1、见面:Good morningGood afternoon.Mayy I comme iin?Nicce tto mmeett yoou.Thaank youu.告别:Ivve eenjooyedd sppeakkingg wiith youu.Thaatss myy plleassuree. IItss beeen nicce ttalkkingg wiith youu.Welll, nicce tto hhavee beeen tallkinng tto yyou.Thaank youu foor iinteerviiew witth mme. I hhopee too meeet you
2、u aggainn.就某一一个问题题你如果果认为自自己已经经回答完完毕了可可以说:I tthinnk tthatts alll.Thaatss itt, II thhinkk.Havve II annsweeredd yoour queestiion?谈话中中:Thaank youu foor yyourr coompllimeent.Its vveryy kiind of youu too saay sso.Exccusee mee, II guuesss I donnt makke mmyseelf cleear.核实一一下自己己对对方方意思的的理解是是否正确确Do youu innten
3、nd tto ssay thaatDo youu meeanDoees tthatt meeanIf I uundeersttandd riightt下列句句型则通通常用以以表示举举例Forr exxampple,Lett mee giive youu ann exxampple.下列句句型则通通常用以以表示犹犹豫Youu seee,Welll, thee thhingg iss,Welll, youu knnow, err,I mmeannOh, leet mme tthinnk ffor a mmomeentWelll, lett mee seee.Thaatss a verry bbig
4、 / iinteeresstinng / diiffiicullt qquesstioonUm erracctuaallyyinn faactyouu seeetthe thiing is hoow sshalll II puut iit sorrt oofWelll its llikee thhis, yoou sseetheeeeayyyy下列句句型则通通常用以以了解信信息Cann yoou ttelll mee soometthinng aabouut iit?Idd liike to knoow mmoree abboutt表示你对某某事感兴兴趣I ffindd qquitte aat
5、trracttingg.I hhavee soome inttereest inImm innterrestted inMy hobbby isinnterrestts mme aa grreatt deeal.表示你你的意见见As farr ass Im cconccernned, I thiinkAs I ssee it,In my opiinioonPerrsonnallly, I bbeliievee下列句句型则通通常用以以表示重重述 请某人人重述某某事Couuld youu reepeaat tthatt, ppleaase?Couuld youu saay tthatt aggai
6、nn, ppleaase?Imm soorryy?Issorrry, butt I diddntt quuitee caatchh whhat youu weere sayyingg.Issorrry, whaatss thhat? 重述I wwas jusst ssayiingI wwas jusst wwondderiing 换一种种方式重重述in othher worrds,Lett mee puut iit aanottherr waay,Thaatss too saay一般般情况下下,我们们不鼓励励大家打打断考官官的话,但但是如果果确是必必要,那那么请适适用下列列语句:Cann I
7、sayy soometthinng hheree?Cann I addd soometthinng?Exccusee mee foor iinteerruuptiing, buut如何何提出问问题,获获得更多多的信息息及回答答技巧(1)如如何提出出问题I wwas wonnderringg iff yoou ccoulld hhelpp mee. IId likke tto kknowwI wwondder if youu coouldd teell meThiis mmay souund likke aa duumb queestiion, buut IId likke tto kknoww
8、Exccusee mee, ddo yyou knoowI hhopee yoou ddont mmindd myy asskinng, butt Id llikee too knnowWouuld youu miind (veery mucch) telllinng mmeExccusee mee, bbut couuld I aask youu a quiick queestiion?Do youu haappeen tto kknoww (你是是否碰巧巧知道)(2) 回答技技巧:如如何拖延延Welll, lett mee seeeOh, leet mme tthinnk ffor a m
9、minuuteImm noot ssuree; IIlll haave to cheeckThaatss a verry iinteeresstinng qquesstioon.(3)回回答技巧巧:如何何拒绝Imm noot rreallly surre.I ccant aanswwer thaat oone.Imm soorryy, II reeallly ddont kknoww.Ivve ggot no ideea.Idd liike to hellp yyou, buutThaatss soometthinng IId rattherr noot ttalkk abboutt juus
10、t noww.Askk mee annothher queestiion. (别别问我这这个。)(4)如如何获得得更多的的信息Couuld youu teell me somme mmoree abboutt Wouuld youu miind telllinng mme mmoree abboutt Idd liike to knoow mmoree abbouttSommethhingg ellse I wwas wonnderringg abboutt waas Sommethhingg ellse Idd liike to knoow iis SSorrry, thaatss noot
11、 rreallly whaat II meean, Whhat Idd liike to knoow iisSorrry to keeep aafteer yyou, buut ccoulld yyou telll mmeSorrry, I donnt quiite unddersstannd wwhySittuattionnal diaalogguess (情情景对话话)明确:Whho iis yyourr chharaacteer?Whhat doees yyourr chharaacteer nneedd?Whhat rellatiionsshipp dooes youur ccharr
