1、n更多企业业学院:中小企企业管理理全能版版183套套讲座+897700份份资料总经理理、高层层管理49套讲讲座+1163888份资料中层管管理学院院46套讲讲座+660200份资料国学智智慧、易易经46套讲讲座人力资资源学院院56套讲讲座+2271223份资料各阶段段员工培培训学院院77套讲讲座+ 3244份资料员工管管理企业业学院67套讲讲座+ 87220份资料工厂生生产管理理学院52套讲讲座+ 139920份份资料财务管管理学院院53套讲讲座+ 179945份份资料销售经经理学院院56套讲讲座+ 143350份份资料销售人人员培训训学院72套讲讲座+ 48779份资料初中英语语教师业业务考
2、试试试题(20111-006-117 118:220:559)山西省初初中英语语教师业业务考试试试题(答案在在博客中中找)(一)单单项选择择题,下下列各题题中只有有一个选选项符合合题意,把把正确选选项的字字母标号号填入下下面对应应空格内内(5分分)答 案案1基础础教育阶阶段英语语课程的的目标是是 ( )A激发发和培养养学生学学习英语语的兴趣趣,使学学生树立立自信心心,养成成良好的的学习习习惯和形形成有效效的学习习策略。B改变变英语课课程过分分重视语语法和词词汇知识识的讲解解与传授授,忽视视对学生生实际语语言运用用能力的的培养倾倾向。C以学学生语言言技能、语语言知识识、情感感态度、学学习策略略和
3、文化化意识的的发展为为基础,培培养学生生英语综综合语言言运用能能力。D培养养学生的的观察、记记忆、思思维、想想象能力力和创新新精神,帮帮助学生生了解世世界和中中西方文文化的差差异。2语言言技能是是构成语语言交际际能力的的重要组组成部分分,语言言技能包包括( )A听、说说、读、写写四个方方面的技技能以及及这四种种技能的的综合运运用能力力。B听和和说两个个方面的的技能以以及这两两种技能能的综合合运用能能力。C读和和写两个个方面的的技能以以及这两两种技能能的综合合运用能能力。D听、说说、读、写写四个方方面的技技能,但但着重培培养听和和说技能能的运用用能力。3课课程标准准采用用国际通通用的分分级方式式
4、,将英英语课程程目标按按照能力力水平设设为 ( )A八个个级别 B五个级级别C六个个级别 D九个级级别4根据据国家英英语课程程要求,开开设英语语课程应应从( )A一年年级开始始 BB二年年级开始始C三年年级开始始 DD初中中一年级级开始5英语语课程资资源的核核心部分分是 ( )A教师师用书 B英语教教材C直观观教具和和实物 DD网络络资源(二)填填空题(110分)6在英英语教学学过程中中应以 评价为为主,注注重培养养和激发发学生学学习的积积极性和和自信心心。7 是英英语课程程的出发发点和归归宿。8英语语课程在在目标设设定、教教学过程程、课程程评价和和教学资资源的开开发等方方面都突突出以学学生为
5、 的思思想。9基础础教育阶阶段英语语课程目目标的各各个级别别均以学学生语言言技能、 、 、 和和文化意意识五个个方面的的综合行行为表现现为基础础进行总总体描述述。10课课程标准准以学学生“”具体描描述各级级别的要要求,这这种设计计旨在体体现基础础教育阶阶段学生生能力发发展循序序渐进的的过程和和课程要要求的有有机衔接接,保证证国家英英语课程程标准的的 、 、和和 。得分 评评卷人二、教材材教法(225分)(三)阅阅读下面面短文(115分)One dayy I wass viisittingg onne oof mmy ffrieendss inn a bigg toown. Suuddeenly
6、y a pieece of beaautiifull muusicc caame to my earrs. My friiendds fattherr quuickkly picckedd upp soome rubbbissh aand wennt ooutssidee. II asskedd myy frriennd, “Whhats hhapppeniing?” MMy ffrieend saiid tthatt thheree waas aa trruckk coolleectiing rubbbissh ooutssidee.“Wheenevver sommeonne tthroow
7、s in somme rrubbbishh, iit pprodducees aa piiecee off muusicc. AAs ssoonn ass ottherr peeoplle hhearr itt, ttheyy goo ouut wwithh thheirr ruubbiish andd thhroww itt inn.”“Its aa plleassantt waay tto hhelpp keeep ourr ciity cleean,” ssaidd myy frriennd.Takiing carre oof oour envviroonmeent is verry i
8、impoortaant. Whhereeverr yoou llivee, yyou cann doo soometthinng aarouund youur nneigghboourhhoodd.Havee yoou eeverr thhrowwn aany littterr onnto thee grrounnd? Havve yyou eveer ddrawwn ppictturees oon tthe pubblicc waallss? HHavee yoou eeverr sppat in a ppubllic plaace? Haave youu evver cutt doown
9、treees? Iff yoour ansswerrs aare “Noo”, it meaans thaat yyou havve aalreeadyy heelpeed pprottectt ouur eenviironnmennt.It iis oour dutty tto kkeepp ouur eenviironnmennt ccleaan aand tiddy. Youu miightt assk yyourrsellf, “Haave I eeverr piickeed uup ssomee ruubbiish andd thhrowwn iit iintoo a dusstbi
10、in? Havve II evver colllecctedd waastee paaperr orr boottlles forr reecycclinng? Havve II evver plaanteed aany treees or floowerrs iin oor nnearr myy neeighhbouurhoood?” IIf yyourr annsweers aree “YYes”, itt meeanss thhat youu haave alrreaddy ddonee soometthinng uusefful to impprovve tthe envviroonm
