1、22年海船船员模拟冲刺试题集8章22年海船船员模拟冲刺试题集8章 第1章 影响艇上饮水保存时间的主要因素是_。A.气温B.水量多少C.两者均是正确答案:A 具备了三要素不一定会产生燃烧,只有当三个条件相互结合相互作用才可形成燃烧。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 从事捕鱼的船舶不应妨碍包括下列哪些船舶的安全通行?_。A.只能在狭水道或航道内安全通行的船舶的通行B.任何在狭水道或航道内的船舶通行C.A+BD.A、B均不对正确答案:C 吸油毡使用后容易回收。为预防第二次污染可采取焚烧处理。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 急性腹痛的患者在确诊前,患者因疼痛难忍时,应立即使用镇痛剂止痛,以防止休
2、克的发生。(判断)正确答案:错 An immersion suit must be equipped with a(n) _.A.air bottle for breathingB.orange smoke canisterC.whistle,light and retroreflective materialD.sea dye marker正确答案:C22年海船船员模拟冲刺试题集8章 第2章观测云时,“云高”是指()。A、云层厚度B、云顶高度C、云底高度D、高云高度参考答案:C营运船舶动力装置所有的油料是船舶排水量的一部分,它直接决定船舶的:()A、航速B、最高盈利航速C、续航力D、货运量参
3、考答案:C ()火灾是指造成1000万元以下直接财产损失的火灾A.特大B.较大C.一般正确答案:C 船舶水线面面积的几何中心称为_。A.重心B.浮心C.稳心D.漂心正确答案:D 自身着火不能采用_。A.用手拍打火焰B.合适的木板C.就地打滚正确答案:A STCW公约将船员的知识和技能分为。A.管理级、操作级、支持级B.主管级、管理级、操作级C.轮机级、驾驶级、通信级D.轮机级、甲板级、电子员级正确答案:A22年海船船员模拟冲刺试题集8章 第3章 关小电动往复泵排出阀不会导致( )。A.排出压力升高B.电机过载C.流量明显减少D.安全阀开启正确答案:C 船舶做旋回运动过程中,漂角越小,_。A.速
4、降加剧,横倾增大B.速降加剧,横倾减小C.速降减轻,横倾减小D.速降减轻,横倾增大;参考答案:C “八字关”是指在装卸货时两根吊索的角度超过了120。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 按规定,大副应在进坞后、出坞前,会同船长、轮机长检查_并做好测量记录。.锚及锚链磨损情况.尾轴情况.船底塞、通海阀.船底防污漆的油漆情况A.B.C.、D.、正确答案:A针阀体端面和套筒端面腐蚀时,应采用_修复。A.研磨B.修刮C.修锉D.抛光参考答案:A新装含有石棉的材料(SOLAS公约2000年12月修正案、海安会决议MSC.99(73)、2022年7月1日生效),无论是新船,还是现有船,一律禁止新装含有石棉
5、的材料,但下列情况除外:()A.旋转叶片式压缩机和旋转叶片式真空泵中使用的叶片B.在有着火、毒性危险的高温或高压下用于液体循环的水密接头和衬垫C.于1000以上温度环境中的柔性隔热组件D.以上都是参考答案:D22年海船船员模拟冲刺试题集8章 第4章负责值班的轮机员在()情况下不必呼叫轮机长。A、机器发生故障危及船舶安全B、发生一般故障C、主机监测系统损坏D、无把握处理紧急情况参考答案:B 有关船员日常防火防爆守则的下列内容,何者正确?A.其方针以预防为主,立足自救B.在船上燃放烟花爆竹C.潮湿油污棉毛织品集中堆放在贮藏室内D.以上都正确正确答案:A对于颈椎受伤或脊柱受伤的患者,定会造成二次伤害
6、的做法是()A.抱B.背C.以上都是参考答案:C 启用真空沸腾式海水淡化装置最先做的是( )。A.开凝水泵出口阀B.供加热水C.向给水投水处理药D.启动海水泵供水给喷射器抽真空正确答案:D I would be much obliged if you could take the matter up with your Owners or Agents on the damage sustained and also request them to send their representative to us together with yours as soon as possible w
7、ith a view to ascertaining the extent of the damage. This sentice is most likely appeared in a letter submitted to the _.A.captain of a shipB.port captainC.agentD.shipchandler正确答案:A 溺水、触电患者,均应立即转送医院抢救。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:22年海船船员模拟冲刺试题集8章 第5章根据中华人民共和国海员船上工作和生活管理办法的规定,下列说法中正确的是()。A.船东不能安排未成年海员在船上实习或者见习B.
