1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.国际商会托托收统一规规则(中中英文版)(ICC Unifform Rulees foor Coollecctionns ICCC Puubliccatioon Noo. 5222 ) ICC UUnifoorm RRuless forr ColllecttionssICC Publlicattion No. 52211995 Reviisionn in forcce ass of Januuary 1, 11996CCONTEENTA. Gennerall
2、Proovisiions and DefiinitiionsAAppliicatiion oof URRC 5222Deffinittion of CColleectioonParrtiess to a CoollecctionnB. FForm and Struucturre off ColllecttionssC. FForm of PPreseentattionPPreseentattionSSightt/AccceptaanceRReleaase oof Coommerrciall DoccumenntsDoocumeents Agaiinst Acceeptannce (D/A) v
3、s Docuumentts Aggainsst Paaymennt (DD/P)CCreattion of DDocummentssD. LLiabiilitiies aand RRespoonsibbilittiesGGood Faitth annd Reeasonnablee CarreDoccumennts vvs. GGoodss/Serrvicees/PeerforrmanccesDiisclaaimerr forr Actts off an Insttructted PPartyyDiscclaimmer oon Doocumeents ReceeiveddDiscclaimmer
4、 oon Efffecttivenness of DDocummentssDiscclaimmer oon Deelayss, Looss iin Trransiit annd TrransllatioonForrce MMajeuureE. PayymenttPaymment Withhout DelaayPayymentt in Locaal CuurrenncyPaaymennt inn Forreignn CurrrenccyParrtiall PayymenttF. IInterrest, Chaargess andd ExppenseesIntteresstChaargess an
5、dd ExppenseesG. Otheer PrrovissionssAcceeptanncePrromisssoryy Nottes aand ootherr InsstrucctionnsProotesttCasee-of-NeeddAdviicesAA. Geeneraal Prrovissionss andd Deffinittionss总则和定定义Artticlee 1Apppliccatioon off URCC 5222第一款:托收统统一规则第5222号的应用用。a. The Unifform Rulees foor Coollecctionns, 11995 Reviisio
6、nn, ICCC Puubliccatioon Noo.5222, shhall applly too alll colllecttionss as defiined in AArticcle 22 wheere ssuch rulees arre inncorpporatted iinto the textt of the “colllectiion iinstrructiion” refferreed too in Artiicle 4 annd arre biindinng onn alll parrtiess theeretoo unlless otheerwisse exxpress
7、sly agreeed oor coontraary tto thhe prrovissionss of a naationnal, statte orr loccal llaw aand/oor reegulaationn whiich ccannoot bee depparteed frrom. 国际商会第第522号出出版物托托收统一规规则19995年修修订本将适适用于第二二款所限定定的、并在在第四款托托收指示中中列明适用用该项规则则的所有托托收项目。除非另有有明确的约约定,或与与某一国家家、某一政政府,或与与当地法律律和尚在生生效的条例例有所抵触触,本规则则对所有的的关系人均均具有约束束
8、力。b. Bannks sshalll havve noo oblligattion to hhandlle eiitherr a ccolleectioon orr anyy colllecttion insttructtion or ssubseequennt reelateed innstruuctioons. 银行没有义义务必须办办理某一托托收或任何何托收指示示或以后的的相关指示示。c. If aa bannk ellectss, foor anny reeasonn, noot too hanndle a coollecctionn or any relaated insttruct
9、tionss recceiveed byy it, it mustt advvise the partty frrom wwhom it rreceiived the colllectiion oor thhe innstruuctioons bby teelecoommunnicattion or, if tthat is nnot ppossiible, by otheer exxpediitiouus meeans, witthoutt dellay.如如果银行无无论出于何何种理由选选择了不办办理它所收收到的托收收或任何相相关的托收收指示,它它必须毫不不延误地采采用电讯,或或者如果电电讯
10、不可能能时采用其其它快捷的的工具向他他收到该项项指示的当当事人发出出通知。AArticcle 22Defiinitiion oof Coollecctionn第二款 托收的定定义Forr thee purrposees off theese AArticcles: 就本条条款而言:a.“Colllectiion” meaans tthe hhandlling by bbankss of docuumentts ass deffinedd in sub-Artiicle 2 (bb), iin acccorddancee recceiveed, iin orrder to: 托收是指指银行依据据
