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1、大气环境保护沉浸式双语教案设计 高一地理上册第二章第七节广东省东莞市东华初级中学 叶晓霞教学目标1.了解大大气污染染所形成成的全球球变暖、臭臭氧层的的破坏、酸酸雨等现现象产生生原因及及危害;2.正确认认识大气气环境保保护的重重要意义义;3.通过沉沉浸式双双语讲授授,学生生在掌握握地理知知识的过过程中,应应用英语语,提高高英语应应用能力力。教学重点1.全球变变暖2.臭氧层层的破坏坏和保护护 3.酸雨的的危害教学难点英语语境的的建立与与学科学学习相结结合教学准备多媒体课件件教学过程1Inttrodducttionn (导导入新课课)Show to thee sttudeentss thhe ppi

2、ctturee thhat thee eaarthh iss swweattingg liike a mman feeelinng eenorrmouuslyy hoot iin ssummmer andd thhe ppictturee off Anntarrctiic hholee off ozzonoosphheree, aand wattch thee shhortt fiilm aboout aciid rrainn. (出示地地球出汗汗的卡通通片,南南极臭氧氧空洞图图片以及及观看酸酸雨影片片片段,指指出全球球大气环环境已经经受到严严重的污污染,所所以本课课要研究究大气环环境保护护)

3、2preesenntattionn (教教授新课课)2.1. 整体思思路Guidee thhe sstuddentts tto kknoww thhreee attmosspheericc prrobllemss, eeachh prrobllem insstruucteed iin tthiss waay: firrst, whaat ccausses thee prrobllem; seeconndlyy, wwhatt haarmfful afffectts ssuchh prrobllem briing; annd ffinaallyy, mmeassurees tthatt caan

4、 bbe ttakeen tto ssolvve tthe proobleem.(分别讲讲述大气气环境的的三大问问题,每每个问题题的以如如下方法法呈现:一产生生问题的的原因;二是其其危害,三三应当采采取的措措施)2.2 具具体教材材双语的的讲授。2.2.11 gllobaal wwarmminggAfterr a piccturre tthatt shhow thee chhangge oof tthe temmperratuure of thee eaarthh inn reecennt yyearr, II puut fforwwardd a queestiion: “Is thee te

5、empeeratturee gooingg upp orr doown? Thhe sstuddentts aanswwereed aand stuudennts unddersstannd wwhatt iss “glooball waarmiing”. TThenn thhe sstuddentts ddisccusssed thee caausee off gllobaal wwarmmingg inn Enngliish, I llistteneed tto tthemm annd hhelpp thhem exppresss tthemmsellvess inn Enngliish,

6、 finnallly cconcclussionns wweree reeachhed aboout whaat tthe humman shoouldd doo too sttop thee eaarthh frrom getttinng hhottter 2.2.22 thhe pprottecttionn off ozzonee laayerrAt fiirstt a shoort Engglissh ffilmm shhow howw thhe CCFC “eatt” thhe OO3, theen wwithh thhe mmoree wiidelly uuse of thee re

7、efriigerratoor tthatt ussed CFCC, AAntaarcttic holle oof oozonnosppherre aappeeareed(ccomees tthe piccturre oof AAntaarcttic holle oof oozonnosppherre) aftter thaat, Engglissh ffilmm shhow harrmfuul aaffeectss abboutt thhe ddeplletiion of ozoone layyer. Inn thhe ssamee waay, whaat tto ddo tto pprott

8、ectt ozzonee laayerr iss thhe llastt thhingg foor sstuddentts tto kknoww. Engglissh ffilmm iss goood envviroonmeent forr sttudeentss too immmerrse theemseelvees iin EEngllishh. ) 2.2.33 accid raiinput fforwwardd quuesttionn affterr quuesttionn too fuulfiill thee innstrructtionn off thhe cconttentt,

9、ssuchh ass a) whhat is aciid rrainn; bb)hoow iit ccomees iintoo beeingg; cc) wwherre ddoess accid raiin ffreqquenntlyy haappeen dd)whhy aacidd raain is harrmfuul ee)whhat to do to redducee accid raiin. ( IIn tthiss seessiion, I eestaabliish queestiion forr sttudeentss too thhinkk abboutt, tthenn byy

10、 piictuure andd fiilm I llet thee sttudeentss annalyyze thee prrobllem theemseelvees, andd soolvee thhe pprobblemm thhemsselvves, in whiich theey wweree trrainned to anaalyzze ffactts tto ffindd thhe aanswwer, at thee saame timme, Engglissh tthinnkinng ppattternn iss apppliied. )3exeerciisess (课课堂练习

11、习)我用英文设设计了几几个单项项选择题题和双项项选择题题复习巩巩固学生生所学的的教学内内容,同同时也通通过作题题,学生生的英语语阅读理理解能力力得到了了锻炼。练练习如下下:1Chooosee thhe rrighht aanswwer froom AA, BB, CC annd DD(thheree iss onnly ansswerr thhat is rigght).1) Caarboon ddioxxidee iss thhe mmainn _iin tthe atmmosppherre.A.gaas tthatt caan fformm accid raiinB. grreennhou

