1、ISO 9001:2000 QUALITY MANUAL WOLSTENNHOLMEE INTEERNATIIONAL LIMITTED CONTENTTS1.0 Sccope oof thee Quallity MManageement Systeem at Wolsttenhollme Innternaationaal Limmited1.1 SStatemment oof Quaality Policcy2.0 Quualityy Manaagemennt Sysstem DDocumeented Proceeduress2.1Doocumennt Conntrol2.2Coontrol
2、l of QQualitty Reccords2.3Innternaal Quaality Auditts2.4Coontroll of NNonconnformiing Prroductt2.5Coorrecttive AActionn2.6Prreventtativee Actiion3.0 Quaality Managgementt Systtem Prrocessses annd Intterrellationns3.1 Orrganissationn Charrts3.2 Reesponssibiliities3.3 Innterreelatioon of Proceesses3.4
3、 Prrocessses1.0 Scoope off the Qualiity Maanagemment SSystemm at WWolsteenholmme Intternattionall LimiitedWolstennholmee Inteernatiional Limitted iss a Coompanyy withh a loong-sttandinng succcessfful hiistoryy of ssupplyying mmetal powdeers, pastees, peelletss, varrnish, offsset innk, fllexogrraphy
4、ink aand otther rrelateed prooductss for use iin a llarge rangee of aappliccationns, onn a woorldwiide baasis. The sscope of thhe Quaality Managgementt Systtem enncompaasses all aactiviities on thhe Darrwen SSite.The Mettallicc Powdders OOperattion aat Darrwen iis ressponsiible ffor thhe mannufacttu
5、re aand suupply of meetal ppowderrs andd pigmments mainlly in alumiinium, coppper annd braass (bbronzee) bassed allloys, for use iin priintingg, inkks, pllasticcs andd otheer inddustriial annd enggineerring aappliccationns.The Inkk Operrationn at DDarwenn is rresponnsiblee for the mmanufaacturee of
6、aa widee rangge andd typee of pprintiing innk, oone-paack ggold iink, varniish annd rellated printting pproduccts.All prooductiion prrocessses att Darwwen arre vallidateed beffore lleavinng thee sitee and as suuch suub-claause 77.5.2 is exxcludeed. The oveerall operaation at Daarwen is coontrollled
7、bby thee Ink & Priint buusinesss uniit andd the Indusstriall busiiness unit.Techniccal Seervicee and Reseaarch aand Deeveloppment are vvital to thhe futture ddeveloopmentt of tthe Coompanyy, toggetherr withh undeerstannding and ddevelooping new pproduccts annd appplicattions for oour cuustomeers.The
8、 mannufactturingg, tecchnicaal andd admiinistrrationn funcctionss of tthe Coompanyy are basedd in DDarwenn, Lanncashiire, Englland aand emmploy some 210 sstaff at thhat loocatioon. Throughh the appliicatioon of Qualiity Maanagemment SSystemms andd Comppany wwide ttrainiing prrogrammmes, Wolsttenholl
9、me Innternaationaal Ltdd. is commiitted to ennsurinng conntinuoous immproveementss to bboth iits prrocessses annd prooduct technnologyy.WOLSTENNHOLMEE INTEERNATIIONAL LTD.QUALITYY POLIICYWolstennholmee Inteernatiional Limitted iss commmittedd to tthe prrovisiion off custtomer satissfactiion. QQualit
10、ty in everyythingg we ddo is the ccentraal inggredieent inn the abovee commmitmennt. Ouur commmitmeent gooes beeyond mainttaininng a qqualitty sysstem wwhich fullyy compplies with the rrequirrementts of BS-EEN-ISOO 90011. We are ccommittted tto achhievinng, maaintaiining and iimprovving ooveralll or
11、gganisaationaal perrformaance aand caapabillitiess by tthe appplicaation of thhe priinciplles ouutlineed in BS-ENN-ISO 9004:2000We willl mainntain and ccontinnuouslly impprove our qqualitty mannagemeent syystem by thhe settting of meeasuraable qqualitty objjectivves tthrougghout the oorganiisatioon
12、andd vigoorous interrnal aauditss. We will revieew ourr perfformannce att reguular mmanageement revieews. AAdditiional inputts to thesee reviiews wwill aalso iincludde cusstomerr feeddback, proccess pperforrmancee and produuct coonformmance. The primee outpput off the revieew willl be to ennsure con
