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1、2022银行招聘考试考试试题及答案6篇2022银行招聘考试考试试题及答案6篇 第1篇在下列太阳系行星中,距太阳最近的是( )。A.水星 B.地球 C.火星 D. 土星答案:A解析:太阳八大行星离太阳由近及远排名依次为水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、 土星、天王星、海王星。 需要结计本年累计发生额的账户,结计“过次页”的合计数为()。 A.自年初起至本日止累计数B.自年初起至本页末止累计数 C.自月初至本页末止累计数 D.自本页初至本年末止累计数 答案:B解析: 对“过次页”的本页合计数如何计算,一般分三种情况:需要结计本月发生额的账户,结计“过次页”的本页合计数应当为自本月初起至本页末止的发生额

2、合计数;需要结计本年累计发生额的账户,结计“过次页的本页合计数应当为自年初起至本页末止 的累计数;不需要结计本月发生额也不需要结计本年累计发生额的账户可以只将每页末的 余额结转次页:下列选项中不属于基本金融工具的是( )。A.股票B.债券C.期权D.货币答案:C解析:金融工具是在信用基础上产生并用于证明债权债务关系的书面凭证。基本金融工具主要包括货币、票据、债券、股票、基金证券等。期权属于衍生金融工具。计算机网络技术包含两个主要技术是计算机技术和()。A.微电子技术B.通信技术C.数据处理技术D.自动化技术答案:B解析:计算机网络技术是通信技术与计算机技术相结合的产物。下面说法错误的有()。A

3、.公文的标题由发文机关名称、事由、文种组成B.有些公文拟写标题时为了简练可以只标明文种C.所有规范性公文的标题都可以省略发文机关及事由部分D.为了语意确切,不产生歧义,公文标题字数可以到60字以上答案:C,D解析: 党政机关公文处理工作条例第9条规定,公文标题由发文机关名称、事由和文种组成,A项表述正确。构成公文标题的三部分有时可以省去一至两项,唯有文种不可省。省发文机关和事由的情况,一般公告、通告等公布性公文以及内容单一的知照性通知较为常见。故B项正确,C项错误。党政机关公文格式规定,标题要做到词意完整,长短适宜,不可太长,D项错误。故本题答案选CD。银行为客户提供代理财务会计服务,是利用了

4、自身的( )。A.财务职能B.管理职能C.服务职能D.咨询职能答案:A解析:He apologized for having failed to assess the extent of corruption and _of power.A. abuse B. damage C. mistreat D. injure答案:A解析:考查词义辨析。abuse 滥用;辱骂;damage 损害,破坏;mistreat 虐待;injure伤害,损害。根据句意,这里是指贪污腐化和权利滥用,故用abuse。 某外国商人甲在我国领域内犯重婚罪,对甲应如何处置?()A.适用我国刑法追究其刑事责任B.通过外交途径

5、解决C.适用外国刑法追究其刑事责任D.直接驱逐出境 答案:A解析: 刑法第6条规定了属地管辖原则:“凡在中华人民共和国领域内犯罪的除法律有特别规定的以外,都适用本法。”所以,外国人在我国领域内犯罪的,除法律有特别规定的之外均适用我国刑法。A选项正确。2022银行招聘考试考试试题及答案6篇 第2篇根据下列内容,回答201-205题。The evidence for harmony may not be obvious in some familiesBut it seems that four out of five young people now get on with their pare

6、nts,which is the opposite of the popularlyheld image of unhappy teenagers locked in their room after endless family quarrelsAn important new study into teenage attitudes surprisingly shows that their family life is more harmonious than it has ever been in the past“We were surprised by just how posit

7、ive todays young people seem to be about their families,”said one member of the research team“Theyre expected to be rebellious and selfish,but actually they have other things on their minds:they want a car and material goods,and they worry about whether school is serving them wellTheres more negotia

8、tion and discussion between parents and children,and children expect to take part in the family decisionmaking processThey dont want to rock the boat”So it seems that this generation of parents is much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat their children as friends“My parents are happy t

9、o discuss things with me and willing to listen to me,”says 17-year-old Daniel Lazall“I always tell them when lm going out clubbingAs long as they know what lm doing,theyre fine with it”Susan Crome,who is now 21,agrees“Looking back on the last lo years,there was a lot of what you could call negotiati

10、onFor example,as long as Id done all my homework,I could go out on a Saturday nightBut I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that”Maybe this positive view of family life should not be unexpectedIt is possible that the idea of teenage rebellion is not rooted in real factsA

11、researcher comments,“0ur surprise that teenagers say they get along well with their parents comes because of a brief period in our social history when teenagers were regarded as different beingsBut that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time

