2、UUT SSHARRES HELLD BBY MMAINN SHHAREEHOLLDERRS1IV. DIRRECTTORSS, SSUPEERVIISORRS AAND SENNIORR EXXECUUTIVVES2V. EEXECCUTIIVE STAATEMMENTTS2(I) Opeerattionnal Ressultts aand Finnancciall Hiighllighhts2(II) Buusinnesss Reevieew3(IIII) IInveestmmentts4(VI) Pllan forr thhe SSecoond Hallf YYearr 200024VI
3、. SIGGNIFFICAANT EVEENTSS5(I) Corrporratee Gooverrnannce5(II) Diistrribuutioon, Traansfferrringg orr Isssuaancee5(IIII) SSignnifiicannt LLawssuitts aand Arbbitrratiion5(IV) Siigniificcantt puurchhasee, SSalee orr Diispoosall off Asssetts6(V) Matteriial Corrrellatiive Traansaactiionss6(VI) Siigniific
4、cantt Coontrractts8(VIII) CCommmitmmentts8(VIIII) Aboout Cerrtiffiedd Puubliic AAccoounttantts8(IX) Ottherr Siigniificcantt Evventts8(X) Inddex of Infformmatiion aboout Othher Siggnifficaant Eveentss8VII. FIINANNCIAAL SSTATTEMEENTSS (AATTAACHEED)9VIIII. DDOCUUMENNTS FORR REEFERRENCCE9ATTAACHMMENTT:
5、FFINAACIAAL RREPOORT (Unn-auuditted)10IMPOORTAANT NOTTICEEThe Boaard of Dirrecttorss off Koonkaa Grroupp Coo., Ltdd. (herreinnaftter reffereeed to as thee Coompaany) annd aall dirrecttorss inndivviduuallly aand colllecctivvelyy accceppt rrespponssibiilitty ffor thee coorreectnnesss, aaccuuraccy aand
6、 commpleetennesss off thhe cconttentts oof tthiss reeporrt aand connfirrm tthatt thheree arre nno mmateeriaal oomisssioons norr errrorrs wwhicch wwoulld rrendder anyy sttateemennt mmislleaddingg. TThe semmi-aannuual finnancciall reeporrt oof tthe Commpanny hhas nott beeen audditeed. Thiis rrepoort h
7、ass beeen preeparred in Chiinesse vverssionn annd EEngllishh veersiion resspecctivvelyy. IIn tthe eveent of anyy diiscrrepaancyy beetweeen thee twwo vverssionns, thee Chhineese verrsioon wwilll prrevaail.Chaiirmaan oof tthe Boaard: Reen KKeleeiI. CCOMPPANYY PRROFIILE1. LLegaal NNamee off thhe CCompp
8、anyyIn CChinnesee: 康康佳集团团股份有有限公司司In EEngllishh: KKONKKA GGROUUP CCO.,LTTD.Abbrr. iin EEngllishh: KKONKKA2. RRegiisteeredd (OOffiice) Adddreess: Ovversseass Chhineese Towwn, Nannshaan DDisttricct, Sheenzhhen Poost Codde: 51880533Inteerneet WWebssitee off thhe CComppanyy: hhttpp:/wwww.koonkaa.coomE-ma
9、ail: szzkonnkam, sszkoonkaas iinfoo.neet3. LLegaal RReprreseentaativve: Mr. Reen KKeleei, Chaairmman of thee Booardd4. SSecrretaary of Boaard of Dirrecttorss: MMr. Cheen XXuriiLiaiisonn Adddreess: Koonkaa Grroupp Coo. LLtd., OOverrseaas CChinnesee Toown, Naanshhan Disstriict SheenzhhenLiaiisonn Teel
10、: (866) 7755-2666088866Fax: (886) 7555-26660000822E-maail: chhenxxuriikoonkaa.coomAuthhoriizedd Reepreesenntattivee inn Chhargge oof SSecuurittiess Afffaiirs:Mr. Cheen XXurii annd MMr. Yanng GGuobbin5. NNewsspapperss Chhoseen ffor Disscloosinng tthe Infformmatiion of thee Coompaany:Chinna SSecuuritt
11、iess, SSecuurittiess Tiimess annd HHongg Koong Ta Kunng PPaoInteerneet WWebssitee Deesiggnatted by CSRRC ffor Pubblisshinng tthe Semmi-aannuual Repportt: httpp:/The Plaace Wheere thee Seemi-annnuall Reeporrt iis PPreppareed aand Plaacedd:Secrretaariaat oof BBoarrd oof DDireectoors6. SStocck EExchhan
12、gge LListted witth: Sheenzhhen Stoock ExcchanngeShorrt FFormm off thhe SStocck: SHEEN KKONKKA - A, SHHEN KONNKA - BBStocck CCodee: 00000016, 20000116II. MAJJOR FINNANCCIALL DAATA ANDD INNDEXXES UUnitt: RRMBItemmsJan. 1 to Junn. 330, 20002Jan. 1 to Junn. 330, 20001Net Proofitt24,1199,1866.011-1900,95
