1、练习奇幻漂流记:女子海上漂浮38小时获救(双语)The woman from Shanghai, known only by her surname Fan, leaned too far forward from a ship deck and fell overboard, according to Chinese media。据中国媒体报道,这名女子姓范,来自上海,由于从甲板上向外伸出太远不慎掉入了海 中。She reportedly fell from the fourth deck, the approximate height of a seven-floor buildingo据
2、报道,她当时是从第四号甲板上掉落下去的,大约有7层楼那么高。The 31-year-old survived the ordeal with only minor injuries, reports saido据报道,这名31岁的女子最终战胜困难活了下来,而且只受了轻伤。Ms Fan was on a five-day cruise on the Royal Caribbean from Shanghai to South Korea and Japan, according to reportso据报道,范女士当时正在进行一场为期5天的旅行,乘坐皇家加勒比号从上海开赴韩 国和日本。She r
3、eportedly had nothing to cling on to after she fell in the sea, and drifted for most of the time until she saw a fishing boat approachingo据报道,在掉落到海里之后,这名女子身边没有任何可以抓附的东西,在海里的大多数 之间她都在漂流,直到最终她看见一艘渔船靠近。Her parents, who were allegedly on the cruise with her, did not realise she was missing until hours l
4、ater。据说这名女子的父母也在那艘游轮之上,但是他们直到数小时之后才发现自己的女儿不 见了。Her father refused to believe his daughter was alive until he heard her voice on the phone, reports saido据报道,该名女子的父亲不敢相信他的女儿还活着,直到在电话里听到范女士的声音。She should join the Olympics/她应该去参加奥运会。The 1.75m tall woman had allegedly been enjoying the view on the cruise
5、 deck on Wednesday night when she accidentally fell forward into the sea。据说在周三晚间不慎掉入海里的时候,身高1米75的范女士正在游轮甲板上欣赏景色。She called for help but was not heardo她曾呼喊求救,但是没人听到她的声音。She eventually became exhausted, yet somehow managed to tread water while dozing off, Chinese media saido据中国媒体报道,这名女子最终筋疲力尽,但是总算还是能够
6、边打瞌睡边踩水不让自己 沉下去。She spotted a fishing vessel when she awoke on Friday morningo在周五早间醒来的时候,范女士发现了一艘渔船。Fan is said to have escaped with only blisters on her arms caused by jellyfish stingSo据说范女士的伤势只有手臂上被水母蛰伤造成的水泡。Some users took to micro-blogging site Sina Weibo to express their incredulityo新浪微博上一些用户表达
7、了他们的质疑。“She didnt eat and drink at sea for 38 hours and she survived? Thats a miracle, said one usero一名用户说道:她不吃不喝在海里待了 38小时,最终还活了下来?真是一个奇迹。“This cant be real, said another。另一人说道:这不可能是真的。One commenter was more light-hearted, saying: ”She should join the Olympics。有一个评论更加轻松有趣,说道:她应该去参加奥运会。Reports sugge
8、st that Fans physical strength may have helped her, as she studied sport at university and started swimming from the age of five。据报道,范女士良好的身体素质可能是帮助她活下来的原因,她在大学主修体育、而且 从五岁就开始游泳。Local media attributed her survival to her strong will” - but did not explain how she survived the low temperatureso当地媒体将范女
9、士的生还归功于她坚强的意志-但是并没有说清楚她到底是如何在低 温环境下生存下来的。Earlier this year, a 33-year-old woman in the US fell overboard a cruise from Texas to Mexicoo今年年初,在一艘从德克萨斯开赴墨西哥的游轮上,一名33岁的美国女子从甲板上掉 落了下去。Her friends were not aware that she had gone missing until 10 hours later, and police have yet to find her body。直到10个小时之后,她的朋友们才发现她失踪了,而警察至今没有找到她的尸体。