1、冲刺2022年高考英语读后续写题型应对思维01心理调试:应对读后续写必备的“五要素”现状回顾读后续写检验了学生的阅读和写作两项能力,是对学生综合素养的考查。读后续写是学生先在读中收 集相关信息,然后在写中输出英语单词,句式等的过程。可以说学生想要在读后续写中获得高分,必须具 有高超的英语阅读能力以及完善的英语写作能力。但自读后续写加入高考以来,学生在该新题型的答题中 普遍存在着写作困难的问题,甚至出现了惧怕读后续写的现象。那么在高考来临之际,我们首先要做的就 是正视读后续写这种题型,从心理上重视这种写作,并有意识地学会缓解自己的惧怕心理,然后再寻求具 体的解决方法。一、端正应试态度,重审续写题
2、型读后续写是阅读与写作的一种有机结合形式。一般来说,试卷上会先给学生提供一篇没有结尾的阅读 材料,让学生在阅读材料后续写结尾,使文章得以补全。读后续写中包含了两个内容,即读和写。读什么? 读原文。通常来说,读后续写的原文都是记叙文或是夹叙夹议的文章,记叙文主要 是讲述一个事件的起因 一过程一结果,学生在阅读原文时可以第一时间了解故事的主人公、时间、地点以及事件的起因。在这个 过程中,学生借助阅读完成了信息的收集和整理。那么写什么?写什么是建立在读中提供的信息之上的, 学生收集到的原文信息给他们的续写设定了限制,续写不能随意逍遥,要遵循“7不原那么”,即不增加人 物,不增加旁支情节,不改变语言特
3、色,不用负能量结局,不再结尾设置悬念,不 偏离原文主题,不违 背逻辑常理。在这七个“不”的框束下,学生便可以根据自己对原文的理解进行续写,发挥自己的想 象 力进行创作,进而在保证故事开展的连贯性和语言风格的衔接感的基础上完成文章创作。其次,读后续写训练对于高中生来的意义。一方面,读后续写训练题有利于沉淀学生的内心,让学生 进入沉浸式阅读中,进而最大程度地发挥阅读的重要作用。另一方面,培养学生读后续写能力可以提升 学生英语的综合能力。读后续写的得分点在于故事开展具有连贯性,逻辑性,续写的语言与原文之间毫 无违和感等。这也就要求学生在续写之前需要提升自身的阅读理解能力,充分挖掘阅读材料的具体内 容
4、。 同时学生还要形成一定的语感,对原文的语言特色进行 把握,从而满足续写内容与阅读材料多方面契合的 高要求。需要注意的是,学生续写的连贯性是建立在阅读的基础之上 的,因此对于读后续写来讲阅读和优点英语(1)动词的使用。文中使用了大量的动词,形成动作链,增强了情境的画面感。 如描写妈妈 如何收拾整理物品的 语言就非常具体生动,如follow, clean up, brush, throw, pick up, get washed, dry, fold 等。Most days, Mom followed Arthur around the house and cleaned up after hi
5、m. She brushed the crumbs (碎 屑)into her hand and threw them away after meals. She picked up his socks and made sure they got washed, dried and folded neatly before going back in the drawer.因此,我们要模仿这种行文技巧,让先后发生的几个动词,形成动作链,有利于增强文章的感染力。(2)语言描写。需要提醒的是,语言描写要与人物当时的动作和情感保持一致。如:“You know what, Arthur? Im no
6、t going to ask you again. Im done cleaning today. And with that, Mom put her feet up on the sofa and picked up a book to read.对话内容“你知道吗,Arthur?我不会再问你,我今天清扫完了。”与动作“把脚搁在沙发上,拿起 一本书来读”表达的内容是一致的:妈妈不再帮他收拾了。(3)衔 接 词语。本文使用了以下表示时间的过渡性短语或从句:One day, Mom asked Arthur to pick up his toy trains .At dinner time,
7、Arthur noticed that there was a big pile of crumbs at his place at the table.After dinner, Arthur? s feet felt cold. He went to his room and opened his drawer, but the drawer was empty. “Mom, where are my socks? ” Arthur called.When it was time for bed, Arthur said good night to Mom and turned to go
8、 upstairs .我们在叙写过程中,也要学会模仿原文这种衔接手法,使叙事更加连贯清晰。 三、读首句首句即命题者给出的需要我们续写的两个段落的首句。如何读懂首句至关重要,因为首句就是“潜 台词”,隐含着情节的走向,读懂它,我们就能合理地推断情节,构思续写框架。(一)关注句意衔接首先,解读原文最后一句与所给续写首段的首句的句意,推测下一句的情节,防止句意逻辑断层。原文末句: Arthur stepped right on his toy train in his bare feet. Ouch! ” cried Arthur/That really hurt!(阿瑟光着脚正 好踩在他的玩具火车
9、上。“哎哟!”亚瑟叫道。“真的很疼!”)续写的首段首句:He turned to mom for help. However, Mom was still reading and said nothing.(他向妈妈 求助。然而,妈妈仍然在看书,什么也没说)由此推断,下一句的信息应该是写亚瑟的反响,而且是一些负面情绪的反响,因为他受 伤了,求助妈优点英语妈,但妈妈无动于衷。所以亚瑟要么生气,要么不解,要么委屈等等。这里通过一些动作以及语言描写来 勾画当时的情绪。如: Seeing his mother? s response, he burst into anger. Why are you
