1、-+懒惰是很奇怪的东西,它使你以为那是安逸,是休息,是福气;但实际上它所给你的是无聊,是倦怠,是消沉;它剥夺你对前途的希望,割断你和别人之间的友情,使你心胸日渐狭窄,对人生也越来越怀疑。罗兰2003年6月月浙江省大学学英语三级考考试试卷Part LListenning CCompreehensiionSectionn ADirectiion: IIn thiis secction, you will hear 10 shhort cconverrsatioons. AAt thee end of eaach coonverssationn, a qquestiion wiill bee ask
2、eed aboout whhat waas saiid. Yoou willl heaar thee convversattion aand thhe queestionn onlyy oncee. Aftter eaach quuestioon theere wiill bee a paause. Durinng thee pausse, yoou musst reaad thee fourr choiices mmarkedd A), B), CC) andd D), and ddecidee whicch is the bbest aanswerr. Theen marrk thee c
3、orrresponnding letteer on the AAnswerr Sheeet witth a ssinglee linee throough tthe ceenter.1. A) 77:30. B) 7:45. C) 8:00. D) 8:15.2. A) AAt thee bookkstoree. BB) At hoome. C) Att schoool. D) At thhe libbrary.3. A) TTo wriite annotherr lettter. B) To viisit hher brrotherr. C) Too postt the letteer. D
4、) To teelephoone hiis broother.4. A) TThe raain haas stoopped. B) The wwind hhas sttoppedd blowwing. C) Itt is sstill rainiing haard ouutsidee. D) Both the rrain aand wiind haave sttoppedd.5. A) NNot exxercissing iin thee mornning. B) Buyinng a wwatch for hhimsellf. C) Exxercissing rright afterr get
5、tting uup. D) Gettiing upp earllier iin thee mornning.6. A) SShe clleanedd the housee. B) She bboughtt a paaintinng forr the housee. C) Shhe paiinted the hhouse herseelf. D) She hhired someoone too painnt thee housse.7. A) HHe wonnt goo for a wallk. B) He wiill taake a walk with the wwoman. C) Hee w
6、illl go ffor a walk alonee. D) He wiill waalk too the park.8. A) HHer soon is fat. B) She ddoesnt havve enoough mmoney. C) Heer sonn is sstill hungrry. D) She wwaitedd for too llong.9. A) IIn a ddeparttment storee. B) On thhe plaaygrouund. C) Att an aairporrt. DD) At a railwway sttationn.10. A) A ne
7、wwspapeerman. B) A taxxi driiver. C) AA colllege sstudennt. DD) A schhool tteacheer.Sectionn BDirectiion: IIn thiis secction, you will hear 3 shoort paassagees. Thhe passsagess willl be rread ttwice. At tthe ennd of each passaage, yyou wiill heear soome quuestioons, wwhich will be reead onnly onnce.
8、 AAfter you hhear aa quesstion, you must choosse thee bestt answwer frrom thhe fouur chooices markeed A), B), C) annd D. Then mark the ccorresspondiing leetter on thhe Ansswer SSheet with a sinngle lline tthrouggh thee centter.Passagee OneQuestioons 111 to 113 aree baseed on the ppassagge youu havee
9、 justt hearrd.11. A) An eyyeglasss worrker. B) A youung dooctor. C) AAn oldd scieentistt. D) A newws repporterr.12. A) A larrge boook. B) A farr-awayy buillding. C) AA stacck of newsppaperss. DD) Starss and planeets.13. A) Largee. B) Beauttiful. C) IImporttant. D) Simplle.Passagee TwoQuestioons 144
10、to 116 aree baseed on the ppassagge youu havee justt hearrd.14. A) Blue. B) Yelloow. C) RRed. D) Colorrless.15. A) Becauuse thhe pillots ccant breatthe wiithoutt air. B) Becaause aairplaanes nneed aair too liftt theiir winngs. C) BBecausse theey neeed airr to ssee thhings far aahead. D) Becaause aai
11、rplaanes aare mooving very fast.16. A) Theree is nnothinng in the ssky. BB) The ssky iss spacce. C) HHigh iin thee sky the aair iss thinn. D) The ssky iss all arounnd thee worlld.Passagee ThreeeQuestioons 177 to 220 aree baseed on the ppassagge youu havee justt hearrd.17. A) A saiilor. B) A reppairm
12、aan. C) AA fishhermann. D) A buss drivver.18. A) In hiis hommetownn. B) In hiis wiffes ttown. C) NNear aa portt. D) Near a garrden.19. A) Late in thhe eveening. B) Earlyy in tthe evveningg. C) LLate iin thee mornning. D) Earlyy in tthe moorningg.20. A) He haad a bbad drream. B) He foound hhimsellf a
13、moong trrees. C) HHe saww his ship reachhing lland. D) He thhoughtt his ship had hhit laand.Part VoccabulaaryDirectiions: Theree are 20 inncompllete ssentennces iin thiis parrt. Foor eacch senntencee therre aree fourr choiices mmarkedd A), B), CC), annd D). Chooose thhe ONEE answwer thhat beest coom
14、plettes thhe senntencee. Theen marrk thee corrresponnding letteer on the AAnswerr Sheeet witth a ssinglee linee throough tthe ceenter. 21. We shoulld creeate aa envirronmennt forr learrning Engliish. A) ffaithfful ) falsse C) favvoritee D) favvorablle22. Thiis willd floower iis callled bby namess in