13、59,4457.29Net proofitt affterr deeducctinng nnon-reccurrringg gaainss annd llossses32,0040,2999.944-1877,2993,4494.23Fullly ddiluutedd eaarniingss peer ssharre0.04402-0.331722Net cassh fflowws pper shaare ariisinng ffromm opperaatinng aactiivittiess0.644200.04481Fullly ddiluutedd reeturrn oon eequii
14、ty (%)0.82252%-5.557944%Weigghteed aaverragee reeturrn oon eequiity aftter dedducttingg noon-rrecuurriing gaiins andd loossees (%)1.09926%-5.447222%ItemmsJun. 300, 220022Dec. 311, 220022Net asssetss peer ssharre4.877134.80073Net asssetss peer ssharre aafteer aadjuustmmentt4.755534.58859Sharrehooldee
15、rs eqquitty (exccluddingg miinorrityy innterrestts)2,9332,4467,8988.9992,8993,9912,9611.211The tottal amoountt off noon-rrecuurriing gaiins andd loossees iis RRMB 7,8411,1113.993, andd ittem invvolvved aree ass foolloowinng:ItemmAmouunt (RMMB)Non-opeerattingg inncomme1,5222,9941.40Non-opeerattingg e
16、xxpennditturee(14,0177,1996.446)Subssidyy inncomme1,9446,6662.27Gooddwilll aas iinclludeed iin(1588,4990.449)Incoome of traansfferrringg shharee innvesstmeent -Incoome of traansfferrringg eqquitty iinveestmmentt 2,8664,9969.35Totaal(7,8841,1133.933)III. CHHANGGE IIN SSHARRE CCAPIITALL ANND PPARTTICU
17、ULARRS AABOUUT SSHARRES HELLD BBY MMAINN SHHAREEHOLLDERRS1. PPartticuularrs aabouut cchannge in strructturee off shharee caapittal in thee reeporrt pperiiodIn tthe repportt peeriood, thee sttruccturre oof ssharre ccapiitall off thhe CComppanyy reemaiinedd unnchaangeed.2. TTotaal ssharrehooldeers at
18、thee ennd oof tthe repportt peerioodBy tthe endd off thhe rrepoort perriodd, tthe Commpanny hhas tottallly 1165,6933 shhareehollderrs, inccluddingg 1449,7798 shaarehholdderss off A-shaare andd 155,8995 ssharrehooldeers of B-ssharre.3. PPartticuularrs aabouut ssharres helld bby mmainn shhareehollderr
19、sNo.Namee off ShhareehollderrsSharre hholddinggIncrreasse / deecreeaseePropporttionn (%)Typees01Overrseaas CChinnesee Toown Grooup Commpanny174,9499,744629.006Domeestiic jjuriistiic pperssons ssharres (A-shaare)02Overrseaas CChinnesee Toown (HKK) CCo., Lttd.76,5511,8722-10,1911,466612.771Foreeignn s
20、hharee inn ciircuulattionn (BB-shharee)03Hongg Koong Chiina Traavell Seerviice (Grroupp) CCo., Lttd.46,0022,1166-3355,50007.644Foreeignn shharee inn ciircuulattionn (BB-shharee)04NOMUURA TB/NOMMURAA ITTM2,4550,0000+1,0077,60000.411Foreeignn shharee inn ciircuulattionn (BB-shharee)05TOYOO SEECURRITII
21、ES ASIIA LLIMIITEDD-A/C CCLIEENT 2,3664,1168-4,77390.399Foreeignn shharee inn ciircuulattionn (BB-shharee)06XIN MINNG1,2444,9907+1,2244,90770.211Foreeignn shharee inn ciircuulattionn (BB-shharee)07LONGGYUAAN SSECUURITTIESS INNVESSTMEENT FUNND1,2220,6663+1,2220,66330.200Domeestiic ssharre iin ccirccu
22、laatioon (A-ssharre)08CHINNA HHI-TTECHH INNVESSTMEENT GROOUP CO.1,0000,0017+1,0000,00000.177Domeestiic ssharre iin ccircculaatioon (A-ssharre)09HANDDINGG SEECURRITIIES INVVESTTMENNT FFUNDD1,0000,0000+1,0000,01770.177Domeestiic ssharre iin ccircculaatioon (A-ssharre)10NATOO SEECURRITIIES CO., LLTD.80
23、2,4644+1911,50000.133Foreeignn shharee inn ciircuulattionn (BB-shharee)Notee: AAmonng tthe topp teen ssharrehooldeers, Ovversseass Chhineese Towwn (HK) Coo., Ltdd. iis aa fooreiign whoollyy-owwnedd suubsiidiaary commpanny oof OOverrseaas CChinnesee Toown Grooup Commpanny (OCTT Grroupp). Theere exiis
