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1、一Suuckeer ppuncch专专扁衰仔仔(旁白)Asiide:Eveeryoone hass ann anngell, aa guuarddiann whho wwatcchess ovver us. Wee caantt knnow whaat fformm thheyll takke. Onee daay, oldd maan. Nexxt dday, liittlle ggirll. BBut donnt lett apppeaaranncess foool youu. TTheyy caan bbe aas ffierrce as anyy drragoon. Yett thhe

2、yre nott heere to figght ourr baattlles butt too whhispper froom oour heaart remminddingg thhat its uus. Its eeverry oone of us whoo hooldss thhe ppoweer ooverr thhe wworllds we creeatee.译:每个个人都有有一位天天使,一一位保护护我们的的守护者者,我们们不知晓晓他们的的样貌。明明天,是是个老人人,明天天,幻化化成女孩孩。不过过,别被被其外貌貌所迷惑惑,他们们会如巨巨龙般猛猛烈,他他们不会会亲临我我们的战战斗,却

3、却在我们们心里轻轻轻低语语,时刻刻提醒着着是我们们,我们们掌握着着梦想的的力量。Asidde: Andd fiinallly, thhis queestiion: Thhe mmystteryy off whhosee sttoryy itt wiill be of whoo drrawss thhe ccurttainn. WWho is it thaat cchooosess ouur sstepps iin tthe dannce? Who driivess uss maad, lasshess uss wiith whiips andd crrownns uus wwithh viic

4、toory wheen wwe ssurvvivee thhe iimpoossiiblee? WWho iis iit tthatt dooes alll thhesee thhinggs?WWho honnorss thhosee wee loove witth tthe verry llifee wee liive? Who sennds monnsteers to killl uus, andd thhe ssamee tiime sinngs thaat wwell nevver diee? WWho teaachees uus wwhatts rreall annd hhow to

5、 lauugh at liees? Who deccidees wwhy we livve aand whaat wwell diee too deefennd? Who chaainss uss? AAnd whoo hooldss thhe kkey thaat ccan sett uss frree? Its yyou. You havve aall thee weeapoons youu neeed, noow ffighht!译:最终终,只剩剩下一个个疑问:到底这这是谁的的故事,谁谁能为我我们解开开答案,谁谁决定了了我们的的命运,谁谁使我们们发狂,并并挥舞着着鞭子抽抽打我们们,当我我

6、们在极极大的困困境中坚坚持下来来,是谁谁授予了了我们无无比的荣荣光?是是谁,安安排了这这一切? 谁用用我们的的一生向向所爱的的人致敬敬,谁派派来了想想杀死我我们的恶恶魔,同同时,又又高颂着着我们将将永生?谁将真真实传授授于吾辈辈,又教教导我们们蔑视谎谎言?谁谁决定了了我们生生存的理理由和誓誓死捍卫卫之事?谁囚禁禁了我们们?又是是谁掌握握着解禁禁我们的的钥匙?是你自自己,你你拥有所所有必需需的武器器,战斗斗吧!二kiing.konng金金刚Jimmmy:WWhy dosse MMarllow keeep ggoinng uup tthe rivver? Why doeesnt hhe tturn

7、n baack?The Capttainn: ttherres aa paart of himm thhat wannts to, Jiimmyy.A parrt ddeepp innsidde hhimsselff thhat souundss a warrninng. But theeres aanottherr paart thaat nneedds tto kknoww, tto ddefeeat thee thhingg whhichh maakess hiim aafraaid, “we couuld nott unnderrstaand beccausse wwe wweree

8、tooo ffar , aand couuld nott reememmberr beecauuse we werre ttravveliing in thee niightt off fiirstt agges, off thhosee agges thaat aare gonne, leaavinng hharddly a ssignn, aand no memmoriies. WWe aare acccusttomeed tto llookk uppon thee shhackkledd foorm of a cconqquerred monnsteer, butt thheree, t

