1、Donald JobsNo.67, Lane123 Job Road, Job District, Shanghai (+86) 138-0013-Objective: Risk Control OfficerEDUCATIONColumbia UniversityGraduate School of Arts and SciencesMay 2013 MA Mathematics of FinanceNew York, USA Relevant coursework: Corporate Finance, Capital Markets, Research Methods. GPA 3.95
2、/4.0Double degree programme: Universitt HamburgHamburg, Germany. June 2009 MSc Program in Economics and Statistics - Fakultt Wirtschafts- und SozialwissenschaftenRelevant coursework: Probability, PDEs, Macroeconomics.London School of EconomicsLondon, England June 2009 MSc in Econometrics and Interna
3、tional Relations Relevant coursework: Long Wave Theory, Statistics, Operations Research.WORK EXPERIENCE European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Statistical Analyst EBRD Representative Office, Moscow Monetary and Economic DepartmentJan 2011-Jul 2012 Statistical assistance to policy no
4、tes and working papers. Research assistance to the EBRD Eastern European Research Programme.Research AnalystEBRD Headquarters, London Research Support June 2010-Dec 2011 Provide econometric assistance for research projects. Compile and process statistics for regular publications (the Quarterly and A
5、nnual Reports). Statistical assistance to policy notes and seminars.Deutsche Bank AG (DB) DB HeadquartersFrankfurt am Main The DB Econometrics Internship Programme 2009 Jan 2009-June 2009 Econometric Modeling Division Worked with team in charge of macroeconomic projections for Euro area.The DB Stati
6、stics Internship Programme 2008 Jul 2008-Dec 2008 Financial Institutions and Markets Division Monetary & Financial Institutions Interest Rates: data production and review. Capital Markets Survey: draft assessment reports and liaise with central banks.TECHNICAL SKILLS Programming: C, C+. Matlab, FAME
7、. Statistical software: EViews, R, STATA. MS Office: Excel, Visual Basic for Applications, Word.LANGUAGES German: Fluent, English: Fluent. French: Very good reading. Good writing and speaking.SCHOLARSHIPS LSE Graduate Fellowship Program 2005-2006. DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) 最新各大银行招聘笔试复习资料、考点讲义、历年笔试试题及机考模拟系统、手机app等一整套复习资料推荐7年皇冠专业老店天天向上求职教育(旺旺客服: galerjim) ERASMUS scholarship.