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1、中国文化英语教程答案UnilLead-inPhoenix one of four Chinese auspicious and mythical beasts, along with the Chinese dragon, tortoise and Qilin (kylin)Pangu a god who broke through the chaos and created the worldSui a god who drilled wood to make a fireNiiwa a goddess who mended the sky and created humansChange

2、Wife of the legendary hero Houyi and later inhabited the Moon Palace with the Jade Rabbit and the woodcutter Wu GangKuafu a god who chased the sunThe Eight Immortals a group of legendary Taoist immortalsHouyi a great archer who shot down nine extra sunsReading A1.1) The recently uncovered “Suigongxu

3、” is an ancient vessel which records the historical myths of the great hero Da Yu who controlled the flood. (Para.2)Chinese myths are a vital part of Chinese culture. (Para. 5)2) Unlike Western myths, myths in ancient China were usually spread in scattered forms in various written materials. (Para.4

4、)Chinese mythology refers to myths transmitted by people of all fifty-six ethnic groups living in China. (Para. 1)3) Shanhaijin, Chuci, and Huainanzi are important sources of ancient Chinese myths. (Para.4)The system of Chinese mythology is not integrated and homogeneous. (Para. 1)2.people who colle

5、cted and compiled mythologye.g.: the great Greek writers Homer and Hesiodbooks with miscellaneous subjects but containing many myths e.g.: Shanhaijing (The Classic of Mountains and Seas), Chuci (The Songs ofChu), and Huainanzi1. 1)B2) A1. 1)B2) A3)C2. 1) In Europe and America since, from the disuse

6、of Latin, the sharp distinction between the spoken and the written language has disappeared, there has arisen a class of half educated people who are allowed to use the same language as the really educated people.2) How many foreigners who call themselves Chinese scholars, have any idea of what an a

7、sset of civilisation is stored up in that portion of Chinese literature which I have called the Classicci majora, the literature in full court dress Chinese? I say an asset of civilisation, because I believe that this Classica majora in the Chinese literature can transmute a person.Reading CNeutral

8、Positive Negative Neutral1. D A B CSelf-checkOur nation is a multi-ethnic and multi-lingual country with over 80 languages and about 30 varieties of characters. The Chinese language is a language whose speakers account for the largest percentage in China as well as in the world. It is identified as

9、one of the six official languages in the United Nations. The Chinese language covers seven main dialects: Beifanghua, Wu, Yue (Cantonese), Min, Kejia (Hakka), Xiang, and Gan. The Chinese characters have evolved from pictures and signs, enjoying a long history of about 6,000 years, with a variety of

10、scripts like the oracle-bone script, the bronze script, the small-seal script, the clerical script, the standard script, the cursive script and the running script.Unit 10Lead-inl. A 2. D 3. BReading A1. 69311082734E A C D BReading BC A B A D1. 1)食不厌精,脍不厌细。2)食不言,寝不语。Reading C1. thinkinggentility1. th

11、inkinggentilitylearning and scholarshipdiscoursesaffectiondignifiedsaint missionTireless in learning and teaching othersPositive and self-confidentGenteel and humorousSelf-checkConfucian philosophy, also called Confucianism, was founded by the renowned philosopher and educationist Confucius in the l

12、ate Spring and Autumn Period (770BC-476 BC). The core values of Confucianism include benevolence/humanity, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity.The Analects of Confucius, a Confucian classic, is composed of 20 chapters. The book records the sayings and behaviors of Confucius and his discipl

13、es, penned and compiled by disciples and second-generation disciples of Confucius. The Analects of Confucius, The Doctrine of the Mean. Mencius, and The Great Learning comprise the Four Books, Shangshu. The Book of Songs. The Rites, Zhouyi, and The Spring and Autumn Annals constitute the Five Classi

14、cs. Put together, they are entitled the Four Books and the Five Classics. Confucianism was the leading ideology in ancient China, which has left far-reaching influences on China, East Asia and the world.Unit 11Lead-in1. AE 2. CD 3. BReading A1. 1) Take the Dao (Tao, way) as the origin of all creatio

15、n and the force.2) Daodejing (Tao Te Ching)3) Wu Wei4) enhance; prolong5) artisans; butchers; woodcarvers6) mildly skeptical; Life is limited and the amount of things to know is unlimited.7) sitting in oblivion8) Chuang-tzuThis poem reflects Taoist philosophy, indicating the harmony between human be

16、ings and nature.寻隐者不遇rtti 色 jAl屯松下问童子,言师采药去。只在此山中,云深不知处。Reading B485713357404581. D F CReading C1. illness inherited accumulated balance cures suppressing releasing mind-set pressing circulationSelf-checkTaoism is a primary school of thought in the Pre-Qin Period, represented by Lao Tzu and Chuang T