9、therre yyou couuld loook aat aa thhingg moonsttrouus aand freee. ”Jimmmy:IIts nnot an advventturee sttoryy, iis iit, Mr.Hayyes?The capptaiin: no, jiimmyy. iits nnot.译:吉米米:为什什么马洛洛非要逆逆流而上上呢?他他为什么么不回头头?船长:有有一个“他”想要那那么做,吉吉米。他他心底有有个声音音在发出出警告,可可是那另另一个“他”,需要要去探究究个究竟竟,好打打败那让让他恐惧惧的东西西。“我们过过去无法法理解,因因为我们们身在遥遥远

10、的彼彼方,我我们也早早已淡忘忘,因为为那旅行行是穿过过史前时时代的长长夜,而而那时代代早已远远去,了了无踪迹迹,也没没有回忆忆。我们们早已司司空见惯惯了带着着沉重枷枷锁的被被征服的的巨兽,但但在那里里,在那那里你会会见到一一个凶残残并无拘拘无束的的它”吉米:这这不是个个冒险故故事,对对吗,赫赫斯先生生?船长:对对,吉米米,不是是。三Thhe LLordd Off Thhe RRinggs指指环王22Partt onne:Arween:II haave madde mmy cchoiice.Elroond(herr faatheer): Hee iss noot ccomiing bacck.W

11、Why do youu liingeer hheree whhen theere is no hoppe?Arween:TTherre iis sstilll hhopee.Elroond:If Araagorrn ssurvvivees tthiss waar, youu wiill stiill be parrtedd.If SSaurron is deffeatted anddAraagorrn mmadee kiing andd alll tthatt yoou hhopee foor ccomees ttruee, yyou willl sstilll hhavee too taas

12、tee thhe bbittternnesss off moortaalitty. Whettherr byy thhe ssworrd oor tthe sloow ddecaay oof ttimee Arragoorn willl ddie. And theere willl bbe nno ccomffortt foor yyou, noo coomfoort to easse tthe paiin oof hhis passsinng. He wwilll coome to deaath an imaage of thee spplenndorr off thhe kkingg of

13、f Meen iin gglorry uundiimmeed bbefoore thee brreakkingg off thhe wworlld. But youu, mmy ddaugghteer, youu wiill linngerr onn inn daarknnesss annd iin ddoubbt, as nigghtffalll inn wiinteer tthatt coomess wiithoout a sstarr. HHeree yoou wwilll dwwelll booundd too yoour griief undder thee faadinng ttr

14、eees uuntiil aall thee woorldd iss chhangged, annd tthe lonng yyearrs oof yyourr liife aree uttterrly speent. Arween, theere is notthinng ffor youu heere, onnly deaath. 译:亚纹纹:我已已做了决决定。埃尔龙:他不会会回来了了,没有有希望,为为何还要要留恋? 亚纹:希望永永远存在在。 埃尔尔龙:就就算阿拉拉贡在战战争中活活下来,你你们还是是会分开开,就算算阿拉贡贡打败索索伦成为为人皇,而而你的愿愿望也都都实现,他他还是逃逃不了死死

15、亡的命命运,不不管是战战死或是是老死,阿阿拉贡都都难逃一一死,你你将得不不到安慰慰,永远远为他的的死儿伤伤心难过过.,他死死了以后后,身为为人皇的的英勇形形象将留留在世人人心中永永不磨灭灭。 但是你你,我的的女儿,将将活在恒恒久不变变的黑暗暗中,就就像没有有星光的的冬夜。你你将满怀怀悲伤住住在一天天一天干干枯的老老树下,直直到世界界改变,虚虚度你漫漫长的一一生。 亚纹纹,你在在这什么么也没有有,只有有死亡。Partt twwo:The kinng: Whoo amm I, Gaamliing?Gamllingg:Yoou aare ourr kiing, siire.The kinng:AAn

16、d do youu trrustt yoour kinng?Gamllingg:Yoour menn, mmy llordd, wwilll foolloow yyou to whaatevver endd.The kinng: To whaatevver endd. WWherre iis tthe horrse andd thhe rrideer? Wherre iis tthe horrn tthatt waas bblowwingg? TTheyy arre ppasssingg liike raiin oon tthe mouuntaainss. LLikee wiind in th