24、teed nno aassoociaatedd reelattionnshiip aamonng tthe othher cirrcullatiion shaarehholdderss.IV. DIRRECTTORSS, SSUPEERVIISORRS AAND SENNIORR EXXECUUTIVVES1. PPartticuularrs aabouut ssharres helld bby ddireectoors, suuperrvissorss annd sseniior exeecuttiveesIn tthe repportt peeriood, thee shharees oo
25、f tthe Commpanny hheldd byy diirecctorrs, suppervvisoors andd seenioor eexeccutiivess reemaiinedd unnchaangeed.2. CChannge in dirrecttorss, ssupeerviisorrs aand senniorr exxecuutivves(1) As ressolvved in thee 6tth mmeettingg off thhe 44th BBoarrd oof DDireectoors helld oon AApriil 99, 220022, LLin H
26、annhuii waas ddismmisssed froom tthe posst oof ddepuuty genneraal mmanaagerr.(2) As ressolvved in thee 7tth mmeettingg off thhe 44th BBoarrd oof DDireectoors helld oon AApriil 226, 20002, Houu Soongrrongg waas eengaagedd ass geenerral mannageer iin pplacce oof LLianng RRongg.(3) As ressolvved in Sha
27、arehholdderss GGeneerall Meeetiing 20001 hheldd onn Maay 113, 20002, Cheen WWeirrongg reesiggnedd frrom thee poost of dirrecttor, inn thhe mmeanntimme, Ni Zheeng wass enngagged as dirrecttor of thee 4tth BBoarrd oof DDireectoors. Xiiao Zhuuojii, YYe WWu aand Ma Ligguanng wweree enngagged as inddepee
28、ndeent dirrecttor of thee Coompaany resspecctivvelyy. TThe saiid ffourr neew ddireectoors diddntt hoold thee shharees oof tthe Commpanny.V. EEXECCUTIIVE STAATEMMENTTS(I) Opeerattionnal Resuultss annd FFinaanciial HighhligghtssIncrreasse/ deccreaase of maiin ffinaanciial datta ccomppareed tto tthe sa
29、mme pperiiod lasst yyearr UUnitt: RRMBItemmsAmouunt at pperiiod-enddAmouunt at pperiiod-begginIncrreasse/ deccreaase(%)Totaal aasseets6,8007,0019,2744.3997,2111,7736,8233.488-5.660%Sharrehooldeers eqquitty2,9332,4467,8988.999 2,8893,9122,9661.221 1.355%ItemmsJan.-Juun. 20002Jan.-Juun. 20002Incrreass
30、e/ deccreaase(%)Incoome froom mmainn buusinnesss liiness3,8005,4488,4655.2553,2009,7799,5411.25518.556%Proffit froom mmainn buusinnesss liiness594,5077,4114.555515,6133,2882.99815.330%Net proofitt24,1199,1866.011(1900,9559,4457.29)Net inccreaase of cassh aand cassh eequiivallentts(1400,3994,1178.15)
31、(5566,8116,3355.51)74.779%Reassonss foor tthe chaangees1) TTotaal aasseets deccreaasedd byy5.660% commparred to thee beeginnninng oof tthe repportt peeriood, maiinlyy duue tto tthe reaasonn thhat thee innvenntorry ddecrreassed andd thhe ffinaanciial staatemmentt off Shhenzzhenn Huualii Paackiing Tra
32、ade Co., LLtd. annd SShannghaai HHualli PPackkingg Trradee Coo., Ltdd. wweree noot cconssoliidatted, ass a ressultt ammounnt oof ffixeed aasseets in thee reeporrt pperiiodddecrreassed commparred to thee saame perriodd laast yeaar. 2) IIncoome froom mmainn buusinnesss liiness inncreeaseed bby188.566%
33、 ccomppareed tto tthe samme pperiiod lasst yyearr, mmainnly duee too thhe ggreaat iincrreasse oof mmobiile phoone bussineess.3) PProffit froom mmainn buusinnesss liiness inncreeaseed bby 115.330%, maainlly ddue to thee inncreeasee off prrofiit ffromm moobille pphonne bbusiinesss.4) NNet inccreaase o
34、f cassh aand cassh eequiivallentts iincrreassed by 74.79%, mmainnly duee too thhe rreasson thaat ssalees iincoome in thee reeporrt pperiiod inccreaasedd byy neearlly RRMB00.6 billlioon. (II) Buusinnesss ReviiewThe Commpanny iis pprinncippallly eengaagedd inn thhe pprodducttionn annd ssalees oof ccol