10、so cold!” He shouted .其次,通过第二段首句反推第一段的情节开展,做好续写首段末尾与第二段首句的句意衔接。续写第二段首句:Having put away the toy train, he caught sight of the dirty socks.(他把玩具火车放好后,看到了脏袜子)由句中uhaving put away the toy train,可推断,第一段应该要写Arthur如何收拾玩具火车的情节。 当然,是什么驱使他完成这个动作,按照故事情感的开展由消极走向积极的原那么,可以推断他认识到自己 的错误,怀着懊悔和羞愧情感完成了 “收拾”的动作。(二)读出 “首
11、句”的关键信息,合理推测续写情节如第一段首句的关键信息是亚瑟求助妈妈,“妈妈没有回应: 据此,可自我叩问:最终妈妈帮助 了 Arthur吗?帮助了他什么呢?怎么帮助?为什么帮助了他?这些问题链的提出,有利于使情节逐渐浮 出水面,情节不会远离核心内容。又如第二段首句的关键信息是“看到了脏袜子了”。因此,后面的写作 思路应该是围绕着如何处理脏袜子,而不是其他物品。综上所述,除了读原文以外,源语篇的“读”还包括读题目提供的首句,千万不要忽略续写首句的重 要性。我们要读出“写作关键信息”,为续写内容做好逻辑衔接。四、读主题根据高考试题的有育人功能可知,读后续写故事的最后,问题、矛盾或冲突最终一定会 得
12、到解决。 故事中的人物经过一系列情绪或心理活动之后,必将从消极走向积极,最终明白一个道理或者实现了自我 成长。就本例子而言,亚瑟从一个messy的男孩,在妈妈的教育和帮助下,学会自律和独立,最终改掉 了 “脏乱”的坏习惯,实现了自我成长。(2022.广东潮州.高三期末)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的 短文。Once, I was traveling with my mum and elder sister. It was a day journey and we entered the ladies compartment (隔间)of the train
13、, where the seats all had “Ladies“ written on the back. It was crowded but we got seats and settled down. We kept our luggage under the seats and waited for the train to start.Ladies kept on coming inside. The seats were quickly taken, and there were even people standing along the优点英语aisles, which m
14、ade the people in the compartment seem to be breathless. Only one seat was empty when a woman with a baby entered. She was about to go over to the empty place, when a burly (结实的)looking man entered, walked straight over to the empty seat, and sat down with a thump (砰的声),taking no notice of his surro
15、undings.The lady with the child held on to her bag and stood in a corner. I was watching all this with a frown. I expected the woman standing there or any of the other ladies to speak out asking the man to leave the ladies compartment.Alas! No one spoke. Most ladies there seemed to be busy with thei
16、r own business, including my mom and sister who had their eyes shut trying to rest, unaware of anything wrong. I decided I could not disturb them. I kept on feeling upset with frustration, wanting to help in some way. I would have offered my place but I was already sitting between my mom and sister,
17、 both of whom were stronger than me, so I couldnt move a bit.The train had started and was gaining speed minute by minute. The woman standing there was swaying to and fro with the trains speed, the screaming child in her arms. The mannerless man had no reaction. I couldnt stand it any more.注意:L续写词数应
18、为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I got up and walked calmly over to him.The lady with the baby thanked me again and again.【参考范文】I got up and walked calmly over to him. Looking into his eyes, I asked the burly man if he could read, trying to be polite. Feeling a little surprised, he made a bad face and rel
