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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.世界经济千千年史2004年年第54期期(总第4470期)2004年年9月288日荷兰格格罗宁根大大学教授、世界经经济千年史史作者MMaddiison先先生在中国国经济研究究中心万众众楼做了题题为“世界经济济千年史”的讲座,集集中讨论了了宏观经济济计量历史史研究的发发展进程。下面是他他报告的主主要内容。宏观经济计计量历史的的发展经历历了三个历历史阶段:20世纪纪50年代代以来的“收入和财财富国际研研究协会时时期”即IARRIW时期期(Intternaation
2、nal AAssocciatiion ffor RReseaarch in IIncomme annd Weealthh);1882011950年年的库兹涅涅斯研究为为代表的时时期或“Kuznnetsiian时期期”;1500018820年商商人资本主主义年代。50年代代以来,宏宏观计量的的主要目的的是提供可可能的政策策选择以改改善国家的的增长表现现以及进行行国家间差差异分析。我们现在在有50年年代以来世世界大部分分国家的增增长和收入入的官方估估计。而在在Kuznnetsiian时代代,数量经经济史学家家在测量世世界经济增增长和量化化增长因素素方面取得得了巨大进进展。虽然然仍有一些些领域需要要
3、改进,但但对这个时时期经济发发展大致轮轮廓没有实实质争议。相反,关关于商人资资本主义年年代的世界界经济的描描述则存在在很大分歧歧,作为代代表的是亚亚当、斯密密的乐观看看法和马尔尔萨斯的悲悲观论。20世纪550年代以以来的IAARIW时时代虽然50年年代以来标标准国民经经济核算体体系逐渐被被采用,但但是现存估估计中仍有有很多问题题。使用苏苏联MPSS体系(mmaterrial prodductiion ssysteem)的国国家增长被被高估,需需要做大量量调整。非非洲许多新新生国家缺缺少必要的的技术和资资金进行国国民收入增增长核算,虽虽然国际组组织工作在在一定程度度上弥补了了这种不足足,但是非非
4、洲数据也也需要做大大量调整。还有19995年以以来一些高高收入国家家开始引入入享乐指数数(heddonicc inddex)来来反映产品品质量的改改善,但是是这么做并并没有充分分的根据并并且会高估估经济增长长,比如美美国用新的的计量技术术重新进行行1929919550年国民民经济核算算,结果使使国内生产产总值(GGDP)的的增长率由由2.6%增加到33.5%。最后关于于教育和知知识的计量量也还没有有成熟理论论。另一问题是是购买力平平价转换与与国家间GGDP水平平比较。政政府统计官官员会提供供真实价格格计算的总总产出和总总支出数据据,经济学学家、新闻闻记者和官官员们都将将其作为经经济增长和和波动
6、支持自己观观点的需要要,另一方方面许多发发展国家不不愿意接受受购买力平平价方法,因因为担心这这会不利于于他们申请请世行的优优惠贷款和和资助。这这导致了经经济间比较较分析的明明显错误,媒媒体经常称称日本是世世界第二大大经济虽然然其GDPP还不到中中国的600,英国国的政客们们也始终相相信英国的的经济规模模比中国大大。182019500年的Kuuznettsiann时代Simonn Kuzznetss教授对现现代经济增增长的研究究成果,使使可以数量量化研究的的时间界限限从20世世纪50年年代推进到到19世纪纪20年代代。关于这这段时期我我们现有的的几个结论论是:加速速的经济增增长始于11820年年
11、病)才才能实现平平衡。这两两种观点对对立一直存存在。此外外悲观的看看法有了一一些其他的的支持,LLeRoyy Ladduriee认为法国国1300017220年的经经济是停滞滞的,真实实工资论者者则更加悲悲观他们有有人认为英英国18220年的生生活水平比比15000年下降了了44等等等。关于1500018820不同同国家和地地区的经济济表现,KKuzneets在11965年年提出了关关于西欧人人口率和人人均GDPP增长的一一个非常有有影响的假假说,认为为西欧发达达国家1550011750年年可能的(并并且或许是是最大的)长长期人均产产出年均增增长率为00.2%。对上述假假说验证表表明,西欧欧1
15、;其次造造船业和航航海业到11820年年也发生了了变革,船船只的设计计、装备和和天文知识识都大大改改善,有了了精确的航航海指导等等等。这些些进展都是是科研努力力的结果。无疑,欧欧洲的这些些发展是119和200世纪经济济更快发展展的前奏,欧欧洲的现代代化不是一一蹴而就的的。(任丽达、卢锋整理理) - 发贴时间间: 20004-110-177 2:228:566 2218.331.*.* errranttkingg 等级:贫农财产:经验:魅力: 注册:20033-9-77 文章:55 鉴定:保密 - Measuuringg andd Intterprretinng Woorld Econnomic
16、c Perrformmancee 15000-20001*Anguss MadddisoonThis is aa suiitablle occcasiion ffor ssurveeyingg thee proogresss acchievved, in tthe ppast 60 yyearss, inn quaantiffyingg worrld eeconoomic deveelopmment, andd anaalysiing tthe ccausaal innflueencess whiich ddeterrminee thee pacce annd paatterrn off gr
17、oowth. Thiis waas a majoor obbjecttive of tthe ffoundding fathhers of tthe IInterrnatiionall Asssociaationn forr Ressearcch inn Inccome and Weallth (IARIIW). The inittiatiive ffor ccreatting an aassocciatiion iincluudingg botth accademmics and offiiciall staatistticiaans ccame fromm Simmon KKuzneets
18、 (19011-85), thhe piioneeer off quaantittativve ecconommic hhistoory. Miltton GGilbeert (19099-79) andd Ricchardd Stoone (19133-19991) wwere straategiic paartneers wwith enorrmouss intternaationnal lleverrage in ccreatting and difffusinng sttandaard pproceedurees foor coonstrructiion oof coomparrabl