17、ee meeadoow. The dayys hhavee goone dowwn iin tthe wesst bbehiind thee hiillss innto shaadoww. HHow didd itt coome to thiis?译:国王王:加姆姆林,我我是谁? 加姆姆林:您您是我们们的国王王。 国王:你相信信你的国国王吗? 加姆姆林:王王上,无无论死活活,您的的士兵都都将追随随您。 国王:无论死死活剽悍的的战马和和骑士在在哪里?胜利的的号角在在哪里?他们就就像落在在高山的的雨滴,或或是拂过过草原的的微风早早已消失失,昔日日的荣耀耀就像太太阳西下下,黯然然消失在在山后,被被黑

18、暗笼笼罩。怎怎么会变变成这样样?Partt thhreee:Froddo: I cannt do thiis, Samm.Sam: I knoow, its aall wroong. By rrighht, we shooulddnt eevenn bee heere. But we aree. IIts llikee inn thhe ggreaat sstorriess, MMr.FFroddo. thee onnes thaat rreallly mattterred. Fulll off daarknnesss annd ddangger theey wweree, aand somm

19、etiimess yoou ddidnnt wannt tto kknoww thhe eend beccausse hhow couuld thee ennd bbe hhapppy? How couuld thee woorldd goo baack to thee waay iit wwas wheen sso mmuchh baad hhad happpenned?But in thee ennd, its oonlyy a passsinng tthinng tthiss shhadoow. Evenn daarknnesss muust passs. A neew dday wil

20、ll ccomee, aand wheen tthe sunn shhinees, it willl sshinne oout thee cllearrer. Thosse wweree thhe sstorriess thhat staayedd wiith youu thhat meaant sommethhingg. EEvenn iff yoou wweree tooo ssmalll tto uundeersttandd whhy. But I thhinkk, MMr.FFroddo, I doo unnderrstaand. I knnow noww, ffolkk inn th

21、hosee sttoriies hadd loots of chaancees oof tturnningg baack, onnly theey ddidnnt. theey kkeptt gooingg beecauuse theey wweree hooldiing on to sommethhingg.Froddo: Whatt arre wwe hholddingg onn too, SSam?Sam:Thaat ttherres ssomee goood in thiis wworlld, Mr.Froodo. annd iits wwortth ffighhtinng ffor.

22、译;弗罗罗多:我我办不到到,山姆姆。 山姆姆:我知知道,这这是个错错误,我我们根本本就不该该来,但但是我们们来了。这这就像我我们听过过的精彩彩故事,弗弗罗多先先生,描描述伟大大的事迹迹,充满满的黑暗暗和危险险,有时时候你不不想知道道结局,因因为怎么么可能有有快乐的的结局呢呢?这世世界怎么么可能回回到从前前?发生生了这么么多可怕怕的事。但但是最后后阴影总总会过去去,就连连黑暗也也会消失失,崭新新的一天天将会来来临,太太阳也会会发出更更明亮的的光芒,这这才是让让人永生生难忘有有意义的的感人故故事。就就算你太太年轻不不明白为为什么,但但是我想想我明白白了,弗弗罗多先先生,我我现在明明白了,故故事里的

23、的主角有有很多机机会放弃弃,但他他们并没没有,他他们决定定勇往直直前,因因为他们们抱着一一种信念念。 弗弗罗多:我们的的信念是是什,山山姆? 山姆姆:这个个世界并并非无可可救药,弗弗罗多先先生,值值得我们们奋战到到底。四Heellccatss地狱狱猫Partt onne:Keitth: Youure ok?Savaannaah: Finne, thaank youu. YYou andd thhe gguyss arre hhaviing funn?Keitth:AAh, a ffiree caan mmakee foor aa rooughh niightt.Savaannaah:Its b

24、beenn a rouugh weeek, andd thhe rrougghneess shoows no siggn oof sstoppping.Keitth:IIf yyou neeed ssomeeonee too taalk to, I amm a traaineed pproffesssionnal.Savaannaah:Youu fiireffighhterrs aare kinnd oof llikee uss, aarennt yyou?Keitth: Howw doo yoou mmeann?Savaannaah:Welll, youu alll llivee tooge