19、uctantly replied: Of course I can.” Thats great. Please turn around and read what was written on the back of your seat. He did so and saw Ladies“ written on the优点英语seat. He looked at me for a while with embarrassment and guilt and then he got the point, leaving the compartment in a big hurry, almost
20、 falling.The lady with the baby thanked me again and again. She sat down with a grateful smile on her tired look. Surprisingly, her screaming baby stopped crying and began to smile in her arms. Looking at the two happy souls, I felt a deep sense of pride and satisfaction surging from the bottom of m
21、y heart. And my brave behavior was greeted with general cheers and clapping all around. T felt so happy that T had made the choice.冲刺2022年高考英语读后续写题型应对思维03续写构思:优化续写段落布局“四步走”现状回顾英语读后续写一种把阅读和写作紧密结合的考试模式,主要考查学生的语篇整体阅读理解能力、逻辑 思维能力、多维想象能力和语言表达能力,旨在落实立德树人的根本任务,培养学生的英语学科核心素养。 读后续写的目的在于考查学生综合使用语言的能力。续写除了要求学生
22、掌握丰富的词汇和句子模式以外, 还重视学生的内容构思和衔接情节的能力。主要表达在以下四个方面:(1)学生把握短文关键信息和语言 特点的能力。学生需要读懂给定短文的主要内容,了解短文的关键词和语言结构的使用情况,然后续写出 一篇文章。(2)学会正确运用语言,并使其丰富多彩。学生需要能够准确使用高级的词汇和语言结构进行 表达。(3)对语篇结构的把控能力。考查学生对上下文逻辑关系的掌握情况,希望学生续写的短文语句连 贯、有序。(4)培养学生创造性思维的能力。学生需要续写出具有丰富内容的短文,能够详细和生动地描 述情景、态度和感情,写出高水平的高考英语读后续写的作文。在读后续写这类题型中,考生通常需要
23、对一篇故事性较强的记叙短文进行续写,这类短文具有可读性、 可延展性、衔接性、完整性、温情性等特征,多弘扬真、善、美,传播正能量,或充满意趣性,给读者一 定的愉悦感。在考试中,由于受时间所限、对文本解读不到位、理解有失偏颇、词汇知识储藏不够、语法 运用不灵活等因素的影响,考生的作品存在着诸多方面的问题。因此,在读后续写过程中,我们就需要整 体布局续写语篇,整体安排写作进程,进而有序、有效地展开写作。应对思维一、布局一:宏观把握语篇主题,预测所给语篇的整体架构关系语篇主题是作者写作的主旨或某种情感的寄托,所有的故事情节都是围绕着语篇主题展开的,故事情 节对主题 起到“众星捧月”的作用。同学们要想宏
24、观把握语篇的主题,预知完整的故事框架,除了结合已 有的故事情节及命题线索要求还需要特别关注短文的几处地方:(1)文章的标题。标题是文眼,是语篇主题的导向性 浓缩与精华。(2)已有语篇文本的主题句。这是文章铺叙的根本和核心,也是预知文章框架的基础和前提。(3各段落主题句。它们是文章总主题句的分主题句,是为总主题句服务的,同时也是续写后续情节的前奏和基础。(4)续写段落首句。续写段落的首句往往是故事的分主题句,对该段落的写作起导向作用。同学们 要厘清该句与短文所有情节的架构关系,以便进行后续情节的推断与写作。例如,例如短文是一篇记叙文,谈论的是人与自然的话题。故事的主题是保护动物、拯救生灵。短文主
25、要 讲述了 “我”和小伙伴去爸爸工作的锯木厂附近的森林玩耍,遇到了一 只受伤的小鹿,以及“我”和 小伙伴如何拯救受伤的小鹿的故事,表达了人与自然共生共存的人文情怀。一般来讲,故事性记叙文的主 题比拟明确,要么有明 晰的主题句,要么根据故事情节可以总结、归纳出主题句。上述短文的故事主题 属于第二种。结合短文内容,我们可以归纳出短文的主题Saving a wounded deer”。实例分析It was a burning hot day in late summer, when my father drove me and my friends Jim and John to the lumbe
26、r mill(锯木J一) where he was working, to play for several days.The workers working conditions were really poor. Despite of the hot weather, that day the workers were still working hard. They were covered in sweat and sawdust (锯末) ,looking discouraged and tired. It was dangerous, back-breaking work that
27、 paid very little. They did the job because they had no other suitable work to do to support their families.We decided to play in the forest nearby the mill. So shortly after looking around the big yard of the mill, we three children ran out to the forest before my father could warn us to take care.
