1、21年银行招聘考试真题下载8篇21年银行招聘考试真题下载8篇 第1篇随着大数据应用、互联网金融和电子商务的快速发展,金融生态和金融格局都在发生着深刻的变革,银行业务日趋跨界。商业银行纷纷推出自己的电子商务平台,如建设银行的“善融商务”。通过这些跨界业务,银行的数据获取渠道更为丰富,对客户行为习惯的掌握更为全面。以“善融商务”为例:部分客户经常通过“善融商务”购买电子产品,通过数据分析,建设银行就可以针对这些客户精准营销信用卡分期融资产品。同时,可通过数据分析建立优质商户档案,对信誉好的商户营销融资产品等;还可以通过商户上下游关系,扩展上下游关系数据。最适合作为以上文字标题的一项是( )。A.利
2、用大数据营销,商业银行具有先天优势B.商业银行通过跨界业务和数据,扩展了营销商机C.大数据的应用和互联网金融的发展,使得商业银行营销并服务小微客户成为可能D.大数据时代下,商业银行从面对面营销向远程营销转变答案:B解析:文段首句说明随着大数据应用、互联网金融的发展,银行业日趋跨界。接着说商业银行纷纷推出自己的电商平台,并通过这些平台获取客户的消费数据。最后两句以“善融商务”为例说明大数据时代,银行可以更好地营销产品.所以本段的关键词为“跨界、大数据和营销”,符合这三项的是B。A 项“商业银行具有先天优势”在文段中没有体现,排除;C 项“小微客户”在文中没有提及,排除;D 项“从面对面营销向远程
3、营销转变”在文段中也没有体现,排除。故答案选B。某位经营者投入巨资修建了一条连通市区和机场的高速公路,这条公路比原来市区通往机场的高速公路路程短且路况好。当然,这条私营高速公路是要收费的。运行一段时间后,经营者发现车流量比预期的要少得多,这条期望中的“招财路”并没有立即招财。以下各项如果为真,哪项最不可能造成上述结果?( )A.人们宁可多花时间也不愿支付额外的“过路费”B.绝大多数去机场的人还不知道新的高速公路已经开通C.金融危机影响了当地居民的收入,外出坐飞机的人减少D.与在一般公路上开车相比,在高速公路上开车更具危险性答案:D解析:新修建的私营高速公路与原有的机场高速公路相比具有优越性,但
4、车流量却不如预期。A项指出是因为新公路需要收费使得人们宁愿选择条件相对差一些的老公路;B项指出是因为人们对新公路缺乏了解,导致暂时性的车流量低;C项指出,去往目的地机场的人数整体减少,导致新公路车流量不如预期。D项不能对题干中的问题进行解释,原有公路与新建公路都是高速公路,高速公路的危险性不影响人们更倾向于选择原有公路还是新建公路。因此本题答案为D。巴塞尔新资本协议的第三大支柱是市场约束,其运作机制主要是依靠( B)的利益驱动。A监管机构 B利益相关者 C高级管理层 D风险管理部门答案:B解析:材料:移动互联网调查中国移动互联网市场规模2022年第二季度移动互联网市场规模 241.9亿元,环比
5、增速 21.2%,同比增速 71.4%,市场趋于稳健发展。具体数据见下图(数据来自互联网)。2022年第二季度移动购物市场继续保持高速增长态势,市场占比超越移动增值,成为移动互联网第一大细分行业,具体数据见下图(数据来自互联网)。移动购物在移动互联网中占有举足轻重的地位,其市场份额接下来还会继续增加。2022年第二季度移动购物市场规模环比增长了( )。 A.11.59% B.4.00% C.73.00% D.35.31%答案:A解析:一般而言,股份制金融机构资金成本最高的筹资方式是()。A.发行债券B.长期借款C.发行优先股D.发行普通股答案:D解析:一般来说,个别资金成本由低到高的排序为长期
6、借款、发行债券、发行优先股、发行普通股。由于普通股股利由税后利润负担,不能抵税,且其股利不固定,求偿权后,普通股股东投资风险大,所以其资金成本较高。The music aroused an( )feeling of homesickness in him.A.intrinsicB.intentionalC.intermittentD.intense答案:D解析:本题考察形近词辨析,题目意为“音乐唤起了他强烈的思乡之情。”A选项意为“本质的,固有的”,B选项意为“故意的,有意的”,C选项意为“间歇的,断断续续的”,D选项意为“强烈的,非常的”。根据句意,是一种强烈的情感,应该选择D选项。21年银
7、行招聘考试真题下载8篇 第2篇8, 48, 120, 224, 360,( )。A. 528 B. 562 C. 626 D. 682答案:A解析:都除以 8,得 1,6,15,28,45。连续两次做差,得到同一差值4,因此答案为(45十17 + 4) X8 = 528。断电会使原存信息丢失的存储器是()。A.半导体RAMB.硬盘C.ROMD.软盘答案:A解析:硬盘存储器、软盘存储器和ROM存储器都属非易失性存储器,其中所存信息不会因断电而丢失;只有半导体RAM存储器,断电后原存信息会丢失。水土流失是指在水力、重力、风力等外力作用下,水土资源和土地生产力遭受的破坏和损失,包括土地表层侵蚀和水的
8、损失,亦称水土损失。水土流失是不利的自然条件与人类不合理的经济活动互相交织作用产生的。根据以上定义,下列不存在水土流失的是()。A.某地在一次暴雨后发生泥石流B.某些地区在强风作用下逐步沙漠化C.岩石经过长期的风化变成沙砾D.黄河将高原大量的泥沙挟带至下游答案:C解析:水土流失包括土地表层侵蚀和水的损失。A、D两项属于土地表层侵蚀;B项沙漠化属于水的损失;C项岩石风化成沙砾是正常的风化作用不存在水土流失。故答案选C。非物质文化遗产是指各族人民世代相承,与群众生活密切相关的,通过口头和动作传承的 各种传统文化表现形式和文化空间。根据上述定义,下列属于我国非物质文化遗产的是( )。A.福建的高甲戏
9、、歌仔戏、福州评话B.梁祝传说、白蛇传传说、孟姜女传说C.红楼梦、水浒传、西游记、三国演义D.火宫殿火神庙会、药山王庙会、自贡灯会答案:A,B,D解析:由题干中非物质文化遗产的表述是“通过口头和动作传承各种传统文 化表现形式”,C项可排除。其他都符合题干中的定义。国家和社会通过立法,采取强制手段对国民收入进行再分配,形成社会消费基金,对由于年老、疾病、伤残、死亡、失业以及其他灾难发生而使生存出现困难的社会成员,给予物质上的帮助,以保证其基本生活需要的一系列组织的措施、制度的总称是( )。A.社会福利 B.社会保险C.社会保障 D.社会救助答案:B解析:社会保险,是指国家通过立法建立的一种社会保
10、障制度,目的是使劳动者因年老、失业、患病、工伤、生育而减少或丧失劳动收入时,能从社会获得经济补偿和物质帮助, 保障基本生活。从社会保险的项目内容看,它是以经济保障为前提的。一切国家的社会保险 制度,不论其是否完善,都具有强制性、社会性和福利性这三个特点。按照我国劳动法的规 定,社会保险项目分为养老保险、失业保险、医疗保险、工伤保险和生育保险。社会保险的保障对象是全体劳动者,资金主要来源是用人单位和劳动者个人的缴费,政府给予资助。依法享受社会保险是劳动者的基本权利。银行过去筹集的资金特别是存款资金由于内外因素的变化而发生不规则波动,受到冲击并引发相关损失的可能性的风险是()。A.信用风险 B.市