8、船东可以安排未成年海员在船上实习或见习,但不能从事任何工作C.船东仅能安排未成年海员在船上实习或见习,且实习和见习工作不得危及未成年海员的健康和安全D.船东仅能安排未成年海员在船上实习或见习,仅可以从事清洗厨房器械之类的轻体力活参考答案:C无人机舱的船舶,在修理后的航行试验中,应对为主机服务的泵、备用泵进行()试验。A、自动起动B、自动转换及自动起动的切换C、顺序起动D、自动起动与自动停止参考答案:B 在规定的条件下可燃物质开始持续燃烧所需的最低温度_。A.闪点B.燃点C.爆炸点D.自燃点正确答案:D在使用管理方面,提高动力装置可靠性的重要措施是()A、监造时,按船规把好质量把关B、设计时留有
9、必要的储备C、备件固定方式要便于取用D、提高轮机管理人员的水平参考答案:C 现实情况下_。A.在GPS定位条件好的海域可以不进行航迹推算B.在GPS定位条件差的海域进行航迹推算C.在整个航行过程中,航迹推算应连续不断,不得无故中断D.A和B都对正确答案:C 接收岸到船遇险报警的设备是_。A.MF/HFDSCB.Inmarsat移动站C.EGC接收机D.和C正确答案:D22年海船船员模拟冲刺试题集8章 第6章 The term LIMITS OF THE TERRITORIAL SEA is likely to appear in _A.INSTITUTE TIME CLAUSES-HullsB
10、.United Nations Convention on the Law of the SeaC.P&I Clubs Terms and ConditionsD.York-Antwerp Rules 1974正确答案:C增压器的转子或叶片经修理或更换后均应进行()并合格。A、安装间隙检测B、静平衡试验C、动平衡试验D、转子轴线平台检验参考答案:C IBC规则新增1.3.38内容,除气系指为使()或()浓度降至可安全进入液舱的水平,使用便携式或固定式通风系统使新鲜空气进入液舱的过程。A.有害气体;惰性气体B.惰性气体;蒸气C.有害气体;蒸气正确答案:C螺纹紧固件连接画法一般简化成比例画法即将紧
11、固件各部分尺寸与_联系起来近似画出。A.小径B.中径C.大径D.螺距答案:C One of the first actions to be taken by survivors when they have boarded an inflatable liferaft is to _.A.stream the sea anchorB.take an anti-seasickness pillC.open the pressure relief valveD.drink at least one can of water正确答案:B平衡舵是舵的旋转轴线位于()。A、舵叶上半部分的中间B、舵叶下半
12、部分的中间C、舵叶的中间D、舵叶的一侧参考答案:C22年海船船员模拟冲刺试题集8章 第7章 油船舱室可划分为。机舱货油舱泵舱及压载舱A.B.C.正确答案:C 材料:Following a general average incident,ship agents and surveyors play a significant roleA ship agent,in addition to the normal duties of port and husbandry agency,will assist the master in the aftermath of a general aver
13、age incident to make a declaration which complies with the local law and custom of the portOnce the average adjuster has confirmed that security has been obtained from all the interested parties,the agent is instructed by the ship owner to permit delivery of the cargoIf cargo has been discharged to
14、lighten the vessel,or cargo has been transshipped to a final destination,the agent will be responsible for keeping full and complete records of all movements and expenditure attributable to the general averageAfter any incident,a large number of surveyors representing various interests will descend
15、on the vesselSome of these surveyors will not be involved directly in the general average processHowever,if it has become necessary to sacrifice or discharge a part of the cargo before arrival at the final destination stated on the bill of lading,the ship owner will appoint surveyors to report on th
16、e condition and quantity of cargoSuch surveyors,usually called general average surveyors,will act in the interests of all the parties involved(and may also represent hull and machinery interests)If possible,the account representing expenditure incurred should be examined and approved by the general
17、average surveyor before settlement问题:Which of the following is NOT correct as to the general average surveyors _A.They may sometimes be involved into the examination and approval of general average expendituresB.They may sometimes be involved into the examination and approval of general average sacr
18、ificesC.They will act in the interests of all the parties involvedD.They will look at particularly the general average mattersWhat does this passage imply for the shipmasters when a general average incident occurred onboard _A.He can rely on greatly the general average surveyorsB.He can rely on grea
19、tly the ship agentC.He can rely on greatly the interested partiesD.He can rely on greatly other surveyorsThe ship agent mentioned in the passage behaves _A.for the benefit of the cargo ownerB.for the benefit of the shipownerC.for the benefit of the salvorsD.for the benefit of the interested parties
20、other than the aboveThe security required by the owner of ship and provided by relevant interested parties in general average cases is for the purpose of _ contributing to the losses and damages of general average nature; securing all the general average contributions; Securing all the payment of Su
21、e and Labour; contributing to the losses and damages of particular average natureA.B.C.D.请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!问题 1 答案解析:D问题 2 答案解析:A问题 3 答案解析:B问题 4 答案解析:C 在单机多库制冷装置中用于控制高温库温度的元件是_。A.热力膨胀阀B.蒸发压力调节阀C.温度控制器D.低压控制器正确答案:C 下列哪项不属于软组织损伤A.挫伤B.扭伤C.肌肉和肌腱断裂D.骨折正确答案:D干湿球温度差值可以表征天气状态的物理量是()。A、气压B、空气湿度C、空气密度D、能见度
22、参考答案:B 下列哪项说明大副没有尽到使船舶适航的职责_。A.航次所需海图资料不齐B.航次所需燃料不足C.安全检查中的缺陷纠正后没有申请复查D.货舱不洁,不适于装货正确答案:D22年海船船员模拟冲刺试题集8章 第8章 船舶连续概要记录应由_保管。A.船公司B.船长C.SSOD.CSO正确答案:B在已取得ISM认证的出租船上任职的轮机长每季度需向船东简要报告:()A、各轮机员的表现和业绩B、轮机部所做的每一修理工作C、轮机设备现状D、轮机长的工作成绩参考答案:A 通常所说的船长是指:A.垂线间长B.船舶最大长度C.总长D.设计水线长正确答案:A What is meant by the term broaching to?A.Having the vessel head toward the seaB.Running before a seaC.Being turned broadside to the seaD.Having the vessel filled with water正确答案:C 第_颈椎棘突较长,常作为计数椎骨序数的标志。A.5B.6C.7正确答案:C气缸盖螺栓的预紧力使气缸盖螺栓承受着()。A、拉应力B、压应力C、附加机械应力D、应力集中参考答案:A