17、zu. The Tao Te Ching reflects the core Taoist concept in terms of Tao and Te, Tao is the essence and root of everything in the universe, everywhere and the whole. Everything develops from Tao and Te embodies Tao.Taoists advocate that Tao follows nature” and advance political and military strategies

18、like governing by doing nothing that goes against nature” and conquering the unyielding with the yielding”,which yield great influence on Chinese and the world culture. In the early Western Han Dynasty, the Emperor Wen and the Emperor Jing governed the country with the Taoist philosophy, leading to

19、a peaceful and harmonious state after the harsh government in the Qin Dynasty, which is referred to as the Rule of Wen and Jing in history. Taoism has also left a huge impact on traditional Chinese medicine (giving rise to the saying Medicine and Taoism in Harmony), Chinese Kung Fu and the Chinese t

20、ea ceremony.Unit 12Lead-inl.C 2. B 3. AReading A1. songs (The book of Songs) (6) sao (Chuci) (7) fu (3) songs (yuefu) (1,9,11) s/7poetry (4,8) ci (2) qu (5.10)1) The Book of Songs, also known as Shi Sanbai (Three Hundred Poems), is the first comprehensive anthology of Chinese poems. It includes 305

21、poems from the early years of Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period. Those poems were classified into folk songs, ceremonial songs, and sacrificial songs, according to their contents and the style of the music. In the Western Han Dynasty, The Book of Songs was formally a

22、ccepted as a classic of the Confucian School, called Shi Jing. The Book of Songs has over a long period of time exerted a profound and far-reaching influence on the development of Chinese literature, especially that of poetry.2) Han Music Bureau YiiefiT was created by Emperor Wu to collect and recor

23、d folk songs/tunes/ballads written by men of letters and the ordinary people.3) The Tang Dynasty has been dubbed the golden age of classical poetry writing in China. For about 300 years, classical poetry was a predominant genre among all literary forms popular with both the rulers and the populace.

24、There had emerged during this period of time a considerable number of brilliant poets and outstanding poetic compositions. The greatest writers of this period are often held to be Li Bai and Du Fu respectively.Reading BOdeTaskFu refers to a straightforward narrative with a beginning, middle, and con

25、clusion, that stands by itself. Bi. literally against, implies a comparison or contrast, placing two things side by side. When one takes two different fu, and places them together, the two create a hi. This results in xing, a mental stimulation or “lightning” that pervades the mind of the reader, br

26、inging new insight or awareness into the nature of the individual fu that composes the poem.fu (exposition)This is a love lyric which tells the love between a young man and a pretty maiden, from courtship to marriage. It contains five stanzas where the story unfolds.一 First stanza: The young man mad

27、e acquaintance with the maiden in spring when the ospreys were cooing making the sound kwan kwan.一 Second stanza: The young man courted the maiden in summer when the duckweed floated on water.一 Third and fourth stanza: The young man yearned for the maiden day and night until they were engaged in aut

28、umn when the duckweed was gathered.Fifth stanza: They got married in winter when duckweeds were cooked and (comparison)The courtship is compared to the ospreys cooing. On the green islet in the stream, a pair of ospreys were singing to each other. By the small river, a young man spotted

29、 a pretty young lady that he fell in love with.xing (affective image)The ospreys on the islet are considered to evoke associations with conjugal harmony” since they often appear in pairs. To some commentators, they also represent the ideal marriage, and by extension, serve as an example of virtuous

30、conduct by the wife of King Wen of Zhou.关雎诗经国风周南关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。参差蓿菜,左右流之。窈窕淑女,寤寐求之。求之不得,寤寐思服。悠哉悠哉,辗转反侧。参差若菜,左右采之。窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之。参差若菜,左右范之。窈窕淑女,钟鼓乐之。IL In the Quiet NightTasksl. D静夜思床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。III. A Spring View春望国破山河在,城春草木深。感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。烽火连三月,家书抵万金。白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。IV. To the Time of Yu Mei R

31、en1) Nouns:春花、秋月、东风、雕栏玉砌、朱颜、一江春水2) Interrogatives: “春花秋月何时了 ? ” “问君能有几多愁? ”Nouns:春花一 flowery springs秋月 一 moonlit autumns东风一 the wind was in the east雕栏玉砌一 The cavern rail and jade work wall朱颜一rosy cheeks江春水一 a river swollen in spring1) Interrogatives:春花秋月 4可时了 ? 一 There is no end to moonlit autumns o

32、r flowery springs (statement)问君能有几多愁? 一 Tell me, what is the uttermost extent of pain, you say? (interrogative)TaskMaternal, female and yin in influence (as opposed to the sun being symbolic of the fraternal, male, yang aspect of guidance) Mythology: goddess of the moon (Change), the old man of the

33、moon (Yue Lao) Full Moon (round moon): unity, family reunion, wholeness, Mid-Autumn Festival Emotions: companionship, loneliness Virtues: purity, grace, kindness, selflessness, modesty, gentility and benevolence Marriage: matrimony is pre-destined in heaven Waxing and waning of the moon: philosophic