15、 mmy hommetownn. A) vvariouus B) varriablee C) sepparatee D) sennsitivve23. Argguing aboutt smalll dettails them a lott of ttime aand soo somee of tthe peeople left beforre thee meetting eended. A) sspent B) toook C) chaarged D) paiid24. Donnt loook upp in tthe diictionnary eevery new wword tthat yy
16、ou in reeadingg. A) ccome aacrosss B) comme aboout C) comme aloong D) comme up with25. Beccause he waas firred laast weeek, hhe hass to anothher joob noww. A) sseal B) seiize C) seekk D) shaare26. Youu shouuld bee careeful aand sttand guardd agaiinst tthe saame miistakee. A) uup B) at C) witth D) on
17、27. On Ameriican hhighwaays thhe speeed is ussuallyy 70 mmiles an hoour. A) ppermisssion B) limmit C) conntrol D) connditioon28. In such a casse Idd bettter giive upp the routee I haad plannned abbout mmy traavelinng. A) ppresenntly B) oriiginallly C) firrstly D) lasstly29. Thee currrent is thhat pe
18、eople all oover tthe woorld aare foor peaace annd agaainst war. A) ttrend B) traaditioon C) couurse D) cauuse30. As he iss alwaays buusy wiith accademiic stuudentss, he can hhardlyy findd timee for his . A) hhabitss B) hobbbies C) afffairs D) insstancee31. I aam tryying tto gatther aalmostt all the
19、ddata tthat iis the topicc. A) ccomparred too B) commposedd of C) rellated to D) reggardedd to32. Hurrry upp, youlll misss thee lastt traiin to town. A) ootherwwise B) so C) butt D) andd33. Thee younng teaacher her ppupil for bbeing lazy. A) aaccuseed B) chaarged C) blaamed D) commplainned34. He has
20、 cchangeed a llot siince II saw him llast. I cann harddly him. A) rreceivve B) reccite C) reaalize D) reccognizze35. Thee meetting sstarteed on time. Thirrty miinutess the cchairwwoman declaared iit cloosed. A) aafter B) latter C) latte D) lattter36. Thee retiired wworkerr livees by himseelf onn the
21、 statee penssion bbut hee doess not feel . A) aalong B) aloone C) lonnely D) livvely37. Thee probblem oof widdespreead unnemplooymentt is rratherr seriious, so thhe loccal goovernmment hhas taaken eeffecttive ssteps to it. A) pput ouut B) sett asidde C) deaal witth D) meeet witth38. Thee engiineer w
22、as uunder greatt presssure and eeventuually he . A) bbroke down B) brooke upp C) brooke offf D) brooke awway39. I mmust ssay thhat shhe is a sinnger oof talennt. I like her vvery mmuch. A) sscarcee B) genneral C) norrmal D) exttraorddinaryy40. Shee is iindeedd too tall the ffact sshe iss a prromisii
23、ng yooung ddancerr. A) eexceptt B) in spitee of C) bessides D) exccept fforPart SStructtureDirectiions: Theree are 20 inncompllete ssentennces iin thiis parrt. Foor eacch senntencee therre aree fourr choiices mmarkedd A), B), CC), annd D). Chooose thhe ONEE answwer thhat beest coomplettes thhe sennt
24、encee. Theen marrk thee corrresponnding letteer on the AAnswerr Sheeet witth a ssinglee linee throough tthe ceenter. 41. Pleease iinformm me oof thee timee Flighht A 445321 takess off from Londoon. A) wwhich B) whyy C) as D) wheen42. Thee acciident is reeporteed at daawn thhis moorningg, killling ab
25、outt ten peoplle. A) tto havve occcurredd B) to have been occurrred C) occcurredd D) occcurrinng43. He has aa largge colllectiion off noveels, are iin Engglish. A) mmany iin whiich B) manny boooks off whicch C) manny of whichh D) manny onee of wwhich44. Thiis commposittion iis inddeed vvery ggood. I
26、m aafraidd thatt he it hiimselff withhin 255 minuutes. A) wwont have writtten B) cannt haave wrrittenn C) musstnt have writtten D) shoouldnt havve wriitten45. smartt you may bbe, yoou aree expeected to bee modeest. A) NNo mattter wwhat B) No matteer wheen C) No matteer howw D) No matteer whyy46. As
27、a memmber, he trried hhard tto makke hiss voicce in thhe commmitteee. A) hheard B) heaar C) heaaring D) be heardd47. Onlly aftter hee was sent to prrison how sseriouus hiss crimme wass. A) hhe camme to know B) hass he ccome tto knoow C) hhe hass comee to kknow D) didd he ccome tto knoow48. his hhome
