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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.Towarrds aan Unndersstandding of EE-Commmercce inn Chiina-UUsingg Insstantt Messsagiing(中國電子子商務市場場之研究-以即時通通訊為例)林娟娟東吳大學資資訊科學系系jclinnciss.scuu.eduu.tw林政毅東吳大學資資訊科學研研究所teddyylAbstrractRecenntly, Insstantt Messsagiing (IM) has beenn wid

2、dely disccusseed. Baseed onn thee conntentt of disccussiion, we ccan oobserrve tthat IM iis grraduaally becoomingg a vvery outsstandding commmerciial ccommuunicaationn toool. AAs thhe nuumberrs off useers ggrow tremmendoouslyy, thhe emmergiing ccommeerciaal oppporttunitties are attrractiing mmany in

3、veestorrs iinterrestss to enteer thhis mmarkeet agggresssiveely.The iincreeasinng nuumberr of worlldwidde IMM subbscriiberss andd thee fasst grrowinng onnlinee revvenuee booost tthe ppotenntiall of IM aas a key busiinesss oppportuunityy in Chinna. Thee succcesss in thiss bussinesss reeliess on the u

4、ndeerstaandinng off thee demmandss of custtomerrs annd thhe efffecttive prommotioon off IM usagges. Thuus thhis rreseaarch willl expploree thee dettermiiningg facctorss mottivatting indiividuuals to pay for IM sserviices in CChinaa.The TTechnnologgy Accepptancce Modell (TAAM) iis coonsidderedd as th

5、e basiic moodel. To bettter rrefleect IIM coontexxt, tthe rreseaarch modeel allso iincorrporaates Percceiveed Seervicce Quualitty, PPerceeivedd Expperieence and Percceiveed Trrust. The caussal relaationnshipps beetweeen thhe thheoreeticaal consstruccts uused in tthe revvisedd TAMM willl bee exaamine

6、ed too unddersttand IM uuserss behaaviorr towwardss payying in IIM.Keywoords: IM, Insstantt Messsagiing, Indiividuual BBehavvior, Chiina.1. InntrodductiionIn Chhina, E-CCommeerce has growwn raapidlly inn thee passt feew yeears. Inn 19997, ttheree werre onnly 6670,0000 IInterrnet userrs inn Chiina aa

7、nd tthe nnumbeer haas reemarkkablyy jummped to 1103 mmilliion bby thhe ennd off Junne, 22005. Inn terrms oof Innternnet markket ssize, Chiina EE-Commmercce reeacheed 3220 biillioon ReenMinnBi (RMB, thee currrenccy off Chiina) by tthe eend oof 20004 aand iis exxpectted tto reeach 1,7000 biillioon RMM

8、B (eequivvalennt too 6,8800 bbilliion NNew TTaiwaan Doollarr; NTTD) bby 20007 (iRessearcch Innc, 22005 iResearch Inc., Report of China B2B E-Commerce Analysis in 2004, May 2005, .). IIn shhort, theere iis grreat poteentiaal foor E-Commmercee devveloppmentt in Chinna.Recenntly, Insstantt Messsagiing

9、(IM) hass beeen wiidelyy disscusssed. Basse onn thee conntentt f ddiscuussioon (Narddi ett al., 20000; Elleen ett al., 20002; Rebeecca and Leyssia, 20022), itt is obseervedd thaat IMM is becoomingg a vvery outsstandding commmerciial oopporrtuniitiess alsso atttracct maan innvesttors intteressts tto

10、ennter thiss marrket aggrressiivelyy. Takee Tenncentt QQ for exammple, as the bigggest IM sserviices provviderr in Chinna, its mmarkeet shhare is aas hiigh aas 655%, aaboutt 85.5 miillioon ussers in 20005 (Anallysyss, 20005 Analysys Inc., Periodical Report 2005, Nov. 2005, .). Allthouugh TTenceent Q

11、QQ offferss bassic IIM fuunctiion ffor ffree, it alsoo proovidees maany ppaid servvicess succh ass avaatarss, onlline datiing aand mmessaage fforwaardinng frrom IIM too mobbile phonnes. In the secoond qquartter oof 20005 (2Q055), ffor tthe ffirstt timme evver, Tenccent geneerateed ovver 550% oof itt

12、s reevenuue frrom IInterrnet valuue addded servvicess (IVVAS) and prodducedd 41% of its reveenue fromm mobbile valuue addded servvicess (MVVAS) inclludinng thhe suubscrriptiion sserviice ffor IIM foorwarrdingg to mobiile pphonees. Thiss shoows tthe ppotenntiall of paidd-serrvicees withh a sspeciial