11、eent.If eeverryonne mmakees aa coontrribuutioon tto pprottecttingg thhe eenviironnmennt, thee woorldd wiill beccomee moore beaautiifull.11请请为本课课文拟一一个最恰恰当的题题目(22分)12请请为本课课设计一一段新课课导入语语。(55分)13如如果本课课的生词词分别是是 ennvirronmmentt, hharmm, rrubbbishh, ccolllectt, pprodducee, ppubllic, sppit, prroteect, liitte
12、er, reccyclle.你你用什么么方法来来处理这这些生词词,使学学生学起起来即轻轻松又记记得牢。(88分)14下下面是初初中英语语教材中中的一段段对话,请请写出本本段对话话的教学学过程设设计(110分)。MOTHHER: Kaate! Itts latte. Whyy arre yyou stiill in bedd? YYou musst gget up andd geet rreaddy ffor schhooll. IIf yyou donnt go sooon, youulll bee laate.KATEE: MMum, I donnt feeel vveryy weell.M
13、OTHHER: Ohh deear! Whhats wwronng?KATEE: II doontt knnow. Myy heead hurrts.MOTHHER: Reaallyy? IIf yyou aree illl, youulll haave to seee thhe ddocttor.KATEE: Caan II haave somme bbreaakfaast firrst?MOTHHER: No, yoou mmusttntt eaat aanytthinng uuntiil yyou seee thhe ddocttor.KATEE: Muum! I ffeell a li
14、tttlee beetteer nnow.得分 评评卷人(四)单单项填空空。从AA、B、CC、D四四个选项项中选出出可以填填入空白白处的最最佳答案案,将其其标号填填入下面面对应空空格内(110分)。答 案案15TTherre iis “u” annd “s” inn thhe wwordd “usee.”Aa, a BBa, ann CCann, aan Daan, a16HHe hhas morre bbookks tthann I.Asoo Bmmanyy CCmuuch Dtooo17HHe ccoulldnt rrun to cattch thee buus .Afaast enoou
15、ghh BBquuickk ennougghCennouggh ffastt DDennouggh qquicck18HHe iis yooungg too goo too scchoool.Asoo Bvveryy CCquuitee DDtooo19PPleaase calll mme iif hhe bbackk toomorrroww.Acoomess BBcoome Cwilll ccomee Dcamme20HHes nneveer rreadd thhis boook, ?Adooesnnt hhe BBiss hee CChaasnt hhe DDhaas hhe21 bbad
16、 weaatheer iit iis!AHoow BWWhatt CCWhhat a DHHow a22TTherre iis ggoinng tto aa cllasss meeetiing thiis aafteernooon.Ahaave Bhass Ciis Dbe23WWe ffounnd impporttantt too sttudyy Enngliish welll.Awhhichh BBthhat CCitt Dtthiss24TThe mann hheree foor tthreee ddayss.Ahaas lleftt BBhaas ccomee Chass beeen
17、Dhhas arrriveed(五)完完形填空空。阅读读下面短短文,掌掌握其大大意,然然后从每每小题所所给的四四个选项项中选出出一个最最佳答案案,填入入下面对对应空格格内(110分)。答 案案We llivee inn thhe “ccompputeer aage”. Peeoplle llikee sccienntissts, teeachherss, wwritterss annd eevenn sttudeentss usse ccompputeers to do 255 worrk. Butt moore thaan 330 yyearrs aago, 266 couuldnnt do
18、 mucch. Theey wweree veery bigg annd eexpeensiive. Veery 27 ppeopple werre iinteeresstedd 28 thhem andd knnew howw too usse tthemm. TTodaay ccompputeers aree smmalller andd 229 . Andd thhey cann doo a lott off woork, Maany peooplee liike to usee thhem. Moore andd moore peooplee evven havve tthemm at
19、t hoome.Compputeers beccomee veery impporttantt beecauuse theey ccan worrk 30 thaan mmen andd maake fewwer misstakkes. Coompuuterrs ccan hellp ppeopple 311 a llot of worrk. Wriiterrs nnow usee coompuuterrs tto wwritte. Teaacheers usee thhem to hellp tteacchinng aand stuudennts usee thhem to stuudy.
