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1、Creating a Repository Using the Oracle Business IntelligenceAdministration ToolPurposeThis tutorial covers using the Oracle Business Intelligence (Bl) Administration Tool to build, modify, enhance, and manage an Oracle Bl repository.OverviewThis tutorial shows you how to build an Oracle Bl metadata

2、repository using the Oracle Bl Administration Tool. You learn how to import metadata from databases and other data sources, simplify and reorganize the imported metadata into a business model, and then structure the business model for presentation to users who request business intelligence informati

3、on via Oracle Bl user interfaces.Building the Physical Layer of a RepositoryCreate a New Repositoryto1. Select Start Programs Oracle Business Intelligence Bl Administration open the Administration Tool.2. Select File New RepositoryConnection Pool - Connection Poolimx10 . The Importing message appear

4、s.Select the metadata objects you want to import into the physical layer of the repository.日 nd:|Data source view:I _1Repository Vew:H 品 Bl SAMPLEE:十E十ANNOTATIONSASSESSMENT OVERRID.S S_ETL_DAYffiffi* 一一WBS.NQ.ACCT SAMP.ACTIONS SAMP.ADDRESSES-D SAMP_BRIDGE_ TABLE SAMP_BUDGET_F SAMP.CHANNELS.D SAMP CU

5、RRENCY Dl雪 盂ImportingQP4 Ej 7 血 SAMP.ORDER.COMMEN.SAMP_PRODUCTS_D SAMP_PRDDUCTS_DRSAMP.QUOTAS.F SAMP_REVENUE_F SAMP_TARGETS_F SAMP_TIME_DAY_D SAMPJME_MTH_D $AMPJME_QTR_D SAMP.USERS.VIS = 5ho*M complete structure9 5how complete structureCaned11 . Whenimport is complete, expand BISAMPLE in the Reposit

6、ory View and verify that the five tables are visible.5etect the metadata objects you 旧ant to import into the physical layer of the repwitory.Data source view:E3品B s E s E s E a E 由国 L 的留!由fi 由s 0 田E ffi 0 田 SC j 由局 曲也 由日 a 困心 s E ffi E ffi E ffi i S-E 0L 国EISAMPLE二2 ANNOTATIONS2 ASSESSMENrOVERRID. S


8、AMP.TIMEQTRDB .IJ1TP 5how complete structure21型4囹“ Show complete structureRepository View:BackWxtFntshCancel12 . Click Finish to open the repository.13 . Expand orci BISAMPLE and confirm that the five tables are imported into the Physical layer of the repository.PhysicdI ord负 Connection PoolS 品 Bl S

9、AM RLESAMP.R EVENU E_F SAMP_TIME_DAY_DSAMP.R EVENU E_F SAMP_TIME_DAY_DVerify Connection1 . Select Tools Update All Row CountsO Oracle BI Administration Tool - BI5AMPlE,pdFile Edt View Manage Took Actions Wndow HelpUpdate All Rw CountsPresentation5how ConsetcTcheckcrCtrl+rQuery Repository. Ctrl+QUtMe

10、s.)pingOptions.Update Rov Count For all physical tables and columns in the repository2 . Whenupdate row counts completes, move the cursor over the tables row count information is nowvisible, including whenthe row countand observe that waslast updated.O Oracle Bl Administration Tool - BISAMPLE.rpdtie

11、 R* iiiew Manage loots Actions 的dow HelpIpata|名略窟意|Physical3 ordConnection Pool BISAMPLET LJ|SAMP ADDRESSES |18S5SAMIUSTOMERf D ffl D SAMP_PRODUCTS_D EEl 国 SAMPREVENUE.Frows. Last 叩dated 2010-07S818:57)|S $AMP_TIME_DAY_DFor Helpj press Fl3 . Expand tables and observe that row count information is al

