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1、Steve Sherretta十一月 21, 2022Perfoormaancee Maanaggemeent:Enhanncinng EExeccutiion Thrrouggh aa Cuultuure of DiaalogguePeterr iss Chhieff Exxecuutivve OOffiicerr foor aa meediccal suppplyy muultiinattionnal thaat rreceentlly ccrafftedd a neww sttrattegyy too coountter commpettitiive thrreatts. Thee pl

2、lan strresssed thee neeed to cutt cyyclee tiime, coonceentrratee saaless onn hiigheer-mmarggin prooduccts andd deevellop neww maarkeets. Four monnthss affterr ciircuulattingg thhe pplann, PPeteer ddid a “wwalkkarooundd” tto ssee howw thhinggs wweree gooingg. He wass apppallledd. EEverrywhheree Peete

3、rr tuurneed ppeopple, deeparrtmeentsswhholee buusinnesss unnitsssiimplly ddidnnt “geet iit.”Firstt suurprrisee: EEngiineeerinng. Thhe ggrouup hhad cutt prroduuct dessignn tiime 30%, mmeettingg itts ggoall too inncreeasee sppeedd-too-maarkeet. Goood. TThenn Peeterr asskedd hoow mmanuufaccturringg woo

4、uldd bee afffecctedd. It turrnedd ouut tthe neww deesiggn wwoulld ttakee muuch morre ttimee too maake. TTotaal ccyclle ttimee acctuaallyy inncreeaseed. “OOur strrateegicc pllan messsagge iis nnot reaallyy geettiing thrrouggh,” Petter thooughht.Seconnd ssurpprisse: Salles. TThe neww sttrattegyy caall

5、eed ffor a sshiffteemphhasiize higgh mmarggin salles rattherr thhat pusshinng pprodductt doown thee piipellinee ass faast as posssibble. BBut jusst aabouut eeverry ssaleespeersoon PPeteer sspokke tto wwas makkingg trranssacttionnal salles to higgh-vvoluume cusstommerss; hharddly anyyonee waas bbuill

6、dinng rrelaatioonshhipss wiith thee moost proofittablle pprosspeccts. SSalees iis ddoinng jjustt whhat its aalwaays donne, Petter thooughht. Worstt suurprrisee: EEvenn hiis ttop teaam, thee peeoplle wwhod hhelpped himm crraftt thhe sstraateggy, wass noot ssticckinng tto pplann. Petter askked a tteam

7、m meembeer: “WWhy aree yoou sspenndinng aall youur ttimee maakinng ssuree thhe nnew macchinneryy iss woorkiing inssteaad oof ddeveeloppingg neew mmarkketss?”“Becaausee myy unnits cchieef ggoall waas tto iimprrovee onn-tiime delliveery,” hhe aanswwereed. “But whaat aabouut ccomppanyy gooalss?” saiid

8、PPeteer. “Wee caame up witth aa goood plaan aand commmunnicaatedd itt veery cleearlly. Buut nnowhheree itt issntt beeingg caarriied outt. Whyy?”Many orgganiizattionns ccreaate goood sstraateggiess, bbut onlly tthe besst eexeccutee thhem efffecttiveely. FForttunee maagazzinee esstimmatees tthatt whhe

9、n CEOOs ffaill, 770% of thee tiime its bbecaausee off baad eexeccutiion. “Why CEOs Fail,” by Ram Charan and Geoffrey Colvin, Fortune magazine, June 21, 1999. WWeakk exxecuutioon iis ppervvasiive in thee buusinnesss woorldd, bbut thee reeasoons forr itt arre llarggelyy miisunnderrstoood. WWhy is it t

10、haat nno oone in Petters oorgaanizzatiion wass acctinng iin ssyncc wiith thee sttrattegyy? Unllesss wee unnderrstaand thee reeasoons, wee caantt hoope to sollve thee prrobllem.Imagiine sommeonne hhitttingg a tennniss baall. WWhenn thhe bbraiin ssayss “hhit thee baall,” iit ddoessntt auutommatiicalll

11、y happpenn. Thee meessaage traavells tthrooughh neervee paathwwayss doown thee arrm aand croossees ggapss beetweeen thee neervee ceellss. Theese gapps, or “syynappsess,” aree pootenntiaal bbreaaks in thee coonneectiion. IIf nneurrotrranssmittterrs ddont ccarrry tthe messsagge aacrooss thee gaap, the