19、ee nattionaal acccounnts bby offficiial sstatiisticcal oofficces.This papeer annalysses tthe ddevellopmeent oof maacro-meassuremment in tthreee epoochs:a) foor thhe IAARIW epocch, bback to 11950, thee maiin puurposse haas beeen tto illlumiinatee pollicy optiions to iimproove ggrowtth peerforrmancce
20、att thee nattionaal leevel and to aanalyyse iinterr-couuntryy divvergeence in rreal incoome llevells too hellp deevisee polliciees foor caatch-up. We nnow hhave offiiciall esttimattes oof grrowthh andd levvels for the vastt bullk off thee worrld eeconoomy ffrom 19500 onwwardss.b) Foor thhe Kuuznetts
21、iann epooch oof “mmoderrn ecconommic ggrowtth” bback to 11820, quaantittativve ecconommic hhistoorianns haave mmade greaat prrogreess iin meeasurring worlld ecconommic ggrowtth annd inn quaantiffyingg thee forrces deteerminning perfformaance. Theere iis sccope for furtther reseearchh to filll gapps
22、annd crrossccheckk exiistinng esstimaates, butt thee brooad ccontoours of ddevellopmeent iin thhis pperiood arre noot unnder seriious challlengge.c) foor thhe “mmerchhant capiitaliist” epocch, 11500-18200, thhere are sharrply diveergennt innterppretaationns abbout worlld, aand ppartiiculaarly Euroop
23、eann perrformmancee. Thhe diichottomy betwween posiitivee andd neggativve asssesssmentts sttarteed wiith AAdam Smitth annd Maalthuus att thee endd of the 18thh cennturyy. Inn my vieww, thhe evvidennce ffor tthe MMalthhusiaan viiew iis shhoddyy.Histoorianns ussuallly sttart at tthe bbeginnningg of th
24、eiir chhronoologyy. Quuantiitatiive eeconoomic histtoriaans hhave to wwork backkwardds frrom tthe ppreseent, procceediing ffrom whatt is knowwn annd accceptted, to eearliier eepochhs whhere eviddencee is weakker aand ttheree is greaater reliiancee on cluees annd coonjeccturee. *Thiss is the firsst R
25、uugglees Leecturre, ddelivveredd at the 28thh IARRIW GGenerral CConfeerencce, CCork, Ireelandd Auggust 20044I(i) SStanddardiised Estiimatees off GDPP Groowth for 19500 onwwardssThe sstanddardiised accoountss proovidee a ccoherrent macrroecoonomiic frramewwork coveeringg thee whoole eeconoomy, crosss
26、cheeckedd in threee waays. Fromm thee inccome sidee, thhey aare tthe ttotall of wagees, rrentss andd proofitss. Onn thee demmand sidee, thhey aare tthe ssum oof fiinal expeenditturess by conssumerrs, iinvesstorss andd govvernmment. Froom thhe prroducctionn sidde, tthe ssum oof vaalue addeed inn diff
27、fereent ssectoors-aagriccultuure, induustryy andd serrvicees, nnet oof duupliccatioon.Miltoon Giilberrt haad beeen rrespoonsibble ffor tthe oofficcial US acccounnts ddurinng thhe waar annd frrom 11950 to 11961 was headd of stattistiics aand nnatioonal accoountss in OEECC. Thhe Maarshaall PPlan requu
28、iredd criiteriia foor aiid alllocaationn, annd NAATO nneedeed thhem ffor iits bburdeen-shharinng exxerciises. Gillbertt mett theese rrequiiremeents by ppushiing oofficcial stattistiical offiices of tthe 116 OEEEC mmembeer coountrries to aadoptt thee staandarrdiseed syystemm of accoountss dessigneed
