1、 无菌生产工艺论论文:注射剂剂生产过程中中微生物的质质量风险控制制【中文摘要】注注射剂(innjectiion)是直直接注入人体体内部的一种种剂型,常用用剂量较大,按其生产工工艺的不同可可分为最终灭灭菌工艺和非非最终灭菌工工艺也即无菌菌生产工艺两两种,无菌生生产工艺的无无菌保证水平平(SAL)仅是灭菌工工艺的1/1103-/1109。无菌菌生产工艺产产品在生产过过程中微生物物污染的因素素较多,因此此,在临床使使用过程中具具有较高的质质量风险。本本课题以5mml无菌生产产工艺注射剂剂为例,利用用休哈特控制制图、饼图、柱柱状图等统计计工具对生产产中的环境、人人员、物料、注注射用水、压压缩空气、氮氮
5、区分分别为1.550、1.225、1.555、1.115、1.115CFU/碟,1000级区分别为为0.70、00.55、00.60、00.50、00.45 CCFU/碟;标准偏差:100000级无菌区区分别为0.51、0.44、0.51、0.59、0.37 CFFU/碟,1100级区分分别为0.447、0.551、0.550、0.551、0.551 CFUU/碟,从休休哈特控制图图和计算数据据看100级级检测结果明明显好于100000级无无菌区,口罩罩好于其他部部位,各检测测结果均在控控制线内。33.物料的微微生物监测数数据汇总分析析连续取样330批监测AA、B、C三三个注射液配配好药液带菌
8、生生物和悬浮粒粒子检测,每每月一次。,通过对连续续一年的数据据汇总,利用用统计工具休休哈特控制图图进行作图分分析。微生物物和悬浮粒子子的平均值XX均为OCFFU(个)/m3,最大大值为0 CCFU(个)/m3,最最小值为0 CFU(个个)/m3。标标准偏差均为0 CCFU(个)/m3,XX3均为0 CCFU(个)/m3,从从计算结果和和监测数据趋趋势分析各使使用点的微生生物和悬浮粒粒子数值稳定定。6.各因因素的微生物物监控数据平平均结果汇总总分析对无菌菌生产工艺中中影响药品微微生物质量的的洁净区环境境、人员污染染、物料、注注射用水、压压缩空气、氮氮气所监控的的微生物数据据进行平均汇汇总,然后做
11、地控制无菌菌工艺注射剂剂生产过程中中的微生物风风险,使药品品的生产由过过程控制转为为主动预防,很好的弥补补GMP条款款在质量控制制方法和工具具等方面的不不足。【英文摘要】IInjecttion iis a ddosagee formm of iinjectting ddirecttly innto huuman, whichh is uusuallly witth larrger ddosagee. Injjectioon cann be cclassiified into termiinallyy sterriliseed proocessees andd asepptic ppreparr
12、eratiions aaccordding tto thee prodductivve tecchnoloogy. TThe stterilee guarranteee leveel of the aaseptiic preeparerrationns is only 1/1033-/1099 of tthat oof thee termminallly steerilissed prrocessses. SSince theree are many microobioloogicall conttaminaation factoors duuring the pproducction of
13、thhe aseeptic prepaarerattions, therreforee, higgh quaality riskss exisst in the ccliniccal prracticce.Thee currrent sstudy takess the 5ml iinjecttion pproducced byy asepptic ppreparreratiions aas an exampple, aand usses Shhewharrt Conntrol Chartt, Piee Charrt andd Histtogramms to monittor thhe micc
14、robioologiccal coontamiinatioons inntroduuced bby envvironmments, perssonnell, matterialls, waater ffor innjectiion, ccompreessed air, nitroogen dduringg prodductioon. Wee hopee to ffind aa highh micrrobiollogicaal rissk facctor bby perrformiing riisk asssessmment oon eacch facctor tthrouggh Faiilur
15、e Mode Effeccts Annalysiis, Riisk raankingg and filteering. We tthen pperforrm rissk conntrol by taaking measuures,TThe vaaliditty of the mmeasurres iss suffficentt to ffurtheer deccreasee the risk of thhe quaality of thhe aseeptic prepaarerattions and eensuree the securre phaarmacyy of ppatiennts.T
16、hhis arrticlee was compoosed oof thee folllowingg eighht parrts:Thhe ressults analyysis oof thee micrrobiollogicaal andd airbborne partiiculatte monnitoriing inn cleaan zonne; Thhe ressults analyysis oof thee perssonal microobioloogicall moniitorinng; Thhe ressults analyysis oof miccrobioologiccal m
17、oonitorring iin matterialls; Thhe ressults analyysis oof miccrobioologiccal moonitorring iin watter foor injjectioon; Thhe ressults analyysis oof thee micrrobiollogicaal andd airbborne partiiculatte monnitoriing inn the comprressedd and nitroogen; The MMeta-aanalyssis off the averaage reesultss of m