11、场风险C.资产流动性风险 D.负债流动性风险答案:D解析:信用风险是指债务人或交易对手未能履行合同所规定的义务或信用质量发生变化,从而给银行带来损失的可能性;市场风险是指因市场价格(包括利率、汇率、股票价格和商品价格)的不利变动而使银行表内和表外业务发生损失的风险;资产流动性风险是指资产到期不能如期足额收回,不能满足到期负债的偿还和新的合理贷款及其他融资需要,从而给银行带来损失的可能性。题干所述是负债流动性风险的定义,故本题答案为D。21年银行招聘考试真题下载8篇 第3篇以下各项依法应接受审计机关审计监督的是( )。A.财政部B.天津市人民政府C.中国工商银行D.某私营企业答案:A,B,C解析
12、:审计监督是指根据会计记录等有关经济资料和国家法律法规,由专门 设立的国家审计机关依法审核和稽查有关单位的财政收支、经济效益和財经法纪的遵守情况, 作出客观公正的评论,并提出审议报告,以维护国家财经秩序,促进廉政建设的活动。审计监 督的对象是国家行政机关及公务员,对私营企业无权监督。故正确答案为ABC。复式记账法必须遵循的基本原则是( )。A.以会计等式作为记账基础B.对每项经济业务,必须在两个或两个以上相互联系的账户中进行等额登记C.必须按经济业务对会计等式的影响类型进行记录D.定期汇总的全部账户记录必须平衡答案:A,B,C,D解析:复式记账法必须遵循以下几项基本原则:(1)以会计等式作为记
13、账基础;(2)对每项经济业务,必须在两个或两个以上相互联系的账户中进行等额记录;(3)必须按经济业务对会计等式的影响类型进行记录;(4)定期汇总的全部账户记录必须平衡。故本题正确答案为ABCD。Paradise Cineplex70 Red RoadMiami, Florida 33126305-463-2226The MuseumThree middle school students left behind on a class trip spend the night in a history museum and uncover the secrets to an ancient my
14、stery.Running time: 2 hours, 15 minutesGenre: Mystery, FamilyStarring: Jessie-Grace Turner, Clint Sandoval, Danika Brooke-Pierce, Vivienne Aldrich, and PhillipBanksDirector(s): Harvey FeddermanProducer(s): Louisa Marquez, Daniel LevistonWriter(s): April PascucciStudio: CinereveShow times: Beginning
15、August 1210:00 A.M., 11:30, 1:00 P.M., 2:30, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 -Paradise Cineplex* Please print the following ticket information. You may need to present it before gaining admittance to the theater.Online TicketTicket issue number: 002948275HMovie: The MuseumDate: August 14Time: 4
16、:00 P.M.Credit Card InformationName: Sarah AdesidaAddress: 3027 West Flagler StreetMiami, Florida 33126Phone number: 305-463-9738Account number: XXXX XXXX XXXX 2230.When does Ms. Adesida plan to see the movie?A. At 1 P.M.B. At 4 P.M.C. At 7 P.M.D. At 10 P.M.答案:B解析:资料:Keeping the Zeal of a Startup as
17、 You ScaleThere are many reasons that founder-led companies are so good at disrupting industries and making life miserable for slow-moving incumbents. But perhaps the most powerful is that founders create great insurgencies. They ignore established industry rules and boundaries. They create better w
18、ays to solve old problems. They disdain anything that blurs their focus on the front line. From top to bottom, they are at war against the industry leaders on behalf of undeserved customers.Our research on what we call the “founders mentality” shows that maintaining a strong insurgent mission is cri
19、tical to long-term, sustainable growth. But to compete long term, insurgent companies also need to develop scale and scope, which very often dulls their insurgents zeal. In many ways, this is because their perspective on the future slowly changes. Insurgents see the days aheadboth long and short ter
