1、Western alcoholp Liquor(烈酒)p Beerp WineThe strongest liquor in the worldn Gin (琴酒/金酒)nWhisky nBrandy nVodkanRum n Tequila (龙舌兰) vodka(伏特加) Vodka Vodka is a relatively light liquor which is popular in America. Vodka is also called Russian Vodka , This colorless vodka can be tasted alone, also can mix
2、 other ingredients of juice together to make cocktails(鸡尾酒).rum(朗姆酒) Rum Rum, is the sugarcane molasses as raw material to produce a distillation wine, also known as rum, LanM wine or rum. Origin in Cuba, has a sweet flavor.tequilaTequila (龙舌兰酒) Tequila is Mexico specialities, known as Mexicos soul.
3、 tequila, a small town in Mexico, this wine is its name. Tequila sometimes called “tequila” liquor, because this wine is very special of its raw material ,agave(龙舌兰).Wiskey (威士忌酒) Whisky Whisky is made from barley, rye and corn grain. The most famous and representative one are scotch whisky ,Irish w
4、hiskey, American whiskey and Canada whisky.Wine(葡萄酒)Wine Wine can be simply divided into three categories:Table wines ,Sparkling Wines ,and Fortified Wines(加浓度的). Table wines There are two kinds of table wine, red wine and white wine. White wine are always served chilled, and red wine are served at
5、room temperature. So red wine cup can be more round shape, with wider edge, by contrast, the cup of white wine are longer.Sparkling Wines champagne is the most famous sparkling wine. People drink champagne at the wedding or celebration party.ChampagneBeerDifference drinking rites between China and t
6、he western Chinese people show respect to other people such as the younger generation propose a toast to the elders when drinking, while the western to the drinks. the most important thing they think is to fully enjoy . They dont toast very often, but in the situation like celebrationWhats Offensive
7、Fail to consume a vodka shot in one gulp in Russia, and your host will not be impressed. Refill your own wine glass in France without offering more to the rest of the table, and youve made a faux pas. In South Korea, women can pour only mens drinks-not other womens-and if you want a refill, you need
8、 to drain your glass. And if youre in Latin America, never pour with your left hand-thats bad luck.不同文化的饮酒礼仪也迥异。在俄罗斯,你若不能一口喝完杯中的伏不同文化的饮酒礼仪也迥异。在俄罗斯,你若不能一口喝完杯中的伏特加酒,主人就会很不满意。而在法国,只给自己添酒而不顾及同桌特加酒,主人就会很不满意。而在法国,只给自己添酒而不顾及同桌的其他客人,会被看作失礼。在韩国,女性只能给男性倒酒的其他客人,会被看作失礼。在韩国,女性只能给男性倒酒不能不能为其他女性倒酒为其他女性倒酒如果你想添酒,要先把杯
9、里的酒喝干。在拉丁美如果你想添酒,要先把杯里的酒喝干。在拉丁美洲,千万不要用左手倒酒洲,千万不要用左手倒酒那会带来坏运气。那会带来坏运气。Words about drinking How about a drink with us? I am still sober.(我还很清醒) Im loaded (我醉了) Would you like a refill /one more? Make it two.(再来一杯) I have a hangover. (hangover 宿醉) aged wine (陈酿葡萄酒) Lets make a toast. Drink like a fish.