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2、DATTE 日日期: AAPPRROVEED BBY 批批准: DATTE 日日期:* Co.,Lttd.焊缝检验验规程44Rev.:0Pagee:2 of 14Titlle: RADDIOGGRAPPHICC EXXAMIINATTIONN PRROCEEDURRE FFOR BUTTT WWELDDS1. Geneerall 1.11 Thhis proocedduree iss apppliied to thee x-rayy raadioograaphiic eexamminaatioon oof bbuttt weeldss foor ppresssurre vvessselss c

3、oonsttrucctedd inn acccorrdannce witth AASMEE Coode Secctioon Diiv1. 1.22 Thhis proocedduree shhalll bee suuppllemeenteed, wheen nneceessaary, wiith thee exxamiinattionn innstrructtionns ddefiininng mmoree sppeciificc vaariaablees, whiich willl bbe ppreppareed bby NNDE Levvel perrsonnnell. 2. Quaali

4、fficaatioon oof EExamminaatioon PPerssonnnel 2.11 Anny ppersson enggageed iin tthe raddioggrapphicc exxamiinattionn shhalll bee quualiifieed aand cerrtiffiedd ass a raddioggrapphicc exxamiinerr inn acccorrdannce witth * Co., LLtd.s “Wrrittten Praactiice forr NDDE PPerssonnnel Traainiing, Exxamiinatt

5、ionn, QQuallifiicattionn annd CCerttifiicattionn”(NNO.: QCCD-0011). 2.22 Thhe NNDE Levvelshaall recceivve tthe neccesssaryy innstrructtionn orr suuperrvissionn frrom a ccerttifiied NDEE Leevell orr Leevell Exxamiinerr. TThe NDEE Leevell shhalll reeceiive thee innstrructtionn orr suuperrvissionn frro

6、m a NNDE Levvel Exxamiinerr.2.3 Acccorddingg too thhe rresppecttivee reespoonsiibillityy raangee, aall exaaminnerss shhalll coomplletee thhe eexamminaatioon cconfformmingg too thhe rrefeerenncinng AASMEE Coode Secctioons, sttanddardds aand wriitteen iinsttrucctioons. Thhey shaall asssuree thhe wwork

7、kingg quualiity. 3. Equuipmmentt , Toools andd Maaterrialls Thee LeevellExaaminner shaall sellectt thhe eequiipmeent, tooolss annd mmateeriaals to asssuree thhat theey aare in commpliiancce wwithh thhe ffolllowiing conndittionns aand thee reequiiremmentt off thhe eexamminaatioon iinsttrucctioon. 3.1

8、1 Onne oof tthe x-rray equuipmmentt shhalll bee seelecctedd frrom Tabble 1.Tablle 11 1. 概述 1.11 本工工艺规程程适用于于按ASSME 规范第第卷第册要求求制造的的压力容容器的对对接焊缝缝的x射线照照相检测测。 1.22 必要要时,本本工艺规规程应由由探伤作作业指导导书进行行补充以以规定更更详细的的变量,此此指导书书由NDDE 级人员员编制。 2. 检测人人员资格格 2.11从事射射线探伤伤的检测测人员必必须按南南京宝色色钛业有有限公司司的(文件件号:QQCD-0111)进行行资格考考核评定定。 2.2

9、2 NDDE级须接接受合格格的级或级必要要的指导导或监督督。NDDE级须接接受NDDE 级的指指导或监监督。 2.33 根据据各自的的职责范范围,所所有检测测人员应应按ASSME规规范有关关卷,标标准和作作业指导导书进行行检测并并保证工工作质量量。3.设备备、器材材级人员员所选用用的设备备、器材材应能保保证符合合下列条条件和探探伤作业业指导书书的要求求。 3.11 X射射线设备备应从表表1中选用用。TypeeMfr.Max. TuubeVolttabee(KVVp)Max. TuubeCurrrentt(mAA)Foc. Siize(mm)Permmittted maxx. mmateeria

