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1、Logoal Logistics Agreement between XXXXX & China Distribution CentersVersion: 1Issued by: XXXXX and SC&LDate: 2010-9-10Logiistiics Agrreemmentt beetweeen XXXXXX & CChinna DDisttribbutiion CennterrsParttyNameeAddrresssXXXXXXSchnneidder Winngoaal (XXXXXX) Ellecttricc Eqquippmennt CCo., Lttd.Unitt CDD,

2、 44/F, Buuilddingg C11, XXinMMaoSScieenceeParrk,16 Ronng YYuann Rooad, Huua YYuann Inndusstriial Devveloopmeent Areea, XXXXXX P.RR.ChhinaaChinna DDisttribbutiion Cennterrs (DC)Chinna SSuppply Chaain & LLogiistiicsPurpposee Defiine thee ruuless off thhe wwholle llogiistiics floow bbetwweenn XXXXXXX a

3、nnd CChinnaDiistrribuutioonCeenteers. Defiine thee prroceessees tthatt wiill enaablee a smooothh fllow andd prroviide goood sservvicee too Chhinaa Diistrribuutioon CCentterss.Conttentts1. Scoppe oof tthe suppporrt2. Logiistiics offfer3. Foreecasst4. Normmal ordder mannageemennt5. Urgeent ordder mann

4、ageemennt6. Elepphannt oordeer mmanaagemmentt7. Crissis mannageemennt8. Inveentoory mannageemennt9. Trannspoortaatioon10. Insuurannce11. Claiims12. Retuurn pollicyy13. KPI mannageemennt14. Commmuniicattionn15. Valiiditty pperiiod16. Appeendiix ItemmWho1Scoppe oof tthe suppporrt- Prodductts ccoveered

5、d inn thhis agrreemmentt arre iin tthe atttachhed loggistticss daata fille.- Any chaangees rregaardiing reffereencee nuumbeer, pacckagge, labbelllingg, llogiistiic pparaametterss, ttrannspoortaatioon aand neww prroduuctss wiill be agrreedd too prriorr too immpleemenntattionn, bby aall parrtiees.XXXX

6、XXXXXXXX aand SC&L2Logiistiics offfer- Stanndarrd lleadd tiimeo Stanndarrd lleadd-tiime is dettermmineed bbaseed oon oordeer ppattternn frrom cusstommerss Vss XXXXXXX caapaccityy.o XXXXXX aagreees to suppplyy SCC&L witthinn thhe sstanndarrd lleadd-tiime as deffineed iin tthe atttachhed loggistticss

7、daata fille, subbjecct tto tthe terrms andd coondiitioons of thiis aagreeemeent (exxcepptioon sspeccifiied in secctioon 55 Urrgennt oordeer mmanaagemmentt annd iin tthe secctioon 66 Eleephaant ordder mannageemennt). o SC&LL wiill plaay aa roole of chaalleengeer oof sstanndarrd lleadd-tiime forr thhe

8、 ssakee off thhe ssuppply chaain. Inn thhe iinteeresst oof ccusttomeers, SCC&L willl yyearrlyrreviiew thee sttanddardd leead-timme aand askk XXXXXXX iff anny iimprroveemennt ccan be donne, witth aa foocuss onn inndennt iitemms ffirsstlyy, ffor whiich thee sttanddardd leead-timme iimpaactss cuustoome

9、rrsdiirecctlyy, aand alsso ffor stoock iteems, foor wwhicch ssafeety stoock cann bee opptimmiseed wwithh deecreeasee sttanddardd leead-timme.o The staandaard leaad-ttimee frrom XXXXXX to SC&L iis iinclludeed tthe eleemennts as folllowws, thee deetaiiledd tiime is deffineed iin tthe atttachhed Loggig

10、rram XXXXXX ssalees oordeer pproccesssingg tiime XXXXXX pprodducttionn leead timme Ordeer ggrouupagge ttimee Trannspoortaatioon ttimee frrom XXXXXXtto SSC&LL Goodds rreceeiviing dayys aat DDC - Lot sizzeo SC&LL coommiits to ordder as manny iitemms aas pposssiblle aaccoordiing to lott siize deffineed

11、 iin aattaacheed llogiistiicall daata. o If SSC&LL haas tthe reqquesst tto rreduuce lott siize, SCC&L shoouldd prroviide thee paast yeaar ssalees hhisttoriicall daata (Exx-DCC) tto vvaliidatte tthiss reequeest.- Packkagiingo Refeer tto llogiistiicall daata forr sttanddardd paackaaginng pplann.o All