12、actter havve wwithh thhe ccharractter plaayedd byy thhe iinteerviieweer oor aanottherr caandiidatte?见面寒寒暄1. A: Howw arre yyou?B: Nott baad. Howw abboutt yoou?A: I aam vveryy weell, thhankk yoou!B: Its bbeenn a lonng ttimee thhat we havvent sseenn eaach othher.A: Its rreallly hass beeen a llongg tiim
13、e.2. A: Hi, Im JJackk.B: Imm Jeean.A: Nicce tto mmeett yoou.B: Me, tooo.A: Wheere aree yoou ffromm?B: Beiijinng, Chiina.A: Oh, reeallly! Aree yoou hhavee onn vaacattionn orr onn buusinnesss?B: Neiitheer. Imm a stuudennt hheree.A: Is thaat rrighht? Whiich uniiverrsitty?B: Eassterrn WWashhinggtonnUnii
14、verrsitty.A: Whaat aare youu sttudyyingg?B: Bussineess EduucattionnA: Oh, thhat souundss innterresttingg.B: Nott baad. Whaat aabouut yyou? Arre yyou a sstuddentt, ttoo?A: No, I worrk ffor an autto ccomppanyy inn toown.3. A: Hi, Im .B: Imm .A: Glaad tto mmeett yoou.B: Nicce tto mmeett yoou.A: Aree yo
15、ou ffromm arrounnd hheree?B: No, frrom Chiina, buut II liive in thee Sttatees.A: Reaallyy? NNo wwondder youu sppeakk Enngliish so welll.Whaat ddo yyou do?B: Imm ann annalyyst.A: Youu meean a ppsycchoaanallystt orr ann ecconoomicc annalyyst?B: Neiitheer, a sstocck mmarkket anaalysst.A: Oh, itts no ea
16、ssy jjob to anaalyzze aand preedicct tthe quootattionns oon tthe stoock excchannge. Doo yoou wworkk inn toown?B: Yeaah, I wworkk foor tthe Marrlooo Reeseaarchh Innstiitutte.A: Mm. ssounnds greeat.B: Welll, whaat aabouut yyou, whhats yyourr joob?A: Imm a truuck driiverr.B: I jjustt caantt immagiine d
17、riivinng aa huuge truuck.A: Its eeasyy. YYou wannt ttry it? Itts funn.B: Oh, thhankk yoou, butt I preeferr noot.电话用语1. A: Helllo, iss in noww?B: Imm soorryy, yyou havve tthe wroong nummberr.A: Oh, Im rreallly sorrry.A: Helllo, thhis is , I wouuld likke tto sspeaak tto .B: Sorrry, shhe iis nnot herre
18、. Do youu haave anyy meessaage forr heer?A: Illl ccalll aggainn inn 200 miinuttes.2. A: Helllo?B: Helllo! Luucy? Thhis is Tedd.A: Oh, heelloo, TTed, hoow aare youu dooingg?B: Finne tthannks, Luucy, hoow aare youu?A: preettyy goood. Whhats oon yyourr miind?B: Whaat aare youu dooingg thhis weeekennd?A
19、: Notthinng. Whyy?B: Welll, Imm haavinng sseveerall frriennds oveer ffor dinnnerr thhis commingg Saaturrdayy, aand I wwas wonnderringg iff yooulll hhavee tiime to joiin uus.A: Souundss innterresttingg. WWhatt tiime wouuld youu liike me to comme?B: Is sixx o cllockk alll rrighht?A: Thaatss fiine. I t
20、hiink I ccan makke iit.B: Verry ggoodd. IIlll seee yyou Satturdday. Goood-byee.A: Thaank youu foor ccalllingg. SSo llongg.3. A: offficee. WWhatt caan II doo foor yyou?B: Hi, thhis oof AABC commpanny. Is Mr. Roobinn thheree?A: Waiit aa miinutte, Illl ggo aand finnd hhim. Soorryy, hhe iis nnot in thee
21、 offficce aat tthe mommentt.B: Couuld youu teell me wheere I ccan gett hiim oon ee phhonee noow? Ivve ggot sommethhingg urrgennt.A: I hhavee noo iddea wheere he is, buut hhe ssaidd hee woouldd bee baack earrly thiis aafteernooon. Heelll bee haavinng aa saaless meeetiing. Caan II taake a mmesssagee?B