34、al wisdom, immortality虞美人春花秋月何时了,往事知多少?小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中!雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改。问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流。V. Prelude to Water Melody水调歌头明月几时有丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦,大醉。作此篇,兼怀子由。明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间?转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。VI. AutumnChinese is paratactic (意合白勺),i

35、t can be concise, laconic while efficiently rich in imagery. In chinse, a few words can convey rich and deep semantic meaning and multi-level content, besides, the least words may carry the greatest amount of information. Thereby, the performance of Chinese becomes extraordinarily strong, which is p

36、rofusely embodied in the classic Chinese poetry. In classic Chinese poems, one can easily find cases of parataxis (意合)incarnates (具体表现) using the lest words and simplest structure to tell the most complicated and richest image and sentiment, which English, rather hypotactic (形合的),does not allow.The

37、poem in question, an epitome of such technique, demonstrates that the juxtaposition of noun-based images without grammatical connectives to specify their relations is characteristic of Chinese poetry writing. Such verses can both render rich images and leave room for the readers to imagine.天净沙秋思枯藤老树

38、昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。Reading CSelf-check1)Chinese poetry has its origin from Shijing or the Book of Songs2)Poetry was the main subject in the imperial civil service examinations3)Five basic poetic “genres4)“The Immortal Poet Li Bai and the Sage Poet” Du Fu are considered among the best ancie

39、nt poets.Unit 13Lead-inThe Dream of the Red Chamber-Cao XueqinGranny Liu paying a visit to Grand View Garden; Daiyu burying the fallen flowers;Water MarginShi Naian- Wusong slaying the tiger; Lu Zhishen uprooting a willow treeThe Romance of the Three Kingdoms-Luo Guanzhong-Borrowing arrows with stra

40、w boats; Brotherhood forged in the Peach GardenJourney to the West-Wu ChengnMonkey King making havoc in Heaven; Monkey thrice beating the White Bone DemonReading A1) spoken/vemacular; (complex) literary classical2) disputed authorship3)seminal; literate and politically influential 4) Yuan 5) Qing 6)

41、 Robin Hood 7) Odyssey8) machinations, court intrigues, and the shifting alliances9)outlaws/ characters; corrupt Song10) two branches of a clan1. 1) The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, The Dream of the Red Chamber and Journey to the West, are called the Four Classic Novels of China. The

42、y were seminal for the development of Chinese society. The stories, settings and characters of the four works have deeply influenced the ideas and values of the Chinese.2) The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a historical fiction about the political struggles and wars at the end of the Eastern Han D

43、ynasty and in the Three Kingdoms Period. Special emphasis is laid on the two famous historical rulers Liu Bei and Cao Cao who were antagonists.3) Journey to the West is a classic fantasy novel written by / attributed to Wu Chengen in the Ming Dynasty. It tells the historic journey / legendary pilgri

44、mage of the Tang Dynasty Buddhist monk Xuanzang and his three disciples to the West to obtain / collect sacred / Buddhist texts / scriptures. They left the Tang capital Changan, travelled through the Gansu Corridor, passed the Flaming Mountains near Turpan, and finally arrived at India. After many t

45、rials and much suffering / encountering various evils along the way, the four eventually returned bearing Buddhist scriptures.Reading BCGAFHBDEI1. Lady Dowager-2)Jia Yingchun-4)Jia Tanchun-1)Jia Xichun-5)Wang Xifeng-3)Reading CWater Margin Authorship para.2Social impact: para.3;struggle for libertyT

46、he Romance of the Three Kingdoms wars and statesmanshiprevised the science and artThe Dream of the Red Chamber autobiography; fortycharacter study; human emotionsthe matriarchy/womenPara.7Self-checkFour Great Classic Novels 2) The Romance of the Three Kingdoms3) Three Kingdoms4) Water Margin 5) Outl

47、aws of the Marsh 6) Song Dynasty 7) Journey to the West 8) Tang Dynasty 9) The Dream of the Red Chamber 10) The Story of the StoneUnit 14Lead-inSun Wu (Sun Wu was a well-known military strategist in the last Spring and Autumn Period; Sun Bin was a descendent of Sun Wu, also a famous military strateg

48、ist in the Warring States Period, and the author of Sun Bin s Art of War.)1. Mao Zedong, General Vb Nguyen Giap, Antoine-Henri Jomini, and General Douglas MacArthur (Para. 3, Reading A)Reading A1. B D B AA F B E C DReading B1)-D2)-B3)-A1. 1)3)4)Reading C1. Principle 1: B Principle 2: A Principle 3: F Principle 4: H Principle 5: G Principle 6: CSelf-checkThe Art of War by the military strategist Sun Wu in the Spring and Autumn Period has enjoyed a history of over 2,500 years. The book consists of 13 chapters: Laying Plans, Waging War, Attack by St


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