20、Coompuuterrs ccan alsso rremeembeer wwhatt yoou pput 322 theem. Commputterss arre vveryy 333 andd heelpfful. Thhey aree ouur ggoodd frriennds.Do yyou wannt tto 34 a ccompputeer?25AAa lott Bmmanyy off CCveery mucch DDalll kkindds oof26AAsccienntissts Bteaacheers Cstuudennts Dccompputeers27AAfeew Blit
21、ttlee Caa feew Daa liittlle28AAonn Bat Ciin Dforr29AAchheapp Bmmoree chheapp CCchheapper Dexppenssivee30AAsllow BBslloweer Cfasst Dfassterr31AAdooingg Bddo CCdooes Ddidd32AAinnto BBtoo Con DDupp33AAcaarefful BBbeeauttifuul Chheavvy Duusefful34AAleend BBpaay CCseell DDhaave(六)阅阅读理解解(100分)AA goood mem
22、moryy iss a greeat hellp iin llearrninng aa laanguuagee. EEverryboody leaarnss hiis oown lannguaagess byy reememmberringg whhat he heaars wheen hhe iis aa smmalll chhildd, aand somme cchilldreen llikee booys andd giirlss whho llivee abbroaad wwithh thheirr paarennts seeems to leaarn twoo laanguuagee
23、s aalmoost as eassilyy ass onne. In thee scchoool iit iis nnot eassy tto llearrn aa seeconnd llangguagge bbecaausee thhe ppupiils havve sso llitttle timme ffor it, annd ttheyy arre bbusyy wiith othher subbjeccts, tooo.Our minnd iis rrathher likke aa caamerra, butt itt taakess phhotoos nnot onlly oof
24、 wwhatt wee seee bbut of whaat wwe ffeell, hhearr, ssmelll aand tasste. Whhen we takke aa reeal phooto witth aa caamerra, theere is mucch tto ddo bbefoore thee phhotoo iss fiinisshedd annd rreaddy tto sshoww too ouur ffrieendss. IIn tthe samme wway theere is mucch wworkk too bee doone befforee wee c
25、aan kkeepp a piccturre fforeeverr inn ouur mmindd.Memoory is thee diiaryy thhat we alll caarryy abboutt wiith us.根据短文文内容,选选择正确确答案(55分)( )335WWe uusuaallyy beeginn too leearnn ouur oown lannguaage by iit.Ateeachhingg Bspeeakiing Cssayiing Dheaarinng( )336IIf yyou havve aa goood , yooull havve llesss
26、diiffiicullty in leaarniing sommethhingg .Acaamerra BBteeachher Cmemmoryy Dfammilyy( )337TThe chiildrren whoo liive abrroadd wiith theeir parrentts ccan leaarn twoo laanguuagees mmoree eaasilly bbecaausee .Athhey havve mmoree chhancce tto uuse theese lannguaagessBthhey havve ggoodd teeachherssCthhey
27、 aree veery cleeverrDthhey havve aa beetteer llifee( )338 cann taake phootoss off whhat cann bee seeen, feelt, heeardd, ssmellt aand tasstedd.AA diaary BMMemoory CAA caamerra DDA manns mmindd( )339MMemoory is tthatt wee keeep in ourr miind andd caarryy abboutt.Aa greeat hellp BBthhe bbestt diiaryyCa
28、 beaautiifull piictuure DDthhe bbestt caamerraBGreeenlaand is thee laargeest isllandd inn thhe wworlld. It is in thee noorthh off Euuroppe. Neaar GGreeenlaand is anootheer iislaand. Itt iss smmalll. IIts namme iis IIcellandd. DDo yyou thiink thaat GGreeenlaand is greeen andd waarm? Doo yoou tthinnk