11、所收到的的指示处理理下述(22)款所限限定的单据据,以便于于:I. obtaain ppaymeent aand/oor acccepttancee, orr取得付款款和/或承兑;或II. delliverr doccumennts aagainnst ppaymeent aand/oor aggainsst acccepttancee, orr凭以付款款或承兑交交单;或IIII. deliiver docuumentts onn othher ttermss andd connditiions. 按照其其他条款和和条件交单单。b.“Docuumentts”meanns fiinanccial
12、 docuumentts annd/orr commmerccial docuumentts: 单单据是指金金融单据和和/或商业单单据。I. “Finaanciaal doocumeents”meanns biills of eexchaange, proomisssory notees, cchequues, or ootherr simmilarr insstrummentss useed foor obbtainning the paymment of mmoneyy; 金融单据是是指汇票、本票、支支票或其他他类似的可可用于取得得款项支付付的凭证;II. “Commmerciial dd
13、ocummentss” meaans iinvoiice, trannsporrt doocumeents, doccumennts oof tiitle or ootherr simmilarr doccumennts, or aany ootherr doccumennts wwhatssoeveer, nnot bbeingg finnanciial ddocummentss.商业单单据是指发发票、运输输单据、所所有权文件件或其他类类似的文件件,或者不不属于金融融单据的任任何其他单单据。c.“Cleaan coollecctionn” meaans ccolleectioon off f
14、innanciial ddocummentss nott acccompaaniedd by commmerciial ddocummentss.d.“Docuumenttary colllectiion”meanns coollecctionn of: 光票托收是是指不附有有商业单据据的金融单单据项下的的托收。II. fiinanccial docuumentts acccomppanieed byy commmerccial docuumentts; 附有商业单单据的金融融单据项下下的托收;II. Commmerciial ddocummentss nott acccompaaniedd
15、by finaanciaal doocumeents. 不附有金融融单据的商商业单据项项下的托收收。Artticlee 3第三三款 托收的关关系人a. Forr thee purrposees off theese AArticcles the “partties therreto” aree: 就本本条款而言言,托收的的关系人有有:I. the “prinncipaal” whoo is the partty enntrusstingg thee hanndlinng off a ccolleectioon too a bbank; 委托人即委委托银行办办理托收的的有关人;II. the “
16、remiittinng baank” whiich iis thhe baank tto whhich the prinncipaal haas enntrussted the handdlingg of a coollecctionn; 寄单行即委委托人委托托办理托收收的银行;III. “colllectiing bbank” whiich iis anny baank, otheer thhan tthe rremitttingg bannk, iinvollved in pproceessinng thhe coollecctionn; 代收行即除除寄单行以以外的任何何参与处理理托收业务
17、务的任何银银行;IVV. thhe “pressentiing bbank” whiich iis thhe coollecctingg bannk maakingg preesenttatioon too thee draawee.b. TThe “drawwee” is the one to wwhom pressentaationn is to bbe maade iin acccorddancee witth thhe coollecctionn insstrucctionn. 付款款人即根据据托收指示示向其提示示单据的人人。BFormm andd Strructuure oof Co
18、ollecctionns托收的的形式和结结构Artticlee 4Coollecctionn Insstrucctionn第四款 托收指示示A i. Alll doccumennts ssent for colllectiion mmust be aaccommpaniied bby a colllectiion iinstrructiion iindiccatinng thhat tthe ccolleectioon iss subbjectt to URC5522 aand ggivinng coompleete aand ppreciise iinstrructiions. Bannks
19、 aare oonly permmitteed too actt upoon thhe innstruuctioons ggivenn in suchh colllecttion insttructtion, andd in accoordannce wwith thesse Ruules. 所有送往托托收的单据据必须附有有一项托收收指示,注注明该项托托收将遵循循托收统统一规则第5222号文件并并且列出完完整和明确确的指示。银行只准准允根据该该托收指示示中的命令令和本规则则行事;iii. BBankss willl noot exxaminne doocumeents in oorderr t