12、so visible for individual columns.O Oracle BI Administration Tool - BISAMPLE.rpdFile Edt View Manage Tods Actions Wndow Help口百百 X 甯)e口Physical: a Comeclion Pool巳 BISAMPLE O SAMP-ADDRESSESD目目目目目目目目自1ADD 晦 SS2 ADDRESS-KEY AREAupdate 2010070818 57)|CITYCOUNTRY.NAMECTR 丫 D3_$TATE+BBRVCT RY_CD 3_$ TATE_M

13、B R V_CI TY4 . Right-click a table and selectView Data to view the data for the table.Physical5 9 ord招 Connectior Pool 0 品 81 SAMPLESAMP ADDRESSES DSAI Mew ObjectSAISRSAIUpdate Row CountView DataCutCtH4XCopyCtri-KPasteCtrl+VDeleteDelDupkateCheck ConsistencyMark5et Icon.Expand All&jsnes5 Mode! D agaT

14、DPhyjkH NdgramQuery Rekted ObjectsRenameProperties.nix5 . Close the View Data dialog box when you are done. It is a good idea to update row counts or view data after an import to verify connectivity. Viewing data or updating row count, if successful, tells you that your connection is configured corr

15、ectly.rowsShow pOOView Data from Table -rcr.-BISAMPLf.,-SAMP_ADDRESSt5_DQstinctADDRESSlADDRESS2ADDRESS_KEYAREA0701IRVING ST34.0North|MorthWorth1North111850IRVING ST3S.022606OCEAN AVE36.031101EUCALYPTUS DR37.0+1595SLOAT BLVD38.0North515015LOAT BLVD3,0Worth6151551OAT BL距40.0Morth736587THsT41.0Morth829

16、387TH ST42.0Morth9367GLENCOLRT WAY43.0H 1rl _- Pf. r r -rrt TTT1F .TT -.- -.iMorth卜 一. -rrr-T t v - r一今.,10655BROThtRHOODWAY44.0Morth111600HOLLOWAY AVE45.0JMorth1296MORTON DR46.0Morth13301W PORTAL AVE47.0North14M5WPORTAL AVE480North15385WPORTAL AVE49.0Morth1685WPORTAL AVE50.0Morth1766SCHOOLS!51.0Mor

17、th18852CLEMENT ST52.0North19151CLEMENT ST53.01J1-Morth卜一4T一一20622CLEMENT ST二54.0Morth7?qroo AwrAiTF rro宝n|2JT rows starting fromCreate Aliases. It is recommended that you use table aliases frequently in the Physical layer to eliminate extraneous joins and to include best practice naming conventions

18、for physical table names. Right-clickSAMP_TIME_DAY_Dand select New Object Alias to open the Physical Table dialog box.1 . Enter D1 Time in the Name field.Time Dimension Alias at day grain. Stores one. In the Description field, enterrecord for each day .4 . Click the Columns tab. Note that alias tabl

19、es inherit all column definitionsfrom the source table.snueAoy 归=d-anN3Aaa-dlAIVSpnpojj 5=aa-sionaoHd-diAivsjeiuoisno e=a-SH3IAI01Sn0-dlAIVSssejppv t7=aa-S3SS3aaav-di/ivsSQ|qejIBOisXqd Buiuieluoj 叫/oj S9sei|B 6ui/v0|0| 叫qibqjo pue sdsis sqi leodsy , 9*xoq 60旧!p 8|qei iBOisAqj sqj esop oj yo qo - gH舶

20、H KJH舶H KJRXIQ)80 J J on j) dHJ)所八 ooqenj) 80 J;8八 QOJ) ooq2 16 IVSJ 3ianxi 31800(1 319 noc219 noc 319 nod 31gM 3iano22AlVD)122-1*3 R3LV0-dN3-yid-1V3 目 日企一 TV。31 VO-GN3H1N0M- 1VD 目HINOW-lVD 目31 Va-ONFaV3A-d!VH- 1VD 目 =OVH1VD gQlM汨3瓶一打939月 aiM-HLb- J0929 目 aiAHLWdO-338 目 0flejnN MJDuai |01auieN弘明心9md

