1、2020-2021学年仁爱版英语九年级下册词汇讲义拓展学习法(第211组)第211组 rather than 1)translate the content rather than the form 得意忘象 1. As early as in ancient time when the Buddhism was translated into China,translators,some famous Buddhists,advocated to translate the contentrather thanthe form when translating,and contributed
2、 a great lot to make Buddhism understood with fidelity and accepted widely in China. 早在我国古代,为使众人正确理解佛教的根本宗旨和思想精神,一批佛经翻译家提出并实践了“得意忘象”的翻译思想,订正了“格义”翻译法所造成的对佛经的误会,为佛教在中国的传播做出了巨大的贡献。2. COMMENT ON THE BLUE-AND-WHITE-LANDSCAPE PAINTING OF ARTISTIC CONCEPTION 得意忘象天人合一试论青花山水画的意境美 3. American Imagist Poetry a
3、nd Classical Chinese Poetry as Viewed from “the Attainment of the Virtual Image Hidden behind the Real Images by Breaking the Fetters of Language; 从“得意忘言”看意象派诗歌和中国古典诗歌 4. On the Divergence of Chinese Images in 19th Century American Literature; 得意与忘“形”19世纪美国文学中中国形象的“异”之诠释 5. He was a trifle more plea
4、sed with himself. 他略微有些得意忘形。6. a self-satisfied person, attitude, grin 得意忘形的人、 看法、 傻笑. 7. If you are too fortune, you will not know yourself; if you are too unfortune, nobody will know you . 得意易忘形,失势无知己。8. The momentary pleasure of success got the better of her 胜利的喜悦使她一时得意忘形。9. He was obviously in a
5、 state of exaltation. 非常明显,他又得意忘形了。10. That pleased the old man till he couldnt rest. 老头子这下子可得意忘形了。11. The success of his first novel completely turned his head. 他第一部小说很胜利, 便得意忘形了. 12. The success of his first novel completely turn his head 他第一部小说很胜利, 便得意忘形了 13. His head is easily turned by even a s
6、mall achievement. 他这个人有了一点成果就得意忘形。14. Fair words make fools fain =pleased 甜言蜜语会使愚者得意忘形 15. Fair words make fools fain. 甜言蜜语会使愚者得意忘形。16. Dont be above yourself. You still have a long way to go. 不要得意忘形,你还有很长的路要走。17. lose oneself in verbiage 得意忘形地大发冗长争论 18. He is swollen with his own importance. 他自以为了不
7、得而得意忘形。2)use brawn rather than brain 有勇无谋 1. They are brave but stupid people, he thought. 这帮家伙有勇无谋,他想。2. Such idea verges on foolhardiness. 这种念头近于有勇无谋。3. The knight is not so much brave as reckless. 那位武士与其说是英勇,还不如说是有勇无谋。4. in a hasty and foolhardy manner. 以草率的、有勇无谋的方式。5. He showed himself courageou
8、s even foolhardy under fire, and a great love of adventure and danger. 他表现出在斗争中近乎有勇无谋的英勇和喜爱冒险和危急的性格。6. The foolhardy Zaarin even had the audacity to strike against the Emperor himself. 有勇无谋的扎林甚至厚脸皮到了反击帝国的地步。7. Lily: He was brave enough but lack of strategic planning. 他英勇果敢有余,但用兵计谋不足。8. He is both br
9、ave and steady, and is highly regarded by his general. 此人沉勇有智谋, 很受将军的器重。9. With courage one can achieve anything. 只要有志气无事不行成。10. Courage without conscience is a wild beast . 有勇无德,禽兽何异。11. Only when we rely on both courage and resourcefulness can we defeat the rival. 我们只有既靠英勇又靠智谋,才能战胜对手。12. Going out
10、 takes all the determination, ingenuity and nerve that a young couple can muster. 想要出门约会,年轻的情侣必需有智谋、志气和决心。13. Courage, resourcefulness, and endurance, though daily displayed in overwhelming measure, could not completely overcome the combination of enemy, weather, and terrain. 我们虽以无限的智谋志气和坚忍,但仍无法完全克服
11、气候、地形和敌人的阻力。14. We must have the courage to say that we are ignorant . 我们要有志气承认自己是无知的。15. BRAVENESS AND DILIGENCY MAKE US FEARLESS, LETS GO GO GO! 有着英勇和坚毅,我们无所畏惧。16. He is brave and fearless. He has the makings of an explorer. 他英勇无畏,具有探险者的气质。17. Standing up to bullies takes plenty of backbone. 英勇地应付暴徒需有大无畏精神。18. For they are a nation without wisdom; there is no sense in them. 因为以色列民毫无计谋,心中没有聪慧。3)To extend sympathy rather than be glad 哀矜勿喜 4)She spoke in grief rather than in anger. 与其说她讲得很生气,不如说她讲得很难过。5)rather英r:(r)美r 宁可,与其.不如.,更准确些 6)rather英r:(r)美r ad.相当,有一点儿;宁愿,宁可