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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.大型船厂供应链管理系统之建置中国造船暨轮机工程学刊第二十三卷第三期 民国九十三年 169 Journal of Taiwan Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Vol.23, No.3, pp.169-178, 2004 _ Corresponding author (nmshawmail.ncku.edu.tw) THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SUPPLY CHAIN M

2、ANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR THE BIG-SIZED SHIPYARD H.J. Shaw W. Tann and L.L. Chuang Department of System and Naval Mechatronic Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, ROC Keywords: E-commerce (EC), Virtual Shipyard (VS), Supplier Chain Management (SCM) 关键词:电子商业,虚拟船厂,供应链管理ABSTRACCT 摘要Alonng wi

3、tth thee rapiid devvelopmment oof thee inteernet, therre is no evven onne entterpriise whhich iis nott makiing E-businness aas itss primmary ddirecttion aand sttrateggy. Thhe bigg-sizeed shiipyardd utillizes the cconstrructioon forr the virtuual shhipyarrd, witth Ressearchh and Desiggn (R&D) ass the

4、 kerneel, viia Entterpriise Reesourcce Plaanningg (ERPP) inttegratting iinteriior reesourcces inn the shipyyard, and tthen tthrouggh Suppply CChain Managgementt (SCMM) cooordinaating the uup- annd dowwn-strreams suppplierss, theen to step forwaard buusinesss-to-businness (B2B). Withhin thhe bigg-siz

5、eed shiipyardds prroducttion pproceddure, the sscheduuling and qqualitty of the ooutfittting oftenn inflluencee the entirre schheduliing annd connstrucction of thhe shiips. TThereffore hhow too suppply thhe timmely, approopriatte andd corrrect ooutfittting, savee us ccommunnicatiion tiime annd alllo

6、ws uus to coopeerate with the ssuppliiers, and iincreaase thhe effficienncy, rreducee the cost, is tthe moost immportaant toopic. This paperr is ddirectted tooward the sshipbuuildinng proopertyy to pplan tthe fuunctioonalitties bbased on MSS Winddows DDNA-(DDistriibutedd inteerNet Archiitectuure) aa

7、rchittecturre andd the relatted teechnollogiess, to estabblish a sett of SSCM syystem. By tthe frriendlly intterfacce andd XML exchaange, the iinformmationn betwween tthe shhipyarrd andd suppplierss can be inntegraated mmuch ttighteer, too reacch quiick reesponsses, aand thhen immprovee the compeeti

8、tivvenesss of tthe shhipyarrd. 随着互联联网的迅速发发展,INTRODUUCTIONN Geneerallyy speaaking, tradditionnal shhipyarrds coould bbe divvided into four deparrtmentts: buusinesss, deesign, manuufactuure, aand maanagemment ddeparttmentss. Duee to ttheir chaottic fuunctioonalitties, it iss easyy to ddig ouut thee ma

9、naagemennt deffects induccing tthe osssifieed orgganizaation, whicch willl be arduoous too survvive iin thee comppetitiive maarine markeet. Acccordiingly, the conceept iss propposed from enterrprisee re-eengineeeringg, andd throough vvirtuaal shiipyardd (VS) to rre-plaan thee mainn funcctionaalitiee

10、s forr tradditionnal shhipyarrds. TThese main functtionallitiess for VS innvolvee ERP, Reseearch and DDeveloopmentt (R&DD), Cuustomeer rellationnship managgementt (CRMM), Prroductt Dataa Manaagemennt (PDDM), aand SCCM (Fiig.1). A VVirtuaal Shiipyardd is a grooup coonstruucted on a realiistic shipyya

11、rd oof orgganizaationss workking oon a ssinglee projject wwith aa signn goall wherre thee heteerogenneous membeers fuunctioon as a sinngle iintegrrated homogge- neeous oorganiizatioon. Byy the intraanet ttechnoology userss in rrealisstic sshipyaard caan reaal timme acccess aand moodify the pproducct

12、ion inforrmatioon stoored iin thee dataabase at annytimee & annywherre, soo thatt the workiing prrogresss andd commmunicaation will be sppeededd up iin eacch sinngle ddeparttment. THE ANALYYSIS OOF SCMM IN VVIRTUAAL SHIIPYARDD Supplly chaain maanagemment (Fig.22), iss the activve mannagemeent off su