28、woork, tthe scchool boy ddashedd to tthe pllaygroound tto joiin hiss frieends iin thee gamee. A) FFinishhed B) Witth finnishinng C) Finnishinng D) To finissh49. Alll the emplooyees in thhe commpany know thhe bosss sayys is alwayys rigght. A) wwhat B) whyy C) howw D) thaat50. As we feelt thhe groound
29、 to shhake, we alll hurrried out aand sttood iin thee openn. A) tto beggin B) beggun C) hass beguun D) beggin51. He consiiders an MAA proggram aafter graduuationn in ttwo yeears. A) ttakingg B) to take C) toook D) takken52. As a rulle Mr. Smitth wennt forr a waalk affter ssupperr, by a whitee lapddo
30、g. A) ffollowwing B) folllowedd C) to folloow D) havving ffollowwed53. We the ffinal of thhe Nattionall Cup on TVV whenn poweer faiilure came. A) arre wattchingg B) wattched C) werre wattchingg D) wattch54. Thee old gentlleman seemeed in reeadingg the newsppaper on thhe walll of the llibrarry. A) tt
31、o abssorb B) beiing abbsorbeed C) abssorbinng D) to be abbsorbeed55. has ssomethhing tto do with his oodd chharactter. A) TThat sshe dooes noot likke himm B) Shee doess not like him C) WWhat sshe dooes noot likke himm D) Shee did not llike hhim56. Thee burgglary(盗窃) befoore I arrivved att the officc
32、e; alll I ccould do waas to call the ppolicee. A) hhas occcurreed B) hadd occuurred C) wass occuurringg D) wouuld occcur57. IT was tthe poowerfuul minne killeed a ggroup of thhe eneemy. A) wwhich B) whoo C) whaat D) thaat58. Thee hosttess iinsistted thhat evveryonne preesent a shoort sppeech of coon
33、grattulatiion. A) wwould give B) musst givve C) givve D) gavve59. Shee devooted hher liife too helpping . A) ppoor B) thee poorr C) thee poorrs D) pooors60. I tthink it iss abouut timme we our journney too the sea sshore. A) sshouldd starrt BB) staarted C) starrt D) aree starrtingPart RReadinng Comm
34、preheensionnDirectiions: Therre aree 3 paassagees in this part. Eachh passsage iis folllowedd by ssome qquestiions oor unffinishhed sttatemeents. For eeach oof theem theere arre fouur chooices markeed A), B), C) annd D). You shoulld deccide oon thee bestt choiice annd marrk thee corrresponnding lett
35、eer on the AAnswerr Sheeet witth a ssinglee linee throough tthe ceenter.Passagee OneQuestioons 611 to 665 aree baseed on the ffollowwing ppassagge: Todaay tellevisiion iss one of thhe mosst poppular formss of eenterttainmeent inn the home. Somee peopple inn placces whhere tteleviision recepption is
36、goood maay thiink thhat teelevission hhas taaken tthe pllace oof raddio. TTeleviision, howeever, is acctuallly a kkind oof raddio. IIt usees speecial equippment for ssendinng andd receeivingg the pictuure. TThe teelevission ssound systeem usees thee samee typee of eequipmment tthat iis useed in othe
37、rr formms of radioo. Exchhanginng messsagess withh shipps at sea wwas onne of the ffirst uses of raadio. Moderrn raddio iss stilll useed forr thiss purppose aand foor commmuniccationn acrooss occeans. On lland rradio proviides aa meanns of instaant coommuniicatioon eveen witth movving vvehiclles suu
38、ch ass taxiicabs or seervicee truccks. Poliice foorce uuse twwo-wayy radiio to get iinformmationn to aand frrom offficerrs in squadd carss (警备车车) andd on mmotorccycless. Smaall poortablle setts makke it possiible tto commmuniccate wwith aa centtral eexchannge whhile wwalkinng or ridinng in a citty o
39、r over a rurral arrea. OObservvers iin airrplanees cann repoort trrafficc acciidentss, andd trafffic jjams bby raddio too poliice offficerrs on the ggroundd. Radiioteleephonees aree usedd in mmany pplacess. Connnectiion wiith thhe reggular telepphone serviice caan be proviided ffor booats, trainns a
40、ndd carss. Isoolatedd placces inn deseerts, foressts, aand moountaiinous regioons arre linnked bby raddiotellephonne in many partss of tthe woorld. Thus by meeans oof raddio peeople can ccommunnicatee withh otheers whhereveer serrvice is prrovideed.61. Acccordinng to the ppassagge, teelevission . A) haas takken thhe plaace off radiio B) is no loonger popullar inn the home C) caan be regarrded aas a kkind oof raddio D) hass nothhing iin commmon wwith rradio62. In paraggraph two “this purpose” refers to