12、e meessaage nevver getts tthrooughh, oor iit ggetss diistoorteed. Wheen tthatt haappeens, eiitheer tthe armm dooesnnt movve aat aall, orr itt moovess thhe wwronng wway.Creattingg a “cuultuure of diaaloggue”Just likke aa neervoous sysstemm, oorgaanizzatiionss allso havve ggapss thhat bloock andd diis

13、toort messsagges. TThe seccrett too efffecctivve sstraateggy eexeccutiion liees iin ccrosssinng hhierrarcchiccal andd fuuncttionnal gapps wwithh cllearr, cconssisttentt meessaagess thhat rellay thee sttrattegyy thhrouughoout thee orrgannizaatioon. Sooundd siimplle? IItss noot. Thhe rreasson is thaat

14、 tthe “neeurootraansmmittterss” iin oorgaanizzatiionss arre hhumaan bbeinngsexeecuttivee teeam memmberrs, senniorr maanaggerss, mmidddle mannageers andd suuperrvissorsswhhosee joob iit iis tto mmakee suure thaat ppeopples bbehaavioor iis aaliggnedd wiith thee ovveraall strrateegy. DDoinng wwhatt itt

15、 taakess too acchieeve aliignmmentt iss veery diffficcultt. It is whaat RRam Chaarann caallss, tthe “heeavyy liiftiing” of mannageemennt, andd itts thee keey tto eexeccutiing strrateegy. As weelll seee llateer, theere is an impporttantt diiffeerennce bettweeen ccomppaniies thaat ssucccesssfullly ali

16、ign behhaviior witth sstraateggy aand thoose thaat ddo nnot. CComppaniies thaat eeffeectiivelly eexeccutee sttrattegyy crreatte aa “ccultturee off diialooguee.” A cullturre oof ddialloguue eencoouraagess peervaasivve ttwo-wayy coommuuniccatiionss whheree inndivviduualss annd ggrouups 1) queestiion,

17、chhalllengge, intterpprett annd uultiimattelyy cllariify strrateegicc obbjecctivves; annd 22) eengaage in reggulaar pperfformmancce ddialloguue tto mmoniitorr beehavviorr annd eensuure it is aliigneed wwithh sttrattegyy. Threee keeys to mannagiing perrforrmannceA cullturre oof ddialloguue ddoessntt

18、haappeen iinsttanttly, anny mmoree thhan a ffluiid ttennnis strrokee dooes. IIt ttakees ppraccticce, perrsisstennce andd haard worrk. Soo hoow eexacctlyy caan lleadderss ennsurre tthatt sttrattegyy meessaagess goo alll tthe wayy doown thee liinethaat tthe tennniss baall getts hhit corrrecctlyy? Thee

19、 thhreee keeys to mannagiing perrforrmannce efffecttiveely aree:1. Achieevinng rradiicall cllariity by deccodiing strrateegy at thee toop. Maany orgganiizattionns tthinnk ttheyy seend cleear siggnalls bbut donnt. IIn ssomee caasess, mmanaagerrs ssuboordiinatte bbroaad sstraateggic goaals to opeeratt

20、ionnal goaals witthinn thheirr siiloss. Thaatss whhat happpenned witth PPeteerss toop tteamm. Elssewhheree, ttop teaam mmembberss offtenn haave tooo maany “toop” priioriitieeswwevve sseenn ass maany as 1000 inn onne ccaseewhhichh reesullts in mixxed siggnalls aand bluurreed ffocuus. Sttrattegyy deec

21、odde rrequuirees wwinnnowiing priioriitiees ddownn too a mannageeablle nnumbberas litttlee ass fiive. 2. Settiing up sysstemms aand proocesssess too ennsurre cclarrityy. OOncee sttrattegyy iss cllearr, oorgaanizzatiionss muust creeatee prroceessees tto eensuure thaat tthe rigght strrateegy messsagge

22、s casscadde ddownn thhe oorgaanizzatiion. TThesse iinclludee: sstraateggy-ccenttereed bbudgget andd pllannningg seessiionss; sstafff aand teaam mmeettinggs tto ddisccusss gooalss; pperfformmancce mmanaagemmentt meeetiingss; aand tallentt reevieew ssesssionns. Diialooguee drrivees aall theese prooces

23、ssess. Eacch rreprreseentss a “trranssmittterr oppporrtunnityy,” wheere strrateegicc meessaagess arre cconvveyeed aand beehavviorr iss allignned witth ggoalls.3. Alignningg annd ddifffereentiiatiing rewwardds.LLeadderss muust makke ssuree reewarrds enccourragee beehavviorrs cconssisttentt wiith strr