12、ordderss shhoulld bbe sshipppedd too SCC&L in agrreedd paackaaginng mmulttiplles as perr loogissticcs ddataa.- Channgess off loogissticcs ooffeero Logiistiics offfersshouuld be upddateed rreguularrly bassed on connsummptiion evooluttionn.o Any chaangee off loogissticcs ooffeer (Staandaard leaad ttim

13、ee, LLot sizze, Pacckaggingg annd GGrouupagge) shoouldd bee nootiffiedd inn addvannce to SC&L.o For prooducct llaunnchiing, phhasee ouut, stoock pollicyy chhangge ffromm sttockk too inndennt, XXXXXX andd SCC&L shoouldd foolloow tthe speeciffic proocedduree ass atttacchedd.o XXXXXX sshouuld makke tth

14、e deccisiion forr thhe sstocck ppoliicy chaangee frrom inddentt too sttockk,annd ssharre tthe infformmatiion witth SSC&LL ass sooon as posssibble.XXXXXX aand SC&LXXXXXX aand SC&LXXXXXXXXXXXX aand SC&LXXXXXX aand SC&L3Foreecasst- Foreecasst ccolllecttionno Basee onn XXXXXXX innterrnall prroceess- For

15、eecasst aaccuuraccyo The monnthlly fforeecasst aaccuuraccy (by prooducct ffamiily) wiithiin +/- 20%XXXXXX iinteernaal4Normmal ordder mannageemennt- Way of plaacinng PPOo Ordeers willl bbe pplacced daiily in SAPP syysteem.- Freqquenncy of plaacinng PPOo Ordeers willl bbe pplacced daiily acccorddingg

16、too sttanddardd leead-timme, lott siize & mmaxiimumm orrderr quuanttityy ass sttateed iin llogiistiicall daata.- Ordeer aacknnowlledggemeento The ordder ackknowwleddgemmentt iss doone auttomaaticcallly bby SSAP sysstemm baasedd onn loogissticcs ooffeer (exccludde ccusttomiizedd prroduuct).- Modiify

17、or canncell POOo Befoore moddifyy orr caanceel PPO, XXXXXX andd SCC&L shoouldd reeachh ann aggreeemennt.- Due ordder.o The priioriity seqquennce of ordderss iss duue ddatee. OOverrduee orrderrs wwilll bee off thhe hhighhestt prriorrityy. o XXXXXXshhoulld wworkk wiith SC&L ffor an upddatee off alll p

18、pastt duue oordeers linnes witth rrescchedduliing infformmatiion to SC&L.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5Urgeent ordder mannageemennt - Defiinittionn off urrgennt oordeero Urgeent ordder is thee orrderr reequeestiing earrlieer ddeliiverry tthann sttanddardd leead-timme. - Proccessso Whenneveerthheree

19、 iss a reqquesst ffromm Cuustoomerrs/SSOA/Marrkettingg, XXXXXXXshhoulld ccommmuniicatte wwithh POOA (whoo iss thhe cconttactt wiindoow iin SSC&LL) ffor inddentt reeferrencces annd sstocck rrefeerenncess soomettimees. o For urggentt gooodss reeceiivinng, SC&L sshouuld putt thhe XXXXXXX ddelaayedd shh

20、ipmmentt too thhe 11st priioriity in GR (reeferr too thhe pproccesss inn DCC). o Out of aboove twoo siituaatioons, iff XXXXXXX sttilll haave speeciaal rrequuestt, ppleaase dirrecttly infformm coorreespoondiing DC mannageer. Thee reequeest of thiis kkindd off caase shoouldd bee noot sso ffreqquennt.o

21、 Howeeverr, ttherre iis nno gguarranttee forr urrgennt oordeer rrequuestt. IIt ddepeendss onn ottherr cuustoomerrs baackllog, XXXXXXXcappaciity, annd ccompponeentss avvaillabiilitty. XXXXXX resservves rigghtss too reeschheduule othher ordderss inn orrderr too fuulfiil tthe urggentt orrderrs. If thee

22、 reeschheduulinng iis nnot agrreedd beetweeen SC&L & XXXXXXX, tthe urggentt orrderrs rrequuestt maay nnot be entterttainned.XXXXXX aand SC&L6Elepphannt oordeer mmanaagemmentt- Montthlyy biig oordeero DefiinittionnAccuumullatiive Ordder Inttakee (pper Prooducct ffamiily forr alll ccusttomeer) perr mo

23、onthh thee quuanttityy off saafetty sstocck+lott siizeProccesss Anallysee fiirsttly wheetheer tthe inccreaase is froom ttruee ENND ccusttomeer ddemaand or nott. IIf tthe demmandd iss frrom truue EEND cusstommer demmandd, tthe firrst priioriity is cusstommer sattisffacttionn. If tthe inccreaase is NO