13、ppply chhain aactiviities to maaximizze cusstomerr valuue andd achiieve aa susttainabble coompetiitive advanntage. It rrepressents a connsciouus efffort bby thee suppply chhain ffirms to deevelopp and run ssupplyy chaiins inn the most H.J. Shaw, W. TTann aand L.L. Chhuang: The Estabblishmment oof th

14、ee Suppply Chhain MManageement Systeem forr the Big-ssized Shipyyard 1170 efffectiive & efficcient ways possiible. Supplly chaain acctivitties ccover everyythingg fromm prodduct ddeveloopmentt, souurcingg, prooductiion, aand loogistiics, aas welll as the iinformmationn systtems nneededd to ccoordiin

15、ate thesee actiivitiees. Owwing tto intternett critteria adoptted annd webb prevvalentt, entterpriises ccommennce chhanginng theeir ussedwayys andd straategiees to devellop ECC on tthe innterneet andd applly it to shhare tthe innformaation with each otherr. Thee requuest ffor fllexiblle andd rapiid

16、reaactionns undder thhe gloobal pplanniing annd mannagemeent trrends, enteerprisses muust evvolve from manuffacturring aas thee prinncipall to iintegrratingg SCM inforrmatioon eraa. In the bbig-siized sship- yard, the quanttity aand deeliverry timme of outfiittingg veryy ofteen inffluencce thee enti

17、ire buuildinng quaality that wastees thee timee of ccommunnicatiion annd purrsuingg mateerialss. In the mmarinee induustry over 70% oof thee costt of tthe deeliverred prroductt is ffor maateriaal andd equiipmentt, esppeciallly iff subccontraactorss are invollved. THE PRAACTICEES IN SUPPLLY CHAAIN MA

18、ANAGEMMENT BBased on Taaiwans inddigenoous maarine indusstry aas welll as the oother experriencees avaailablle to the sstudy, the practtices are ddivideed intto fouur priimary sectiions, Supplly Chaain Maanagemment (SCM) Strattegy, SCM PPlanniing, MMechannisms, Systtems. This is a simpllificaation o

19、f thhe moddel inn Fig. 3. WWithinn eachh of tthose sectiions iit staarts wwith aa brieef desscripttion oof thee topiic andd thenn provvides resullts inn formm of sspeciffic prracticces. TThese sectiions ddefinee the practtice wwith rrefereence tto othher inndustrries (typiccally autommotivee, aerros

20、pacce or defennse ellectroonics) and then descrribe hhow thhe marrine iindusttry apppearss to bbe perrformiing. 1. SCM Strattegy SSCM Sttrateggy inccludess all of thhe higgh-levvel suupply chainn relaated aactiviities the ccompanny doees to plan its pproducct andd basiic appproachh to bbusineess. WW

21、e reccognizze thaat othher, mmore sspeciffic sttrateggic chhoicess Fig. 1 Thhe virrtual shipyyard ooutlinne. Fiig. 2 The ssupplyy chaiin mannagemeent acctive. Inteernet Extraanet SSuppliier CSSBC Viirtuall Shippyard Shi ddCRM SSCM ERRP R&DDPDM SSuppliier Suupplieer Intternett Extrranet Ship-ownerr S

22、hipp-owneer Shiip-ownner Joournall of TTaiwann Sociiety oof Navval Arrchiteects aand Maarine Enginneers, R.O.C., VVol.233, No.3, 20004 1771Fig. 3 Suummariizes tthe prracticces inn the four sectiions. have a majjor efffect on suupply chainn manaagemennt - ee.g., the ddecisiion too enteer a sspeciffic

23、 maarket will affecct thee natuure off the supplly chaain neeeded. Noneetheleess, tthose decissions are nnot foocusedd enouugh onn the supplly chaain isssue tto merrit ouur atttentioon herre. Allso, wwhile strattegy ccoverss a ceertainn amouunt off plannning (e.g., strrategiic plaanningg), thhe plaa

24、nningg secttion (beloww) covvers oonly tthat pplanniing whhich sspecifficallly perrtainss to ssupplyy chaiin mannagemeent. 22. SCMM Plannning SCM PPlanniing reefers speciificallly too thosse acttivitiies thhat arre asssociatted wiith suupply chainn manaagemennt. Itt inclludes the wwhole proceess off