24、ateegy, whhichh sooundds eeasyy buut iisnt. Diiffeerenntiaatioon iis aabouut mmakiing surre tthatt sttarss geet ssignnifiicanntlyy moore thaan ppoorr peerfoormeers. BBut almmostt evveryywheere mannageers disstriibutte rrewaardss moore or lesss eevennly. AAs wwelll ssee, laack of efffecttivee peerfoo

25、rmaancee diialooguee iss a keyy coontrribuutorr too dyysfuuncttionnal rewwardd scchemmes.We liist theese thrree iteems sepparaatelly bbut theey aare, off cooursse, inttercconnnectted. SSysttemss annd pproccessses deppendd onn cllariity froom tthe topp. Diffferrenttiattionn annd aaliggnmeent of rewwa

26、rdds ddepeend on mannageers usiing perrforrmannce sysstemms eeffeectiivelly. Diialooguee iss thhe ggluee thhat hollds it alll toogettherr. Butt noot jjustt anny ddialloguue wwilll doo. It musst bbe ddialloguue wwithh puurpoose, foocussed on perrforrmannce.Link to commpanny vvaluuatiionCompaaniees tt

27、hatt maanagge pperfformmancce wwelllGeenerral Eleectrric commes to minndhhavee hiigheer mmarkket valluattionns. Whhy? Beecauuse, moore andd moore, innstiituttionnal invvesttorss viiew strrateegy exeecuttionn ass a vittal facctorr innfluuenccingg sttockk prricees.Just a ffew yeaars agoo innstiituttio

28、nnal invvesttorss reelieed aalmoost excclussiveely on finnancciall meeasuuress foor ccomppanyy vaaluaatioons. Noow 335% of a mmarkket valluattionn iss innfluuencced by nonn-fiinannciaal, inttanggiblle ffacttorss, aaccoordiing to a sstuddy bby EErnsst & Yooungg. Based on a study conducted by Sarah Ma

29、vrinac and Tony Siesfeld for the Ernst & Young Center for Business Innovation. Thee sttudyy shhoweed tthatt “eexeccutiion of corrporratee sttrattegyy” aand “maanaggemeent creedibbiliity” rannkedd nuumbeer oone andd nuumbeer ttwo in impporttancce tto iinsttituutioonall innvesstorrs oout of 22 nonn-fi

30、inannciaal mmeassurees. Joohn Incch, a mmanaaginng ddireectoor aand anaalysst aat BBearr Sttearrns nottes thaat iin ssomee seectoors, suuch as divverssifiied inddusttriaal ccomppaniies, inntanngibbless acccouunt forr evven morreuup tto hhalff a commpannyss vaaluee. “Yoou ccan takke eevenn a munndann

31、e aasseet aand injjectt goood mannageemennt aand havve ssomeethiing preettyy sttronng,” sayys IInchh. 1. Acchieeve Raddicaal CClarrityy byy deecoddingg sttrattegyy att thhe ttopThe ffirsst sstepp inn suucceessffullly eexeccutiing strrateegy is achhievvingg cllariity on thee toop tteamm, wwhicch iis

32、ffreqquenntlyy thhe ssourrce of garrbleed ssignnalss. Lack of Claaritty aat tthe ToppA reccentt Haay GGrouup sstuddy Hay Group partnered with Richard Hackman of Harvard University and Ruth Wageman of Dartmouth College to identify the dynamics of top executive teams and their impact on performance. F

33、rom an initial group of 48 teams, the researchers narrowed their study to 14 teams, many from large global organizations. Each team member represented the head of an organization, a major business division, or a major geography. sshowws aa diistuurbiing lacck oof cclarrityy onn toop tteamms (orrgann

34、izaatioonall cllariity meaasurres thee exxtennt tto wwhicch eemplloyeees unddersstannd wwhatt iss exxpecctedd off thhem andd hoow tthosse eexpeectaatioons connnecct wwithh thhe oorgaanizzatiions llargger goaals). Thee chhartt beeloww shhowss drramaaticcallly hhighher levvelss off cllariity on outtst

35、aandiing vs. avveraage teaams. IIn ffactt thhe bbigggestt siinglle ddifffereencee beetweeen greeat andd avveraage topp teeamss annd ttypiicall onnes wass inn thhe lleveel oof iinteernaal cclarrityy. SSee Figguree 1.Figurre 11: OOrgaanizzatiionaal CClimmatee annd TTeamms58%18%Figure 1: Measures organ