20、o obtaain iinstrructiions. 银行将不会会为了取得得指示而审审核单据;iii. Unlless otheerwisse auuthorrizedd in the colllectiion iinstrructiion, bankks wiill ddisreegardd anyy insstrucctionns frrom aany ppartyy/bannk otther thann thee parrty/bbank fromm whoom thhey rreceiived the colllectiions. 除非托收指指示中另有有授权,银银行将不理理会来自除除了
21、他所收收到托收的的有关人/银行以外外的任何有有关人/银行的任任何指令。B A colllectiion iinstrructiion sshoulld coontaiin thhe foollowwing itemms off infformaationn, ass appproprriatee. 托收指示应应当包括下下述适宜的的各项内容容:i. Detaails of tthe bbank fromm whiich tthe ccolleectioon waas reeceivved iincluudingg fulll naame, posttal aand SSWIFTT adddres
22、sses, teleex, ttelepphonee, faacsimmile numbbers and refeerencce. 收到该项托托收的银行行详情,包包括全称、邮政和SSWIFTT地址、电电传、电话话和传真号号码和编号号;ii. Dettailss of the prinncipaal inncludding fulll namme, ppostaal adddresss, aand iif apppliccablee tellex, teleephonne annd faacsimmile numbbers. 委托人的详详情包括全全称、邮政政地址或者者办理提示示的场所以以及,如果
23、果有的话,电电传、电话话和传真号号码;iiii. DDetaiils oof thhe drraweee inccludiing ffull namee, poostall adddresss, orr thee dommicille att whiich ppreseentattion is tto bee madde annd iff appplicaable teleex, ttelepphonee andd faccsimiile nnumbeers. 付款人的详详情包括全全称、邮政政地址或者者办理提示示的场所以以及,如果果有的话,电电传、电话话和传真号号码;ivv. Deetaill
24、s off thee preesentting bankk, iff anyy, inncludding fulll namme, ppostaal adddresss, aand iif apppliccablee tellex, teleephonne annd faacsimmile numbbers. 提示银行(如如有的话)的的详情,包包括全称、邮政地址址以及,如如果有的话话,电传和和传真号码码;v. Amouunt(ss) annd cuurrenncy (ies) to be ccolleectedd. 待托收的金金额和货币币;vi. Lisst off doccumennts e
25、encloosed and the numeericaal coount of eeach docuumentt. 所附单据清清单和每份份单据的份份数;viii. aa) Teerms and condditioons uupon whicch paaymennt annd/orr accceptaance is tto bee obttaineed. 凭以取得付付款和/或承兑和和条件和条条款;b) Terrms oof deeliveery oof doocumeents agaiinst: 凭以交付单单据的条件件1) ppaymeent aand/oor acccepttancee付款和/
26、或承兑2)otheer teerms and condditioons其他他条件和条条款It is tthe rrespoonsibbilitty off thee parrty pprepaaringg thee colllecttion insttructtion to eensurre thhat tthe ttermss forr thee delliverry off doccumennts aare cclearrly aand uunambbiguoouslyy staated, othherwiise bbankss willl noot bee ressponssiblee
27、forr anyy connsequuencees arrisinng thhereffrom. 缮制托收指指示的有关关方应有责责任清楚无无误地说明明,确保单单据交付的的条件,否否则的话,银银行对此所所产生的任任何后果将将不承担责责任;viiii. Charrges to bbe coolleccted, inddicatting whetther theyy mayy be waivved oor noot. 待收取的手手续费指明明是否可以以放弃;iix. IInterrest to bbe coolleccted, if appllicabble, indiicatiing wwhethh
28、er iit maay bee waiived or nnot, inclludinng:a) ratte off intteresstb) inteerestt perriodcc) baasis of ccalcuulatiion (for exammple 360 or 3365 ddays in yyear) as appllicabble. 待收取的利利息,如有有的话,指指明是否可可以放弃,包包括利率、计息期、适用的计计算期基数数(如一年年按3600天还是3665天);x. MMethood off payymentt andd forrm off payymentt advvice