25、 plannning how tto rattionallize mmake-bbuy deecisioons ass welll as pplanniing rooles aand reesponssibiliities for sspeciffic acctivitties ffor booth coomponeents aand seervicees. Inn addiition, it iincluddes pllanninng thee typees of relattionshhips tthe coompanyy wantts to have with its vvariouus

26、 typpes off suppplierss. 3. Mechaanismss Mechhanismms aree speccific supplly chaain maanagemment ppractiices tthat aare ussed too workk withh membbers oof thee suppply chhain. In otther wwords, thesse aree the practtices used by thhe shiipyardds to impleement the pplans. In tthe suubsequuent ssectio

27、on, Syystemss, thee infrrastruucturee needds to be inn placce to integgrate with supplliers. 4. SSystemms Whaat is call systtems incluudes tthe buusinesss proocessees, orrganizzationn, cullture, and technnologyy in bboth tthe cuustomeer andd suppplier that servee as tthe ennvironnment. Somee of tthe

28、se are nnot eaasy iff at aall chhangeaable (natioonal cculturre is the bbest eexamplle); aall arre harrder tto chaange tthan tthe otther nnon-syystemss. THE STUUDY FOOR RELLEVANTT SHIPPBUILDDING SSCM Wiide vaariatiions iin suppply cchain managgementt phillosophhies aand prracticces exxist iin botth

29、thee foreeign aand doomestiic marrine iindusttries, as iis truue of any iindusttry seector. Relaationsships betweeen USS shippyardss and most of thheir ssuppliiers ttend tto be signiificanntly mmore aarms llengthh and adverrsariaal thaan is the ccase iin Eurrope. Experriencee fromm otheer secctors,

30、partticulaarly aautomootive and aaerosppace, showss thatt suppplierss are much more respoonsivee to tthe neeeds oof theeir cuustomeers whhen cllose rrelatiionshiips exxist aand coommuniicatioon is frequuent aand oppen. TThe soourcinng praacticees of some of USS shippyardss havee the effecct of makin

31、ng rellationns witth manny suppplierrs farr moree adveersariial thhan neecessaary. The shiipbuillding Partnners aand Suupplieers (SSPARS) Conssortiuum memmbershhip inncludees thee shippbuildding ooperattions at Geenerall Dynaamics- Elecctric boatss, Batth Iroon Worrks, NNationnal Stteel aand shhipbu

32、iildingg Comppany (NASSCCO), TTodd PPacifiic Shiipyardd, Newwport News Shipbbuildiing, AAvondaale Shhipbuiildingg and Ingallls Shhipbuiildingg, Leaading US Shhipbuiildingg induustry suppllier, IBM, and AAltaruum. SPPARS cconsorrtium is deevelopping aand deeployiing shhipbuiildingg Suppply Chhain (SC

33、) VVirtuaal Entterpriises (VEs) that integgrate the sshipbuuildinng suppply SSCM Sttrateggy 1. Suppllier MManageement as a Strattegy 2. Speccific Goalss for Suppllier MManageement SCM PPlanniing 1. Coree Comppetenccy Anaalysiss 2. IIncreaase Suupplieer Ressponsiibilitties & Tierring 33. Outtsourccin

34、g RRationnalizaation 4. Sttrateggic Allliancce & LLong TTerm AAgreemments Mechaanismss 1. FFrame Agreeementss 2. CConsollidateed Purrchasiing 3. Custtomer Suppllier TTeams 4. Inntegraation of Suupplieers 5. Loweest Tootal CCost SSelecttion 66. Suppplierr Conttinuouus Impprovemment 77. Suppplierr Tra

35、iining 8. Deevelopp New Supplliers 9. Suupplieer Mannaged Invenntory 10. TTurnkeey Suppplierrs Sysstems 1. Inntegraated DData SSystemms 2. Integgratioon witth 3. Custoomer PPlanniing & Scheddulingg 4. OOrganiizing for CCoordiinatioon 5. Cultuure off Trusst H.J. Shhaw, WW. Tannn andd L.L. Chuaang: TT

36、he Esstabliishmennt of the SSupplyy Chaiin Mannagemeent Syystem for tthe Biig-sizzed Shhipyarrd 1722 chainn compposed of cuustomeers, ppartneers, ssubconntracttors, and ssuppliiers. The SSPARS projeect iss innoovativve in the mmannerr in wwhich it faacilittates and aacceleeratess the impleementaatio