24、TT frrom truue eend cusstommer, SCC&L teaam sshouuld cooordiinatte wwithh diiffeerennt ccusttomeers to obttainn prriorrityy inn gllobaal. SC&L tteamm wiill theen ccoorrdinnatee XXXXXXX too reeschheduule ordderss baasedd onn maaterriall avvaillabiilitty & caapaccityy. XXXXXXshhoulld aacknnowlledgge b

25、big ordderss wiithiin tthe 48-houur, andd coommiit aa reeschheduule delliveery timme wwithhin 48 houurs froom tthe ordder recceivved. - Dailly bbig ordder.o Fromm cuustoomerr too DCC, thhe pprojjectt iss onn gooingg (aabouut tthe deffiniitioon & thhe wwholle pproccesss).o Fromm SCC&L to XXXXXX, thhe

26、 ddailly bbig ordder is hanndlee byy XXXXXXX,o SC&LL shhoulld hhelpp too seet tthe Q-mmax in POAA/SOOA ssysttem wheen QQmaxx iss deefinned.XXXXXX & SCC&LSC&LL7Crissis mannageemennt- Defiinittionn off “Criisiss”o XXXXXX/SSC&LL deeclaaress CCrissis Sittuattionn wwhenn XXXXXXX/SCC&L forreseees alll orr

27、derr off onne rrefeerennce (foor aall cusstommerss) wwilll bee deelayyed forr moore thaan oone weeek. - Whenn XXXXXXX deeclaaress CCrissis Sittuattionn, XXXXXX infformms CCusttomeer SSatiisfaactiion (CSS), marrkettingg, CCCC andd Suupplly CChaiin OOperratiion (SCCO). Annd SSuppply Chaain Opeerattion

28、n teeam doees tthe acttionns aaccoordiing to XXXXXXs rrequuestt.- Whenn SCC&L decclarres Crrisiis SSituuatiion,SCC&L shoouldd innforrm LLogiistiics Deppt oof XXXXXXX.- Recooverry PPlann & Criisiss Reevieew (exppectted reccoveery datte, currrennt pprodducttionn sttatuus) willl bbe ssentt byy XXXXXXX/

29、SCC&L.- Reguularr coommuuniccatiion bettweeen XXXXXXX aand SC&L sshouuld be helld dduriing thee “Criisiss peeriood”.XXXXXXSC&LLXXXXXX & SCC&LXXXXXX & SCC&L8Inveentoory Mannageemennt- Inittiall sttockk seettiing:o The quaantiity is deccideed bby XXXXXXXannd ccalcculaatedd wiith marrkettingg fooreccas

30、tt. Inn adddittionn, XXXXXXX sshouuld infformm SCC&L thee innforrmattionn.- XXXXXX sshouuld callcullatee thhe iinveentoory parrameeterrs bbaseed oon ccorpporaate deffiniitioon.- Provvisiion andd innvenntorry follloww uppo SC&LL shhoulld hhelpp XXXXXXX too immproove thee innvenntorry mmanaagemmentt (

31、SSS & taargeet sstocck, etcc) tthrooughh FGG Sllicee moonthhly revvieww.o XXXXXX aand SC&L ffolllow thee prroduuct agee & covveraage by reffereencee annd ttakee alll nneedded acttionn too keeep invventtoriies undder tarrgett annd tthe prooducct aage lesss tthann 122 moonthhs (minnimiize proovissionn

32、).- End of liffe / suubsttituutioon mmanaagemmentt:o XXXXXX aand SC&L sshouuld worrk ttogeetheer tto llimiit tthe scrrap amoountt. FFinaanciial hass thhe rrespponssibiilittyof Finiish Gooods stoock on SC&L ssidee.But it is alsso oone parrt oof XXXXXXXs ovveraall perrforrmannce.XXXXXX & SCC&L9Trannsp

33、oortaatioon- Geneerall trranssporrtattionn moode froom XXXXXXX tto SSC&LL iss trruckk.- Airffreiightt maay bbe rrequuestted by SC&L iin tthe eveent of delliveery dellayss. IIn tthiss caase, aiirfrreigght cossts aree too bee boornee byy paartyy crreattingg thhe ddelaay.- Dropp shhipmmentt reequeest:o

34、 If tthe dellay is obvviouuslyy duue tto XXXXXXX, XXXXXX cerrtaiinlyy shhoulld eexpeeditte tthe shiipmeentss byy anny mmeanns iin oown cosst-iinclludiing droop sshippmennt/eexprresss/aiir sshippmennt, etcc.o For othher reaasonns, Marrkettingg deeparrtmeent couuld raiise thee drrop shiipmeent reqques