20、mas ripe with opportunity. They embrace change and chaos. They invest in whatever it takes to innovate new solutions for customers. Incumbents, on the other hand, very often see the future as a threat. As leaders invested heavily in the status quo, innovation and disruption are not good for them. Tu
21、rbulence erodes profitability; innovation marginalizes their current product offerings. The future is not better.The companies that find a way to achieve scale without losing their insurgent mission-we call them “Scale Insurgents”-remain acutely alert to this difference in perspective. They actively
22、 fight back against the very natural tendency to retreat behind the castle walls to avoid future change and turbulence. Instead, they do what in some companies might seem like heresy-they commit to disrupting their own insurgency. They know that acquiring the benefits of scale requires ruthless focu
23、s on a well-defined core business and a commitment to building the systems and processes to support it. But they arent wedded to their business modelthey are wedded to what will serve their customers best. Rather than erecting defenses against the future, they embrace the notion of limitless horizon
24、sthe idea that a company can intelligently extend the boundaries of its core ever outward.What is main difference between an “insurgent “ company and an “incumbent” company?A.An insurgent company invests more in the future while an incumbent company invests more in the status quoB.An insurgent compa
25、ny prefers chaos to stabilityC.An insurgent company loves challenging the incumbent companiesD.An insurgent company sees changes as opportunities while an incumbent company loves stability more答案:D解析:本题考查的是细节理解。 difference;“insurgent “ company;“incumbent” company第二段Insurgents see the days aheadboth
26、long and short termas ripe with opportunity. They embrace change and chaos. They invest in whatever it takes to innovate new solutions for customers.(“叛乱企业”把未来(长期和短期)看成充满机遇。他们接受改变和混乱。他们会为了给消费者,把钱投资在寻找新的解决方案上。)Incumbents, on the other hand, very often see the future as a threat. As leaders invested h
27、eavily in the status quo, innovation and disruption are not good for them.(另一方面,领导地位的企业通常把未来看成威胁。由于领导者大量投资现状,所以创新和干扰对于他们来说不是好事)第3题问“叛乱企业和领导地位企业的主要区别是什么?”。文章第二段谈到了两种企业的不同之处。“叛乱企业”把未来看成充满机遇,接受改变和混乱,会为消费者谋福利。“领导地位企业”把未来看成威胁,不喜欢创新和干扰。综上所述,A选项“叛乱企业把更多的钱投资在未来,然而领导地位企业把钱更多投资在现状。”原文并未说“叛乱企业”会把钱投资到未来,而是说把钱投资
28、在寻找新的解决方案上,故排除A。B选项“和稳定相比,叛乱企业更喜欢混乱。”原文说的是他们接受改变和混乱,并不是说喜欢,该选项过度推理,故排除。C选项“叛乱企业喜欢挑战领导地位企业”,文中并未涉及此选项内容,故排除。D选项“叛乱企业把改变视为机遇,然而领导地位企业更爱稳定。”和原文两种企业的特点一致。设定行政许可,应当规定行政许可的实施机关、pz_填空、程序、期限。答案:条件,解析:从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性()。答案:C解析:每个图形都是由形状相同、大小不同的三个小图形内外叠放而成。21年银行招聘考试真题下载8篇 第4篇 Advertising has
29、 long been viewed as a method of mass _ in that a single message can reach a large number of people.A.promotionB.permissionC.fantasyD.popularity 答案:A解析:本题考察词义辨析。题目意为“长久以来,广告一直被视为一种大众传播推广的手段,一条简单的信息能够借此传达给数量较大的受众。”A选项意为“提升,推广”,B选项意为“允许,许可”,C选项意为“幻想,幻觉”,D选项意为“普及,流行”。根据题意,广告是一种推广手段。It can be inferred f