13、tiinuingg custtomer satissfactiion annd impprovemment oof prooductss.As partt of tthis ccommittment we wiill iddentiffy andd meett the trainning nneeds of ouur empployeees, soo ensuuring that the nneeds of ouur cusstomerrs aree met. Thiss Poliicy wiill bee madee avaiilablee throoughouut ourr orgaani
14、sattion tto enssure tthat tthe coommitmment tto ourr custtomerss is cclear and wwidelyy undeerstoood.Chris RRavensscrofttManaginng Dirrectorr2.0 Quualityy Manaagemennt Sysstem DDocumeented Proceeduress2.1. Doocumennt ConntrolAll quaality systeem doccumenttationn willl be mmade aavailaable vvia suupe
15、rviision in thhe Triianglee ISO Achieever PPlus ddatabaases. All ddocumeents rrelatiing too the qualiity syystem will be coontrollled. Changges too quallity ssystemm docuumentaation may bbe prooposedd by aany meember of thhe Commpany. Succh prooposedd channges wwill bbe revviewedd by tthe Maanagemme
16、nt RRepressentattive wwho wiill liiaise with otherr quallity ssystemm docuumentaation userss as nnecesssary. Dead Trianngle IISO Acchieveer Pluus doccumentts willl be archiived wwithinn the databbases.REF: Coontroll of QQualitty/ Ennvironnmentaal Doccumentts- WIIQSP.11 Conntrol of Quualityy Recoords
17、All quaality recorrds wiill bee mainntaineed andd conttrolleed. Thhe reccords will be leegiblee and storeed in such a mannner aas to proteect thhem frrom daamage, losss and deterriorattion. Qualiity reecordss willl alsoo be sstoredd and clearrly loocatedd in ssuch aa mannner ass to ffaciliitate easy
18、 retriieval of innformaation.REF: Coontroll of QQualitty/ Ennvironnmentaal Reccords - WIQQSP.22.3 Interrnal QQualitty AudditsInternaal auddits wwill bbe carrried out iin acccordannce wiith Coompanyy proccedurees andd willl be cconduccted ffor anny of the ffollowwing rreasonns:-(i) On a schedduled ba
19、siss.(ii) As a resullt of a cusstomerr compplaintt (parrt or full auditt)(iii)AAs a rresultt of tthe neeed foor neww proccedurees to accommmodatte neww busiiness situaationss.(iv)Unn-scheeduledd Audiits ass requuestedd by tthe Opperatiions DDirecttor orr Manaagemennt Reppresenntativve.(v)Folllow-uup
20、 auddits (part or fuull auudits) willl takee placce in orderr to eestabllish tthe efffectiivenesss of relevvant aaudit relatted Coorrecttive AActionn Requuests previiouslyy raissed.Thhe mannagemeent off inteernal auditts willl be the rresponnsibillity oof thee Manaagemennt Reppresenntativve, whho wi
21、lll alsso be respoonsiblle forr ensuuring that any nnecesssary ccorrecctive actioons arre sattisfacctorilly impplemennted aand cllosed out iin thee releevant deparrtmentt by tthe deeclareed deaadlinee datee.Internaal auddits wwill bbe carrried out aas laiid dowwn in the iinternnal auudit sscheduule
22、byy traiined ppersonnnel hhavingg no ddirectt invoolvemeent wiith thhe deppartmeent, ssectioon or functtion bbeing interrnallyy audiited. If foor anyy reasson ann audiit cannnot bbe commpleteed as schedduled, the Managgementt Reprresenttativee willl re-sscheduule ass requuired.REF: Innternaal Auddit
23、s - WIQQSP.32.4 Conntrol of Noon-Connformiing PrroducttsAll nonn-confforminng prooductss willl be cclearlly ideentifiied wiith thhe rellevantt idenntificcationn labeel, orr heldd in cclearlly ideentifiied arreas aand reemovedd fromm normmal prroducttion oor stoorage areass to aawait a dissposall dec
24、iision.Where pproduccts arre thoought to bee margginallly susspect, and re-innspecttion oor re-testiing reequireed, thhey wiill bee cleaarly iidentiified as suuch annd onlly relleasedd for use ssubjecct to passiing thhe re-testiing sttage aand a suitaable eend usse ideentifiied. Where produucts aare