10、al tthicck(mmm)SteeelTiZrxx-225055Beijjingg25052 x 2386322xx-330055Danddongg30051.0 x 22.3467028表 1类型制造厂家家最大管电电压KVp最大管电电流mA焦点尺寸寸(mm)允许的材材料最大大穿透厚厚度mmmSteeelTiZrxx-225055北京25052 x 2386322xx-330055丹东30051.0 x 22.3467028 3.22 Fiilm Fillm sseleectiion shaall be in acccorddancce wwithh SEE-18815, Sttandda

11、rdd Teest Metthodd foor FFilmm Syysteems forr 3.22 胶片片胶片须根根据SEE-18815工工业射线线照相的的胶片系系统分类类的标准准测试方方法来选选择。胶胶片分类类表应由由胶片制制造厂提提供。胶胶片* Co.,Lttd.焊缝检验验规程44Rev.:0Pagee:3 of 14Titlle: RADDIOGGRAPPHICC EXXAMIINATTIONN PRROCEEDURRE FFOR BUTTT WWELDDSInduustrriall Raadioograaphyy. TThe claassiificcatiion tabble of

12、fillm sshalll bbe pprovvideed bby tthe fillm mmanuufaccturrer. Fiilm sysstemm cllassses Speeciaal, ,W-A, andd W-B aare perrmitttedd. DDepeendiing on thee x-rayy peenettrattionn thhickknesss, a ssuittablle ffilmm shhalll bee seelecctedd. WWhenn ussingg twwo ffilmms mmethhod, twwo ddifffereent typpes

13、of fillm sshalll bbe sseleecteed. 3.33 Sccreeen A ssuittablle lleadd sccreeen sshalll bbe sseleecteed ffromm Taablee 2. Taablee 2系统分为为特殊、,W-A,和W-B。应根据X射线穿透厚度,选择合适的胶片。采用双片法时,应选用两种不同类型的胶片。 3.33 增感感屏从表2中中选择适适当的铅铅增感屏屏。表2Tubee VooltaageThicckneess of leaad SScreeen(mm)管电压铅增感屏屏厚度(mm)FronntBackk前屏后屏0.0050.

14、00500.1000.0050.00500.1 3.44 Deensiitommeteer aand Steep WWedgge FFilmm Thee diigittal dennsittomeeterr liisteed iin TTablle 33 shhalll bee ussed forr juudgiing raddioggrapph ddenssityy. TThe dennsittomeeterr shhalll bee chheckked agaainsst aa caalibbratted steep wwedgge ffilmm att leeastt onnce eve

15、ery 90ddayss byy thhe NNDE Levvel or Exaaminner. Thhe sstepp weedgee fiilm shaall be callibrrateed ooncee evveryy 122monnthss byy thhe NNatiionaal BBureeau of Staandaardss. Taablee 3 3.44 黑度度计和阶阶梯黑度度片用表3 列出的的数码黑黑度计测测定射线线底片密密度。黑黑度计至至少每990天由由NDEE级或级用校校验过的的阶梯黑黑度片校校验一次次。黑度度片须至至少每112个月月由国家家标准局局校验一一次。表 3T

16、ypee ManuufaccturrerMea., RRanggeMea., PPreccisiion型号制造厂测量范围围测量精度度TD-2210ZHEJJIANNGZHENNGHAAI0.000-4.00DD0.003DTD-2210浙江瓯海海0.000-4.00DD0.003D 3.55 Immagee Quualiity Inddicaatioon(IIQI) 3.55.1 Typpe aand matteriial of IQIIs TThe wirre ttypee IQQI ppressentted as Figg. 11 annd TTab.4 bbe usee

17、d. Thee wiire typpe IIQI shaall be mannufaactuuredd annd iidenntiffiedd inn acccorrdannce witth tthe reqquirremeentss inn SEE-7447. TThe wirres shaall be fabbriccateed ffromm maaterriall orr allloyy wiith samme oor llesss raadiaatioon aabsoorpttionn thhan thee maaterriall beeingg raadioogra

18、apheed. 3.55 象质质计(IIQI) 3.55.1 象质计计类型和和材料应使使用线型型象质计计(图1和表4)。线型型象质计计的制造造和标识识应符合合SE-7477的要求求。 金金属丝的的材质应应与被透透检材料料相同,或或其射线线吸收小小于被检检材料。* Co.,Lttd.焊缝检验验规程44Rev.:0Pagee:4 of 14Titlle: RADDIOGGRAPPHICC EXXAMIINATTIONN PRROCEEDURRE FFOR BUTTT WWELDDS Figg 1 图1* Co.,Lttd.焊缝检验验规程44Rev.:0Pagee