25、ttherr, rrighht? Youre likke aa faamilly.Keitth:YYeahh. WWe aare.Savaannaah:Whaat wwoulld yyou do if thaat ffamiily wennt aawayy?Keitth:YYou meaan iif wwe llostt soomebbodyy?Savaannaah: Ohh, nno. no, noot tthatt. UUm, youu knnow, saay tthe citty sshutt doown thee sttatiion.Keitth:IId llookk foor aan

26、ottherr joob.Savaannaah: Guuesss ittd bbe eeasyy. YYou rissk yyourr liife resscuiing strranggerss. TTherres aalwaays an opeeninng ffor thaat.Keitth: Preettyy muuch. No, Id misss tthe guyys. But II guuesss Id bbe hhopiing forr soometthinng bbettter to comme aalonng.Savaannaah: Yooure an opttimiist.Ke

27、itth: I ttry, soo iss thhis whaats hhapppeniing? Thheyre shuuttiing dowwn yyourrhoww doo yoou ccalll itt, aa sqquadd?Savaannaah: Itt loookss liike it.译:凯斯斯:你还还好吗? 萨凡凡纳:不不错,谢谢谢关心心。你和和你朋友友们玩的的开心吗吗? 凯斯:一场火火灾能让让人整夜夜不得安安宁。 萨凡凡纳:这这一周我我们就没没安宁过过。而且且这样的的状态似似乎没有有要停止止的迹象象。 凯斯:如果你你需要找找人倾诉诉,我可可是受过过专门训训练的。 萨凡凡纳:消

28、消防队员员与我们们还是有有些相似似的,是是吗? 凯斯:你这话话是什么么意思? 萨凡凡纳:你你们生活活在一起起,对吗吗?你们们就像一一个大家家庭。 凯斯:没错,我我们就是是这样。 萨凡凡纳:如如果这个个家庭不不复存在在,那你你该怎么么办? 凯斯:你是说说如果我我们当中中有人牺牺牲了吗吗? 萨凡凡纳:不不不,不不是这个个意思。我我的意思思是比如如市政府府决定撤撤销消防防队 凯斯:那我就就另寻工工作了。 萨凡凡纳:我我想对你你来说那那很容易易吧。你你冒着生生命危险险拯救那那些素不不相识的的人,总总会有一一份工作作适合你你这样的的人。 凯斯:那是相相当的多多,不过过我肯定定会想念念这帮家家伙,但但我,

29、我我希望未未来能有有更好的的事情发发生 萨凡凡纳:看看来你是是个乐天天派。 凯斯:我努力力去做个个乐天派派,你说说的事情情真的发发生了?他们要要撤销你你的,用用你们的的话怎么么说,团团队吗? 萨凡凡纳:看看来是这这样了。Partt twwo:Keitth: Imm soorryy.Savaannaah: Its ook. Im movvingg onn too soometthinng bbettter. UnleessKeitth: Unllesss whhat?Savaannaah: Whhat if it doeesnt gget anyy beetteer? Whatt iff thh

30、is, whheree I amm noow, is thee beest its eeverr goonnaa bee? YYou meeet ppeopple whoo goo onn annd oon aabouut ttheiir gglorry ddayss, bbefoore theey ggot fatt orr maarriied thee wrrongg peersoon oor ppickked thee wrrongg caareeer, thee poointt whheree evveryythiing chaangees. One dayy, II miightt

31、loook bacck oon tthiss niightt, ttalkkingg too a tottal strrangger, annd rreallizee thhesee weere my gloory dayys, andd I doont gget anyy moore.Keitth: Thiingss miightt keeep getttinng bbettter.Savaannaah:I waas rraissed to thiink thaat. I waas rraissed to thiink thaat ggod wallks witth uus. But a l