25、 foound tto be outsiide sppecifiicatioon, thhey maay be re-woorked in acccordaance wwith rrelevaant prroceduures, or cooncesssion ssoughtt fromm the custoomer. Corrrectivve andd Peveentitiive acctionss willl be iimplemmentedd wherre neccessarry to deterrmine the rroot ccause of thhe nonn-confformann
26、ce.Non-connformiing prroductts dettectedd at tthe gooods iinwardd stagge willl be rejeccted, and tthe quuestioon of dispoosal ddiscusssed wwith tthe suupplieer. Thhe suppplierr willl be aadviseed of the rrejecttion bby thee Purcchasinng Deppartmeent.REF:Conntrol of Noon-Connformiing Prroductts - WIQ
27、SPP.4a, 4b annd 4c2.5 Correectivee ActiionCorrecttive aactionn willl be rraisedd as aa resuult off non-confoormancces iddentiffied dduringg inteernal auditts, whhen suupplieers prrovidee defeectivee mateerialss or sservicces, wwhen ccustommers hhave ccause to coomplaiin or folloowing in-prrogresss/
28、fiinal iinspecction. Corrrectiive acction requeests mmay allso bee raissed inn an eeffortt to iimprovve currrent workiing prractisses. Correectivee actiions aand cuustomeer commplainnts wiill bee reviiewed at Maanagemment RRevieww Meettings.When noon-connformiing prroductts or serviices aare iddenti
29、ffied, the rroot ccause of thhe prooblem will be innvestiigatedd, corrrectiive acction takenn and preveentatiive meeasurees iniitiateed to precllude aa recuurrencce.REF: Coorrecttive AActionn - WWIQSP.52.6 Prevventattive AActionnCorrecttive aactionn is ttaken as a resullt of Produuct orr proccess nn
30、onconnformiity. IIt is hencce a rreactiive meeasuree and does not nnecesssarilyy prevvent ffurtheer nonn confformannce. PPrevenntive actioon aimms to identtify pproducct or proceess coonformmity bbeforee suchh an eevent happeens annd. iss thuss a prroactiive meeasuree. Thhe reqquiremment ffor prreve
31、nttive aactionn is eestabllishedd by tthe annalysiis andd reviiew off meassuremeent daata wiithin the CCompanny. Alll succh datta witthin tthe Coompanyy willl be ssubjecct to evaluuationn as tto thee requuiremeent foor preeventaative actioons too be ttaken in orrder tthat ppotenttial pprocessses oor
32、 prooduct non cconforrmitiees aree idenntifieed.REF: Prreventtativee Actiion - WIQSPP.63.00Qualiity Maanagemment SSystemms Proocessees andd Inteerrelaationss1.2.2 RespponsibbitiessManaginng DirrectorrThe Mannagingg Direector is reesponssible to thhe Wollstenhholme Interrnatioonal LLtd Booard oof Dir
33、rectorrs andd has overaall reesponssibiliity foor alll Comppany ooperattions such as saales, qualiity, ddesignn andd deveelopmeent off the produucts/ serviices ssuppliied too the custoomer.Operatiions DDirecttorThe Opeeratioons Diirectoor is respoonsiblle to the MManagiing Diirectoor forr all produu
34、ctionn and enginneerinng opperatiions. The OOperattions Direcctor aalso rreportts to the BBoard of Maanagemment oon thee operrationn of tthe ISSO 90001 Quaality Systeem.SARA (MManageement Repreesentaative)The SARRA Maanagerr is rresponnsiblee to tthe Opperatiions DDirecttor foor thee upkeeep annd ma
35、iintenaance oof thee quallity ssystemm to tthe reequireementss of BBS-EN-ISO 99001 :2000 The SARA Managger (MMR) reepreseents tthe Coompanyy on aall quualityy assuurancee mattters, pertiinent to thhe quaality systeem as estabblisheed by the ccontraact reequireementss, reggulatoory reequireementss an