37、n of shhipbuiildingg suppply chhain aand viirtuall enteerprisses foor US shipyyards by Esstabliishingg shippyardss as vvirtuaal shiipyardd gateeways that proviide neear-tuurnkeyy shippbuildding bbusineess prrocesss to ttheir supplly chaain, tthus eenabliing prroductt teamms to cost-effecctivelly wor

38、rk as integgratedd unitts, Prrovidiing a securre andd easyy-to uuse, oon-linne, innterneetbaseed sysstem ffor loocatinng andd exchhanginng infformattion (e.g. suppllier iinformmationn (quaalificcationns andd prodduct) by prrime ccontraactor inforrmatioon (soolicittationn and procuuremennt) byy suppp

39、lierss), Prrovidiing acccuratte andd costt-effeectivee sharring oof dessign iinformmationn usinng NSRRP-spoonsoreed parrt reppresenntatioon, trranslaation, and exchaange ttechnoology, Buillding a robbust aand exxtensiible ssystemm to ccapturre andd applly bussinesss praccticess and policcies iin a c

40、computtable and eenforcceablee formm (Figg. 4). The SPARSS Suppply Chhain pprojecct proovidess the US shiipbuillding Commuunity with an innformaation infraastruccture that will enablle shiipyardds andd suppplierss to wwork ttogethher ass if tthey wwere ppart oof thee samee Virrtual Enterrprisee. Thh

41、e Jappanesee apprroach is siignifiicantlly diffferennt froom whaat is occurrring in Euurope and tthe USS. Beccause of thheir aalmostt 100% domeestic supplly andd longg termm workking rrelatiionshiips wiith thheir ssuppliiers, Japannese sship Virtuual Ennterprrise SServerr Fig. 4 Integgratedd Shippbu

42、ildding SSupplyy Chaiin Virrtual Enterrprisee. builderrs havve a vvery ttradittionall, butt effeectivee, suppplierr relaationsship. Only now aas thee Japaanese ship- buillders look outsiide Jaapan ffor suupplieers, iin theeir quuest tto remmain ccompettitivee withh Koreea, arre theey loooking towarr

43、d thee needd to ffocus on suupply chainn manaagemennt. Shhipbuiildingg in TTaiwann is ssomethhing ddifferrent ffrom tthe otther ccountrries. CSBCC withh its consttructiion coompletted inn Junee 19766 is tthe onnly onne bigg-sizeed pubbliclyy ownedd shippyard whichh can afforrd to buildd bid-sizedd c

44、ommmerciaal shiips, ssuch aas conntaineers, bbulk ccarrieers, eetc. nnowadaays. AA monoopoly of buuildinng bidd-sizeed commmerciial shhips iis thee featture oof thee econnomiess of sscale in Taaiwans shiipbuillding markeet. Fuurtherrmore, due to thhe resstricttion oof govvernmeents relevvant pprocur

45、rementt law, the appliicatioon strrategyy for SC iss irreesistiibly mmodulaated tto CSBBC; thhe strrategyy is tto beccome aa centtralizzed buuyer-ddirectted buuy-sidde marrketpllace. THE BOTTTLENEECK FOOR CSBBSS DDOWNSTTREAM DATA FLOW Over the ppast sseveraal yeaars CSSBCs produuctiviity waas obvvio

46、uslly lowwer thhan otther nnearbyy Asiaan couuntriees. Indeed, mateerial cost is onne of the mmajor sourcces off the lack of innternaationaal commpetittiveneess too CSBCC. To conquuer thhis prredicaament, sincce Novvemberr 19977 CSBCC has initiiated a serries oof ressearchhing aand deevelopping wway

47、s oon howw to rreconsstructt the entirre worrkfloww thenn imprrove tthe peerformmance, and even attemmpted to seet up its oown ERRP sysstem. In thhis syystem the pproducction inforrmatioon witthin tthe ouutfittting mmanageement systeem is anticcipateed to be abble too handdle addvanceed dessigninng staage inn whicch dessign aand prroducttion ccan acccess the ssame ddatabaase. FFor fiindingg the soluttion, in 20001, tthe syystem set oof SCMM was develloped to trransacct witth thee upsttream long-term


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