13、ffocuss on Mobiile IIM annd Peersonnal EExpreessioon ass thee keyy to moneetizaationn in Chinna.Even thouugh, moree andd morre Taaiwann bussinessses are moviing oover to CChinaa, therre iss howeever, verry liittlee disscusssion abouut Chhina E-Coommerrce aand IIM inndusttry. Thiis sttudy inteends to

14、 eextennd ann underrstanndingg of E-Coommerrce aand IIM inndusttry iin Chhina and idenntifyy thee posssiblee dettermiinantts thaat leead tto inndiviidualls beehaviiorall inttentiion tto addopt IM. Thus, thee objjectiive oof thhis sstudyy is twoffold: to undeerstaand tto E-Commmercee marrket in CChin

15、aa witth ann empphasiis inn thee IM; andd to exammine the humaan mootivaationns unnderllyingg inddividdual behaaviorral iintenntionn to use and pay for IM sserviices in Chhina.In thhe neext ssectiion wwe wiill pproviide aa briief oovervview the Chinna E-Commmercee landdscappe annd thhe IMM inddustrr

16、y tooday. Inn secctionn 3, we wwill reviiew ccurreent rrelatted ttheorries. Conceeptuaal baackgrroundd of the studdy annd hypoothesses willl be disccusseed inn Secctionn 4. Thee lasst seectioon wiill eexplaain tthe eexpeccted outccome of tthis studdy.2. Chhina E-Coommerrce aand IIM inndusttryIn thhi

17、s ssectiion, a brrief overrvieww of the Chinna E-Commmercee lanndscaape aand IIM inndusttry wwill be pproviided to hhelp us uunderrstannd thhis eenormmous markket.2.1 E-Commmercce inn ChiinaThe EE-Commmercce inn Chiina bbegann witth thhe inntrodductiion oof thhe Chinna Gooods Ordeer Syystemm (CGGOS)

18、 whicch waas seet upp by the Chinna Naationnal CCommoodityy Excchangge Ceenterr (CCCEC) in 11997. Inn 19998, ttheree wass thee Caapitaal E-Commmercee proojectt annd inn 19999, tthe bbiggeest EE-Commmercce poortall wwww.88448.coom beegan its operratioon. Sinnce tthen, thee pennetraationn of Inteernet

19、t commputeer reeacheed 455.6 mmilliion whicch haas inncreaased 25.66% and Inteernett useers ggrew to 1103 mmilliion aand aaccouuntedd forr 18.4% iincreease fromm 20004 (CChinaa Intterneet Neetworrk Innformmatioon Ceenterr, CNNNIC). TThis is aaboutt 7.77% of tootal popuulatiion in Chhina. Howweverr,

20、thhe Innternnet ppenettratiion rrate is sstilll rellativvely low (155% cuurrenntly) commpareed too othher AAsiann couuntriies. Thiis shhows an oppportuunityy forr higgh onnlinee useer grrowthh in the futuure.Despiite tthe llow ppenettratiion rrate, Chiina EE-Commmercce maarkett stiill mmanagged tto

21、reeach 320 billlion RMB by tthe eend oof 20004. Thee traadingg amoount in 22004 reacched 316 billlion RMB. The overrall E-Coommerrce mmarkeet inn Chiina is eexpeccted to bbe att 1,700 billlion RMB (6,8800 bbilliion NNTD eequivvalennt) bby 20007 (iRessearcch Innc, 20055 iResearch Inc., Report of Chin

22、a B2B E-Commerce Analysis in 2004, May 2005, .) (RRef. Figurre 1). In sshortt, thhere is ggreatt pottentiial ffor EE-Commeerce deveelopmment in CChinaa.Figurre 1: Chiina EE-Commmercee Marrket Deveelopmment4.2.1 Businness-to-BBusinness (B2B) oveer InnternnetMost B2B servvicess in Chinna weere llauncc

23、hed in 22000. Withh thee suppportt froom thhe Chhinesse goovernnmentt in termms off pollicy, reggulattion, infraastruucturre and etc., “oon-liine ttradiing mmarkeets” domiinatee thee B2BB secctor wherre seervicce prrovidders creaate wwebsiites to sservee a llargee nummber of vvendoors aand bbuyerrs,