19、:5 of 14Titlle: RADDIOGGRAPPHICC EXXAMIINATTIONN PRROCEEDURRE FFOR BUTTT WWELDDSTablle 44 Wiire IQII Deesiggnattionn, WWiree Diiameeterrs aand Wirre IIdenntitty iin. (mmm) Tabble 4 IIQI Setts aand wirre DDiammeteer 表4 线线型IQQI标识识和线径径表4象质质计组别别和线径径Wiree Diiameeterrs iin. (mmm)线径英寸寸(毫米)Set AWiree Noo.Se

20、t BWiree Noo.A组线号AB组线号B0.00032(0.008)10.0110(00.255)60.00032(0.008)10.0110(00.255)60.0004(00.1)20.0113(00.333)70.0004(00.1)20.0113(00.333)70.0005(00.133)30.0116(00.4)80.0005(00.133)30.0116(00.4)80.00063(0.116)40.0220(00.511)90.00063(0.116)40.0220(00.511)90.0008(00.2)50.0225(00.644)100.0008(00.2)50.0

21、225(00.644)100.0110(00.255)60.0332(00.811)110.0110(00.255)60.0332(00.811)11Set CWiree Noo.Set DWiree Noo.C组线号CD组线号D0.0332(00.811)110.1000(22.5)160.0332(00.811)110.1000(22.5)160.0440(11.022)120.1226(33.2)170.0440(11.022)120.1226(33.2)170.0550(11.277)130.1660(44.066)180.0550(11.277)130.1660(44.066)180

22、.0663(11.6)140.2000(55.1)190.0663(11.6)140.2000(55.1)190.0880(22.033)150.2550(66.4)200.0880(22.033)150.2550(66.4)200.1000(22.5)160.3220(88)210.1000(22.5)160.3220(88)21 3.55.2 IQII Seelecctioon TThe dessignnateed eesseentiial minnimuum wwiree diiameeterr shhalll bee ass sppeciifieed iin TTab

23、lle 55 TTablle 55 IQQI SSELEECTIION 表5 象质质计选用用 3.55.2 IQII 选用用 应应显示的的最小线线径必须须按表55规定。Nomiinall siinglle-wwalll Maaterriall Thhickknesss RRangge, in(mm)单壁标称称材料厚厚度范围围in(mmm)Sourrce Sidde IIQI射射源侧IIQIFilmm Siide IQII 胶片片侧IQQIEsseentiial WirreDiammeteer应显示的的线径in (mm)Wiree Noo.线号Esseentiial Wirre

24、Diammeteer应显示的的线径in (mmWiree Noo.线号Up tto 00.255, iincll. 0.225(6.44)0.0008(00.2)50.0006(00.166)4Overr 0.25 thrr.0.3755 0.22500.3775(6.449.5)0.0110(00.255)60.0008(00.2)5Overr 0.3755 thhr.00.5 0.37550.5(9.55122.7)0.0113(00.333)70.0110(00.255)6Overr 0.5 tthr.0.775 0.50.775(12.7119.11)0.0116(00.4)80.01

25、13(00.333)7Overr 0.75 thrr.1.00 00.7551.00(199.125.4)0.0220(00.511)90.0116(00.4)8Overr1.000thhr.11.500 11.0001.50(255.438.1)0.0225(00.644)100.0220(00.511)9Overr 1.50 thrr.2.00 11.5002.00(388.150.8)0.0332(00.811)110.0225(00.644)10 FFor wellds witth rreinnforrcemmentts, thee thhickknesss oon

26、wwhicch tthe IQII iss baasedd iss thhe nnomiinall siinglle wwalll thhickknesss ppluss thhe eestiimatted welld rreinnforrcemmentt noot tto eexceeed thee maaximmum perrmitttedd byy thhe SSecttionnDivvisiion 1. Forr weeldss wiithoout reiinfoorceemennts, thhe tthicckneess on whiich thee IQQI iis bbaseed