12、in the l960s when everyone rebelledThe nor-mal situation throughout history has been a smooth change from helping out with the family busi-ness to taking it over”What is the popular image of teenagers today? _A.They worry about schoolB.They dislike living with their parentsC.They have to be locked i

13、n to avoid troublesD.They quarrel a lot with other family members答案:D解析:根据第一段“which is the opposite of the popularly-held image of unhappy teenagers lockedin their room after endless family qUalTels可知(青少年)流行的形象是和父母无休止争吵完后把自己锁在屋子里,所以给人的印象是常常和其他家庭成员争吵。西欧有一句名谚中国人的头,阿拉伯人的口,法兰西人的手。”结合对古代科技史的理 解,下列说法不正确的是

14、( )A.中国人的智慧创造了领先世界的科技成就B.古代欧洲的科技成就更高C.欧洲吸收和借鉴中国科技成就,形成近代科学D.阿拉伯人在东西文化交流中起到了桥梁作用答案:B解析:题干中的名谚没有关于古代欧洲与中国在科技成就方面的比较,故不正确的为B。资料:Business,academic and civic leaders in Cambridge have warned that one of Britains major economic growth cities is under threat unless the government acts quickly to restore tr

15、ust post-Brexit.Company executives and educationists report some highly skilled foreign nationals quitting or refusing to commit to new jobs in Britain because of uncertainty over their future legal status here.It has in the past boasted of creating employment faster than China,amid a boom in the te

16、chnology and bioscience sectors,which led to the city being labelled”Sillicon fen”,but now there are fears of a big slowdown.“This is a unique economic asset for Europe,”said Lord Lansley,the former Conservation MP for South Cambridgeshire, after a specially convened meeting to discuss the problems

17、with local politicians and others.”There is a politicalvacuum out there and there does not seem to be a post Brexit plan.There are things we need and if we get them we can continue to prosper and be more successful”,Lansley added.He has drawn up a Cambridge declaration with his colleagues meant to r

18、eassure existing academic and business staff from abroad that their presence will be protected .”We are committed to international collaboration in research,science and the exploitation of innovative,knowledge-intensive enterprises,”says the document.Lansley says he will be pushing the British gover

19、nment to give acquired rights to the 9,000 European citizens living in the East Anglian city out of a total population of 124,000.He also wants to see a continuation of free labour movement to allow Europeans to come to work and study in Cambridge and says”We need free movement for them to come to w

20、ork and to study here.”What is the purpose of the Cambridge declaration in paragraph 4?A.To create more job positions for foreign talentsB.To comfort existing foreign talentsC.To attract new talentsD.To stimulate local economy答案:B解析:本题考查的是细节理解。 purpose;Cambridge declaration;paragraph 4第4自然段He has dr

21、awn up a Cambridge declaration with his colleagues meant to reassure existing academic and business staff from abroad that their presence will be protected .他和他的同事们起草了一份剑桥宣言,目的是让来自国外的现有学术和商业人员放心,他们的存在将得到保护。本题的问题是“第四自然段的剑桥宣言的目的是什么?”。选项A意为“为外国人才创造更多的工作岗位”;选项B意为“安慰现有的外国人才”;选项C意为“吸引新的人才”;选项D意为“刺激当地经济”。根

22、据主题句可知,起草宣言的目的是安慰现有的外国人才,故选B。宋代诗人陆游在一首诗中说:“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。”这里是强调实践是认 识发展的动力。 ( )答案:对解析:诗句中的“要躬行”表明了诗人强调实践的作用,认识还要通过实践不断 地得到发展。我一直对树这个意象非常迷恋。随便的一棵树,都是那么自然地站在那里,无论在山野、广场、路边,永远那么潇洒大方。人类的姿势要_环境,不信你去舞台上走一圈,会发觉自己竟然不会走路!就算那些整天在台上的时装模特儿,就我看还是矫揉造作,远不如一棵树_。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.挑拣 优雅 B.挑剔 优美C.挑拣 优美 D.挑剔 优雅。答案:A

23、解析:挑拣:挑选,从若干人或事物中找出适合要求的;挑剔:过分在细节上严格地指摘。根据题中的上下句,人类的姿势“挑拣”环境,“挑剔”的主动者多指人。“优雅”是优美雅致之意,常用来形容气质,此处用优雅更恰当。故选A。发展低碳和生态经济,应加快成熟技术和工艺 的 利用,缩短技术从实验室到生产线的时间。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.转变 B.转化C.转移 D.合理答案:B解析:“转变”指从一种形式、状态或特点变为另一种形式、状态或特点。“转化”指矛盾的双方经过斗争,在一定条件下,各自向着和自己相反的方面转变,向着对立方面所处的地位转变。“转移”意思是从一地转往另一地,或者从一种存在状态转到另一