22、: Yess, ppleaase. Woouldd yoou aask himm too caall me as sooon aas hhe ggetss baackss. TThe phoone nummberr iss .A: , is thaat rrighht?B: Yess.A: Andd yoour namme iis?B: of ABCC Coompaany.A: I ggot it. Okk, II wiill havve MMr. Robbin calll yyou thee moomennt hhe ccomees bbackk.B: Thhankks aa loot.A:
23、 Youuree weelcoome. Goood-byee.问路1. A: Exccusee mee, ccoulld yyou shoow mme hhow to gett too ?2. A: I aam llostt. IIs ttherre aa suubwaay sstattionn arrounnd hheree?3. A: Exccusee mee. DDo yyou knoow hhow to gett too ?4. A: Wheere cann I finnd , pleeasee?Ansswerrs:1. Ok, yoou ggo ssoutth tthreee bbl
24、occks. Onn yoour rigght hannd ssidee. YYou willl ssee a hhugee buuilddingg. TThatts it.2. Yess, yyou go thiis wway unttil youu geet tto tthe nexxt ttraffficc liightt. TThe subbwayy enntraancee iss juust oveer ttherre.3. Imm soorryy. IIm nott faamilliarr wiith thiis aareaa, ppleaase askk soomebbodyy
25、ellse.4. Keeep wwalkkingg doown thiis hhalll waay aand in froont of thee esscallatoor oon tthe rigght hannd ssidee, yyoull finnd iit.闲聊1天天气A: Whaat aa sttufffy hhot dayy!B: I ccant sstannd tthiss kiind of weaatheer aanymmoree.A: Whaat wweirrd wweattherr.B: Its pprobbablly ddue to thee soo- ccallled
26、El Ninno eeffeect.A: Thee TVV saaid thaat ttodaay wwe mmighht hhavee raain.B: Donnt youu beelieeve thee weeathher forrecaastss?A: Its aalwaays wroong.B: Butt yooudd beetteer bbrinng aan uumbrrellla wwithh yoou.2.电电视节目目A: Whaat kkindd off TVV prrogrramss doo yoou llikee?B: I llikee waatchhingg neew p
27、proggramms.A: Whyy doo yoou llikee too waatchh thhat kinnd oof pproggramm.B:II thhinkk keeepiing mysselff innforrmedd off thhe llateest worrld newws iis vveryy immporrtannt.B: Whaat pproggramm doo yoou llikee moost?A: Thee Diiscooverry CChannnell onn caablee TVV iss thhe oone I llikee moost. Itts fu
28、lll oof kknowwleddge andd iss a verry ggoodd edducaatioonall chhannnel. I likke tto wwatcch iit wwithh myy faamilly.3兴兴趣爱好好A: Whaat aare youur hhobbbiess?B: I llikee muusicc.A: Cann yoou pplayy anny kkindd off muusiccal insstruumennt?B: I ccan plaay ppianno, butt Im nnot verry ggoodd att itt.B: Howw
29、 abboutt yoou?A: I kknoww noothiing aboout anyy muusiccal insstruumennt. Butt I havve aa coolleectiion of manny ddifffereent CDss annd rrecoordss.4体体育运动动A: Mr. , wwhatts youur ffavooritte ssporrt?B: My favvoriite spoot iis ttennnis.A: Whaat iis tthe mosst ppopuularr spportt inn Chhinaa?B: Pinng-PPon
30、gg iss thhe mmostt poopullar onee inn Chhinaa.A: In ourr coounttry, wee prrefeer ssocccer to pinng-ppongg.B: If it is thee coonveenieent forr yoou, howw abboutt wee goo too waatchh thhe pproffesssionnal pinng-ppongg gaame toggethher tommorrrow?A: I wwoulld bbe ggladd too.讨论问问题、分分享意见见这类话话题可以以涉及的的对象比比
31、较广泛泛,但是是不论说说什么,都都会用到到下面这这六组句句型。1AAskiing forr oppiniionssWhaatss yoour opiinioon oof ?Whaat ddo yyou thiink of?Howw doo yoou ffeell abboutt?I wwas wonnderringg whhat youur oopinnionn off wwas?I wwas wonnderringg whheree yoou sstoood oon tthe queestiion of?Whaat aabouut?2. givvingg oppiniionssIdd lii
32、ke to poiint outtAs farr ass Im cconccernned,In my opiinioon,Froom mmy ppoinnt oof vvieww, II thhinkkPerrsonnallly, I tthinnkIt wouuld seeem tto mme tthattAs farr ass Im aablee too juudgeeFraanklly, I tthinnk.I rreckkon.If youu assk mmeYouu knnow whaat II thhinkk, II thhinkk thhat.Idd saay tthattThe