21、 |suunfcj pjaua53UJ|i ia - 3|qpi pDisXqd| BISAMPLElBrowse,.3. Enter a namefor the repository. In this tutorial the repository nameis BISAMPLE.ocatior:Hane:Import Metadata:Repository Password:Retype Pwsword:CanedPhysicalPhysicalS Q ordCorrection Pool 白品 Bl SAMPLE-困D1 TimeD2 ProductD3 CustomerD4 Addre

22、ssF1 RevenueSAMP_ADDRE$E$_DSAMP.CUSTOMERS.D SAMP-PRODUCTS.D SAMP REVENUE F SAMP TIME DAY DCreate Keys and Joins1 . Select the five alias tables in the Physical layer.Physical ordPool日品 BISAMPLED1 Tune31D2 ProductD3 Cuslocner D4 Address I F1 RevenueSAMP.ADDRESSES-D SAMP.CUSTOMERS.D SAMP.PRODLICTS-D S

23、AMP.REVENUE.F SAMP TIME DAY D. Right-click one of the highlighted alias tables and selectPhysical Diagram Selected Object(s) Only to open the Physical Diagram. Alternatively, you can click the Physical Diagram button on the toolbar. Rearrange the alias table objects so they are all visible. If desir

24、ed, right-click in the white space of the diagram and select Zoomto change the size of the objects in the Physical Diagram. Physical DiagramF1 RevenueF1 RevenueD4 Address2 . Click the New Foreign Key button on the toolbar.O Oracle BI Administration Tool - BISAMPLE.rpd. Click the D1 Time table, and t

25、hen click the F1 Revenue table. The Physical Foreign Key dialog box opens. It matters which table you click first. The join creates a one-to-many (1:N) relationship that joins the key column in the first table to a foreign key column in the second table.3 . Select the D1 Time. CALENDAR_DATEcolumn, a

26、nd then select F1 to join the tables. Ensure that the Expression edit box (at the bottom) contains the following expression:”orclBISAMPLE”.“D1 Time7,CALENDAR_DATEn =norcl.,n,.nBISAMPLEn.T1 Revenue”JBILL_DAY_DT”. Click OK to close the Physical Foreign Key dialog box. The join is visible in the Physic

27、al Diagram. Physical Diagram4 . Repeat the steps to create joins for the remaining tables. Use the following expressions as a guide:“orcl“.“.“BISAMPLE”JD2 ProductH.HPROD_KEYH = orcl“.吗BISAMPLE”JF1Revenuen.nPROD_KEYn”orc.”JBISAMPLE”.“D4 Customern.CUST_KEYn = HorclH.,n,.nBISAMPLEn.T1 RevenueH.nCUST_KE

28、YH“orcl“.“.“BISAMPLE.“D5 AddressH.HADDRESS_KEYH = ,orcl,.,m.HBISAMPLE,.HD4 Customer,.HADDRESS_KEYnPhysical DiagramPhysical DiagramD3 Customer5 . Click the X in the upper right corner to close the Physical Diagram.10 . Select File Save or click the repository.Save button on the toolbar to save the. C

29、lick No when prompted to check global consistency. Checking GlobalConsistency checks for errors in the entire repository. Some of the more common checks are done in the Business Model and Mapping layer and Presentation layer.Since these layers are not defined yet, bypass this check until the other l

30、ayers in the repository are built. You learn more about consistency check later in this tutorial. Leave the Administration Tool and the repository open for the next topic.Congratulations! Youhave successfully created a newrepository, imported a table schema from an external data source into the Phys

31、ical layer, created aliases, and defined keys and joins.In the next topic you learn how to build the Business Model and Mapping layerof a repository.Building the Business Model and Mapping Layer of a RepositoryCreate a Business Model1. Right-click the white space in the Business Model and Mapping la

32、yer and select New Business Model to open the Business Model dialog box.PhysicalO ordBusiness Model and MappingBusiness Model and Mapping2u Connection Pool白星 BISAMPLE,登D1 Time口 事 D2 Product庄重 D3,胃D 4 AddressE 酊 F1 RevenueE & SAMP.ADDRESSESDE 3 SAMP-CUSTOMERS-DSAMPPRODUCTS.DE 及I SAMP-REVENUE.F r? sam