36、d qualiity pooliciees andd proccedurees.The SAARA Maanagerr (MR) has the pprimarry ressponsiibilitty to struccture the qqualitty sysstem wwhich will invollve alll secctionss and also to ennsure complliancee withh all qualiity syystem requiiremennts.Specifiicallyy, thee Manaagemennt Reppresenntativve
37、 is invollved iin areeas suuch ass:- Draffting the ppolicyy on qqualitty asssurancce of the CCompanny aloong wiith thhe Opeeratioons Diirectoor.-Settiing thhe quaality managgementt objeectivees of the CCompanny.-Reporrting on thhe perrformaance oof thee Quallity SSystemm at MManageement Revieew Meee
38、tingss.-Deterrmininng andd repoortingg the princciple causees of qualiity syystem non-cconforrmancees.-Monittoringg the qualiity syystem to deetermiine whhere iimprovvementts aree needded annd monnitoriing thhe neccessarry correectivee actiion.-Mainttain ccontacct witth thee exteernal Regisstratiion
39、 Boody onn mattters rrelatiing too the operaation of thhe Quaality Systeem.SARA Maanagerr is rresponnsiblee to tthe Opperatiions DDirecttor foor thee upkeeep annd maiintenaance oof alll the ISO SSystemms andd the Compaany Heealth and SSafetyy Poliicy. TThe SAARA Maanagerr is aalso rresponnsiblee for
40、 driviing thhe E,HH&S pooliciees witthin tthe Coompanyy.Techniccal DiirectoorsThe Tecchnicaal Dirrectorrs forr pigmments and iinks aare reesponssible to thhe Mannagingg Direector . annd inkk and printt Direector respeectiveely foor enssuringg thatt proccessess and equippment are ddesignned annd devv
41、elopeed succh thaat prooduct of thhe higghest attaiinablee quallity iis prooducedd conssistenntly aand effficieently.Human RResourrces aand Addminisstratiion MaanagerrThe Humman Reesourcces annd Admministtratioon Mannager reporrts too the Managging DDirecttor annd is respoonsiblle forr manaaging all
42、 aaspectts of the ppersonnnel ffunctiion, wwhich incluudes tthe faacilittatingg, co-ordinnatingg, reccordinng perrsonneel isssues aand trraininng, wiithin Wolsttenhollme Innternaationaal Ltdd.Ink Mannufactturingg ManaagerThe Inkk Manuufactuuring Managger iss respponsibble too the Operaationss Direec
43、tor for tthe coontroll of sstockss, mannpowerr and the pprocesss neccessarry to produuce prroductts to the ccorrecct speecificcationn withhin a givenn timee. Sales DDirecttorsThe Salles Diirectoors arre ressponsiible tto thee Manaaging Direcctor ffor ennsurinng thaat cusstomerrs reequireementss for
44、the ssale oof priintingg/ inddustriial poowderss, passtes, pelleets, iinks, varniishes and rrelateed Commpany produucts aare taaken, revieewed aand deealt wwith eefficiientlyy.UK Finaanciall Conttrolleer andd Purcchasinng Mannager.The UK Finanncial Contrrollerr & Puurchassing MManageer is respoonsib
45、lle to the FFinanccial DDirecttor foor thee effeectivee conttrol aand reeportiing off manuufactuuring costss incuurred by thhe mannufactturingg faciility at thhe Darrwen ssite.There iis alsso a rresponnsibillity tto thee Finaanciall Direector for tthe efffectiive annd ecoonomicc proccuremeent off ra
46、w materrials and cconsummabless usedd in tthe buusinesss of the CCompanny.Researcch andd Deveelopmeent MaanagerrsResearcch andd Deveelopmeent Maanagerrs aree respponsibble too Techhnicall Direectorss for managging RResearrch annd Devvelopmment pprojeccts, mmaintaainingg custtomer contaact duuring the pprojecct devvelopmment sstagess and the ggeneraal runnning of reesearcch labboratoories.Bronze Manuffacturring MManageer / OOffsett Ink R&D MManageerThe Broonze MManufaacturiing Maanagerr and Offseet Inkk R&D Managger (iink opperatiions) are rresponnsiblee to tthe Teechniccal Diirectoors foor t