29、byy Ricchardd Stoone. Stonee sett up a prrograamme in CCambrridgee to traiin offficiial EEuroppean stattistiicianns too impplemeent tthe sstanddardiised systtem. A seet off nattionaal haandboooks was prepparedd to expllain the probblemss of adjuustmeent tto thhe sttandaardissed ssysteem, aand aa fir
30、rst ccompaaratiive sset oof acccounnts ffor tthe 116 coountrries for 19388 andd 19447-522 wass pubblishhed bby OEEEC iin 19954, withh exttensiive nnotess expplainning the adjuustmeents whicch haad beeen mmade to aachieeve ccompaarabiilityy.In 19953, Stonne beecamee chaairmaan off a UUniteed Naationn
31、s coommisssionn whiich eestabblishhed aa sysstem of aaccouunts for worlldwidde apppliccatioon. TThe UUN coould not exerrt ass mucch leeveraage oon itts meemberr couuntriies tto coonforrm ass wass posssiblle inn OEEEC. TThe ccommuunistt couuntriies uused the Soviiet SSMS (systtem oof maateriial aacco
32、uunts) whiich hhad aa narrroweer deefiniitionn of prodductiive aactivvity (exccludiing mmany servvice actiivitiies), invvolveed seeriouus dooublee couuntinng (mmeasuuringg grooss ooutpuut wiithouut deeductting inteer-seectorr traansfeers oof innputss) annd exxaggeerateed ecconommic ggrowtth. TThe pp
33、ricee sysstem and tax-struucturres wwere diffferennt frrom tthosee in capiitaliist ccounttriess, annd meeasurremennt coonvenntionns gaave iincenntivees too exaaggerrate quallity channge wwhen new prodductss werre inntrodducedd. Abbram Berggson (19114-20003) pionneereed prrocedduress forr re-estiimat
34、iion oof Sooviett GDPP on a baasis corrrespoondinng appproxximattely to WWesteern cconceeptioons iin cooveraage, withh eliiminaationn of doubble-ccountting, andd reppriciing oon ann “addjustted ffactoor coost” basiis wiith iimputtatioon foor caapitaal coosts whicch weere nnot cconsiidereed inn Sovvi
35、et accoountiing. Thesse coorrecctivee prooceduures weree apppliedd to Soviiet sstatiisticcs byy a tteam of CCIA SSovieetoloogistts inn Wasshinggton. In New Yorkk, Thhad AAltonn andd hiss collleaggues did the samee forr Bullgariia, Czeechosslovaakia, Easst Geermanny, Polland, Rommaniaa andd Yuggoslaa
36、via. Thiis woork wwas ffinannced for inteelliggencee purrposees, bbut wwas ppubliicly avaiilablle inn annnual repoorts to tthe UUS Coongreess (see Madddisonn 19998b).In thhe 19990s mostt of thesse coountrries adoppted the stanndarddisedd SNAA sysstem in pprincciplee, buut immplemmentaationn wass com
37、mpliccatedd by the masssive channge iin owwnersship, in the leveel annd sttructture of ppricees, aalloccatioon off ressourcces bbetweeen cconsuumptiion aand iinvesstmennt, aand sstatiisticcal rreporrtingg prooceduures. It willl takke soome yyearss beffore thesse prrobleems ccan bbe fuully resoolvedd
38、. Thhe IMMF coontinnues to uuse eexagggeratted mmeasuures of GGDP ggrowtth foor thhese counntriees. AAs a resuult, it sshowss a ggrowtth inn worrld GGDP aaveraagingg 3.99 perrcentt a yyear for 19700-2000, coomparred wwith my eestimmate of 33.3 pperceent. For Chinna itt shoows ggrowtth avveragging 8.