24、种状态;尤指精神上的转移。技术和工艺从实验室到生产线是有关联的两个方面,因此用“转化”最合适。 完全竞争市场必须有大量的买家、卖家和同质的商品并且所有的资源具备完全的流动性,信息完全对称。() 答案:对解析:以融资对象为标准,可将金融分为( )。A.直接金融和间接金融B.短期金融和长期金融C.农业金融、工业金融和商业金融D.国内金融和国际金融答案:A解析:根据对金融活动不同方面的考察和归类,可以将金融划分为不同的种类:以融资对象为标准,可将金融分为直接金融和间接金融。2022银行招聘考试考试试题及答案6篇 第3篇根据以下资料,回答46-50题:2022年以来,我国房地产行业经历了一系列变化。一




28、1亿元,下降50%,降幅缩小02个百分点。5月末,商品房待售面积30740万平方米,比4月末增加432万平方米。其中,住宅待售面积增加278万平方米,办公楼增加6万平方米,商业营业用房增加43万平方米。见下列3个表:2022年15月份全国房地产行业本年的各类资金来源中,增加的数额最大的是()。A.利用外资B.国内贷款C.自筹资金D.其他资金答案:C解析:根据表1数据,自筹资金的基数和增长率都是最高的,因此增长量也是最大的。中国银行的国外分行数目( )。A. 28个B. 29个C. 30个D. 31个答案:A解析: 长期以来,在传统观念的影响下,对于司法机关在执法过程中侵害公民、法人和其他组织的

29、合法权益的行为,缺乏有效可行的保障机制来恢复和弥补被侵权人的权利。遭受侵害的当事人不知道怎样保护自己的合法权益,更没有一条光明、可靠的渠道来支持这种保护。这段文字的主旨是( )。A. 司法机关执法受到传统观念的深刻影响B. 司法机关的执法过程也应有法可依、有法必依C. 目前缺少保障机制来弥补被司法机关侵犯的权利D. 制定规范和约束司法机关执法过程的法律势在必行 答案:C解析:考点:表面主旨题解析据提问可知本题属于表面主旨题。 文段首先提出问题现状“缺乏有效可行的保障机制”,然后对首句进行补充说明,即阐述其结果“没有一条光明、可靠的渠道来支持这种保护”,由此可知首句的问题现状为主题句,故选C。

30、原文说“司法机关在执法过程中受传统观念的影响”,并没有说是“深刻影响”,故排除A;B项与原文内容相悖,可排除;该文段只是陈述客观事实,并没有提出倡议,故不选D项。 故正确答案为C。2022年10月14号,国务院印发关于促进健康服务业发展的若干意见(以下简称意见)。意见明确,力争到2022年,基本建立()的健康服务业体系,健康服务业总规模达到8万亿元以上。A.覆盖全生命周期B.内涵丰富C.结构合理D.服务周到答案:A,B,C解析:据中国政府网消息,2022年10月14日,国务院印发关于促进健康服务业发展的若干意见。该意见提出,要在切实保障人民群众基本医疗卫生服务需求的基础上,充分调动社会力量的积

31、极性和创造性,着力扩大供给、创新发展模式、提高消费能力,促进基本和非基本健康服务协调发展。力争到2022年基本建立覆盖全生命周期、内涵丰富、结构合理的健康服务业体系,健康服务业总规模达到8万亿元以上。5, 11, 17,23,29, ( )。A. 35 B. 38 C. 42 D. 60答案:A解析:这是一个等差数列,公差为6,则空缺项为29 + 6 = 35。选A。关于商品价值和使用价值的说法,正确的是( )。A.使用价值是价值的物质承担者B.只要具有使用价值就能成为商品C.使用价值是商品的社会属性D.消费者购买某种商品是为了获得该商品的价值答案:A解析:具有使用价值的物品不一定是商品,所以

32、选项B错误。价值是商品的社会属性,所以选项C错误。消费者购买某种商品是为了获得该商品的使用价值,所以选项D错误。与1985年4月1日至2000年4月1日间专利申请平均受理时间相比,2000年4月1日至2022年6月1日间专利申请的平均受理时间下降了( )。A64% B68% C72% D82%答案:C解析:在下列几项反映国民经济发展的指标中,属于数量指标的是()。A.国内生产总值B.人均国内生产总值C.国内生产总值增长速度D.国家财政收入占国内生产总值的比重答案:A解析:选项中只有国内生产总值属于数量指标,人均国内生产总值、国内生产总值增长速度和国家财政收入占国内生产总值的比重都属于比例指标,

33、因此答案为A2022银行招聘考试考试试题及答案6篇 第4篇下列关于我国商业银行理财市场现状的说法中,正确的有()。A.信托理财集合资金用于贷款可能引发潜在风险B.对客户风险提示及信息披露不充分C.熟悉国际交易规则的专业人才较为充足D.金融机构在理财产品的营销上缺乏特色产品和个性化方案答案:A,B,D解析:目前,我国商业银行理财市场上,熟悉国际交易规则的专业人才较为匮乏。根据下列内容,回答206-210题。When my family moved to America in 2022 from a small village in Guangdong, China, webrought not