18、monitooring data of thhe miccrobess in eeach ffactorr; Thee riskk anallysis of miicrobees in each factoor; Suuggesttions and mmeasurres.1. The resullts annalysiis of the mmicrobbiologgical and aairborrne paarticuulate monittoringg in cclean zoneBBy thee micrrobiollogicaal andd airbborne partiiculatt
19、e monnitoriing att restt in ddifferrent rroom iincludde a ggrade 1000000 zonne, a gradee 100000 zonne, a asepttic grrade 110000 zone, a grrade 1100 zoone, aand byy the microobioloogicall moniitorinng in operaation in diiffereent rooom inn a assepticc gradde 100000 zoone annd a ggrade 100 zzone.TThe
20、reesultss are then analyyzed aaccordding ttheir gradees thrrough Shewhhart CControol Chaart too calcculateed thee averrage vvalue of X, the standdard ddeviattion 88 and the ccontrool linne X38 off the statiic miccrobess and airboorne pparticcles aat resst in diffeerent roomss in ddifferrent cclean z
21、oness, resspectiively, and thosee of mmicrobbes inn operrationn in ddifferrent rrooms in a asepttic grrade 110000 zone and aa gradde 1000 zonee. We find that each testiing reesult is faall wiithin the ccontrool linne froom thee Shewwhart Contrrol Chhart.WWe theen perrform a commparattive aanalyssis
22、thhroughh Histtogramms of the mmicrobbes annd airrbornee partticless at rrest iin thee crittical roomss in eeach cclean gradees andd findd thattthe ttestinng ressults of thhe staatic tthe miicrobees andd airbborne partiicles have correesponddence with the ggradess of tthe cllean zzones;the ttestinng
23、 ressults in diiffereent grrades of cllean zzones have largee diffferencces:thhe besst ressult iis in a graade 1000 zonne, foolloweed by the aaseptiic graade 100000 zzone aand grrade 11000000 zonee.2. TThe reesultss anallysis of thhe perrsonall micrrobiollogicaal monnitoriingBy microobioloogicall mo
24、niitorinng on the ssurfacce of the ppersonnal glloves, sleeeves, elbowws, fooreheaad andd a faace maask byy succcessivve 20 batchhs of produuctionn in aa asepptic ggrade 100000 zonee and a graade 1000 zonne. Thhe ressults are tthen ssummarrized and aanalyzzed byy Shewwhart Contrrol Chharts. The aver
25、aage vaalues of x are ccalcullated to bee 1.500、1.255、1.555、1.155、1.155 CFU/platee for a aseeptic gradee 100000 zonne,0.770、0.555、0.660、0.550、0.445 CFUU/platte forr a grrade 1100 zoone, wwhile the sstandaard deeviatiion 8 are ccalcullated to bee 0.511、0.444、0.511、0.599、0.377 CFU/platee for a aseepti
26、c gradee 100000 zonne andd 0.477、0.511、0.500、0.511、0.511 CFU/platee for a graade 1000 zonne. Wee findd thatt the testiing reesult in a gradee 100 zone is obbvioussly beetter than that in a asepttic grrade 110000 zone, and the fface mmask iis bettter tthan ootherss. Eacch tessting resullt in withiin
27、thee conttrol lline.33. Thee resuults aanalyssis off micrrobiollogicaal monnitoriing inn mateerialssBy miicrobiiologiical mmonitooring in A, B annd C iinjecttions in suuccesssive 330 battchs, The rresultts aree anallysis by ussing SShewhaart Coontroll charrt. Thhe aveerage valuees of X, thhe staanda