36、izational climate dimensions for outstanding top teams vs. typical ones. For each dimension of climate we asked how the team was performing in reality and how it should be performing. Then we measured the difference or “gap” in their answers. Gaps over 20% hurt performance. The “clarity” gap for typ

37、ical teams was 58% compared with 18% on outstanding teams. Channge Hayy/MccBerr too “SSourrce: Haay GGrouup, Incc.” in finnal verrsioonAnd aa Laack of Claaritty BBeloowWorkeers at lowwer levvelss sttronnglyy feeel thiis llackk off cllariity. FFiguure 2 llookks aat ssatiisfaactiion levvelss foor wwor

38、kkerss pllannningg too leeavee thheirr orrgannizaatioons witthinn twwo yyearrs vverssus thoose plaanniing to staay llongger. TThiss sttudyy shhoweed tthatt a keyy reeasoon ppeopple leaave theeir jobbs iis tthatt thhey feeel ttheiir ccomppaniies lacck ddireectiion. EEvenn ammongg emmplooyeees pplannn

39、inng tto sstayy moore thaan ttwo yeaars at theeir commpanniess, oonlyy 577% ffeltt thheirr orrgannizaatioons hadd a cleear sennse of dirrecttionn.Figurre 22: KKey reaasonns wwhy empployyeess leeavee thheirr coompaaniees Tottal % SSatiisfiied Source: Hay Group, Inc. The results are from our Employee

40、Attitude Survey, which sampled some 300 companies representing more than 1 million workers. Our survey queried management, professionals, salespeople, information technologists, and clerical and hourly workers. The “gap” referred to in the table is the “satisfaction gap” between workers planning to

41、leave within two years and those planning to stay longer.Satissfacctioon wwithh:Emplooyeees pplannninng tto sstayy moore thaan ttwo yeaars (%)Emplooyeees pplannninng tto lleavve iin llesss thhan twoo yeearss (%)GAP(%)1. Usse oof mmy sskillls andd abbiliitiees83%49%34%2. Abbiliity of topp maanaggemee

42、nt74%41%33%3. Coompaany hass cllearr seensee off diirecctioon57%27%30%NOTEE; HHIGHHLIGGHT SECCTIOON 33; MMAKEE ITT POOP GGRAPPHICCALLLYClariity mattterrsWhy ddo eemplloyeees craave claaritty? Thhinkk abboutt itt. Whaat ccoulld bbe mmoree deemorraliizinng tthann thhe rreallizaatioon tthatt yoour harr

43、d wworkk iss noot cconttribbutiing to oveeralll ccomppanyy gooalss? EEmplloyeees wannt tto ddo tthe “riightt” tthinng, butt thhey cann onnly do so if theey kknoww whhat thee riightt thhinggs aare. Unforrtunnateely, ass wee saaw iin oour opeeninng vvignnettte, commpanniess offtenn doontt coommuunicca

44、tee sttrattegiic ggoalls eeffeectiivelly. Ann oiil rrefiinerry cclieent, foor eexammplee, sset a sstraateggic goaal tto ccut cossts. Too seee hhow welll tthe messsagge hhad gotttenn thhrouugh, ann opperaatioons teaam lleadder helld aa sttrattegyy deecodde ssesssionn whheree hee quuizzzed hiss teeam

45、memmberrs oon wwhatt thhey fellt wwas thee chhieff prriorrityy. Tenn teeam memmberrs pprodduceed ffourr diiffeerennt “ttop” objjecttivees, inccluddingg coost-cutttinng, saffetyy, eenviironnmenntall coomplliannce andd reeduccingg saaless prroceessiing timme. Thhe mmesssagee haadnt ggot thrrouggh. Thh

46、e tteamm leeadeer ccallled hiss teeam toggethher andd crreatted a “ttrannsmiitteer ooppoortuunitty.” “Dont yyou guyys rreallizee thhat if we cannt cutt ouur rrefiininng ccostts bby tthreee ccentts aa gaalloon, theeyrre ggoinng tto sshutt uss doown?” hhe ssaidd.“Is tthatt alll yyou neeed uus tto ddo?” repplieed tthe teaam mmembberss, ttakeen aabacck. Uniitedd byy a cleear dirrecttionn annd ssharred ownnersshipp off thhe ccausse, teaam mmembberss ennthuusiaastiicallly cutt coostss byy fiive cennts perr gaalloon ooverr thhe ffolllowiing yeaar wwhille


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