29、tthatt Iccelaand is whiite witth iice? Iff yoou ddo, youu arre wwronng. Nott maany peooplee liive on thee biig iislaand of Greeenllandd. TTherre aare morre ppeopple in youur hhomeetowwn tthann inn alll oof GGreeenlaand. Thhat is beccausse GGreeenlaand is nott grreenn. GGreeenlaand is whiite. Moost o
30、f thee Grreennlannd iis ccoveeredd wiith lotts oof iice. Thhe iice covveriing Greeenllandd iss hiigheer tthann soome of thee woorldds talll bbuilldinngs. Whhat aboout Iceelannd? Is it collderr thhan Greeenllandd? NNo, it is nott. IIcellandd haas iice, buut nnot so mucch iice as Greeenllandd. IIcella
31、ndd haas aa loot oof hhot sprringg. TTheyy giive outt hoot wwateer aand steeam. Soo itt iss noot aas ccoldd ass Grreennlannd. Andd thheree arre aa loot mmoree peeoplle wwho livve iin IIcellandd.根据短文文内容,判判断下列列句子的的正 (T) 误 (F)(55分)( )440GGreeenlaand is greeen whiile Iceelannd iis wwhitte.( )441IIcellan
32、dd iss inn thhe ssoutth oof EEuroope.( )442IIcellandd haas nnot anyy icce.( )443FFeweer ppeopple livve iin GGreeenlaand thaan IIcellandd.( )444GGreeenlaand is larrgerr thhan anyy ottherr isslannd iin tthe worrld.(七)补补全对话话。补全全下面对对话,每每空一词词(100分)。A:Whhat II doo foor yyou?B:Id llikee a skiirt mmy ddaugg
33、hteer.A:Thhis wayy, ppleaase. Doo yoou thiis oone?B:Yees, its vveryy niice. Hoow is it?A:Niinetty yyuann.B:Ohh, iits ttoo .A:Whhat aboout thaat oone oveer ttherre?B:I cannt ddeciide.A:Noo huurryy. PPleaase takke yyourr .B:I likke tthiss onne, butt thhe ccoloour is darrk.A:Whhat aboout thiis rred one
34、e?B:Ohh, II thhinkk itts nnicee. CCan youu leet mmy ddaugghteer it on?A:CeertaainllyB:Weell, weell itt. HHerees tthe monney.A: vveryy muuch.(八)动动词填空空。根据据短文内内容,用用括号中中所给动动词的正正确形式式填空,完完成下短短文(110分)。Ben (sttudyy) aat tthe towwnss scchoool nnow. Hee (bbe) theere sinnce lasst yyearr. HHe iisnt iinteeresste
35、dd inn sttudyyingg. HHe (ppreffer) too maake friiendds aand speend a llot of timme ooutssidee. HHe aalsoo liikess (plaay) commputter gammes witth hhis friiendds. So of couursee, wwhenn thhe eexamm (takke) lasst wweekk, hhe ddidnnt gett a goood rresuult andd (faail) aggainn. HHe tthouughtt, “IIf mmy
36、ffathher knoows alll abboutt itt, hhe (bbecoome) anngryy annd ggivee mee a goood llessson.” SSo hhe ssentt a notte tto hhis brootheer aand askked hiss brrothher (gett) hhis fattherr reeadyy foor tthe badd neews. Thhe nnextt moorniing, hee reeceiivedd thhe (ffolllow) annsweer, “Faatheer iis rreaddy.
37、Youud bettterr (bee) rreaddy yyourrsellf.”(九)书书面表达达。根据据所给的的中文提提示,写写一则日日记,要要求意思思完整,语语句通顺顺,标点点正确。词词数60070(文文章开头头已给出出,不计计算在词词数之内内。)(110分)提示:时间:33月122日下午午;人物:22班的同同学和部部分老师师;活动:乘乘车去阳阳光公园园植树,有有的挖坑坑,有的的挑水,整整个下午午忙个不不停;目的:阻阻止风将将沙子吹吹向城市市;使我我们的家家乡变的的更美丽丽。Satuurdaay, Junne 112, 20111 FiineTodaay iis TTreee Pllanttingg Daay.