35、st iin oordeer tto ssatiisfyy thhe ccusttomeers. Annd XXXXXXX ccoulld ccharrge thee adddittionnal traanspporttatiion cosst tto SSC&LL wiith dettaills. Thee deediccateed MMarkketiing Mannageer/LLeadder is ressponnsibble forr reequeest appprovval andd coontrrol of thee tootall adddittionnal traansppor

36、ttatiion cosst.- SC&LL(DCC) ggoodds rreceeiviing:o Normmallly, thee gooodss reeceiivinng iin SSC&LL (DDC) is onee woorkiing dayy. o In ccasee off thhe hhugee voolumme oof sshippmennt, thee gooodss reeceiivinng ttimee maay bbe llongger. Annd XXXXXXX sshouuld infformm SCC&L to preeparre iin aadvaancee

37、.SC&LLXXXXXXXXXXXX & SCC&LXXXXXX & SCC&L10InsuurannceAccoordiing to acttuall Scchneeideer ppoliicy, XXXXXXX iss inn chhargge oof Traanspporttatiion inssuraancee; DC is in chaargee off SStorragee innsurrancce iin DDC.XXXXXX & SCC&L11Claiims- Shorrtagge cclaiimsIf ttherre iis aany shoortaage claaim, S

38、CC&L musst rrepoort witthinn twwo wworkkingg daaystto XXXXXXXaffterr thhe ggoodds aarriivall att SCC&L porrt ffrommXXXXXX.- Deliiverry mmisttakee cllaimmso Defiinittionn:Deliiverry mmisttakee meeanss acctuaal ddeliiverry qquanntitty ddoessntt maatchh thhe sshippmennt nnotiificcatiion to SC&L.o XXXXX

39、X iis rrespponssiblle ffor anyy deelivveryy miistaake.o If tthe claaim is jusstiffiedd, SSC&LL wiill makke aa cllaimm foor aany delliveery misstakke ttoXXXXXXX wiithiin ttwo worrkinng ddayss affterr thhe rreceeiviing thee shhipmmentt. XXXXXXnneedds tto ggivee a feeedbaack fassterr / witthinn 2 worrk

40、inng ddayss inn orrderr noot tto iimpaact cusstommerss. o The addditiionaal ccostt off gooodss reeturrn (if neccesssaryy) wwilll bee chhargge bbyXXXXXXX. o Any claaimss shhoulld bbe aattaacheed wwithh phhotoo.SC&LLXXXXXX & SCC&L12Retuurn pollicyy- Defiinittionn:“Retturnn” heere meaans thee phhysiica

41、ll reeturrns: loogissticcs rretuurnss orr reeturrns of anyy ottherr reeasoons excceptt Quualiity Retturnn. QQuallityy Reeturrn ffolllowss thhe QQuallityy prroceedurre.- XXXXXX sshouuld connfirrm tthe acccepttancce qqty to retturnn wiithiin 11 weeek.- XXXXXXshhoulldreeplaace thee coonfiirmeed ddefeec

42、tss gooodss wiithiin 11 moonthh affterr phhysiicall reeceiive froom SSC&LL.- XXXXXX sshouuld be in chaargee off thhe ffreiightt off reeturrn tthattis reqquirred by XXXXXX.XXXXXX & SCC&L13KPI mannageemennt- Foreecasst aaccuuraccy: o XXXXXX & SCC&L teaam sshouuld revvieww thhe rrolllingg fooreccastt &

43、 hisstorricaal aaccuuraccy iin eeverry mmontth.o DC sshouuld suppporrt tthe XXXXXX to impprovve tthe forrecaast acccuraacy witth mmarkketiing thrrouggh pprojjectt, oor pprovvidee thhe uusefful metthodd.- On ttimee deelivveryy (OOTDMM, OOTDCC2, ULOO)o XXXXXX iis rrespponssiblle ffor bellow KPIIs: OTD

44、SS: OOn ttimee Deelivveryy too cuustoomerr OTDMM: OOn TTimee Deelivveryy exx-Woork ULO: Unnschheduuledd Laate Ordder OTDCC2: Seccondd coommiitmeent of On Timme DDeliiverryXXXXXXcoommiitsOTDDS ooverr 988%OTDDM ooverr 988%.ULOO taargeet iis 11% pper monnth andd OTTD CC2 iis999% pper monnth.o XXXXXXshh

45、oulld ssharre tthe OTDDM meeasuuremmentt frrom facctorry ppoinnt oof vvieww wiith SC&L.- Trannspoortaatioon KKPIo Forwwardder OTDD: PPeriiodiic rreviiew deppenddingg onnXXXXXX andd SCC&Ls feeedbbackk / perrforrmanncess off thhis forrwarrderr inn teermss off coost andd OTTD. Repportt frrom forrwarrderr shhoulld bbe ssharred bett


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