12、use gass C. gaas tthatt wiill dammagee thhe oozonnosppherre DD. ggas thaat ccan forrm cclouud tto rrainn2)Defforeestaatioon wwilll reesullt iin tthe inccreaase of_.A.caarboon ddioxxideeBB. ccarbbon oxiideCC.suulfuur ddioxxideeDD. CCFC3)Apaart froom tthe natturaal ffacttorss thhat dammagee thhe oozon

13、nosppherre, thee huumann beeinggs bbreaak-ddownn off ozzonee maainlly rrefeers to _. A.thhe rreleeasee off caarboon ooxiddeB. thee reeleaase of carrbonn diioxiideCC.thhe rreleeasee off CFFC DD. tthe relleasse oof nnitrrogeen ooxidde4)In thee attmosspheere, ozoonosspheere liees iin tthe _.A.trropoosp

14、hhereeBB. sstraatosspheereC. meesosspheereD. hyydroosphheree5)Thee accid raiin iin CChinna iis mmainnly sullfatted aciid rrainn beecauuse _.A.wee buurn woood ffor maiin eenerrgyBB.wee buurn coaal ffor maiin eenerrgyCC.wee haave powwer staatioon pproppellled by firreD.ourr poowerr sttatiion proopelll

15、edd byy waaterr2.chooosee thhe ttwo rigght ansswerrs ffromm A, B, C aand D.1)Thee arrtifficiial reaasonns ffor thee inncreeasee off caarboon ddioxxidee inn thhe aatmoosphheree arre _.A.buurniing of fosssill fuuelssB.cconsstruuctiion of powwer staatioonC.defforeestaatioonD.thee seea iis ppollluteed 2

16、)Thee diirecct rreassonss foor gglobbal warrminng tto rraisse tthe seaa leevell arre _.A.thheree wiill be morre rriveersBB.moore raiinfaall andd leess evaaporratiionCC.occeann waaterr exxpannd ddue to thee inncreeasee off teempeerattureeD.mmeltted pollar icee maakess thhe ssea levvel risse3)Thee daa

17、magge oof tthe ozoonosspheere ressultt inn _.A.moore peooplee wiill havve sskinn caanceerB.raiinsttormms iin tthe whoole worrldCC.gllobaal ddrouughtt D.dammagee off thhe eecollogiic eenviironnmennt aand agrricuultuure4)Thee gaasess thhat willl fformm accid raiin aare _.A.caarboon ddioxxideeBB. ssulf

18、fur diooxiddeC.nittroggen oxiideD. caarboon ooxidde5)Thee afffeccts thaat aacidd raain ressultt inn arre _.A.accidiify thee sooilBB.moore peooplee geet sskinn caanceer CC.accidiify watter in thee riiverrs aand cauuse fissh tto ddieDD. ddecaay iin bbuilldinngs andd cuultuure rellicss4.hommewoork(课后练练

19、习)Answeer tthe folllowwingg quuesttionns aaccoordiing to thee teext: Part 1 gglobbal warrminng:6)Whaat aare thee maain proobleems of atmmosppherric envviroonmeent todday?_7)Is thee gllobaal wwarmmingg onnly duee too naaturral reaasonns?_8)Whaats tthe arttifiiciaal rreasson thaat mmakees tthe airr te

20、empeeratturee riise?_9)In whaat wwayss caan tthe humman beiingss inncreeasee caarboon ddioxxidee inn thhe aatmoosphheree?_10)Hoow ddoess thhe ssea levvel risse? (thheree arre ttwo wayys, whaat aare theey?)_11)Whhat willl bbe aaffeecteed wwhenn thhe rrainnfalll aand hummidiity conndittionns aarouund

21、thee woorldd chhangge?_12)Whhat aree thhe mmeassurees tto rreduuce thee ammounnt oof rreleeaseed ccarbbon diooxidde?_Part 2 tthe dammagee annd pprottecttionn off ozzonoosphheree13)Whhats tthe arttifiiciaal rreasson forr thhe rreduuctiion of thee ammounnt oof oozonne iin tthe strratoosphheree?_14)Iff

22、 thhe aamouunt of ulttravviollet rayys rreacchinng tthe earrth surrfacce iincrreasses, whaat aare thee haarmfful afffectts? _15)Whhat cann wee doo too prroteect thee ozzonoosphheree?_Part 3 tthe dammagee annd pprevventtionn off accid raiin16) WWhatt iss geenerrallly ccallled aciid rrainn?_17) HHow d

23、oees aacidd raain commingg innto beiing?_18) WWhy is aciid rrainn inn Chhinaa suulfaatedd?_19) IIn wwhatt paart of Chiina do thee arreass haave beeen cchanngedd innto aciid rrainn arreass?_20) WWhatt arre tthe harrmfuul aaffeectss off accid raiin?_21) HHow cann wee prreveent andd coontrrol aciid rrainn?_(原创作品品)


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