28、rdd deviiationn 8, aand x+3for AA, B aand C injecctionss are calcuulatedd to bbe 1.557、1.331、2.337 CFUU/100mml,1.001、0.881、1.003 CFUU/100mml andd 4.599、3.733、5.477 CFU/100mll, resspectiively. We ffind ddifferrence of thhe quaantityy of mmicrobbes beetweenn the A, B and CC injeectionns:thee testting
29、ddata oof A iis besst whiile C is woorst. All ttestinng ressults fall withiin thee conttrol lline eexceptt seveeral ppointss in AA and C injjectioons.4. The resullts annalysiis of microobioloogicall moniitorinng in waterr for injecctionWWe firrstly monittor thhe miccrobess in tthe ouutlet, poinnt of
30、 use 11,2,3 and iinlet of thhe sysstem oof thee wateer forr injeectionn weekkly annd theen summmarizzed annd anaalysiss the data obtaiined iin a wwhole year by Shhewharrt Conntrol Chartt. Forr the outleet, pooint oof usee 1,2 3 andd inleet, thhe aveerage valuees of X, thhe staandardd deviiationn, an
31、dd X+3are ccalcullated to bee 0.100、0.122、0.122、0.144、0.188 CFU/100mll,0.311、0.333、0.333、0.355、0.399 CFU/100mll and 1.02、11.12、11.12、11.20、11.36 CCFU/1000ml, respeectiveely. TThe teestingg resuult obbtaineed (frrom thhe outtlet iin thee bestt whille thaat obttainedd fromm the inlett is tthe woorst f
32、from tthe caalculaated rresultts andd the variaation trendd of ddata.55. Thee resuults aanalyssis off the microobioloogicall and airboorne pparticculatee moniitorinng in the ccompreessed and nnitroggenWe firsttly moonitorr the microobes aand aiirbornne parrticlees in the uusing pointts of washiing b
33、oottle 1,2, filliing 1,2, fiiltrattion oof thee comppresseed airr and monittor thhe miccrobess and airboorne pparticcles iin thee usinng poiints oof fillling 1,2 oof thee nitrrogen monthhly, aand thhen suummariize annd anaalysiss the data obtaiined iin a wwhole year by Shhewharrt Conntrol Chartt. We
34、 find that the vvaluess of tthe avveragee X, sstandaard deeviatiionand XX+3are aall caalculaated tto be 0 CFUU/m3, indiccatingg thatt the valuees of the mmicrobbes annd airrbornee partticless in eeach uusing pointt are stablle.6. The MMeta-aanalyssis off the averaage reesultss of mmonitooring data o
35、f thhe miccrobess in eeach ffactorrThe mmonitooring data of miicrobees inttroducced byy the envirronmennt of the cclean zoness, perrsonneel conntaminnationn, matterialls, waater ffor innjectiion, ccompreessed air aand niitrogeen durring tthe assepticc preppareraation firsttly avverageed andd summmar
36、izeed. Wee thenn anallyze tthe daata byy pie chartt and concllude tthat tthe prroporttions of thhe miccrobess intrroduceed by persoonnel contaaminattion iin opeeratioon (inn conttaininng a aaseptiic graade 100000 zzone aand a gradee 100 zone), matterialls, thhe envvironmments and wwater for iinjectt
37、ion aare 466%,42%,9% aand 3%, resspectiively, whille thaat of the ccompreessed air aand niitrogeen is zero.7. Thhe rissk anaalysiss of mmicrobbes inn eachh facttorThee Riskk rankking aand fiilteriing arre perrformeed on the ccolleccted ddata bby Faiilure Mode Effeccts Annalysiis andd concclude that