39、5 per centt a yyear, wheereass my adjuustedd meaasuree shoows aa groowth ratee of 6.5 per centt (seee Maaddisson, 20033, p. 2311).Anothher aarea of wweaknness is AAfricca, wwheree theere wwas aand sstilll is a grreat shorrtagee of skillls aand mmoneyy forr succh woork iin a largge nuumberr of newlly
40、 crreateed coountrries. Thee gapp in estiimatees off GDPP groowth was fillled iin suubstaantiaal deegreee by the OECDD Devveloppmentt Cenntre whicch coompilled aannuaal esstimaates of rreal GDP growwth 11950-90 ffor 551 Affricaan coountrries. Thee Cenntre beneefiteed frrom tthe eexperrtisee of Deree
41、k Blladess, whho haad beeen cchieff staatistticiaan inn Mallawi for eighht yeears, andd by Daviid Roobertts whho haad siimilaar exxperiiencee in Gambbia. A thiird pprobllem iin thhe asssesssmentt of GDP growwth pperfoormannce iin thhe hiigherr inccome counntriees deerivees frrom rrecennt chhangees i
42、nn meaasureementt connventtionss froom 19995 oonwarrds, invoolvinng addoptiion oof heedoniic inndexees too adjjust for assuumed channges in qqualiity oof prroducct, uuse oof chhain indiices, andd treeatmeent oof coonsummer ssoftwware as iinvesstmennt. Hedonnic iindicces aare pperfeectlyy resspecttab
43、lee in smalll dooses, butt onee cann be skeppticaal abbout the wideespreead aassummptioon thhat qqualiity cchangges hhave beenn so largge annd moonotoonicaally posiitivee. Inn thee USAA, whhere the swittch tto heedoniics wwas mmost signnificcant, theeir nnet iimpacct waas too raiise tthe mmeasuured
44、ratee of growwth tto a someewhatt greeaterr deggree thann in Westtern Euroope aand JJapann. US offficiial eestimmatess go backk to 19299, annd thhe chhangees inn meaasureementt tecchniqque hhad ttheirr bigggestt imppact for 19299-50, raiisingg thee GDPP groowth ratee forr thaat peeriodd froom 2.6 pe
45、ercennt a yearr to 3.5. Theere wwas nno coounteerparrt too thiis loong rretroospecctivee reaadjusstmennt inn othher ccounttriess, annd I havee conntinuued tto usse thhe eaarlieer USS offficiaal meeasurre foor 19929-550 (ffor rreasoons eexplaainedd in Madddisonn, 20001, p. 1138, and Madddisonn, 20003
46、, pp.779-800). MMore thann 40 yearrs aggo, MMiltoon Giilberrt waarnedd thaat suuch aadjusstmennts ccouldd opeen Paandorras box: “Inn thee endd, thhey wwouldd makke itt imppossiible to cconsttructt meaasurees off outtput and pricce chhangees thhat aare uusefuul too thee stuudy oof ecconommic ggrowtth
47、” (Gilbbert, 19661, pp. 2887). The dangger wwhichh ariises fromm an overrdosee of hedoonicss is disccusseed inn Apppendiix 3.Ed Deenisoon (11915-19922) exxpresssed oppoositiion tto chhangees inn nattionaal acccounntingg whiich ttreatt acccretiions of kknowlledgee as inveestmeent. He cconsiidereed thhis aa “miisclaassifficattion” whiich mmade “groowth anal