28、 The dense forest was a place filled with wondersa truly fun place for kids to play. Behind the big old trees we played hide and seek. We also removed our shoes and climbed to the top of tall trees to see what were in bird nests. Sometimes we quieted down, approached a noise-making insect, caught it
29、 and put it into big pockets of my white shirt. With everything seeming so interesting and pleasant, we couldnt hold back our curiosity and excitement.We three were exploring what attracted each of us when Jim suddenly called out:uHey! Theres a deer in here!Hearing this, John and I turned and saw a
30、brown-haired figure lying under a tree. We raced towards it. Sure enough, there lay a beautiful little deer on its side, with bright big eyes looking us with fright. I was about to pat it when Jim said/The deer must have been injured somewhere, or it couldnt be lying here.What he said sounded reason
31、able. Having examined the deer carefully, we found one of his front legs was seriously hurt and bleeding from a cut. 注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。“We must do something to stop the bleeding at once.I said anxiously.Hearing this, the workers at work all came out to see what the matter was.二、布局二
32、:关注续写段落首句与前后文的联系,微观预测语篇行文缺失的情节记叙文一般含有五大要素,即what who when where how。故事情节在铺叙时常分为起、承、 转、合四个局部。首先,阐述故事的起因、时间、地点、人物。其次,阐述故事情节的开展。在故事的发 展过程中,作者通常运用“冲突”手段来延展故事内容,使故事情节跌宕起伏,引人入胜。再次,将故事 的开展推向高潮。最后,矛盾得以化解,故事圆满结束。故事性记叙文通常运用“吊人胃口”的写作手法, 令读者产生一定的代入感,不由自主地去阅读、探寻、解决问题。因此,合理想象与构思是精准续写后续 情节的基石。同学们在续写情节时,需注意以下几个方面:(1
33、)情节续写:必须:向正能量方向延展才符合作者的本意(禁止天马行空的胡 乱想象与推理)。(2)故事的内涵:要丰富,情节要有起伏,:具有审美性、可读性和一定的教育意义。(3)故事的结尾:往往是故事的主题升华之处。合理续写,进而升华主题是考 查要点。(4)重视续写段落首句的承上启下作用:分析该承接句与下文情节相呼应的地方,使续写内容与原文 内容连贯、协同、合理,顺理成章。例如,例文线索为:爸爸带“我”和“我”的两个好朋友去锯木厂玩耍一我了解了那里的工人们 的工作环境与现状一 “我”和朋友们去森林玩耍一 “我”和朋友们发现了一只受伤的小鹿一小鹿的腿 在流血据此,合理推断故事情节:Para.l:在“我”
34、说出必须先止住伤口的血后,Jim和John有什么反响?他们有何建议或做了什 么? 一 “我”是怎么做的? 一 “我”穿的白衬衫是否可以作为绑带为小鹿止血? 一 “我们”是怎样 进行急救的? 一小鹿的伤势如何? 一小鹿的伤好了吗? 一小鹿是否需要人照顾一段时间? 一从续 段二第一句可推知,“我们”肯定回到锯木厂了,“我们”喊了什么话让工人们听到声音就跑了出来?Para.2:工人们听到呼喊后跑出来看到了什么?一他 们有什么反响? 一小鹿的伤口还需要处理吗? 一爸爸是怎么做的? 一工人们是怎么想的?一他们做了什么?一他们说了什么? 一 “我”有什么样的 感受?厘清延展故事的思路后,同学们可以从记忆中
35、调取所 学的语法、词汇和写作的相关知识和技巧,合理 续写,延展成文。三、布局三:注重情感与文风的协同,保持语篇整体表达基调故事性记叙文往往以叙事为主,同时含有主人公的情 感脉络,情文并茂,感人至深,给人以教益。情 感作为文章的重要脉络,对语篇所承载的人文主题的升华起重要作用。情感,一般分为“直陈式”情感和 “委婉式”情感两种。“直陈式”情感是指直接运用情感词语来描述人物的情感,“委婉式”情感那么指利用 感官、表情、声音、体态语言等间接表达人物的某种情感。此外,行文时,同学们还可以运用比喻、夸张、拟人、拟物等修辞手法描绘人物的情感,亦可运用省 略、倒装、强调等语法手段来表达人物的情感。为准确表达
36、短文情感,同学们可采用以下策略:(1)积累并拓展词汇同学们可利用“同义词辨析法”强化同类词汇用法的 广度和深度。比方,“到达可以用arrive, reach, get to” 等来表达。 如此,“We got to the farm together with some farmers at noon.” 这一句还可以表达为 “We arrived at/ reached the farm together with some farmers at noon. 。又如,“忍受,容忍”可以用“put up with, stand, bear” 等来表达。如止匕,“Nancy can t put
37、up with her toothache any longer.” 这一句还可以表达为 uNancy can t bear her toothache any longer.(2)利用副词的修饰功能展现情绪特征比方在上述短文中可用“I said anxiously; said John anxiously; bound it tightly; patting it gently; talked excitedly等 心情类词汇表达出主人公们关心小鹿的伤势、盼望小鹿康 复的急切心情。情感词汇寓于合理 的情节之中,才能彰显出语言的魅力,令读者感受到英语语言之美,体味到语篇主题之情韵。(3)巧用动
38、词刻画心理特征并进行同义词替换如 “hurry, dash, rush, race,3”等表现急迫感的动词,可搭配 “spot, notice, observe, take notice of, catch a glimpse of” 以及表示进入的“break into, burst into, slide into, slip into, steal into”等相关单词或词组使用, 使表达更丰盈、更准确,同时防止用词的泛化与重复,增加词汇的丰富性。四、布局四:合理安排“变式”表达,提升行文流利度续写局部要求词数控制在150左右,一般位于文中或文末。同学们在写作时,一要正确表达,合理续 写