29、. 付款方方法和付款款通知的形形式;xii. Innstruucitoons iin caase oof noon-paaymennt, nnon-aaccepptancce annd/orr nonn-commpliaance withh othher iinstrructiions. 发生不不付款、不不承兑和/或与其他他批示不相相符时的指指示。i. Colllecttion insttructtionss shoould bearr thee commplette adddresss off thee draawee or oof thhe doomiciile aat whhich th
30、e pressentaationn is to bbe maade. If tthe aaddreess iis inncomppletee or incoorrecct, tthe ccolleectinng baank mmay, withhout any liabbilitty annd reesponnsibiilityy on its partt, enndeavvour to aascerrtainn thee prooper addrress. 托收指示应应载明付款款人或将要要办理提示示场所的完完整地址。如果地址址不全或有有错误,代代收银行可可尽力去查查明恰当的的地址,但但其本身
31、并并无义务和和责任。iii. TThe ccolleectinng baank wwill not be lliablle orr ressponssiblee forr anyy enssuingg dellay aas a resuult oof ann inccompllete or iincorrrectt adddresss beiing pproviided. 代收银行对对因所提供供地址不全全或有误所所造成的任任何延误将将不承担责责任或对其其负责。BB. Foorm oof Prresenntatiion提示示的形式AArticcle 55Pressentaationn第五款 提示
32、a. For the purpposess of thesse Arrticlles, pressentaationn is the proccedurre whherebby thhe prresenntingg bannk maakes the docuumentts avvailaable to tthe ddraweee ass insstruccted. 就本条款而而言,提示示是表示银银行按照指指示使单据据对付款人人发生有效效用的程序序。b. The colllectiion iinstrructiion sshoulld sttate the exacct peeriodd of
33、timee witthin whicch anny acctionn is to bbe taaken by tthe ddraweee. 托收指示应应列明付款款人将要采采取行动的的确切期限限。Exppresssionss succh ass “firsst”, “prommpt”, “immeediatte”, annd thhe liike sshoulld noot bee useed inn connnecttion withh preesenttatioon orr witth reefereence to aany pperiood off timme wiithinn whiic
34、h ddocummentss havve too be takeen upp or for any otheer acctionn thaat iss to be ttakenn by the drawwee. If ssuch termms arre ussed bbankss willl diisreggard themm. 诸如首先、迅速、立立即和类似似的表述不不应用于提提示、或付付款人赎单单采取任何何其他行动动的任何期期限。如果果采用了该该类术语,银银行将不予予理会。cc. Doocumeents are to bbe prresennted to tthe ddraweee inn
35、thee forrm inn whiich tthey are receeivedd, exxceptt thaat baanks are authhorizzed tto afffix any neceessarry sttampss, att thee exppensee of the partty frrom wwhom theyy recceiveed thhe coollecctionn unlless otheerwisse innstruuctedd, annd too makke anny neecesssary endoorsemmentss or placce anny r
36、uubberr staamps or ootherr ideentiffyingg marrks oor syymbolls cuustommary to oor reequirred ffor tthe ccolleectioon opperattion. 单据必须以以银行收到到时的形态态向付款人人提示,除除非被授权权贴附任何何必需的印印花、除非非另有指示示费用由向向其发出托托收的有关关方支付以以及被授权权采取任何何必要的背背书或加盖盖橡皮戳记记,或其他他托收业务务惯用的和和必要的辨辨认记号或或符号。dd. Foor thhe puurposse off givving effeect tt
37、o thhe innstruuctioons oof thhe prrinciipal, thee remmittiing bbank willl utiilizee thee bannk noominaated by tthe pprinccipall as the colllectiing bbank. In the abseence of ssuch nomiinatiion, the remiittinng baank wwill utillize any bankk of its own, or anotther bankks cchoicce inn thee couuntryy
38、of paymment or aaccepptancce orr in the counntry wherre otther termms annd coondittionss havve too be comppliedd witth. 为了使委托托人的指示示得以实现现,寄单行行将以委托托人所指定定的银行作作为代收行行。在未指指定代收行行时,寄单单行将使用用他自身的的任何银行行或者在付付款或承兑兑的国家中中,或在必必须遵守其其他条件的的国家中选选择另外的的银行。ee. Thhe doocumeents and colllectiion iinstrructiion mmay bbe seen