35、oor TTV, diggitaal mmobiile phoone, LCCD sscreeen andd innterrnett-reelevvantt prroduuctss, cconccurrrenttly enggageed iin tthe prooducctioon aand salles of reffriggeraatorr, aair conndittionner, waashiing macchinne aas wwelll ass thhe ssuppportted prooduccts (inncluudinng hhighh frrequuenccy cconnn
36、ecttor, moouldd, mmolddingg, ppackkagiing, ettc.). TThe Commpanny iis bbeloongiing to eleectrroniic mmanuufaccturre aand commmunnicaatioon mmanuufaccturre iinduustrry.1.Thhe ccompposiing of inccomee annd pproffit froom mmainn buusinnesss liinessIn tthe firrst hallf yyearr thhe CComppanyy reealiizedd
37、 saaless inncomme oof RRMB 3.88 biilliion,fullfillledd 522.4%of fulll-yyearr taargeet,inccreaasedd byy 188.6% coompaaredd too thhe ssamee peeriood llastt yeear, a nett prrofiit oof RRMB 2.442 mmilllionn,eaarniingss peer ssharre oof RRMB 0.00402. It is esttimaatedd thhat thee Coompaany willl mmainnta
38、iin tthe samme pproffit levvel in thee thhirdd quuartter andd seeconnd hhalff yeear 20002.In tthe firrst hallf yyearr, tthe eleectrric apppliaancee inndusstryy prreseenteed rrecooverry, collor TV bussineess reaalizzed salles inccomee off RMMB 33.1 billlioon, takkingg 811.377% oof mmainn buusinnesss
39、liiness, annd ssalees ccostt off RMMB2.6 biilliion, ammongg whhichh,prroduuctiion andd saaless off doomessticcallly ssoldd coolorr TVV reespeectiivelly rreacchedd 2.1 miilliion setts aand 2.33 miilliion setts, inccreaasedd byy 599.355% aand 34.9% resspecctivvelyy. Prroduuctiion andd saaless off ovve
40、rsseass soold collor TV reaacheed 2231.2 tthouusanndseets andd 1990.77 thhoussandd seets. Acccorrdinng tto tthe figguree off Beeijiing Zhoongyyikaang Marrkett Suuperrvissoryy annd FForeecasstinng CComppanyy, iin tthe firrst hallf yyearr 20002, thhe ddomeestiic mmarkket shaare of Konnka Collor TV was
41、s abboutt 122.3%, aamonng tthe topp thhreee. Chinna mmobiile phoone marrkett grrowss raapiddly, inn thhe ffirsst hhalff yeear, thhe mmobiile phoone bussineess of thee Coompaany reaalizzed salles inccomee off RMMB 00.611 biilliion, taakinng 116.008% of maiin bbusiinesss llinees, witth ssalees ccostt
42、off RMMB 00.51 bbilllionn. Moobille pphonne bbusiinesss rreallizeed aa neet pproffit of RMBB2.2 miilliion, taakinng 992.777% off thhe nnet proofitt off thhe CComppanyy. Prroduuctiion andd saaless off moobille pphonnes reaacheed 5593.6thoousaand setts aand 5599.5 tthouusannd ssetss reespeectiivelly,
43、inccreaasedd byy 1006.11% aand 1144.2% reespeectiivelly. Mobbilee phhonee reeallly bbecaame thee seeconnd mmostt coompeetittivee prroduuct of thee Coompaany andd neew ssourrce of ecoonommy aand proofitt inncreeasee.Acccorrdinng tto tthe datta oof GGermmanyy GFFK CComppanyy Siino-Marrkett Suuperrviss
44、oryy annd FForeecasstinng CComppanyy doomessticc maarkeet ssharre oof KKonkka mmobiile phoone wass abboutt 1%.2. MMainn woork in firrst hallf yyearrAccoordiing to Bussineess Plaan ffor 20002, thee Coompaany conncenntraatedd onn deevellopiing proofitt reesouurcees, savvingg coostss, iimprroviing admm
45、iniistrratiion andd reeinfforccingg cooopeerattionn, aacceelerrateed tthe adjjusttmennt aand chaangees iin aall asppectts. Thee buusinnesss siituaatioon wwas getttinng bbettter steep bby sstepp annd aall thee buusinnesss liiness prreseenteed aa goood tenndenncy in devveloopmeent.1) TThe Commpanny kkeptt onn immproovinng aadmiinisstraatioon aabillityy annd ooperratiion effficiienccy, reiinfoorciingaadmiinisstraatioon oof ccostts aand exppensses, fuurthher impprovved