24、 ooftenn smaall- and mediium-ssizedd entterprrisess. Thiis moodel is ppopullar, mosttly bbecauuse ssmalll- annd meediumm-sizzed bbusinnessees doo nott havve addequaate IIT innvesttmentt, teechniical capaabiliitiess andd staaff ssuppoort tto crreatee andd maiintaiin thheir own E-Commmercce faaciliiti

25、ess andd havve too relly onn a tthirdd parrty ffor aa pacckageed soolutiion. Howweverr, thhere are not manyy repputabble BB2B wwebsiites in CChinaa. Thhe Allibabba.coom (ppart of YYahooo Chiina nnow) is aamongg thee larrgestt of thesse coompannies. The otheer E-Commmercee staartupps alll taargett sp

26、eecifiic fiieldss andd traades, succh ass disstancce leearniing, builldingg matteriaals, cosmmeticcs, mmedicciness, seecuriitiess, innsuraance, andd envvironnmenttal pproteectioon. B2B E-Commmercce diiffussion willl, too a llargee exttent, be deteerminned bby thhe paace oof ITT inffrasttructture dev

27、eelopmment amonng ennterpprisees. In tthe sshortt-runn, raapid difffusioon iss preedictted wwith the domiinancce off “onn-linne trradinng maarkett” seervicces (CCIDD, 20001a CCID Consulting, Survey on B2B E-Commerce in China. Beijing, CCID Consultant Corporation, 2001.).One oof thhe moost ssigniific

28、aant kkey ddriveers ffor tthis phennomennon is tthe CChineese ggoverrnmennt. Chinna iss stiill aa govvernmment-domiinateed soocietty. Prommotinng innformmatioon teechnoologyy hass beeen viiewedd by the goveernmeent aas booth tthe bbottoom liine tto suurvivve annd thhe sttrateegic meanns too groow. T

29、hatt is why the goveernmeent hhas llauncched “Govvernmment Onliine” and “Entterprrisess Onlline” to prommote Inteernett andd E-Commeerce amonng goovernnmentt ageenciees annd ennterpprisees. Thiss driiver is bbasedd botth onn thee ecoonomiic annd poolitiical agennda. Anotther drivver iis thhe deesire

30、e of enteerpriises, esppeciaally largger oones, to connnect to tthe gglobaal ecconommy affter Chinnas WTO acceessioon. Prommotinng B22B E-Commmercee is viewwed aas onne off thee bassic rrequiiremeents to eenterr gloobal prodductiion nnetwoorks, whiile iit woould alsoo enhhancee thee effficieency and

31、 effeectivvenesss off Chiinesee firrms. Furtther, B2BB is viewwed aas onne off thee siggnifiicanttly ggrowiing ssectoors iin Chhina in tthe nnear futuure bby booth CChineese aand fforeiign IIT seervicce prrovidders. The poteentiaal prrofitts woould attrract bothh dommestiic annd fooreiggn seervicces

32、 proovideers tto alllocaate mmore resoourcees annd immplemment moree depploymmentss, whhich woulld fuurtheer drrive E-Commmercce diiffussion in CChinaa.Howevver, the mostt serriouss barrrierrs woould be tthe llack of ttrustt amoong BB2B ppartiicipaants. Thhere is nnot aa sollid llegall andd tecchnic

33、cal ffounddatioon too monnitorr andd to enfoorce the trusst reelatiionshhip aamongg invvolveed paartiees. TThis lackk of trusst wiill ggenerrallyy hanndicaap coontraact eenforrcemeent aand ddelayy thee adooptioon off E-CCommeerce.4.2.2 Businness-to-CConsuumer (B2CC) oveer Innternnet Compaaringg to B

34、2B deveelopmment, B2CC in geneeral, hass nott succceedded iin taakingg offf in Chinna. TThis is aa ressult of tthe llack of ssuppoort ffrom Chinnas goveernmeent ffor BB2C deeveloopmennt inn thee couuntryy. B2C actiivitiies aare ffocussed iin laarge citiies aand ccoasttal pproviincess wheere wwe seee

35、 beetterr IT infrrastrructuure aand aa larrger numbber oof Innternnet uuserss. The poorr delliverry syystemm andd lacck off a ggenerral ccrediible moniitoriing ssysteem, aalongg witth a poorr payymentt sysstem, havve reesultted iin seeriouus baarrieers tto B22C maarkett exppansiion (Wu aand ZZhu, 20