32、lot of thiingss I waas rraissed to thiink turrnedd ouut tto bbe wwronngKeitth: Welll, Idonnt knoow mmuchh abboutt good aand alll thhat stuuff, buut wwoulldnt yyou thiink hed wwantt uss too bee unncerrtaiin?Savaannaah: Whhy wwoulld hhe wwantt thhat?Keitth: Tommorrrows aa myysteery, annd tthatts ggood

33、d. IIf I knnew 10 yeaars froom ttoniightt thhat I waas ggonnna mmeett thhe wwomaan oof mmy ddreaams, whhat am I goonnaa doo wiith mysselff foor tthe nexxt 110 yyearrs? Feell liike I waas jjustt waaitiing arooundd.Savaannaah: Goood poiint.Keitth: Whaat iif II knnew tommorrrow I waas ggonnna ddie in a

34、 ffiree? WWelll, tthatt woouldd ruuin tonnighht, sitttinng hheree onn thhis verry nnicee beenchh wiith youu. II muuch preeferr liife to be a mmystteryy.Savaannaah: Yooure sweeet. Thannks forr taalkiing to me. It hhelpps. Im sorrry, I, Ive beeen uunlooadiing on youu, aand Idonnt eveen kknoww yoour na

35、mme.Keitth: Oh, Keeithh.Savaannaah: Goood to meeet yyou, Keiith.Im Savvannnah.Keitth:SSavaannaah. Woulld yyou likke tto ggo oout witth mme ssomeetimme?Savaannaah:IId lovve tto, butt Icannt.Keitth: Cann I assk wwhy?Savaannaah: Thhats tthe othher thiing. Its ccomppliccateed, butt Im iin llovee wiith a

36、 gguy whoo moovedd wiithoout telllinng mme, andd Ill proobabbly nevver seee hiim aagaiin. Keitth: Whoo knnowss? MMaybbe yyou willl.Savaannaah: Annothher myssterry.Keitth: I gguesss sso. 译:凯斯斯:我很很抱歉。 萨凡凡纳:没没关系。我我正朝着着更加美美好的未未来前进进。除非非。 凯斯:除非什什么? 萨凡凡纳:如如果未来来并不比比现在好好,那该该怎么半半?如果果说现在在,我生生活的当当下,是是我一生生中最美美好的

37、时时光,那那又该怎怎么办?一些人人在人生生转折点点到来之之前,都都过着充充满荣光光的日子子,直到到他们开开始发福福或是跟跟不合适适的人结结婚,又又或者是是入错了了行,或或许有一一天,我我会想起起今晚,想想起和一一个陌生生人的谈谈话,然然后意识识到那段段时光就就是我最最辉煌的的时光,而而我在也也回不去去了, 凯斯:人生总总是越走走越顺的的。 萨凡凡纳:从从小家人人就灌输输给我这这个思想想,从小小他们就就让我相相信上帝帝与我们们同在,可可是我从从小被灌灌输的理理论,最最终却都都被证实实是错误误的。 凯斯:我不太太了解关关于上帝帝的那些些东西,但但是你不不觉得他他希望我我们不要要看得太太清吗? 萨凡

38、凡纳:为为什么他他想让我我们变成成那样? 凯斯:明天就就是个谜谜。这样样挺好的的,如果果我早就就知道十十年以后后我将遇遇见我梦梦中的公公主,那那我在这这往后的的十年里里该做什什么呢?只是傻傻傻的等等待吗?萨凡纳:说得好好。 凯凯斯:如如果我知知道明天天我将死死在火场场那该怎怎么办?显然那那将会毁毁了今夜夜,这个个能与你你一起坐坐在这长长椅上聊聊天的夜夜晚。我我更愿意意把人生生看做未未知的迷迷 萨凡凡纳:你你真贴心心。谢谢谢你能陪陪我聊天天,对我我帮助很很大。我我很抱歉歉,我一一直在向向你倾吐吐心事,可可是我连连你叫什什么都不不知道。 凯斯:我叫凯凯斯。 萨凡凡纳:很很高兴认认识你,凯凯斯,我我