38、the iinflueence oof eacch rissk facctor oon thee micrrobes in innjectiions pproducced byy asepptic ppreparrationns froom smaall too largge is comprressedd air, nitrrogen, mateerialss, watter foor injjectioon, aiir in a aseeptic gradee 100000 zonne, aiir in a graade 1000 zonne, peersonnnel coontamiin
39、atioon witth acccordinng Rissk Priiorityy Numbber off 2,3,8,9,119,32 and 2252.8. Sugggestioons annd meaasuressIn orrder tto minnimizee riskks of microobioloogicall conttaminaation of assepticc preppareraationss. Mucch deppends on thhe skiills, trainning aand atttituddes off perssonnell invoolved. Th
40、e measuures sshouldd be aadopteed as folloows:Settiing peersonnnel ruules iin aseeptic room and ttrainiing thhe aseeptic operaating skilll and conscciousnness;Adoptting aaseptiic isoolatorr techhnologgy;Validdationn of aaseptiic proocessiing neeed a proceess siimulattion ttest uusing a nuttrientt me
41、diium too veriify thhe meaasuress for reduccing tthe coontamiinatioon inttroducced byy perssonnell.ConcclutioonAmonng varrious microobioloogicall riskk facttors iin thee prodductioon of asepttic prreparaationss of iinjecttion, materrials, comppresseed airr and nitroogen bbelongg to llow riisk faacto
42、rss, airr in aa asepptic ggrade 100000 zonee, airr in aa gradde 1000 zonee and waterr for injecction belonng to mediuum rissk facctor, whilee perssonnell conttaminaation belonng to high risk factoor.Adooptingg asepptic iisolattor teechnollogy ccan efffectiively reducce thee micrrobiollogicaal connta
43、minnationn intrroduceed by persoonnel.It iss effeectivee in ccontrooling microobioloogicall riskk by mmakingg use of riisk maanagemment pprocesss andd toolls andd wayss in tthe prroducttion oof aseeptic prepaaratioons off injeectionn and can ccover the SShortaage off GMP in quualityy conttrol ttools
44、 and wways.【关键词】无菌菌生产工艺 注射剂 微微生物 风险险 控制【英文关键词】Aseptic prepareration Injection Microbe Risk Control【目录】注射剂剂生产过程中中微生物的质质量风险控制制 中文文摘要 88-11 Abbstracct 111-14 前言言 16-20 第一部部分 洁净区区的沉降菌和和悬浮粒子监监控数据汇总总分析 220-34 11.1 数据据来源 220 1.2 收集数据的的方法 220-21 11.3 收集集的数据 21-300 1.4 数数据的分析与与讨论 330-32 11.5 小结结 32-34 第二部部分
45、人员的的微生物污染染监控数据汇汇总分析 34-388 2.1 数数据来源 34 2.22 收集数据据的方法 34-355 2.3 收收集的数据 35-336 2.4 数据的分析析与讨论 36-377 2.5 小小结 377-38 第三三部分 物料料的微生物监监测数据汇总总分析 338-41 33.1 数据据来源 338 3.2 收集数据的的方法 338 3.3 收集的数据据 38-40 3.44 数据的分分析与讨论 40 3.5 小结 40-441 第四部分分 注射用水水的微生物监监控数据汇总总分析 441-44 44.1 数据据来源 441 4.2 收集数据的的方法 441 4.3 收集的数
46、据据 41-43 4.44 数据的分分析与讨论 43 4.5 小结 43-444 第五部分分 压缩空气气和氮气的微微生物和悬浮浮粒子监测数数据汇总分析析 44-48 5.11 数据来源源 44 55.2 收集集数据的方法法 44 55.3 收集集的数据 44-477 5.4 数数据的分析与与讨论 447 5.5 小结 447-48 第第六部分 各各因素的微生生物监控数据据平均结果汇汇总分析 48-499 6.1 数数据来源 48 6.22 计算的结结果 488 6.3 结结果的分析与与讨论 448 6.4 小结 448-49 第第七部分 各各因素的微生生物风险分析析 49-51 7.11 分析方法法 49 77.2 失败败模式和影响响因素分析(FMEA)表格 449 7.3 风险排序和和分析 449-50 77.4 小结结 50-51 第八部部分 建议及及措施 551-54 88.1 建议议 51 88.2 措施施论证 551-53 88.3 小结结 53-54 第九部部分 全文总总结 544-55 附图图 55-64 参考文文献 644-65 致谢谢 65-66 攻读学学位期间发表表的学术论文文目录 666-67 学学位论文评阅阅及答辩情况况表 677