生息3% too yiieldd 3% 存款 tto ddepoositt inn a bannk|to putt inn a bannk|to plaace on depposiit|to makke ddepoositt 在银行存存款 tto hhavee mooneyy inn a bannk|to havve aa baank acccounnt|to havve mmoneey oon ddepoositt 向银行提提款 tto wwithhdraaw oones ddepoositt frrom a bbankk 换取现金金 too coonveert intto m

30、moneey|to turrn iintoo caash|too reealiize 折扣用语语 从价价格打110%的的折扣 to makke aa diiscoountt off 100% ooff thee prricee|tto mmakee 100% ddisccounnt ooff thee prricee 打折扣购购买 tto bbuy at a ddisccounnt 打折扣出出售 tto sselll att a disscouunt 打折扣-让价 to redducee|tto mmakee a redducttionn 减价 tto ddeduuct|too maake a

31、 ddeduuctiion 回扣 tto rrebaate 现金折扣扣 caash disscouunt 货到付款款|现现金提货货 caash on delliveer (C.OO.D.) 货到付现现款 ccashh onn arrrivval 即时付款款 prromppt ccashh 净价|最低价价格付现现 neet ccashh 现金付款款 reeadyy caash 即期付款款 sppot cassh|cassh ddownn|ccashh onn thhe nnaill 凭单据付付现款 cassh aagaiinstt doocummentts 凭提单付付现款 cassh aagai

32、instt biillss off laadinng 承兑交单单 doocummentts aagaiinstt acccepptannce (D/A) 付款交单单 doocummentts aagaiinstt paaymeent (D/P) 折扣例文文 除非另有有说明, 300日后全全额付现现, 如如有错误误, 请请立即通通知。 Net cassh 330 ddayss unnlesss sspeccifiied othherwwisee. AAdviise proompttly if inccorrrectt. 付款条件件: 330日后后全额付付现, 10日日后付现现打2%折扣, 过期期

33、后付款款时, 加上利利率为66%的利利息。 Termms, nett caash 30 dayys, or, leess 2% 10 dayys. Inttereest chaargeed aat tthe ratte oof 66% aafteer mmatuuritty. 付款条件件: 月月底后110日后后付现22%折扣扣, 现现在付现现3%折折扣, 否则, 全额额付现。 Termms: 2%, 100 daays E.OO.M., oor 33% ccashh, ootheerwiise strricttly nett. 信用证用用语 追加信用用证 aaddiitioonall crre

34、diit|addditiionaal LL/C 信用证金金额 aamouunt of creeditt 赊帐金额额 crrediit bbalaancee 可撤消信信用证 revvocaablee L/C 不可撤消消信用证证 irrrevvocaablee L/C 保兑信用用证 cconffirmmed L/CC 不保兑信信用证 uncconffirmmed L/CC 可转让信信用证 asssignnablle LL/C|trranssferrablle LL/C 银行信用用证 bbankkers LL/C 有追索权权信用证证 wiith reccourrse L/CC 无追索权权信用证证 w

35、iithoout reccourrse L/CC 单一信用用证 ssimpple creeditt 无条件信信用证 opeen ccreddit|frree creeditt 普通信用用证 ggeneerall leetteer oof ccreddit 旅行信用用证 ccircculaar llettter of creeditt 特别信用用证 sspecciall leetteer oof ccreddit 信用证底底帐 llettter of creeditt leedgeer 信用证发发行帐 lettterr off crrediit iissuued acccounnt 信用证金金额

36、 aamouunt of creeditt 信用证余余额|信用证证结欠 creeditt baalannce 开立信用用证 tto oopenn a creeditt 通过银行行开立信信用证 to esttabllishh a creeditt thhrouugh a bbankk 电开信用用证 tto ccablle aa crrediit 取消信用用证 tto ccanccel a ccreddit 开出信用用证 tto iissuue aa crrediit 在某银行行开立信信用证 to arrrangge aa crrediit wwithh a bannk 修改信用用证 tto aamennd aa crrediit 延展信用用证有效效期 tto eexteend a ccreddit 增加信用用证面额额 too inncreeasee a creeditt 寄出信用用证 tto ssendd a creeditt 请发给信信用证 to takke oout a ccreddit


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