39、叫萨凡凡纳。 凯斯:萨凡纳纳。你愿愿意找个个时间和和我约会会吗? 萨凡凡纳:我我很乐意意,但是是我不能能。 凯斯:我能问问下原因因吗? 萨凡凡纳:这这又是另另一回事事了。我我爱上了了一个家家伙,可可是他没没知会我我一声就就消失了了,我很很可能再再也见不不到他了了。 凯斯:谁知道道呢,说说不定你你们还会会相遇。 萨凡凡纳:这这又是另另一个迷迷了。 凯斯:我也觉觉得。五Deespeeratte HHoussewiivess绝望望的主妇妇The dauughtter: whhy ccant wwe eeverr haave norrmall sooup?Mom: Daanieellee, tther

40、re iis nnothhingg abbnorrmall abboutt baasill puureee.Daniiellle:jusst ooncee, ccoulldnt wwe hhavee a souup tthatt peeoplle hhavee heeardd off? LLikee Frrencch oonioon nnavyy beean.Mom:firrst of alll, yyourr faatheer ccant eeat oniionss. HHes ddeaddly alllerggic. And I woont eevenn diigniify youur n

41、navyy beean sugggesstioon. Sohowws tthe ossso bbucoo?The sonn:ittsok.Mom:its ook? Anddreww, I sppentt thhreee hoourss coookiing thiis mmeall. HHow do youu thhinkk itt maakess mee feeel wheen yyou sayy”its ook” inn thhat sulllenn toone?The sonn:whho aask youu too sppendd thhreee hoourss onn diinneer?

42、Mom:exccusee mee?The sonn:Toom HHarppers mmom getts hhomee frrom worrk, popps oopenn a cann off poork andd beeanss, aand booom, theeyre eattingg. EEverryonnes hhapppy.Mom:youud rrathher I seervee poork andd beeanss?Daniiellle:apoologgizee noow. I amm beeggiing.The sonn:I amm saayinng, do youu allway

43、ys hhavee too seervee cuuisiine? Cant wwe eeverr juust havve ffoodd?Mom:aree yoou ddoinng ddruggs?The sonn:whhat?Mom:chaangiing in behhaviior is onee off thhe wwarnningg siignss, aand youu haave beeen aas ffressh aas ppainnt ffor thee laast sixx moonthhs. Thatt ceertaainlly wwoulld eexpllainn whhy y

44、youre alwwayss loockeed iin tthe batthrooom.Daniiellle: trrustt mee, tthatt iss noot wwhatt hee iss dooingg.The sonn: sshutt upp. MMom, Im nnot thee onne wwithh thhe pprobblemm heere, alll rrighht? Youre thee onne aalwaays acttingg liike shees rrunnningg foor mmayoor oof SSteppforrd.Mom:Rexx, sseeii

45、ng thaat yyoure thee heead of thiis hhoussehoold, I woouldd reeallly aapprreciiatee yoou ssayiing sommethhingg.Dad:passs ttheee saalt?译:丹尼尼尔:我我们不能能喝普通通一点的的汤吗? 妈妈妈:丹丹尼尔,罗罗勒汤就就很普通通啊。 丹尼尔尔:就一一次,喝喝一点大大家都知知道的汤汤。就如如法式洋洋葱汤,或或者菜豆豆汤 妈妈妈:首首先,你你爸爸对对洋葱过过敏,那那是致命命的再说说我也不不认为菜菜豆汤是是个好主主意。炖炖小牛牛牛筋味道道怎么样样? 安德鲁鲁:还可可以。 妈妈妈:只只是还可可以?安安德鲁,我我花了三三个小时时做这顿顿饭,但但别人只只随口敷敷衍一句句“还可以以”想想我我的感受受。 安德鲁鲁:没人人让你花花三个小小时准备备晚饭 妈妈妈:你你说什么么? 安德鲁鲁:汤姆姆哈勃的的妈妈工工作回来来后,直直接打开开一些猪猪肉和豆豆子罐头头,然后后热热闹闹闹的吃吃饭,大大家都很很开心。 妈妈妈:你你宁愿我我做猪肉肉和豆子子吗? 丹尼尔尔:我求求你赶紧紧道歉。


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