27、 iis tthe nomminaal ssinggle walll tthicckneess. Inn booth casses bacckinng rringgs oor sstriips shaall nott bee coonsiiderred as parrt oof tthe welld tthicckneess in IQII seelecctioon. 3.55.3 Plaacemmentt off IQQIs TThe IQII(s) shhalll bee pllaceed oon tthe souurcee siide of thee paart bei

28、ing exaaminned. Whhen connfigguraatioon oor ssizee prreveentss pllaciing thee IQQI(ss) oon tthe parrt oor wweldd, tthe IQII(s) maay bbe pplacced on a ssepaaratte bblocck iin ccomppliaancee wiith parra. T-2277.1 oof SSecttionn V. Thhe ssepaaratte bblocck sshalll bbe pplacced as cloose as 对对有

29、余高高焊缝,象象质计放放处的厚厚度是标标称单壁壁厚度加加上不超超过第卷第一一分册中中允许的的焊缝最最大余高高估计值值。没有有余高的的焊缝,象象质计放放处的厚厚度是标标称单壁壁厚度。在在以上两两种情况况下,衬衬环或衬衬带均不不作为焊焊缝厚度度的一部部分来考考虑。 3.55.3 象质计计的放置置 象象质计必必须放在在被检工工件的射射线源侧侧。当透透照布置置或结构构尺寸妨妨碍象质质计放在在工件或或焊缝上上时,象象质计可可放在一一个单独独的试块块(符合ASSME第第卷T-2277.1要求求)上。此此试块的的放置应应* Co.,Lttd.焊缝检验验规程44Rev.:0Pagee:6 o

30、f 14Titlle: RADDIOGGRAPPHICC EXXAMIINATTIONN PRROCEEDURRE FFOR BUTTT WWELDDSposssiblle tto tthe parrt bbeinng rradiiogrraphhed. WWherre iinacccesssibbiliity preevennts hannd pplaccingg thhe IIQI(s) on thee soourcce ssidee, tthe IQII(s) shhalll bee pllaceed oon tthe fillm ssidee inn coontaac

31、t witth tthe parrt bbeinng eexammineed. A lleadd leetteer “FF” sshalll bbe pplacced adjjaceent to or on thee IQQI(ss). TThe IQII(s) shhalll bee pllaceed oon tthe welld sso tthatt thhe llenggth of thee wiiress iss peerpeendiicullar to thee leengtth oof tthe welld. Thee iddenttifiicattionn nu

32、umbeer(ss) aand , wwhenn ussed, thhe lleadd leetteer “FF” sshalll nnot be in thee arrea of inttereest, exxeptt whhen geoomettricc coonfiigurratiion makkes it imppraccticcal. 3.55.4 Nummberr off IQQIs WWhenn onne oor mmoree fiilm hollderrs aare useed ffor an expposuure, att leeastt onne IIQI

33、 imaage shaall apppearr onn eaach raddioggrapph. IIf tthe dennsitty oof tthe raddioggrapph aanywwherre tthrooughh thhe aareaa off innterrestt vaariees bby mmoree thhan minnus 15% orr pllus 30% frrom thee deensiity adjjaceent to thee deesiggnatted wirre oof aa wiire IQII, wwithhin thee miini

34、mmum/maxximuum aalloowabble dennsitty rrangges speeciffiedd, tthenn ann adddittionnal IQII shhalll bee ussed forr eaach exccepttionnal areea oor aareaas aand thee raadioograaph rettakeen. FFor cyllinddriccal commponnentts oor sspheericcal commponnentts wwherre tthe souurcee iss pllaceed aat

35、 tthe cennterr off thhe ccompponeent forr a sinnglee exxpossuree, aat lleasst tthreee IIQIss, sspacced appproxximaatelly 1120ddeg. appartt, aare reqquirred. 3.55.5 IQII Seensiitivvityy Raddioggrapphy shaall be perrforrmedd wiith a ttechhniqque of suffficciennt ssenssitiivitty tto ddispplayy thhe ees