33、p_time_da2dDisabled checked.2. Enter Sample Sales in the Name field. Leave3. Click OK. The Sample Sales business model is added to the Business Model and Mapping layer.Business Model and MappingI PhysicalSanpie SalesE 3 o(cl居 Connection Pool3 品 BISAMPLE囹甲申s甲甲由国(3瞳ffi ODI TimeD2 ProductD3 CustomerD4

34、Addie$F1 RevenueSAMP.ADDRESSES.D SAMP_CUSTOMERS_D SAMP.PRODUCTS.D SAMP_RETNUE_F SAMP TIME DAY D4 . In the Physical layer, select the following four alias tables:D1 TimeD2 ProductD3 CustomerF1 RevenueDo not select D4 Address at this time.PhysicalSample SalesBusiness Model and MappingB-Q ad自 Connectio

35、n Pool日2 BISAMPLEDI TimeSISID2 ProductD3 CustomerD4 AddreF1 RevenueSAMP_ADDRESSES_D 由 QB SAMP.CUSTOMERS.D 2 5 . Drag the four alias table from the Physical layer to theSample Sales businessmodel in the Business Model and Mapping layer. The tables are added to the Sample Sales business model. Notice

36、that the three dimension tables have the same icon, whereas the F1 Revenue table has an icon with a # sign, indicating it is a fact table.PhysicalBusiness Model and Mapping日瀛 Sample Sales4 O DI Time D2 Product4 LJ D3 Cuomer3 F1 Revenue日瀛 Sample Sales4 O DI Time D2 Product4 LJ D3 Cuomer3 F1 RevenueS-

37、Q ord2 Connection Pool3届 BISAMPLE国 (9 困 (3 国 国DI Tine31D2 ProductD3 Custome(D4 AddressFl RevenueeIF囹0SAMP.ADDRESSES.D SAMP-CUSTOMERS.D SAMP2PRODUCTS.DSAMPREVENUEJ SAMP TIME DAY DExamine Logical Joins. Right-click the Sample Sales business model and select Business Model Diagram Whole Diagram to open

38、 the Business Model Diagram.1 . If necessary, rearrange the objects so that the join relationships are visible. Business Model Diagram - Sample SalesD3 CvtomerD3 CvtomerD2 Pt o ductBecause you dragged all tables simultaneously from the Physical layer onto the business model, the logical keys and joi

39、ns are created automatically in the business model. This is because the keys and join relationships were already created in the Physical layer. However, you typically do not drag all physical tables simultaneously, except in very simple models. Later in this tutorial, you learn howto manually build

40、logical keys and joins in the Business Model and Mapping layer. The process is very similar to building joins in the Physical layer.4. Leave the default location as is. It points to the default repository directory.5.Leave Import Metadata set toYes.6.Enter and retype a password for the repository. I

41、n this tutorial the repository password.BISAMPLE is7 . Click Next.Import Metadata1 . Changethe Connection Type to OCI 10g/11g. The screen displays connection fields based on the connection type you selected.3 . Double-click any one of the joins in the diagram to open the Logical Join dialog box. In

42、this example the join between D1 Time and F1 Revenue is selected.Notice that there is no join expression. Joins in the BMMlayer are logical joins. Logical joins express the cardinality relationships between logical tables and are a requirement for a valid business model. Specifying the logical table

43、 joins is required so that Oracle Bl Server has necessary metadata to translate logical requests against the business model into SQL queries against the physical data sources. Logical joins help Oracle Bl Server understand the relationships between the various pieces of the business model. Whena que

44、ry is sent to Oracle Bl Server, the server determines how to construct physical queries by examining how the logical model is structured. Examining logical joins is an integral part of this process. The Administration Tool considers a table to be a logical fact table if it is at the many end of all logical joins that


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