39、t ddirecctly by tthe rremitttingg bannk too thee colllectting bankk or throough anotther bankk as inteermeddiaryy. 单据和托收收指示可以以由寄单行行直接或者者通过;另另一银行作作为中间银银行寄送给给代收行。f. IIf thhe reemittting bankk doees noot noominaate aa speecifiic prresenntingg bannk, tthe ccolleectinng baank mmay uutiliize aa preesentti
40、ng bankk of its choiice.如如果寄单行行未指定某某一特定的的提示行,代代办行可自自行选择提提示行。AArticcle 66Sighht/Acccepttancee第六款 即期/承兑In the casee of docuumentts paayablle att sigght tthe ppreseentinng baank mmust makee preesenttatioon foor paaymennt wiithouut deelay. In thhe caase oof doocumeents payaable at aa tennor ootherr thaa
41、n siight the pressentiing bbank mustt, whhere acceeptannce iis caalledd forr, maake ppreseentattion for acceeptannce wwithoout ddelayy, annd whhere paymment is ccalleed foor, mmake pressentaationn forr payymentt nott latter tthan the apprropriiate matuurityy datte.如果果是见单即即付的单据据,提示行行必须立即即办理提示示付款不得得延误
42、;如如果不是即即期而是远远期付款单单据,提示示行必须在在不晚于应应到期日,如如是要承兑兑立即办理理提示承兑兑、如是付付款时立即即办理提示示付款。AArticcle 77Releease of CCommeerciaal Doocumeents第第七款 商业单据据的交单(承承兑交单DD/A和付付款交单DD/P)Docuumentts Aggainsst Acccepttancee (D/A) vvs. DDocummentss Agaainstt Payymentt (D/P)a. Colllecttion shouuld nnot ccontaain bbillss of exchhangee
43、 payyablee at a fuuturee datte wiith iinstrructiion tthat commmerciial ddocummentss aree to be ddelivveredd agaainstt payymentt. 附有商业单单据必须在在付款时交交出的托收收指示,不不应包含远远期付款的的汇票。bb. Iff a ccolleectioon coontaiins aa billl off excchangge paayablle att a ffuturre daate, the colllectiion iinstrructiion sshoulld
44、sttate whetther the commmerciial ddocummentss aree to be rreleaased to tthe ddraweee aggainsst acccepttancee (D/A) oor aggainsst paaymennt (DD/P).In tthe aabsennce oof suuch sstateementt commmerccial docuumentts wiill bbe reeleassed oonly agaiinst paymment and the colllectiing bbank willl nott be re
45、spponsiible for any conssequeencess ariisingg outt of any delaay inn thee delliverry off doccumennts. 如果托收包包含有远期期付款的汇汇票,托收收指示应列列明商业单单据是凭承承兑不是凭凭付款交给给付款人。如果未有有说明,商商业单据只只能是付款款交单,而而代收行对对由于交付付单据的任任何延误所所产生的任任何后果将将不承担责责任。c. If a coollecctionn conntainns a billl of exchhangee payyablee at a fuuturee datte a
46、nnd thhe coollecctionn insstrucctionn inddicattes tthat commmerciial ddocummentss aree to be rreleaased agaiinst paymment, doccumennts wwill be rreleaased onlyy agaainstt succh paaymennt annd thhe coollecctingg bannk wiill nnot bbe reesponnsiblle foor anny coonseqquencces aarisiing oout oof anny dee
47、lay in tthe ddelivvery of ddocummentss.如果托托收包含有有远期付款款的汇票而而且托收指指示列明应应凭付款交交出商业单单据时,则则单据只能能凭该项付付款才能交交付,而代代收行对由由于交单的的任何延误误所产生的的任何结果果将不承担担责任。AArticcle 88Creaationn of Docuumentts代制单单据Wheere tthe rremitttingg bannk innstruucts thatt eitther the colllectiing bbank or tthe ddraweee iss to creaate ddocummentss (biills of eexchaange prommissoory nnotess, trrust receeiptss, leetterrs off