36、seentiial wirre oof aa wiire IQII, wwhicch iis eesseentiial inddicaatioon oof tthe imaage quaalitty oof tthe raddioggrapph. Thee raadioograaphss shhalll allso dissplaay tthe ideentiifyiing nummberrs aand lettterrs. If thee esssenntiaal wwiree doo noot sshoww onn anny ffilmm inn a mulltipple fillm tt

37、echhniqque, buut ddo sshoww inn coompoositte ffilmm viiewiing, innterrpreetattionn shhalll bee peermiitteed oonlyy byy coompoositte ffilmm viiewiing. 3.66 “BB” MMarkk A lleadd syymbool “BB”, witth mminiimumm diimennsioons of 13mmm iin hheigght andd 1.6mmm inn thhickknesss, shaall be atttachhed to th

38、ee baack of eacch ffilmm hooldeer dduriing eacch eexpoosurre tto ddeteermiine if baccksccattter raddiattionn iss exxpossingg thhe ffilmm. 3.77 Loocattionn Maarkeers Thee immagee off thhe llocaatioon mmarkkerss foor tthe cooordiinattionn off thhe ppartt wiith thee fiilm shaall apppearr onn thhe ffilm

39、m wiithoout intterfferiing witth tthe intterpprettatiion, wiith succh aan aarraangeemennt tthatt iss evvideencee thhat commpleete covveraage wass obbtaiinedd. LLocaatioon mmarkkerss shhalll bee pllaceed oon tthe parrt, nott onn thhe eexpoosurre hholdder/casssettte. 3.77.1 Sinnglee-Waall Vieewinng(a)

40、 Sourrce Sidde MMarkkerss. LLocaatioon mmarkkerss shhalll bee pllaceed oon tthe souurcee siide wheen rradiiogrraphhingg thhe ffolllowiing:(1) flatt coompoonennts or lonngittudiinall joointts iin ccyliindrricaal oor ccornnicaal ccompponeentss wiill be acccorddingg too Fiig. .2.尽可能靠靠近被检检的工件件。

41、 用用手无法法将象质质计放在在射源一一侧时,象象质计可可放在与与被检工工件接触触的胶片片侧。此此时应在在象质计计上面或或附近放放一个铅铅字“F”。 象象质计放放在焊缝缝上,应应使线长长与焊缝缝长度方方向垂直直。 3.55.4 象质计计的数量量 一一次曝光光使用一一个或多多个胶片片暗盒时时,每张张底片上上应至少少有一个个象质计计的影像像。 若若有效评评定区内内任一处处的底片片黑度超超过线型型象质计计应显最最细丝附附近黑度度的-115%或或+300%,即即使在规规定的最最小最大大允许黑黑度范围围内,仍仍应在每每一超标标区域增增加一个个象质计计,

42、重新新摄片。 对对于圆筒筒状部件件及球状状部件,射射线源放放在部件件中心位位置时,进进行一次次曝光,在在工件上上至少放放三个象象质计,且且要求大大约每112000放一个个。 3.55.5 IQII 灵敏敏度射线照相相方法应应有足够够灵敏度度,要显显示出线线型象质质计应识识别线径径。射线线底片也也应显示示出识别别数码和和字母。若若多胶片片法中的的任何一一张底片片上均未未显示出出应显线线径,但但可用叠叠合观察察法显示示出来。 3.66 “B”标记每个胶片片暗盒后后背应贴贴附一个个至少高高13mmm,厚厚1.66mm的的铅标记记“B”,以验验证曝光光过程中中是否有有背散射射作用到到

43、胶片上上。 3.77 定位位标记用于确定定工件布布片位置置的定位位标记,其其影象应应出现在在胶片上上,且不不得妨碍碍评片,以以此证明明透检范范围已完完全覆盖盖。定位位标记应应放在工工件上,而而不能放放在暗袋袋或暗盒盒上。 3.77.1 单壁成成像法 (a) 射线线源侧标标记,透透照下列列工件时时,定位位标记须须放在射射源侧: (1) 平板板焊缝,圆圆筒或圆圆锥形工工件纵缝缝,见图图2。* Co.,Lttd.焊缝检验验规程44Rev.:0Pagee:7 of 14Titlle: RADDIOGGRAPPHICC EXXAMIINATTIONN PRROCEEDURRE FFOR BUTTT WWELDDS SSourrce


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