30、rom the text that_.A.employees are facing a reduction in working hours todayB.increased leisure time would benefit two-career householdsC.companies have no set standard to evaluate their staffD.high incomes dont guarantee Americans enough leisure time答案:B解析:现在工人的空闲时间越来越少,工作时间相应就变长,A错误;公司通过工作时间的长短代替工
31、人产出来评价一个员工,C不符;文章最后一段话说明商品是为高收入和有长时间的人准备的,D错误。故选B。资料:New York and London may rule the roost, but other financial hubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out useful specialist niches for themselves. Chicago, for instance, has consolidated its position as the worlds derivatives center, and Ho
32、uston, the largest city in Texas, is home to Americas biggest energy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders and hedge funds.Europe has also developed a diverse set of financial centers ranging from big cities to island havens such as Jersey and to niche markets such as Luxembourg
33、and Dublin. Edinburg, an established banking center, is now touting itself as a low-cost alternative for financial operations. Among the larger hubs, Frankfurt is an important center for banking and derivatives trading through Eurex, a German-Swiss exchange, with significantly lower costs than Londo
34、n.Switzerlands twin financial centers, Geneva and Zurich, have done well in their specialists of private banking, wealth management and insurance. The main attractions are low taxes, political stability and a reputation for discretion. Urs Roth from the Swiss Bankers Association says, however, that
35、given its tiny domestic market, Switzerland has had to fight for open markets on an international scale.Paris has long lagged far behind London, dogged by a reputation for excessive regulation and high taxes. The new government is aware that some of Frances best financial brains have crossed the Cha
36、nnel for more lucrative careers in London. Yet Paris has many advantages: a large number of international banks; more international companies than Frankfurt; and easy access to regulators. It has the largest market in Europe for trading in mutual funds. Few would dispute that Paris offers an attract
37、ive quality of life and has good transport links. What makes Paris a place to watch just now is the NYSEs recent merger with Euronext. The combined group will base its international equities business in the French capital. Euronext, which operates exchanges in five European countries, also illustrat
38、es the importance of a common language.Financial executives around the world increasingly view Europe as a single market. Soon a new European rule called MiFID (Markets in Financial Instrument Directive) is due to be implemented. It aims to increase competition among and transparency within financia