33、e poointt iss Wouuldnnt youu saay tthatt?Donnt youu aggreee thhat?As I ssee itIdd juust likke tto ssay thaat II thhinkk thhat3. aggreeeinggI aagreee eentiirelly.I ttotaallyy aggreee.I ccoulldnt aagreee mmoree.I aagreee wwithh yoou oon tthatt.Thaatss juust whaat II waas tthinnkinng.Youu knnow, thhats
34、 eexacctlyy whhat I tthinnk.Thaatss a goood ppoinnt.I ttakee yoou ppoinnt.Imm wiith youu onn thhat.Idd goo allongg wiith youu onn thhat /thheree.4. dissagrreeiingdo youu reeallly tthinnk sso?I wouuldnnt agrree.I ddisaagreee.I ssee whaat yyou meaan, butt.Yess, tthatts quiite truue, buttImm noot rreal
35、lly surre iif II woouldd aggreee wiith youu onn thhat.Imm noot ssuree I quiite agrree.Welll, youu haave a ppoinnt ttherre, buttPerrhapps, butt doontt yoou tthinnk tthatt5. askkingg foor eexpllanaatioons (opptioonall)Imm soorryy, II doontt quuitee unnderrstaand whaat yyou mann byyI ddidnnt quiite fol
36、lloww whhat youu weere sayyingg abbouttImm affraiid IIm nott reeallly vveryy cllearr abboutt whhat youu meean byI ddont qquitte ssee whaat yyoure getttinng aatWhaat ddo yyou meaan bby ?6. givvingg exxplaanattionns (opttionnal)Welll, thee poointt Im ttryiing to makke iis tthattLett mee puut iit aanot
37、therr waaySorrry, leet mme eexpllainnWhaat II meean is thaatWhaat IIm sayyingg iss thhat道歉需要道道歉的场场合也很很多,但但是总离离不开以以下的句句型,跟跟上一个个大类一一样,大大家只要要按照顺顺序,将将自己要要说的具具体内容容套在下下面的句句型中就就可以了了:1. apoologgiziing-admmitttingg miistaakessImm teerriiblyy soorryy, bbut I sseemm too haave Imm veery sorrry forr Imm soorryy
38、thhatI mmustt appoloogizze fforImm noot qquitte ssuree hoow tto pput thiis, butt.Imm affraiid IIvee goot ssomeethiing to telll yyou2. makkingg exxcussesI hhad no inttenttionn off rreallly.It reaallyy waasnt mmy ffaullt, youu seeeI ddidnnt meaan tto, reaallyy3. forrgivvingg-acccepptinng aapollogiiesO
39、h, thhats aalriightt. DDont wworrry.Oh, neeverr miind, itt dooesnnt reaallyy maatteer.Pleeasee doontt bllamee yooursselff.Thaatss OKK. FForgget it.4. apoologgiziing forr chhanggingg fuuturre pplannsImm teerriiblyy soorryy abboutt thhis butt I donnt thiink Illl bbe aablee too I hhopee thhis doeesnt p
40、put youu ouut ttoo mucch, butt Im aafraaid I wwont bbe aablee too Youu knnow I ssaidd Id welll IIm afrraidd II caantt noow.抱怨1.A: Helllo, thhis is oof tthe Oriienttal Traadinng CComppanyy. IId likke tto sspeaak tto tthe offficee maanagger.B: Holld tthe linne, pleeasee. IIlll seee iif MMisss Grreenn
41、iss inn GGo aaheaad, Misss GGreeen ccan takke yyourr caall.A: Helllo, Miiss Greeen, thhis is oof tthe Oriienttal Traadinng CComppanyy. IIm afrraidd I havve tto mmakee a serriouus ccompplaiint.B: Helllo, Mrr. . Whaat sseemms tto bbe tthe trooublle?A: Ivve bbeenn fllyinng AAir Chiina forr neearlly ssi
42、x yeaars, Miiss Greeen, annd II muust sayy thhat I hhavee allwayys bbeenn veery sattisffiedd wiith thee seerviice, buut llastt Saaturrdayy soometthinng hhapppeneed wwhicch wwas ineexcuusabble.B: Cann yoou ggivee mee thhe ddetaailss, MMr. A: yess. II waas sscheedulled on Fliightt 5443 ffromm Beeijiing to Siddneyy .B: I ssee. Im vveryy soorryy