39、,快速成文;二要适当运用变式表达手法,使行文充满灵性,从而 获得阅卷教师的“点赞”。鉴于此, 同学们可以灵活运用省 略、倒装、强调等特殊句式或结构,使行文言简意赅,辞约义丰。例如:With no path to follow, Alice just walked on for quite a long time, (with 复合结构)Alice kept moving, but the farther she walked, the more confused she became, (the + 比拟级, the + 比拟 级)Never in her life had she taste
40、d anything better.(否认词置 于句首,主谓语局部倒装)If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom. (if only 引导的虚拟语气) 参考范文bandage! ” said John anxiously. Glancing at my white shirt, I had a good idea. Taking it off and tearing it into pieces, I folded them, pressed them onto the cut and bound it tig
41、htly. Everything done, we breathed a sigh of relief. Patting it gently, we encouraged the deer to rise. The deer attempted to, but in vain. It takes him some time to recover. We should first take it to the mill. Jim suggested. So we three took turns to carry it on our way to the mill. On reaching th
42、e mill, I shouted: u Father, we have a wounded deer!vHearing this, the workers at work all came out to see what the matter was. Seeing the wounded deer health condition, they understood and praised us for that. Then my father attended the wound of the deer with care and recovered it gradually. The u
43、nexpected arrival of the lovely guest brightened the day of the tired workers, who talked excitedly, forgetting all about their worries. Leave it to us, and we 11 take good care of it. One worker said excitedly.u After it recovers, we H return it to nature. Trust us!” Another assured us. The kind wo
44、rkers smiles filled me with a sense of warmth and pride.考前小练(2022.湖南.长沙一中一模)阅读下面材料;根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的 短文。When I was 13, I climbed my first mountain. I was overweight at the time and out of breath when I reached the peak. But I loved the challenge of it. Soon Id climbed nearly 100 peaks. My
45、parents were happy Id finally found my favorite hobby.I often go climbing with my friend Mel Olsen. Two years ago, on December 30, when I was 16, she and I drove to Oregon to tackle 11, 240-foot Mount Hood.Its safer to start winter climbs at night when theres less risk of the sun melting the snowpac
46、k. That day, we started at 3 a.m., following the paths alongside the ski runs. The temperature was about 14 degrees, and we wore layers we could easily remove, knowing the climbing would make us warm.After about five hours, we reached Devils Kitchen, a plateau(高原)at about 10, 000 feet, just before t
47、he final push to the top. By this point, the wind conditions were very unpleasant. My exposed skin felt as though it were burning. Some other climbers decided to turn back, but Mel and I went ahead. We had ice axes(斧子),helmets and crampons(带车丁铁鞋底).We were prepared for the climb.The trail we followed
48、 grew narrower and steeper. At around 9 a.m., we reached an ice step. It was about three or four feet tall and sloped at a 75-degree angle. I volunteered to go first. I placed my left foot on the ice step.You gain a sense of the ice when you stick your ax and crampons into it, and it felt good. Conf
49、ident that I was safe, I put my full weight on it. Suddenly I heard a crack, and a whole thick piece of ice broke off the step, right under my foot.In an instant, I fell backward. T could hear Mel calling my name as I fell down, bouncing off the rock face and rolling down the mountain as if I were a character in a video game