34、only our luggage, but also our village rules, customs and culture. One of the rules isthat young people should always respect eiders. Unluckily, this rule led to my very first embarrass-ment in the United States.I had a part-time job as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. One time, when I was serving

35、foodto a middle-aged couple, the wife asked me how the food could be served so quickly. I told herthat I had made sure they got their food quickly because ! always respect the elderly. As soon as Isaid that, her face showed great displeasure. My manager, who happened to hear what I said, tookme asid

36、e and gave me a long lecture about how sensitive Americans are and how they dislike thedescription old. I then walked back to the table and apologized to the wife. After the couple heardmy reason, they understood that the problem was caused by cultural differences, so they laughedand were no longer

37、angry.In my village in China, people are proud of being old. Not so many people live to be seventyor eighty, and people who reach such an age have the most knowledge and experience. Youngpeople always respect older people because they know they can learn from their rich experience.However, in the Un

38、ited States, people think growing old is a problem since old shows thata person is going to retire or that the body is not working well. Here many people try to keep them-selves away from growing old by doing exercises or jogging, and women put on makeup, hoping tolook young. When I told the couple

39、in the restaurant that I respect the elderly, they got angry be-cause this caused them to feel they had failed to stay young. I had told them something they didntwant to hear.After that, I changed the way I had been with older people. It is not that I dont respect themany more; I still respect them,

40、 but now I dont show my feelings through words.By JackJack brought the couple their food very fast because_.A.the manager asked him to do soB.he respected the elderlyC.the couple wanted him to do soD.he wanted more pay答案:B解析:根据第二段中的“Itold herthatI hadmade surethey gottheirfood quickly because I alwa

41、ysrespect the elderly”可知答案选B。持票人甲将一张银行汇票上记载的金额由10万元改为40万元,甲的行为属于变造票据行为。()答案:对解析: 变造票据是指无权更改票据上除签章以外的其他记载事项的人对票 据予以更改的行为。票据变造人除应依变造后文义承担票据责任外,构成犯罪的还应承担相 应的刑事责任。3-2+4-2+5-2+-2+7-.+102-2= ( )。 .A.0B.100 C.5050D.10100答案:C解析:原式=1+2+3+.+ 100=(1+ 100)x 1002=5050。 在其他条件相同的情况下,最愿意购买保险的人是那些最可能需要它的人,该例子是一个()的例

42、子。A.逆向选择B.道德风险C.搭便车D.收益递减 答案:A解析: 逆向选择是由于信息不对称,交易者有意隐瞒有关风险的信息,以取得与所承担义务不相称的权利。某公司发行股票60000股,每股面值1元,每股发行价格3元,不考虑其他因素,该公司应计人股本的金额为()元。A.180000 B.60000C.120000 D.240000答案:B解析:该公司应计入股本的金额=股票股数每股面值=600001=60000(元)。故选项B正确。#小王:从举办奥运会的巨额耗费来看,观看各场奥运比赛的票价应该要高得多。是奥运会主办者的广告收入降低了票价。因此,奥运会的现场观众从奥运会拉的广告中获得了经济利益。小李


44、。要削弱这种说法,就要找出与之相悖的选项。A项显然不能,B项虽然是事实,但却不能推翻小李的说法,C恰好证明了小李的观点,D由于广告支出是常量,所以广告商也不会提高商品价格,消费者自然也就能从中获益。In spite of all stories of prosperity in the Unites States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate. Most acts of violence were committed

45、 by young people.57% of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 of age. Everyone agrees that crime is partly a result of bad material conditions: poverty, lack of education, living within a settled home, being parent less, sufferings from other kinds of misfortune, etc. There are also ot

46、her factors than material conditions which are responsible for the sharp increase of crime rate. In the first place, some state laws provide a death penalty but some not. Secondly, the Constitution allows every citizen to carry weapons for his own protection. It is therefore possible and easy for an

47、yone in the country to get a gun. Finally, there has been too much shown on TV and too much reported in newspaper of all kinds of crime, the details of which are so accurately described that even children know how to duplicate what they have seen or read. All these have resulted in a high frequency

48、of crimes committed both by professional criminals and by nonprofessional ones in murder, drug smuggling, robbery, etc. Which of the following is correct according to the text?A. Of the criminals arrested in 1970, fifty-seven percent were youths below twenty five of ageB. Lack of education has little to do with the crime rateC. Differences in state laws for death penalty also account for the increase of crime rateD. Drug smuggling is the only product of too many shows and reports答案:C解析:根据第三段“In the first pla


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