36、000; Hann et al., 20003). In aaddittion, leggislaationn of goveernmeent llaws is aalso laggging behiind. The CCIDD, thhe moost ppopullar IIT innformmatioon coonsulltantt firrm inn Chiina aand ccloseely ttied to CChinaas MMinisstry of IInforrmatiion IIndusstry, conncludded tthat the B2C maarkett wouu

37、ld rrequiire mmuch nurtturinng byy serrvicee proovideers aand tthe ggoverrnmennt too succceedd.The mmost signnificcant key drivver ffor BB2C grrowthh is the poteentiaal prrofitts foor B22C seervicce prrovidders and entrrepreeneurrs. B2C haas beeen vvieweed byy botth trradittionaal seervicce coorporr

38、atioons aand nnew ttechnnologgy-orrientted ffirmss andd inddividdualss as a grreat proffit mmakinng oppporttunitty. The largge siize oof thhe Chhinesse maarkett is espeeciallly aappeaalingg. B2C iss alsso drrivenn by younng annd weell-eeducaated conssumerrs foor coonvenniencce annd tiimesaavingg fac

39、ctorss.Howevver, B2C iss parrticuularlly haandiccappeed byy thee pooor innfrasstruccturee, inn gennerall, annd liimiteed diispossablee inccome. The lackk of a soolid founndatiion ffor ppaymeent, deliiveryy and evenn truust ssysteems mmake B2C prractiice hhard to iimpleementt. The low disppensaable i

40、ncoome oof Chhinesse coonsummers diluutes the impaacts of mmarkeet siize aas weell. Thhe onnes tthat survvive mainnly ddepennd onn hitt ratte orr advvertiisingg revvenuee e.gg. Siina, Neteease and t (noow paart oof Yaahoo Chinna). Veryy feww commpaniies aactuaally makee monney ffrom onliine ttranssa

41、ctiions.4.2.3 Consuumer-to- Conssumerr (C2C) oveer Innternnet Accorrdingg to Anallysyss Intternaationnal, a leeadinng Innternnet-bbasedd bussinesss innformmatioon seervicce prrovidder, the regiisterred ssubsccribeers oof C22C maarkett in 20044 werre 155.08 milllion in CChinaa, whhile by tthe eend oo

42、f thhe thirrd quuarteer off 20005, thee tottal ssubsccribeers hhad rreachhed 229 miillioon, nnearlly dooubleed inn onlly 9 montths. Fromm thee traansacctionn hanndledd perrspecctivee, thhe tootal C2C maarkett sizze inn Chiina has reacched RMB 8.777 billlionn in tthe ffirstt thrree qquartter oof 2000

43、5, whicch iss almmost twicce frrom 22004. As iin yeear oof 20005, Taobbao.ccom lleadss thee marrket withh 57.1% ssharee in termms off tottal ttranssactiion, withh itss turrnoveer att RMBB 1.002 biillioon in fiirst quarrter, seccond quarrter at 11.67 billlion and thirrd quuarteer att 2.332 billlion.H

44、owevver, the C2C iss stiill iin itts emmbryoonic stagge. The C2Cs poteentiaal inn Chiina iis moost aapparrent whenn loookingg intto thhe coompannies comppetinng foor doominaationn of thiss marrket (i.ee. Taaobaoo, eBBay, Sinaa, annd Yaahoo). Commpetiitionn, hooweveer, hhas aalso becoome aa majjor cc

45、haraacterristiic off thiis quuicklly grrowinng maarkett. Thesse weebsittes oofferr secuured onliine ttradee funnctioon, llowerr thee barrgainn rissk off thee parrtiess conncernned, provvide fasst onn-linne diirectt deaal oppporttunitty foor peersonnal aand ssmalll bussinesss annd iss wellcomee by va

46、stt amoount of ccustoomerss (Chiina EE-Commmercce Whhite Papeer, 22003 Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China Department of Information Technology, China E-Commerce White Paper, 2003.).4.2.4 Finannciall andd Delliverry InnfrasstrucctureeUsingg creedit cardd as a paaymennt meethodd is

47、a reelatiivelyy neww traansacctionn metthod in CChinaa. IIn faact, the firsst caard wwas iissueed inn Guaangdoong pproviince as rrecennt ass 19885. The numbber oof crreditt carrds aand ddebitt carrds hhas ggrownn rappidlyy witth 3330 miillioon neew caards issuued iin 20000. Howeever, thee usaage rrate is ssurprrisinngly low becaause custtomerr willl paay caash iin thhe moost oof tiime. Unfoortunnatelly, on-linee payymentt of E-Coommerrce iin


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