39、l markets. Financiers in other parts of the world are wondering how to achieve a similar degree of cross-border financial integration.What can be inferred from the passage?A.New York is the worlds largest financial hub.B.Houston is the worlds biggest center for energy trading and hedge funds.C.The E
40、urope has as many financial centers as the United States.D.Different financial centers have different specialist features.答案:D解析:本题考查的是细节理解和同义转换。 inferred;passage第1自然段 New York and London may rule the roost,but other financial hubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out useful specialist ni
41、ches for themselves.纽约和伦敦或许会主宰世界,但美国和欧洲的其他金融中心却设法为自己开辟出了有用的专业利基市场。 本题的问题是“从文章中可以推断出什么?”。根据文章可知,不同的金融中心有不同的专业特点,故选D。资料:A high-precision NASA radar instrument left a NASA airport in Southern California for Iceland on January 28 to create detailed maps of how glaciers move in the dead of winter. This w
42、ill help scientists around the world better understand some of the most basic processes involved in melting glaciers, which are major contributors to rising sea levels.NASA used the same airborne instrument in June 2022 to map the summer flows of two Icelandic ice caps. The ice caps large areas of p
43、ermanent snow and ice cover encompass multiple glaciers flowing in different directions and at different speeds. By mapping the same ice caps now, in winter, when the surface remains frozen all day, and then comparing the winter and summer velocities, the researchers will be able to isolate the effe
44、cts of melt water.Above is a view of a small part of the Hofsjkull ice cap, which encompasses several glaciers. The fan at upper left is part of a glacier called Mlaj?kull.For more on the research, see this NASA press release.What is the mission of the NASA radar instrument?A.To investigate the clim
45、ate change.B.To make maps about moving glaciers.C.To measure the rising sea levels.D.To slow the melting process of glaciers答案:B解析:本题考查的是细节理解。 mission; NASA radar instrument第1自然段A high-precision NASA radar instrument left a NASA airport in Southern California for Iceland on January 28 to create deta
46、iled maps of how glaciers move in the dead of winter. This will help scientists around the world better understand some of the most basic processes involved in melting glaciers, which are major contributors to rising sea levels. 1月28日,美国宇航局的一架高精度雷达仪器离开美国加利福尼亚州南部的美国航空航天局(NASA)机场前往冰岛,绘制冰川在隆冬时节移动的详细地图。
48、整理、检查实施答案:C解析:规范的现场检查包括检查准备、检查实施、检查报告、检查处理、检查档案整理五个阶段。2.63+5.8+7.37+4.2+52X 15-5X52+55X102- ( )A.6150B.5610C.5500D.6010答案:D解析:原式= (2.63+7.37) + (5.8+4.2) +52* (15-5) +55* ( 100+2 )= 10+ 10+520+ 5500+110=6150.21年银行招聘考试真题下载8篇 第5篇以固定资产的原价减去预计净残值除以预计使用年限,求得每年的折旧费用的方法是( )。A.年限平均法B.工作量法C.年数总和法D.双倍余额递减法答案:A解析:年限平均法又称直线法,是最简单并且常用的一种方法。此法是以固定资产的原价减去预计净残值除以预计使用年限,求得每年的折旧费用。假设本国货币利率为5,外国货币利率为4,根据抛补利率平价理论,本国货币汇率应( )。A.升值1B.贬值lC.升水1D.贴水l答案:D解析:下面情形中,不应定交通肇事罪的是()。A.死亡一人,负事故主要责任的B.酒后驾车致人重伤,负事故主要责任的C.死亡三人,负事故同等责任D.重伤三人,负事故同等责任答案:D解析:最高人民法院关于审理交通肇事刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释第2条:交通肇事