1、MBA商务英语绪论分享MBA商务英语 • Business English • Dual missions:–YourEnglish–CareerOpportunitiesPercent of Managers Recommending Specific Courses as Very Important Preparation for General ManagementCourses U.S Asia China Oral Communication 79.5% 71.8% 8.6% Written Communication 78.0 69.7
2、 8.0 Computer/Information Systems 53.4 27.0 21.1 Business Policy/Planning 47.5 48.2 14.1 Finance 39.9 38.5 30.9 Accounting 37.4 30.2 45.9 Personnel/Industrial Relations 36.0 36.1 37.7 Marketing 36.9 40.2 20.2 Business Economics/Public Policy 31.9 34.2 14.2 Business Law 26.0 19.1 8.5 Production/Opera
3、tions 25.3 11.7 30.7 Statistics 18 .1 10.8 16.9 Advertising/Sales 14.5 10.3 22.4 International Business 10.3 21.5 10.58 Personal Capital for Career PromotionAbility to communicate 1Ambition – drive 2College education 3Sound decision-making skills 4Self-confidence 5Good appearance 6Ability to g
4、et things done with and through people 7Capacity for hard work 8Warm-up• Briefing yourself • Key Elements in a Briefing to myself: –Name–Firm’sname–Nature of theorganization–Line of the business of your organization (principal line andside- - line business)&nd
5、ash;Position in theorganizationNature of the organization• State-owned - 国有的 • Joint venture - 合资企业 • Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) - 独资企业 • Privately run business - 私营 • Joint-equity - 股份制的 • Town-ship enterprise -乡镇企业Position in the organization• President 董事长 &b
6、ull; CEO 首席执行官 • Managers of Department 部门经理 • Secretaries 秘书 • General Manager 总经理 • Regional Manager 区域经理 • Product Manager 产品经理 • Project Manager 项目经理 • Administrative Director 行政主管 • Executive Assistant 行政助理 • Account Representative 客户代表 • Sales
7、Representative 销售代表 • Sales Manager 销售经理 • CFO 财务总监 • Financial Executive 财务主管 • CTO 技术主管 • Director 董事 • Dean of Personnel 人事处主任 • Customer Manager 客户经理 How to make a most impressive and valuable briefing ?• I am Liu Yang, a native of Hubei Province of the Pe
8、ople’s Republic of China. I grew up in Wuhan. I was born of intellectual parents. In 1999, I graduated from Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics, majoring in the Finance. After graduation, I have worked for a bank for several years. After that, I went to Australia and took my master &r
9、squo; s course of Applied Finance in Macquarie University. • Currently, I am with the SSSSS(employer), a subsidiary of San Francisco-based US MNE (nature: multinational enterprise), engaged in R D and manufacture of optical materials (line of business). • I am director of the Marketing Dep
10、t./( My position is director of marketing Dept., working) directly under(/reporting to ) the CEO in charge of market development. I supervise a marketing staff of 12. • My daily duties(/responsibilities) cover(/include) looking into the latest development of the state-of-the-art technology of s
11、uch optical materials around world, the moves of our competitors, collecting the feedbacks from our customers and filing reports in English to CEO (or at the corporate headquarters) to assist him in his decision- making process.Course Introduction . 1.TeachingMaterialSuccess With BEC (Vantage) 2 2 Lecturer:刘洋 E E- - mail:shirelyangCourse Assessment • Participation10%• Homework10%• Presentation10%• Final Exam70%Enjoy it!